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When designing a knockout drum, engineers typically refer to various industry codes, standards, and
guidelines to ensure the vessel's safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Here are some of the key standards commonly used for designing knockout drums:

1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC):

• The ASME BPVC provides rules for the design, fabrication, and inspection of pressure
vessels, including knockout drums. Relevant sections include Section VIII (Pressure
Vessels) and Section IX (Welding Qualifications).

2. API Standards:

• The American Petroleum Institute (API) publishes standards for various aspects of the oil
and gas industry. For knockout drums, relevant API standards may include:

o API 12F: Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production
o API 12J: Specification for Oil and Gas Separators

3. ASTM International Standards:

• ASTM standards cover a wide range of materials and construction practices. They are
used for specifying materials and testing procedures. For knockout drums, relevant
standards may include those for materials and welding procedures.

4. NACE International Standards:

• NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) standards provide guidelines for

corrosion control in various industries, including oil and gas. Relevant standards address
materials, coatings, and corrosion protection measures.

Guideline for Knock Out Drum Design Ahmed Attia

5. ANSI/ISA Standards:

• The International Society of Automation (ISA) publishes standards related to

instrumentation, automation, and control systems. Relevant standards may pertain to
instrumentation and control devices used in knockout drum systems.

6. ASCE Standards:

• The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) publishes standards related to civil
engineering practices. If the knockout drum requires structural support, ASCE standards
may be referenced.

7. NFPA Standards:

• The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) publishes standards for fire and
explosion safety. Relevant NFPA standards may apply to knockout drum installations in
hazardous areas.

8. Local and National Codes and Regulations:

• Depending on the location and industry, local and national codes and regulations must
be followed. These may include building codes, environmental regulations, and safety

9. Manufacturer's Specifications:

• If specific components or materials are sourced from manufacturers, their specifications

and recommendations should be followed.

10. Process Engineering and Industry Guidelines:

• Industry-specific organizations and engineering associations often publish guidelines

and best practices for designing equipment like knockout drums. These can provide
valuable insights and recommendations.

11. Company Standards and Practices:

• Individual companies may have their own internal standards and practices that
engineers must adhere to when designing equipment.

It's important for engineers designing knockout drums to thoroughly research and understand the
relevant codes and standards applicable to their specific industry, location, and project requirements.
Consulting with experienced professionals and seeking guidance from regulatory authorities is also
crucial to ensure compliance and safety.

Guideline for Knock Out Drum Design Ahmed Attia

Technically, sizing a knockout drum, also known as a vapor-liquid separator or demister, involves
determining the vessel's dimensions and specifications to effectively separate entrained liquid droplets
from a gas or vapor stream. Here are the steps to size a knockout drum:

1. Determine Design Parameters:

• Identify the key parameters that will influence the knockout drum's design, including:

• Gas flow rate (Q_gas): The volumetric flow rate of the gas or vapor stream,
typically measured in cubic meters per hour (m³/hr) or standard cubic feet per
minute (SCFM).

• Liquid loading (L_loading): The amount of liquid entrained in the gas, typically
measured in liters per hour (L/hr) or gallons per minute (GPM).

• Gas and liquid properties: Gather data on the properties of the gas (e.g.,
density, viscosity) and liquid (e.g., density, surface tension) to calculate
separation efficiency and vessel dimensions.

• Pressure and temperature: Operating conditions such as pressure and

temperature influence vessel sizing and material selection.

2. Determine Separation Efficiency:

• The separation efficiency of the knockout drum depends on its design, including the
type and arrangement of internal components, such as baffles, demister pads, or
cyclonic separators. Consult process engineering literature or simulation software to
estimate the expected separation efficiency based on your design.

3. Calculate Liquid Removal Rate:

• Calculate the liquid removal rate (LRR) required for effective separation. The LRR is the
rate at which the knockout drum should remove liquid from the gas stream to meet
process requirements.

LRR (L/hr or GPM) = L_loading (L/hr or GPM) / Separation Efficiency

4. Determine Residence Time:

• Calculate the desired residence time of the gas-liquid mixture inside the knockout drum.
Residence time is important for allowing sufficient time for droplets to coalesce and
settle out of the gas phase.

5. Select Vessel Size:

• Based on the required residence time and the expected gas velocity, estimate the
volume of the knockout drum needed to achieve the desired liquid separation. The
vessel can have various shapes (e.g., horizontal or vertical) and configurations (e.g.,
cylindrical or spherical). Choose an appropriate size and shape based on your process
requirements and space constraints.

Guideline for Knock Out Drum Design Ahmed Attia

6. Determine Vessel Diameter and Length:

• Calculate the vessel diameter and length based on the selected volume and vessel
shape. Consider factors such as liquid holdup, the size of internals (demister pads,
baffles), and the desired gas velocity for effective separation.

7. Design Internals:

• Choose or design the internal components of the knockout drum, such as demister pads
or cyclonic separators, to enhance separation efficiency. These internals help coalesce
and capture liquid droplets.

8. Select Material of Construction:

• Choose appropriate materials for the vessel construction based on the process fluid
properties, temperature, and pressure.

9. Consider Accessibility and Maintenance:

• Ensure that the knockout drum design allows for easy access and maintenance of
internal components, as they may need periodic cleaning or replacement.

10. Perform Detailed Engineering and Analysis:

• Engage in detailed engineering and analysis, including stress analysis, to ensure the
vessel can withstand operating conditions.

11. Comply with Codes and Standards:

• Ensure that the knockout drum design complies with relevant industry codes and
standards, such as ASME, API, or local regulatory requirements.

12. Review and Validate Design:

• Seek input and review from experienced process engineers or consultants to validate
your knockout drum design.

13. Construction and Installation:

• Once the design is finalized, proceed with the construction and installation of the
knockout drum, ensuring that it is properly connected to the process piping.

14. Testing and Commissioning:

• Conduct testing and commissioning to verify that the knockout drum functions as
intended and meets the required separation efficiency.

15. Monitoring and Maintenance:

• Implement a maintenance and monitoring plan to ensure the continued effectiveness of

the knockout drum over its operational life.

Guideline for Knock Out Drum Design Ahmed Attia

Keep in mind that knockout drum sizing can be complex and should be carried out by experienced
process engineers or specialists who are familiar with the specific requirements of your process and
industry. Additionally, consult with any relevant codes and standards applicable to your region and
industry to ensure compliance.

Guideline for Knock Out Drum Design Ahmed Attia

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