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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited

San Pablo City Campus |San Pablo City

SUMMER |AY: 2022-2023

Course PI 100; The Life and Works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Sem./A.Y. Summer/2022-2023
Lesson No. 5
Lesson Title
This lesson will discuss related topics about RIZAL’S FIRST HOMECOMING
of the Lesson

Learning Outcomes


(e-Learning/ Rizal’s Departure for Spain (1882)
After finishing his 4th year of medical course in UST, Rizal decided to complete

his studies in Spain. Aside form his studies in Spain, Rizal has his ―secret mission.

a). To observe keenly the life and culture, languages and customs, industries and
commerce, and the government laws of the European nations in order to
prepare himself in the mighty task of liberating his oppressed people from
Spanish tyranny.
Before the secret departure of Rizal, he wrote a farewell letter to his parents and
sweetheart Leonor Rivera which was delivered to them – after he sailed away.
 May 3, 1882 – the Spanish Steamer (Salvadora), Rizal departed for Spain
using Jose Mercado, on his travel documents. His main reason in leaving the
Philippines was to transfer at the Universidad Central De Madrid in Spain to
finish his medicine course.
 May 8, 1882 – they have two-day stopover in Singapore. He reached the
island considered by him as ―Talim Island with the Susong Dalaga. The
following day, May 9, Rizal registered at Hotel de la Paz and spent two-day
sightseeing sorties of the city. He saw the Botanical Garden, the Famous
Buddhist Temple and the founder of Singapore, Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles.
 May 11, 1882 – he was board on the steamer Djemnah, a French steamer,
much larger and cleaner than the Salvadora. On board the vessel were
British, French, Dutch, Spaniards, Malays, Siamese and Filipinos. French was
mostly spoken on the board.
 May 17,1882 – he arrived at the Point Galle, a seacoast town in southern
Ceylon. The town is lovely, quiet and sad at the sometime according to him.
 May 18, 1882 – he had a stopover at Colombo. It is more beautiful, smart,


elegant than Singapore, Point Galle and Manila.
 May 28, 1882 – the Djemnah continued its voyage and crossed the Indian
Ocean until he reached the Cape of Guardafin, Africa. Rizal called it as
inhospitable land but famous. Then, he reached Aden, according to him it
was a city hotter than in Manila –for the first time he saw camels.
 June 2, 1882 – he proceeded to Suez Canal. It took 5 days to travel Suez. He
disembarked for sightseeing and he was fascinated to hear a the multiracial
inhabitants speaking a babel of tongues – Arabic, Egyptians, Greek, Italian
and Spanish.
 June 11, 1882 – the steamer proceeded to Europe and reached Naple City,
Italy. Rizal was fascinated by Mount of Vesuvius, the Castle of St. Telno, and
the historic sights of the city. The city was busy because of its business
activity, lively people and panoramic beauty.
 June 12, 1882 – the steamer docked at the French harbour of Marseilles.
Rizal disembarked to visit the famous Chateau d‘ef where Dantes, the hero of
The Count of Monte Cristo was jailed. He stayed at Maseilles for two and a
half days at Hotel Noailles for 3 days.
 June 15, 1882 – the steamer left Mersailles by on its last trip Spain. The
steamer reached Pyrenees and stopped for a day at Port Bou. In this place,
Rizal saw the indifference accorded to tourists in comparison to the courtesy
accorded by the French immigration officers.
 June 16, 1883 - from Port Bou, Rizal continued his trip for the last lap by train
for Spain and finally reaching his destination – Barcelona, Spain. Rizal stayed
in Hotel de España and in Sitges Street with Tomas Cabangis and boarded a
house in San Severo Street. He visited Ronda de la Universidad of Barcelona –
ugly, dirty little inns, inhospitable people – because he happened to stay
upon his arrival in a stingy inn.
Later, he changed his mind and came to like the city – as a great city
with an atmosphere of freedom and liberalism and the people were open-
hearted, hospitable and courageous. He enjoyed promenading along Las
Rambles, the famous Barcelona Street.

Rizal was welcome by the Filipinos by the in Barcelona, some of who were his
classmates in Ateneo. They gave him a party at their favourite café – Plaza de
Catalina. They exchanged toast and they Rizal of the attractions and customs of the
people in Barcelona.

Rizal, in turn, gave news and gossips in the Philippines. While in Barcelona,
Rizal received two bad news;

1. the cholera outbreak that ravaged Manila and the provinces, and
2. the chatty letter of Chengoy recounting the unhappiness of Leonor Rivera, who
was getting thinner due to the absence of a loved one.

On November 3, 1882 – upon the advice of Paciano to Rizal to finish the

medical course in Madrid, Rizal left Barcelona in the fall of 1882 and went to Madrid.
He enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid, in Medicine and Philosophy and


Life in Madrid, Spain (1882-1885)

Rizal lived frugally, rigidly budgeting his money wisely. Although he used to buy
ticket in every draw of the Madrid Lottery, he never wasted his money for gambling, wine
and women. Rizal spent his leisure time by reading books, fencing, and shooting.

He also visited his Filipino friends at the house of Paterno brothers. He also
fraternized with other students at the Antigua Café d Cevantes. Every Saturday evenings he
visited the home of Don Pablo Ortega y Rey.

During his stay in Barcelona and Madrid, hard times occurred in Calamba such as
harvest of rice and sugarcane failed due to drought and locust, increasing of land leased to
the hacienda cultivated by the Rizal, and, Paciano was forced to sell Rizal’s pony to send him

June 21, 1884 – Rizal was conferred the Licentiate in Medicine with a rating of “Fair” by
the Universidad Central de Madrid after completing 5th and 6th year term.

❖ Legal Medicine (excellent)

❖ Obstetrical Clinic (fair)

❖ Other subjects (good and very good)

1884-1885, he passed all the subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. In his
three subjects he got ―fair in History of Medical Science, ―good in Surgical Analysis and
excellent in Normal Histology.

However, he didn‘t conferred Doctor of Medicine because of the failure to

present a thesis required for graduation and pay for the corresponding fee.

Obtaining the degree of Licentiate in Medicine, the became a full-fledged physician

and qualified to practice medicine. He was not interested in taking the post-degree of
Degree of Medicine because such a degree is good only for teaching purposes, and he knew
that no friar-owned university in the Philippines would accept him for a position because of
his brown complexion.

June 24, 1884 – Rizal was broke. With empty stomach, he attended his classes at the
University, participated in the contest in Greek language and won the gold medal.

November 20, 1884 – student demonstrations started to explode at the Universidad Central
de Madrid due to the expulsion of

Dr. Miguel Morayta (history). Dr. Morayta was also excommunicated by the Catholic church
because of his liberal idealism. All the professor fought for his side was forced to resign from
the university.

June 19, 1885 – on his 24th birthday, Rizal received his degree on Licentiate in Philosophy
and Letters (sobresaliente). He was also qualified to be a professor of humanities in any
Spanish University.

June 15, 1885 – Rizal was invited to speak in an banquet to celebrate the double victory of
two artists;

Juan Luna (Spolarium) for winning the 1st prize, and

Felix Hidalgo( Virgenes Christianas Expuestas el Populacio) for2nd prize, in the

National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid. He saluted Luna and Hidalgo for their artistic

-October 1885 – Rizal decided to went to Paris. Rizal had stopover in Barcelona on his way to
Paris. He visited his friend MaximoViola, at lodge in Vergara No. 1, 3rd floor Room 2. he also
befriended Eusebio Corominas, editor of the newspaper La Publisidad.


November 1885 – Rizal went to Paris and lived their there for 4 mos., where he worked as
assistant to Dr. Louis de Wecket (a leading French ophthalmologist). He rapidly improved his
knowledge of ophthalmology. Outside of his working hours, he relaxed by visiting his

He also went to Luna‘s studio. He helped Luna by posing as a model in several artworks.
Rizal posed as Egyptian priest in Luna‘s canvass ―The Death of Cleopatra‖ and Sikatuna in
―The Blood Compact‖.

After 4 months of staying in Paris, he left Paris for Heidelberg, Germany.


He lived for a short time in with a German law students in a boarding house but later
on, he transferred to a boarding house near the University of Heidelberg.

He became a member of the Chess Player‘s Club. He became a popular friend to the
German so that the German students joined him in beer drinking, saber duel, and chess

He worked at the University Eye Hospital under Dr. Otto Becker (ophthalmologist).
He also attended the lectures of Dr. Becker and Prof. Wilhelm Kuehne at the university.

During weekends, he had sights seeing at the scenic spots at Heidelberg (Heidelberg Castle,
romantic Neckar River, and old church).

He also spent a 3-month summer vacation at Wilhelmsfeld. Here he became a good

friend of Dr. Karl Ullmer (Protestant pastor). On June 25, 1886, he left Wilhelmsfeld, and
returned to Heidelberg carrying with him the memories of the Ullmer friendship and

July 3, 1886 – Rizal wrote his first letter in Germany to Prof. Ferdinand Blumentritt (Austrian
ethnologist)- he became the best friend of Rizal.

August 6, 1886 – 5th centenary celebration of Heidelberg.

August 9, 1886 – Rizal left Heidelberg and boarded a train,

visited other cities of Germany and arrived at Leipzig.


August 14, 1886 – he arrived at Leipzig. He attended some lectures at the University of
Leipzig in history and psychology. He met Prof. Friedrich Ratzel (historian) and Dr. Hans
Meyer anthropologist.

He translated Scheller’s “William Tell” and Hans Christian Anderson “Fairy Tale” in Tagalog.
He found Leipzig as the cheapest in Europe and so he stayed for two and half months.

October 29, 1886 – he arrived as Dresden, Germany and met Dr. Adolf B. Meyer, Director of
the Anthropological and Ethnological Museum. He stayed two days in this city.


November 1, 1886 – he left Dresden by train and reached Berlin in the evening. Rizal met for
the first time Dr. Feodor Jagor, a German scientist. He also met famous personalities Dr.
Hans Virchow, Dr. Rudolf Virchow, Dr. W. Joest, and Dr. Ernest Schweigger.

He was impressed with Berlin because of its scientific atmosphere and absence of racial
race. He lived in Berlin in a frugal life. At night he attended the lecture in the University of

He took private lessons under French professor Madame Lucie Cerdale. He observed
keenly the customs, dresses, homes and occupations of the peasants. He made sketches
of the things he saw.

During the winter, he lived in poverty because he was flat broke. Because was unable to pay
his landlord and because he didn‘t had a money arrived from Calamba, he pawned the
diamond ring that was given to him by his sister Saturnina.

He had to eat only one meal a day, and a daily meal consisted of bread and water or cheap
vegetable soup. He washed his clothes because he could not afford to pay the laundry.

Paciano was delayed in raising the necessary funds, Rizal‘s health broke down. He began to
cough and feared that he was going to be sick with tuberculosis.

After several months, Rizal received Paciano‘s remittance of P1000, which was forwarded by
Juan Luna form Paris. Rizal paid the sum of P300 for the loan granted to Rizal for the
printing of Noli Me Tangere.

He went to Berlin for the following reasons:

1. To increase his knowledge in ophthalmology
2. To broaden his studies of sciences and languages
3. To observe political and economic conditions of Germany
4. To associate with famous German scientist and scholars
5. To publish his novel


May 11, 1887 – Rizal and Viola left Berlin for Dresden. They visited Dr. Adolf B. Meyer. While
strolling at the scene of the Floral Exposition, they met Dr. Jagor, and suggested them to
meet Blumentritt.

May 13, 1887 –Rizal and Viola reached Leitmeritz, Bohemia. They met Ferdinand
Blumentritt. The two enjoyed the warm hospitality of the Blumentritt family. They also met
famous scientist Dr.Carlos Czepelah and another eminent naturalist Robert Klutschak.

May 17, 1887 – they left Leitmeritz by train on their way to the city of Prague. They carried
recommendation letters of Prof. Blumentritt Dr. Wilhomm, a professor of Natural
History in the University of Prague.

May 19, 1887 – they reached the city of Brunn.

May 20, 1887 – they arrived at the city of Vienna, Austria. They visited famous interesting
scenic places like churches, museums, art galleries, theatres, public parks, beautiful
buildings, and religious images. They also met Mr. Norfenfoe (European novelist) and
Masner and Nordmenn (Austrian scholars).

May 24, 1887 – they left Vienna, via river boat to see the beautiful sights of the Danube
river. The river voyage ended in Lintz, afterwards they travelled on land to Salzburg and
from there Munich. In Munich, they had a short time savouring the famous Munich beer
(best beer in Germany).

From Munich, they went to Nuremberg (oldest city in Germany),

were their impressed by the manufacturer of dolls which was the biggest industry in the city.
Afterwards, they went to Ulm particularly he city cathedral, they enjoyed they view upon
reaching the top, even though Viola felt dizzy and tried.

All they visit Ulm, they went to Stuttgart, Baden and Rheinfall.

June 2-3, 1887 – they continued their trip on a boat and reached

Basel, Bern, Laussenne, and they cross to the lake of Geneva.

June 6, 1887- they reached Geneve, Switzerland. While in Geneva, Rizal received sad news
from his friends in Madrid about the conditions of Igorots, who were exhibited in the 1887
Madrid Exposition, some of the natives died.
June 19, 1887 – it was 26th birthday, he treated Viola to a blow- out with a sumptuous meal.
He also wrote a letter to Blumentritt regarding Industrial exhibition.
June 23, 1887 – Rizal and Viola parted ways. They both spent 15 days in Geneva. Viola
returned to Barcelona and Rizal continued his tour to Italy.
June 24, 1887 – Rizal went to Italy, and visited Turin, Milan, Venice and Florence.
June 27, 1887 – he reached Rome and visited famous architectural buildings.
June 29, 1887 – he visited the Vatican City. He has sightseeing and was impressed by the
magnificent edifice like St. Peter‘s Church, the rare works of the art, the vast St. Peter‘s
Square, and the colorful Papal Guard. After a week travel in Rome, he decided
to return to the Philippines.

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Prepared by:


Instructor 1


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