Written Work 1:: Pilot Testing, Data Collection, and Experiment Report

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Written Work 1: Research

Pilot Testing, Data Collection, Project

and Experiment Report (RES04)


Four Parenting Styles’ Effects on SHS STEM Students’ Intrinsic Academic

Title of the Study:
Motivation of Mapúa University - Intramuros A.Y. 2022 - 2023

Category of
Thesis Adviser: Inst.. Kris Andrew D. Borero Behavioral Science

Information: Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Guntinias, Shaira Malinis, Jeremiah Redondo, Biel

Name: Basallaje, Jaydee S.
Veronica R. Ross N. Carlene S.

Student Number: 2021135784 2021135237 2021136860 2021135231


Criteria HPS Score Comments

Depth of Reflection

This would be evaluated based on the group’s demonstration

of a conscious and thorough understanding of what
transpired in their fieldwork. To get an excellent mark on 40
this criterion, it must be evident that ideas are well-integrated
and personally synthesized.

Completeness and Organization of Information

This would be evaluated based on the accuracy,

completeness, and conciseness of the information provided.
To get an excellent mark on this criterion, information must
be logically organized and must be congruent with the
synthesis shown. Moreover, concrete examples and practical
applications must be demonstrated.

Writing Mechanics

This would be evaluated based on the group’s writing

techniques. To get an excellent mark on this criterion, 30
spelling and grammar must be flawless. Sentences must be
RES04 | Applied | WW1
E-mail address: shs@mapua.edu.ph
Telephone number: (02) 8247 - 5000
RES04 | Research Project

clear, varied in length, and work together to form well-

crafted paragraphs (e.g., complete with topic sentences,
supporting evidence, and transitions).

1. What happened during your field work? Briefly discuss this with respect to the highlights
of your research experience.

Despite knowing that writing a research paper is inevitably hard, we had so much eagerness
and enthusiasm to create a good research paper and, at the same time, to learn throughout its
process. Choosing what topic to work on was already a struggle for us. It was hard to decide since
we had different fields of interest. Fortunately, we had come up with a topic which encompasses
most of our interests which were issues in parenting at home and our motivation at school. The
feeling of contentment as we settled with a final research topic surfaced after a lot of doubts and
uncertainty. It was one of the highlights of our research experiences as the first times and first steps
are those that last long in memory.

During the start of conducting our study, we had quite a smooth writing process from our
introduction down to our methodology. We were still motivated to accomplish all the work and
comply on time. However, due to unseen circumstances, bigger problems arose and we had been
piled up with unsolved ones. We fell behind time and everything went unwell. We were unsure of
what to do next and how to do them. Luckily, we sorted things out as a group and went back on
track. Actually, looking back the only highlights we had were all about the ups and downs we had
experienced throughout the process. The moments when we went back up from falling were the
reason we completed our study.

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RES04 | Research Project

2. What were the groups’ major accomplishments during the process? How were you able to
achieve this?

Our group would instantly think about achieving our desired number of respondents, which
is 250 students, as our major accomplishment in conducting our study. However, upon thinking
about it, all research papers have and must have their own specific number of respondents or
participants to attain, which is not something that a quality research paper would be known for.
Due to this realization, we came up with the thought that providing a thorough and adequate
amount of RRLs or review of related literature was our group’s major accomplishment. Having a
good RRL enabled us to see a clearer and wider picture of the existing state of knowledge on the
issue we were dealing with and identified research gaps that needed to be filled.

Writing coherent and cohesive RRLs became our strong foundation in accomplishing the
paper. The literature review helped us establish a context for our paper, identify our theoretical
framework, clarify our research questions, and recognize problems in the existing body of
knowledge on our topic. It served as a roadmap that guided us in taking the right path toward
writing an accurate and credible research paper. Additionally, it allowed us to provide a new
perspective on the picture without echoing its previous idea. In simpler words, we were able to
provide something new in the field of our research topic just by making a good review of various
existing literature we found.

In our study, we focused on determining which parenting styles had a significant effect on
students’ academic intrinsic motivation while giving attention to one moderating variable, which is
the parent’s religious affiliations. From there, we had a smoother flow of writing because we were
acquainted with the existing knowledge we had from our RRLs. Ultimately, we believe that without
a good RRL, a research study would be doomed to fail.

RES04 | Applied | WW1

RES04 | Research Project

3. What difficulties did the group face? Why did this arise? How were you able to overcome
it (if you had) or how do you plan to overcome it?

Our group experienced diverse and prevalent challenges throughout writing the paper such
as difficulty in determining the topic for our research and lack of time. However, finding research
respondents was the most strenuous journey we had experienced as we were not only pressured
by time but also the proponents of our paper whom we were coordinating with. First, we had taken
too much time deciding on our research topic since we had various passions and interests.
Fortunately, we had arrived at a topic that covers most of our likings, which we agreed on as a
group. Next was the lack of time. We had a hard time simultaneously complying with school work
and our paper. Despite this, we managed to use our time more efficiently by doing both tasks we
have and accomplishing it earlier. Finally, the struggle of gathering data from our target of 250
respondents. Luckily, our plan to go on campus face-to-face worked and we managed to complete
all 259 respondents in just two days.

We could say those were only common struggles that a research group faces; however,
those were the ones that truly tested our perseverance and teamwork. Indeed, writing a research
paper was not in any way simple and easy. Nevertheless, we persisted.

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RES04 | Research Project

4. The allotted time to accomplish your quantitative/experimental study is somehow not

enough to execute and achieve the original research procedures. With this, if you would
state a gap/s in your study, what would it be and why?

We had a very limited time to finish our research study since it was a fulfillment for our
research project and we were to complete it within two months or half the semester. There has
been a struggle in terms of the background information of the variables in our study. Although
research about the influence of parenting styles on the development of an individual has been done
extensively, some studies highlight a weak correlation between parenting styles and behaviors.
Hence, we sought out relevant literature and studies on the variables (ie., parenting styles, intrinsic
motivation, academic motivation) to provide substantial support for our study.

Furthermore, the sample size of our study was based on the concept of the Central Limit
Theorem (CLT) wherein a sample size of thirty (30) to fifty (50) can already be considered valid.
Given that the population of our study consists of hundreds of students, following this concept can
question the credibility of the results. With this in mind, we increased the number of participants to
at least two hundred and fifty (250) despite the minimum requirement because we also considered
SEM or Structural Equation Modeling which needs at least two hundred (200) as the sample size to
be credible.

In addition, this study only focused on Mapua University’s Intramuros campus only with the
respondents being in the Senior High School (SHS) STEM strand to have a more specific and focused
time on finding respondents for the study. This gives us, as the researchers, time to analyze the
data and make time for the credibility of its questionnaire and of course, giving out surveys to the
said respondents.

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RES04 | Research Project

5. What do you think are three skills that are crucial for field work in an online and/or face-
to-face setup? Justify.

At first, we thought that eagerness and enthusiasm could help us finish our research paper
quickly and efficiently—we were wrong. Conducting a research study in an online setup is not any
easier than conducting it face-to-face. We thought that since we conducted it online, we could
easily achieve our target respondents, and we could easily coordinate with people who are part of
our study and those who could help us, but it was the other way around. Due to these unfortunate
circumstances, we realized that eagerness would not take us far without patience, perseverance,
and hard work. As cliché as it may sound, these are the three skills that are crucial for fieldwork, be
it in an online or a face-to-face setup.

Being patient not only prevents misunderstandings and petty arguments with your fellow
research members, but it also gives peace to the fieldwork. Peace is a great asset in fieldwork as it
prevents chaos and makes the work done at all times. One instance was when one of our research
proponents wouldn’t reply to our inquiries for days when we needed them most. We patiently
waited for their response while we respectfully followed up on our inquiry. This portrays patience at
times when some people, who you needed most, do not meet the same schedule as you have.
Being impatient in these instances would lead to disputes among fellow proponents and, possibly

Following the first skill, we believe that the two latter skills–perseverance and hard work–
work hand in hand. Whenever you persevere, you exemplify hard work. The best example of this is
when we had almost no days left to complete our target of 250 respondents. If we were lucky
enough, we would be finished within two days with still 120 respondents left to attain. Since it was
a Thursday and almost all senior high school students were not on campus due to our online classes
schedule, we had no other choice but to wish that there were at least 60 grade 12 students and 60
grade 11 students on campus at that time. Our group decided that we divide our trip to school by
two for two days (one pair on campus on Thursday and another pair on campus on Friday) to try to
complete the 250 respondents. The plan worked, and we completed the 250 target respondents in
just two days of perseverance and hard work. If we did not persevere to try and go to school
despite knowing that our target respondents won’t be on campus, and if we did not illustrate hard
work by going to students one by one to answer our survey questionnaire, we would not have our
target respondents by now. Therefore, based on our experience, we believe that patience,
perseverance, and hard work are the skills needed for fieldwork.

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