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Series EF1GH/5 fl: SET~1 ei 264/5/1 Ads i Roll No. ~ ; i np ghrp Leas if P. soar | TTT TI ‘andidates must write the Q.P. Code m the title page of the answer-book. (Sassy $61 ACCOUNTANCY (Urdu Version) A 23: ctu A Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80 28 Soh Ete wr beet Please check that this question paper contains 23 printed pages. etl PPL SUR AQP eS Ai L 2g QP. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. eB eile Ete thy Sh Please check that this question paper contains 34 questions. aT of EGO BRA Ar de sai i Ww) Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer- book before attempting it. 10.302 10.15 LOVEE 10.15 Cy esther Idler (vy) LEE Airmen L Es yuik oP pol Bre BE 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the candidates will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. fet 2645/1 DEY AAR Pagel PLO. tS Jer teu a4 febliry! (i) B-BwA-Bipevlewr (ii) Sid Louie? A- 2 (iii) Src Eh eitied (D vigk Coil D Geren B- 2» (iv) wt F Lew LIVE MSU Lo SF EB- eur i? Sei Fue 27 Be Tr) auteur Lf bok £32 1 31.20 = 17 evi) tet LA dpe 83 1) 22 21 Sr (vii) uel Lut gog £84 i 26 & 28 Ur (viii) 2 Lud bok tee 7 LA BiB ee oe BEA ter (ix) Vo Pe Po teur 2 Lard gag ot Bir 1 Lue dpdy tour << A = Gated Luror ina WIL EVO EAL 21 we wet Herd @ MEd £2 15 ture ©4,50,000 27 Fy SCZ yt F &1,50,000 Sp phn Fo Lely du ¥2,50,000 2 Sac 1 PBS %8,50,000 (B) %5,50,000 (A) % 4,00,000 (D) %12,50,000 (C) ‘ 264/5/1 No Page 2 20 plete #feuntiour eka Koel duet ey te tel ese wavir wir) dr PU esr iow U5 6a wale Hd £ esis 1 he te Boe epuaiirdr hee 1:1:3 @B) 3:1:1 (A) 2:3:3 (D) 2:3:1 (©) CPi n PO L LE Cet ukee Bop vLeiwn2l Ay:bfs 2 1 we Mowe LG Lee she wehbe teal AL 3 ule tly 6 Mad IAL LL LS (Ry he te SME bbe. Ft Ce dekh SE BPW Geene bigre Utes (R) us (A) Us (A) use (R) us (A) Us (BY meets SUA) (R) wits B) 91 (A) UI ©) ae Ferd Sa) ® Kite» B's» O) Vow cécl 20% UE 110002 LA bt LM se @ 3 SM Wine gi lob SPOIL 13 af BSE GO aL 1 BebvomitLoLecewe ye ',70,000 (B) %5,50,000 (A) %5,00,000 (D) % 2,20,000 (C) i eo 1 Se ubbufe ition 0b) Ln Pt tsi PLES A) elie wt ek (B) CCH aec yee te ipse © en Ape eu ehl UOFS ree VOurxemey (D) 264/5/1 ww Page 3 P.2.O. toh tb Or tel 5:3:2 mer Leitich @ % 2,00,000 EL 5 pel tA fumed ule 2022 edb ete tLe ved, %4,00,000 tev is-O uF ELS 1 Watusigrind Ligue ft Wart | Welt Ze 2,00,000| rt suze) 2,00,000 | os 80,000 | ¢¢ toe] ® 20,000) ¢¢ seb iea 1,00,000 Ath 2,00,000 |e Wh © 4,00,000| ¢¢ sls 2,00,000 a hi 2,00,000 HF vel 2,00,000 wb Kel | 2,00,000 | ¢¢ uzee| 4,00,000 | ¢e ys-C | 3,00,000 ahh hs 1,80,000 ah Kh 1,20,000 ae ret 264/5/1 nr Page 4 4 roto k gt Sols tL 2:31 altwdbrividoat PALE Sad ev tee’ 3:2:1 CewiLuvlie 1 Boek AL RL tet PE Le mtu tidy Lied t Ay Lumet (A) Lies tidy B) LILA LLG © LSS AUIS Lom (D) etbieueL 2400000 be 6% LEY Sew S 0 BA 5 1 teu Le shes B) Wb Ie (A) Wwe M) LW Lunt (0) eh te WEL eile HErertie @ 6 1 rete Pie Vt entre B) eee (Ay eceigyte O) eur Akate (C) ‘ 1 Se Peukbrot talon? ob) ey Buzturr?? 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Lise | A bd. 1 Senter re ts Le? @) MES (ay Meh? @) Ghee © rele 10 9 ir pi ule eb AP bit fbr AL 5:3: 2 eer ips ew anes 2022 GA 31-< %2,00,000 4 1,60,000 : % 1,80,000-77, Sow e1900 KIL 1 Phebe br p50 pF SUe! bot 24% B) 23% £6 0) xm © 1 SriSor by Lihig Ewe mre vite 10% Ve tw AEE 716,000 (B) 718,000 (A) 10,000 (D) % 20,000 (C) 264/5/1 nw Page 6 LE LAL 5:12:38 Ne wrt) Lge Ler Sib FS IF Sbrete pte pL pnd Smer E #12022 710002 Loeb Jeef tf Ke luitée Lp jth rlerchs by Lurch tet Oust 66 120.000 2020 GA 31 (8U,0U0) 2021 6431 1,70,000 2022 G.4.31 wo itdecerler 79,583 (B) 735,000 (A) 28,750 (D) % 28,750 (C) Lk SLe FES 26 22k CEP yr SEGALL Sey rtp He tbe Yat =10 @) 4 6 (D) 216 (C) SE bee Mylar gh SESE RSE b 3 L2Gh 20 L #8210 « Weed tel? tus ge See Ff COE SIP UAT 21,600 (B) % 2,000 (A) %2,200 (D) 71,000 (C) 12 264/5/1 nr Page7 P.T.O. = m2 teh eee AVL 4:3:3 ne wArLepfinywiesoil 14 B82 Dee EK Soe be vlog 2 sasiak nel Lift Lux 1 ree ete Suis 2022 GA 31 be fa oe ig Ubsrefs ® © —* 90,000 | @ 80,000 =f. AAS BAL 80,000 NLSERIEK A bab Busha Abe nehni SRS KgLy gdb L Sar < 177) Preat) @ypaeed Ee ® | 10,000 wd sioznsce | 10,000 iG eit 80,000 ing re Aloe AS Kby | 22,000 ba 24,000 weve 24,000 Waptoy | | 10,000 hee Wisi a « 10,000 Bz sbe Wl 30,000 ied usm stay |? 10,000 reel 28,000 ba 21,000 hb es 21,000 aby 264/5/1 ~~ Page 8 beeen ce Bute 15% plore lend lf 1 beet Eu se foc--< €9,20,000 = 1,38,000 (B) %1,20,000 (A) 55,200 (D) 748,000 (C) k pO AL 2:2: 2bL Apia ecet (a) 15 202264 31 EAST AVE 221 wml OpLswsah ob) BS 5% Waiter ob LG Le SLEW LIL Len, 750,000 4» 1,00,000: ¥ 2,00,000-2 74 ab Fv ui Ss Sue Lom 1 round aah LL ees ene a fis peat] @Pred ad | 2,000] as peg | 1,000 | WIL 1,000 sg T 3,000| ack a6 | © 2,000 Wiehe, 1,000 wet — | 2,000 | wes a re3| © 1,000 hf 1,000 Aho 3,000] 3 7 ri«| © 2,000 1,000 264/5/1 ww Page 9 P.T.O. BALE EO AL 4:3:38 ELL Lefiashiget F ¥ 2,000 iL LY Seth LESS PLE 3/2022 8 233,000 62 FY nud LE Eu sderetF Futoezi lnk Mie Sun tL ele ALLL et SL et hs Z % 33,000 (B) 42,000 (A) 218,000 (D) z9,000 () £214 tbe Lut Zep AL 3:2 ewer dutty wih BBL SS SE LEP USPS Atmel Lhe BF 10% wre SH FSSA F € 50,000 UteFF ¥ 20,000 Bes MSE SIS LbmEr 220 E 4L 2:31 ie wdrepoiiaeei (@ . Lod? £2022 6431 of Kero Sbe 240,000 SALI Lege <8 71,20,000 Ber Pere Ate Eu beste tO ep pd LIL nF f 2022 GA31 L A ly 6A BB AGE LCL 3:2 2 wer Ko Kw) 9,200 SM seed gor ee arScle 6% geb-1% % 80,000 4+ F 1,00,000 LL SP he Lary 2021.22 ULF depo 2u- 8 %1,20,000 Cee Ele ects rt Pye JL LIL of? 12022 GA 31 264/5/1 nw Page 10 16 7 4 Ce eek 5:3:2:2 we HAL JL Ly LA oy? Thorsen Fue lS 2022 GA 31 AVS € 9,00,000 SPAS gF ES SSeS, Levant gry sbeg SLE nL Wi kb wh pei EL AOA ‘ dle ua téehipeerdeee£ 3:2 enrol PIAL Vref MISES €40,000 gr CEL eM Pot % 40,000.#1 % 60,000 ZA, why CL fim Lecterns J a) HVE LE KE Sn dbig iF ssp Line bev 0b Sue sla SE WS rel Liy Sus F vearets F %1,00,000 1 (a) .19 (b) Signs Sus £ %5,00,000 LU YL fs 20 Guile nl gkuseus LP LM Vtg F 280% 4,50,000 SEAS gfe 20% LFF I AVL EG 2100 GPs 0 es IF we SEE ES 80,000 LA bie Butoh dy af deus 5 busi ges PA LU SIH Sod Lop retiles fle Li 2b t10 ze F10,00,000 Spt? Gils 21 LP? IS 8 ES SAT an 2 Lut dP GLvdy?,000 Ae EWE BB ELF OWL I all oA f 2013 4 ERE SILI LL 0) 264/5/1 _ Page 11 P.T.O. FAL 2:21 Ew L pMLel ere sigir ar 22 Fb eh Gulf 2022 ga at A Vets niet rabix £2022 GA 31 ip de o bse ® ® 6,00,000 ede e Luly 5,00,000 Ok 4,00,000 — gtr 1,60,000 dels 4,00,000 — fr 1,40,000 #1} 12,00,000 4,00,000 ~ ofa 1,20,000 128 | 1,00,000 aye 1,80,000 UBL! 3,60,000 ah ite 17,00,000 EMP Liber LNT Lf tui 2 Sree Str F 2022 wk 30 wrewsalk 12% 4b) -F % 48,000 226 IES Gil) 02 30 = 2022 byt bles rielyi tty fester Ki) SYS LL LnP £0022 GA 31 FS 2,50,000 2545 £2022 -& %5,00,000 1s € 20,00,000 -z74Gb-us1 4 EW yb LES UAL 264/5/1 we Page 12 1,00,000 = > £ 710 HG) (@) 23 Pile RA Eun otitn WL Eg MEb-84 greens beat FEb-83 HEA» Ser eu pert SUR Rae leer Fitid £1 1,50,000 LK Lar LGV Ets uk SASL get Cbd feof? LEASH Eush ELF Srottnd LY? 600 EP Eb 8 SP ete tre OF Seite ote SN nd Leptin oe LIF tt ch Be nb uct Baber le ; Begs geinga Aton L Seidl gen PL EAA LY eho b SEP Ketletiou (d) 1 4ha® LP IWS gh Se ES Posto SES 22 BYE 3 hbase Eu ebe7 S77 60% — ELE eb Rl me vi xbew lw w PA6 12 Sata lie gh So Fin RESA bes buh woe vi xdrwiwa @ 3 ied pag 264/5/1 wr Page 13 P.T.O. BRE LL 6:3:2 EEL HM Ge wy (@) 24 Fie et Sui 2022 6.131 BIE Se erd SS 2022 bA31 ie ds tg Uses @® | ®@ a 1,70,000 Seri tal 2,60,000 Or eh 1,20,000 a 1,00,000 se 1,20,000 ty 80,000 dregs | 360,000} 1,20,000 & 50,000 # | 1,20,000 vpte 1,80,000 Mat 6,60,000 Unig A Leosersshln Fre MSG those KY %3,00,000 82K, Jp ise UE BF 4 Lis’ € 10,000 UE tut Gi) We % 90,000 BP KALE: Sbr Lumby Zotz F FEF &2,10,000 FS AE SeeSknFiSerdutenp PLL ngiT tele SES ALU ILIAP GE ently Gv) 6 ELL Wy Limb iel dei igd se S Su ii) ‘ 264/5/1 _— Page 14 ATOLL 8:2 wl et Fetes APES un FETS 2022 GA 31 is 2022 GA 81 -&! tg ia é Uses, oO ® 50,000 BAL! 30,000 | 80,000 svefs| 20,000 eae 78,000) 2,000 wr Feat? tly | 1,12,000 Se | 3,00,000 Jer 3,00,000 "| 5,00,000| 200,000 fs 10,000 ose 5,50,000 | 5,50,000 Vitmaertifigipbexwdleuy va re ales 50,0002 Leaie sw %1,00000 Latrayt (i) SevrsEnsrsuskid Gi ers 12,000 8S Gi) 6 ovusrgviansar tou pevker 264/5/1 or Page 15 (b) P.T.O. wif 2022 GA 31 Ape tee L Btw WELL Liga say 25 Bees meat eB SunStar £2022 GA 31 Of é @f. Usrets 3,20,000 tly 3,00,000, 4,00,000 — & 2,00,000 2,00,000 3 1,00,000 | dvets| 7.00.000| 1.00.00 — i 2,00,000 UBL} 1,20,000 OS 1,00,000 Mp5? 2,00,000 Fits 11,20,000 11,20,000 Cn ib wi Sie ebettihoprl nde SE MOLES LUE iS A 428 €3,00,000 & “i Ae34.4210,000 EK b 290,000 unt (ii) SAE © 1,80,000 SE (iii) Lrg € 20,000 (iv) “8 © 10,0006 4Urs (v) 6 Eber: spre Mare ure FF 10% «2,00 e Ler 3deio0 Litysez 26 LslgtisSaPLiaiLoyrty ates me yh 5% Gad Gé4 10% Vakuriti @) A Es 10% Ha Solace 5% ZK Ue 6 eb hye z 10% da volan’, 264/5/1 wes Page 16 2 (b) slZK MP F2 (0) B- 2 1-U8 Gs tnse fy 1 tute te Few Mewletdioue (@) 27 wleSQuT Gi) Ne SUsB (i) AE bv) * Gi) Gv) 1G) B) Gi) 1 @ A) Gv) 1 Gi), D) Gii) 41 Gi) © 4 1 te HE obbofettien: we BSL LI Sereda Cette Laat (a) peti Fe tite dite (B) SE SoPA Lites tee sl pbb bort Lge? © wed Se PAS Lecw et Kn Lute Meee Fs SME (D) 264/5/1 nmr Page 17 P.T.O. 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