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FB/Easy English Center : 04 Sep 2023 : Part: A ‘SET #419 ] Collection of 21000 + Newspaper Editorial Word Power ‘WhatsApp:: 90 97 07 96 07 Join Group The third mectng of parties under the banner INDIA the Indian National Developmental, Inclusive Alance in Mumba last week resolved to contest the ‘upcoming Lok Sabha election together “as fr as posible More than two dozen partes announced that sea sharing arrangements in diferent tates willbe intatod immediatly snd concluded a the earliest in “a collaborative sprit of give and take" Participants did nt elect a convener or unvell logo but announce five ‘committees to improve coordination among them on various aspects. A 14-member ‘oornation committe wil double up ax an section strategy commit, tile the four ther committees will coordinate campaign social media, media and research, The INDIA bloc now plans to bring about vision document which ely ta be released on October 2, Gand’ beth anniversary. Plans ae afoot or fv rales in ferent parts of the country Patna, Nagpur, Del Chennai and Guwahati anda regular meeting ofthe leaders. Congres leader Rahul Gandhi has emerged as the centre ofthe unity efforts as be bonded with senior leaders of regional paris even atthe cost ‘this ow party’ loca calculations Me, Gandhi sreportedy planning second eg of the Bharat Jodo Yatra this one along horizontal routs trough the strongholds ofthe ‘Bharatiya Janata Party (BP) tis clear that these partes ind common ground against the IP, but that alone wil not make INDIA a national ternative to the rang party. Most INDIA partcs have thet interests defined by the local particularities of thet respective regons. ‘Assembly by-elections in West Bengal and Kerala ths week are instructive In West Bengal the Conaress and the Left are togeter in takingon the Trinamool Congress (TMC) while in Kerala, the Congress and the Left are facet fae. The wilingnestof| ‘hese partis to havea national plan inthe larger intarest of sclety might he appealing to some people, bu to some others could appear as hypocra. Optics apart, the ‘coming together of parties will not necessary lad to an agaregation oftheir votes, as some experiments of coalition polities have demonstrated The differences among the Parties on programmes andslogns are unsurprising butte rea challenge es in ‘winning the confidence ofthe people. INDIA wil have to frame ssues well and campaign effectively to emerge viable. The BJP sa dynamic and flebe party, despite ts alleged ideological tenacity. ts responding othe INDIA challenge trough politica and administrative moves, Being opposed tothe BJP cannot be the sole defining feature of INDIA Fear Eaton enter yun Verma ‘Glckon Whatspp Buon (a RRA) Coma, Consoated, Combined, Aled a | (wate) “The Fist Days their ist ealiboratve albu. (580 | DRE RA snr WY SaT EMT Reveal Expose, Display Exhibit, Dndose ort ‘Ape plans to nea new Pad ery this ont, 5: CONGEAL Roe) He Strout, Vel, ciao Keep sect. (wate) ence nothing om yu. | F521 Rey Diverse, Diterent, Varied ASsored Manifold | eta) “The subject maybe viewed in various ways (GE Ba) Appear, Come up, Emanat, Present onese (ot) Several facts started to emerge from my investigation (4504) RSTRUSRIVE (20) Fteee toformatve, Explanatory, Educative, Enlightening (wrest) “The book sled with instructive drawings. 8) (SRP) Enthsiaam, Keenness Eagerness Motivation sucess studying depends ona wilingnss to lear, (605 RRR a9 corte ame 8) (onan) 1nd his manner very appealing asm) (0) (A) Deception, Dest, Dishonesty, Insinery, Dupicy eam) Such hypocrisy s morally indfensibe | Mc Weel cams rena pe mre) Serierbeareittie a eter tee repayment terms ne NELERGE eo Sic, pita ar Ueno (exter) His atta is inet a) 'N) (a Datamation, Resoluon, Frans Sass cafe “Tenacly isthe bridget success Join WhatsApp Group (Limited Seats) 90 9707 9607 Just srase the fear of Vocab, FB/Easy English Center : 04 Sep 2023 : Part: B [servazo | $00 Git Tahara DEmrosie_|| WhatsApp:: 90 97 07 96 07 Join Group Roughly a woek aftr the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) sfelanded ‘obotlelande and rover on the moos sout pla ean unched id's space !msson delat o studying thes, nthe form of spacscraft named diya. Barly hl day after the launch, SRO announced thats lana rover had complted te surface ict hd planned and thatithad ben parked” ahead of thetwo-welelona nar ight The vgnete strates certain maturity on the parf the Indan space programme: it enters phase where its rowel from strength o sre comes Indistingulshable rom international leadership n spac exploration, even as tears forward an old tration of sying the sun, exemplified by the Kodakanal Solar (Observatory. AdityaL1 wilt the sun in multiple wavelengths witht sue ofseven instrament: four roots sonsing an threo inst (ia by rect samplinga particular volume of space), Sven though tis the star loses tothe arth and has bee and continues resimply wattingtobe discovered, although that easier sid than done given the brutally of he star'sn lence on its mmo surroundings. One exampleisthe parila ofthe solar wind, a steam of charged particles thastream out fom the sun Int space Considering th solar windatfects space weather and in urn the digs) components of spacecraft, diya-L1' adings could inform future space missions as wall Others are mysteries bundle of acts not ye fly explained by sient theoriex The achetpal examples the coronal eating problem: why the uppermost yer ofthe sun's stmosphereisa thousand times hotter than the suns sree, nthe nox four or so months, itja-L1 wl travel1o the Li Lagrange point unobstructed view ofthe star whl stays hal ovat around the ola To deepen its relevance, diya wl aso have to record and tranenit data to earth quickly a Posie where the dats downlink and analysts pipeline will have to operate with ilar haste that stents ea place together 3 cncarretmageor the sun. ISRO has 380 demonstrated ts ality to handle compax navigational task in orplanetry missions (nclading the nar space programme, Chandrayzan) with ep from foreign space !gcncios andthe attendant sls wl be Brought to bear on Adtya-Lt aswell Ton together, while Adiya-Ll seems relatively simple given ISRO's recent aclevements, ves the Incan space programme and the national lar physics community one more boundary twpush Fay gti enter ny. suit Vom sa) lear (5) lesa} (555) [osm] co (ase) co | wor | (Limited Seats) 90 97 07 96 07 areas FR cer test ‘We planned bl annine dbase a Rs vera) eerie Co) ‘ery ow burglaries are completely unplanned "Agate of working the coming years? RR Se Hae Per a3) eae is words were indisingulshable. SRL ‘BA iste, Demonte Show, Display The pls of Wid exp the comedy of mame. IRR 60 pani oxen Fey ness Ser gee) haeseldam seen sue rally. EE mee "BT A Model Casta Meal, Femplry, Standard Cricket the ateetypal English game. RRR. tected anced nana ref aor wate. Ao: BBSTRUGTED rece) Coed Madero pete, Iayeded reer) “all ee bataced Mle fhe rod BBB) cer tA gen tn ‘The recslon contest pen, Se Simatannis Consign “The exhibition reflected concurrent developments abroad, Re conan tan cbr ond (erste) Photosynthessis highly complex process (ae 1) (HRY Accomplishment, Atainment,Flfiment (rtarz) Youcan be justly proud of your aehevement Join WhatsApp Group Just Erase the fear of Vocab | aa March + April 2025 - Ors Editor; tags * Word Power BY : Sumit Verma Whatsapp : 90 97 07 96 bd 73 210 222 12, N Printable Format yc %

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