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Literature - The Prisoner of Zenda Form 3

1. Dangerous situation In the Prisoner of Zenda, Rudolf Rassendyll faces great danger when he plans to free King Rudolf from his captors. Rassendyll is an ordinary man with no special military or police training. Yet, he feels a strong moral duty to play his part in ensuring that the right king ascends to power. He works together with Colonel Sapt, who is loyal to the king. The king is abducted by his brother, who is a ruthless man, and is guarded by an equally ruthless group of men, known as the Famous Six. Rassendyll first rescue attempt is not successful. His second rescue attempt is, but only after he changes the plan dramatically at the last minute. Both situations are very dangerous and lives are lost. 2. Admirable character I find Rudolf Rassendyll an admirable character in the novel The Prisoner of Zenda because he is brave and has a strong sense of responsibility and public duty. On several occasions, he risk his life to save the King. Rassendyll does not have special military training or skills to use weapons. But that does not stop him from challenging the Famous Six. Rudolf continues to pursue Rupert even though he is injured and tired. He does all this because he hopes to bring justice to Zenda and to return the country to its rightful leader. 3. The character I like most The character I like most in The Prisoner of Zenda is Rudolf Rassendyll. He is adventurous, brave and honourable. In Zenda he risked his life to impersonated king Rudolf V. While impersonating the king, he fell in love with Princess Flavia. However, he knew that her duty to her country was more important than their love. This shows his sense of honour. Their last meeting was very touching and sad.

4. Enjoyed reading the novel I have enjoyed reading the novel Prisoner of Zenda. The story is interesting and is about the adventures of Rudolf Rassendyll and how he impersonates King Rudolf V. He went on to save the king and finally part from Princess Flavia, the women he loved. Its message is we should handle crises with courage like Rudolf Rassendyll. He also showed that honour was more important than love. I am so inspired by the honourable nature of these two characters. 5. The Brave character The character who is very brave is Rudolf Rassendyll. He showed great courage by impersonating King Rudolf V though it was dangerous of doing so. Later, when the king is imprison in then castle, he courageously rescued the king. He fought with the kings enemies and even got wounded in doing so. His courage paid off when King Rudolf was finally rescued and regained his throne. 6. Theme of honour The theme of honour is well portrayed in the prisoner of zenda. Rudolf Rassendyll impersonated King Rudolf V who was kept prisoner in Zenda Castle. He fell in love with Princess Flavia who was betrothed to the real king. But his sense of honour made him feel guilty for he was not the real king. In the end, they agreed to part for, to them, honour was more important than their love. Princess Flavias duty to her country must come before her love for Rudolf Rassendyll.

7. Lesson that I have learnt I have learnt an important lesson from The Prisoner of Zenda. It is facing challenges with courage and honour. Rudolf knew the danger of impersonating King Rudolf V. Yet, he did it to save the throne from the evil Duke Michael. While playing the part of king, he had fallen in love with Princess Flavia. But he part with her as she had a duty to fulfill for her country. Like him, I have learnt that we must handle problems and challenges with courage and honour.

8. Message of loyalty to its readers The novel Prisoner of Zenda has the message of loyalty for its readers. Colonel Sapt sowed loyalty to his king. It was he who suggested to Rudolf Rassendyll to impersonate the king to save the throne. Later, with Rudolfs Rassendylls help, he helped to rescue the king from the castle. Princess Flavia also showed loyalty to her country by sacrificing her love for Rudolf Rassendyll to marry the king Rudolf V. Like them, we should loyal to our country.

this part is like looking at a live image of oneself. I find this is most interesting indeed. Based on the novel that you have read, write about an incident that teaches you a lesson. Give reasons to support your answer. Tips To Answer the Question: Give only ONE incident (an incident) Give only ONE lesson ( a lesson) Mention the Incident first Then relate to the lesson

9. Brings attention to the value of love The novel The Prisoner of Zenda brings attention to the value of love. While impersonating king Rudolf V, Rudolf Rassendyll fell in love with the beautiful Princess Flavia. She had also fallen in love with him. However, their love was not mean to be, for Princess Flavia was betrothed to the king. In the end, they sacrifices their love for honour and duty. In doing so, Princess Flavia showed that her love for her country was stronger. 10. The title The Prisoner of Zenda is relevant to the novel The title The Prisoner of Zenda is relevant to the novel. The story is about the king of Ruritania who was imprisoned by his evil brother, Duke Michael in Zenda castle. Rudolf Rassendyll who bore a striking resemblance to king Rudolf V impersonated the king. While Rudolf Rassendyll was playing the part of king, King Rudolf V was becoming very ill in prison. Rudolf Rassendyl risked his life to rescue the king who got back his throne. 11. An interesting incident An interesting incident in the novel The Prisoner of Zenda was when Rudolf Rassendyll met the king of Ruritania for the first time. For a time, it seemed almost unreal. There was a lot of confusion in this part. This lookalike element added intrigue and mystery to the story. It also brought all the earlier questions and riddles to an end. The feeling in

In the novel the Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope, the incident that teaches me a lesson is when Rudolf Rassendyll has to impersonate King Rudolf V. The King is unable to attend his own Coronation because he is unconscious as a result of drinking drugged wine sent by his own incident brother, Duke Michael. Trying to save the throne from falling into the hands of Duke Michael, Colonel Sapt asks Rassendyll to take the Kings place. Even though his life is at risk, never once does Rassendyll regrets his decision to help the King. This incident has taught me that we must help one another. Someone is counting on us to help them, and if we fail to do so, we are going to disappoint them. Likewise, the Kings life depends on lesson Rassendyll and if he does not keep his promise to help the King, the Kings life would be in danger. If we have helped someone like what Rassendyll has done, we have done our duty as a human being that is to help someone in distress.

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