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Tulips are Old World, rather than New World, plants, with the origins of the species lying in Central Asia.
They became an integral part of the gardens of the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth century onward, and, soon
after, part of European life as well....

1. … the passage mainly answer? C. How did tulips become popular in North America?
2. The word integral in line 2 is closest in meaning to _______. B. fundamental
3. The passage mentions that tulips were first found in which of ….? A. Central Asia
4. The word flourished in line 11 is closest in meaning to_______. D. thrived
5. The author mentions tulip growing in New Netherlands, Pennsylvania, and Michigan in order to illustrate how
_______. C. tulips grew progressively more popular in North America
6. The word grumbled in line 16 is closest in meaning to _______. C. complained
7. The passage mentions that one reason English and Dutch …. D. reminded them of home
8. The word they in line 20 refers to _______. C. immigrants
9. …the European settlement of North America? C. ...many new types of North American plants.
10. …the importation of tulips into North America? B. They often failed to survive the journey.


If you enjoy water sports, Hawaii is the place for you! You can go swimming all year round in the warm
water. You can go sport fishing from the shore or from a boat. If you like boats, you can go sailing, canoeing, or

11. This passage is about ________. B. water sports in Hawaii

12. It can be inferred from the passage that…. D. everyone can find a way to enjoy sports on the water
13. You can go deep under water when you are ________. B. scuba diving
14. According to the passage, surfing __. C. was invented by the native Hawaiians
15. If you want to try surfing, you ________. B. need to be a good swimmer
16. The water around the Hawaiian islands is __. D. full of colorful things to see
17. The word this in line 12 refers to _. C. keeping balanced and not falling down
18. According to the passage, scuba..... C. requires special equipment and training
19. The word proper in line 23 is closest in meaning to ________. C. appropriate
20. According to the passage.......D. is an easy way to see the underwater life


The Forbidden City is the former imperial palace in the center of Beijing, China. Construction began in
1406, and the emperor’s court officially moved in by 1420...

21. …explains who could go anywhere in the Forbidden City at any time? D. Sentence 5
22. How long did it take to build the Forbidden City? D. About 14 years
23. From the passage, it can be inferred that _______. C. the architecture of the....
24. …to the word unparalleled as used in line 14? B. A high quality found nowhere else
25. Which word(s) does the word its refer to in line 15? A. UNESCO
26. …that the main entrance area to the Forbidden City is _______. A. surrounded by three tall walls
27. … to the word proclamations as used in lines 23? C. Official public announcements
28. All of the following are found in the Imperial Garden EXCEPT... C. white marble bridges
29. … what do the bridges over the Golden River lead to? C. The Gate of Supreme Harmony
30. Which phrase is closest in meaning to the word spontaneous as used in line 32? C. Without planning


What is it about weddings that makes sensible people lose their heads? The mother of the bride, for
example, dressed entirely in normal clothes for the rest of the year, is suddenly seized with the desire to dress like a
fruit salad with a large coordinating hat. And brides - cool, intelligent girls in all other circumstances - throw out all

31. …the writer say seems to happen to people at weddings? C. They seem to lose their good sense.
32. What does the writer say that weddings….? B. The significance of the situation
33. In line 11, come in handy can be understood as _. D. be useful when needed
34. The writer has been thinking a lot about weddings because ___. D. to a lot of unsatisfactory weddings
35. What advantage does she mention of inviting fewer people to the wedding? A. There’ll be more…
36. …. wedding different from the typical English wedding? B. It’s less complicated.
37. What does the writer seem to be assuming in paragraph 5? D. The sun will be shining …..
38. The word dreadful in line 29 is closest in meaning to ________. D. awful
39. What problem does the writer mention about photographs at a wedding? A. Guests have to wait …
40. What kind of wedding does the writer like best of all? C. A tea with people sitting…


Scientists do not yet thoroughly understand just how the body of an individual becomes sensitive to a
substance that is harmless or even wholesome for the average person. Milk, wheat, and egg, for example, rank among
the most healthful and widely used foods. Yet these foods can cause persons sensitive to them to suffer greatly…

1. What is the main topic of the passage? A. Reaction to foods

2. …the difficulty in diagnosing allergies to food is due to _______. C. the similarity of symptoms …
3. The word symptoms in line 8 is closest in meaning to _______. A. indications
4. The phrase set off in line 13 is closest in meaning to _______. D. triggered
5. What can be inferred about the babies from this passage? B. They should have a carefully….
6. The word hyperactive in line 19 is closest in meaning to _______. A. overly active
7. ….to allergies has to do with the infant’s _______. C. underdeveloped intestinal tract
8. The word these in line 20 refers to _______. D. food high in salicylates
9. … a suggested treatment for migraines in the passage? D. Using Vitamin B in addition to…
10. According to the article, the Feingold diet is NOT _______. A. verified by researchers as….

For centuries, people have searched for a way to replace dead and decaying teeth with comfortable false teeth.
Many materials have been used to make a set of false teeth. The teeth themselves should be made from a hard and
durable material. They should be secured to a soft material, making them easy to wear. …
11. What is the main topic of this passage? B. False teeth
12. The word they in line 3 refers to _________. A. teeth
13. The word varying in line 7 could best be replaced by the word _________ C. fluctuating
14. Porcelain was invented after the first use of _________. C. ivory for making teeth
15. The word resistant in line 12 could best be replaced by the word ________. B. insusceptible
16. When did Horace Wells begin using laughing gas? D. 1844
17. The word besides in line 13 means _________. A. in addition to
18. When was rubber found to be a useful material for false teeth? A. After laughing gas was used to…
19. ….“It is unimaginable what will come next.” D. Paragraph 4
20. The word molded in line 20 means _________. A. formed into a shape


Esperanto is what is called a planned, or artificial, language. It was created more than a century ago by Polish
eye doctor Ludwik Lazar Zamenhof. Zamenhof believed that a common language would help to alleviate some of the
misunderstanding among cultures.
21. The topic of this passage is ________. B. one man’s efforts to create a universal language
22. ….Zamenhof wanted to create a universal language ________. A. to resolve cultural differences
23. It can be inferred from the passage that the Esperanto word malespera means ________. C. hopeless
24. The expression popping up in line 18 could best be replaced by ________. D. opening
25. It can be inferred from the passage that the Third World Congress of Esperanto took place . B. in 1907
26. According to the passage, what happened to Tenth World Esperanto Congress? D. It never took place.
27. The expression “ups and downs” in line 28 is closest in meaning to ________. D. highs and lows
28. Which paragraph describes the predecessor to Esperanto? B. The second paragraph
29. This passage would most likely be assigned reading in a course on ________. D. applied linguistics
30. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses __. A. how current supporters of…


At its peak in 106AD, the Roman Empire consisted of 52 provinces and influenced or controlled some 2.3
million square miles of territory around the Mediterranean Sea. The Roman army was efficient and well-
organized, and those of the ruling classes in Rome, including the Emperor, were the richest and most powerful
men in the ….
31. According to paragraph 1, which was true of the Roman Empire? B. it prospered during the early…
32. The word recruited in line 14 is closest in meaning to _______. A. hired
33. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be…. C. (C)
34. …information in the bold sentence in the passage (lines 2-5)? D. Rome had a formidable army
35. The author mentions the worst of these rulers in line 19 in order to __. D. illustrate one possible…
36. The word his in line 26 refers to _______. A. Diocletian
37. … was NOT true of the Roman Empire? C. The Empire hosted many games and concerts.
38. The word extravagant in line 33 is closest in meaning to _______. B. prodigal
39. …were the effects of the gradual spread of Christianity on Roman citizens EXCEPT ... A. power
40. …which of the following about the fall of the Roman Empire? C. There were many possible reasons.

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