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UbD Lesson Plan

Subject: SCIENCE
Teacher’s Name: MARIA ANWAR
Unit Title: Grade Level: 8
Variation & Inheritance
Approximate Time Frame: 60 minutes each lesson

Essential Science Vocabulary: variation, adaptation, offspring, natural selection, heredity, genetics,
chromosomes, environmental factors, genetic factors, species,
genes, DNA, natural selection, selective breeding, antibiotics. biotechnology, vaccine, fermentation, gene

Brief Overview (Summary) of the Unit:

Recognise the processes of selective breeding used in animal and vegetable/ fruit farming for improved quality
and better yield and Define biotechnology as the use of living cells and organisms in products and processes that
can improve the quality of life.

Stage 1 – Desired Results (Acquisition, Meaning Making and Transfer)

Key Standards (From the Pakistan National Curriculum):
Students are able to describe the process of selective breeding and describe how biotechnology helps to improve
human life.

(What kinds of long-term, independent accomplishments are desired?)
Students will demonstrate an understanding of _____ and apply it independently to a new problem or situation.
● Engage in an investigation to analyze data about a population of corn and use the data to create an
explanation for how humans used artificial selection to solve a problem.
● Use the information from the videos and reading leaflets as evidence for Biotechnology and other ways
humans use biotechnology
● Create an explanation for how the corn, grape, and other populations change.
● Discuss how biotechnology has enhanced human lives and discuss how this is demonstrated within the
video and text provided
● Be able to talk about the importance of scientific ideas learned in class and explanations and use creative
thinking to address the key questions

Meaning Making

Understandings Essential Questions

Big Ideas framed as Understandings: Students will Big Questions (Long Term):
understand that…
● Is it possible to make super humans one day?

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

● Artificial selection can lead to the evolution of a ● Do pest-resistant plants not alter the food
whole organism chain?
● Humans have changed the genes of living ● In the future, biotechnology could be used to
things by breeding for thousands of years. select traits in unborn babies. Should this be
● Biotechnology is when we use our knowledge allowed?
of biological processes to solve problems. Topical Questions (Short Term):
● We use products improved with biotechnology ● similarities between selective and natural
every day from food to medicines to selection
biodegradable plastics. ● Name some ways farmers can selectively breed
plants, and organisms?
● How the production of vaccines has changed
● What is a hybrid?
using biotechnology
● How can humans affect the traits of other living
● How biotechnology can be used to develop
Topical Understanding: Students will understand that… biofortified crops and medical treatments?
● Natural selection and artificial selection have ● What is GMO
caused the evolution. ● Name the plants and traits that have been
● Processes of selective breeding are used in genetically modified in Pakistan?
animal and vegetable/ fruit farming for ● Describe a few applications of biotechnology?
improved quality and better yield.
● Biotechnology is a vast field and its applications
are widely used in Pakistan
● Biotechnology as the use of living cells and
● organisms in products and processes that can
improve the quality of life.
● There are many ways we have used
biotechnology today

Acquisition of Knowledge and Skill

Knowledge: Students will be Skills/Performance: Students will be able to…

● able to differentiate b/t artificial selection and

natural selection. ● Apply prior knowledge to solve the problem
● Recognise the processes of selective breeding and answer questions
used in animal and vegetable/ fruit farming for ● Investigate to solve a problem
improved quality and better yield. ● Extract and interpretation of
● Describe artificial selection leads to evolution knowledge/skill/idea from videos and reading
● Define biotechnology material to apply it to solve/answer questions
● State application of biotechnology ● pose a question based on learning
● Explain the application of biotechnology in ● working in a collaborative environment
Pakistan ● apply the new larned skill to pose bigger
● Identify different ways of genetic modification. questions

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task or Other Key Evidence of learning: (What will students understand and/or be able to do?)

● Interpret and differentiate between selective breeding and natural selection by watching videos and
performing an investigation.
● Read, interpret and discuss the Biotechnology applications handouts in their groups and discuss it within
the group
● Correctly attempt and complete the Biotechnologyapplication worksheet” worksheet.
● big ideas and questions posed during discussion
● Apply learned ideas to fill in the entry and exit tickets
(Note - All handouts and worksheets are attached in stage 3)

Key criteria to measure Performance Task(s) or Key Evidence:

Examples: Rubric, Checklist, etc.
● student responses to questions during discussion and during written work should show a progression
towards reasoning with use of appropriate scientific terminologies and vocabulary.
● Responses provided on the worksheet should show elaboration of ideas to apply in real life
● Extended approach used to answer, the question of exit ticket

Other Evidence to reflect student learning (formative and/or summative measures)

Unit Title: Variation and Subject: Science Grade Level: 8


Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Stage 3 - Learning Plan, Experiences, and Instruction:
Learning Activities: Consider the WHERETO elements:
W—Ensure that students understand WHERE the unit is headed, and WHY.
H—HOOK students in the beginning and HOLD their attention throughout.
E—EQUIP students with necessary experiences, tools, knowledge, and know-how to meet
performance goals.
R—Provide students with numerous opportunities to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and
REVISE their work.
E—Build in opportunities for students to EVALUATE progress and self-assess.
T—Be TAILORED to reflect individual talents, interests, styles, and needs.
O—Be ORGANIZED to optimize deep understanding as opposed to superficial coverage-(lesson
sequence in a unit)
Unit The Teacher will… The Students will…
Lesson 01- Selective Breeding

● The teacher will ask students to
look at their own traits such as The student will interpret from their
Natural hair colour, skin tone, and prior knowledge of heredity, and DNA
eye colour and discuss where they that all the traits that have been
came from. mentioned by the teacher are heritable
The student will know from their prior traits that have specific genes within
knowledge that they get these traits from our DNA and hence they are been
their parents. transferred from their parents.
Storyboard: 4
The teacher will share a storyboard related
to the natural selection of lions. The Students will look at the screen of
storyboard indicates the entire process, but multimedia and display the storyboard.
it does not mention anywhere that the Through the storyboard, they will be
process is natural selection. able to interpret using prior knowledge
● The students will be asked to that the storyboard depicts the process
interpret what is happening in this of natural selection over a period of
storyboard through their prior hundreds of years.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

● Teacher will further ask them to
name a few other organisms that
over the course of years due to
different adaptations and natural
selection processes are today
evolved forms of themselves. Students will further put in. Natural
selection leads to the evolution of
many species including humans,
crocodiles and resistant strains of
Teacher will show students the video of
cotton candy and ask the following

LINK: Cotton Candy grapes

Students will watch the video.
● Can you get grapes to taste like
cotton candy?
● How did they know how to make
them taste different from regular

Discussion: Students will be encouraged to Student sits in a group of three and

discuss the questions within a group and discusses the questions that have been
then share their possible answers with the asked by the teacher. They can also
rest of the groups. come up with different questions of
The teacher will note down all the possible their own, such as
answers to the questions on a board where ● Why do they still look like
every student can have access to the ideas regular grapes?
from the rest of the class. ● What do they do to the grapes
to give them all the different
shapes and colours?

Linking natural selection to selective
Students will now work in small groups to Students work in small groups.
brainstorm ideas of how these farmers They brainstorm ideas of how grape
made grapes that taste like cotton candy. farmers made cotton candy grapes.
The student will make small initial models, A They make models on charts through
model of how they think the cotton candy their prior knowledge and
grapes might have been developed. brainstorming and discussion.

Gallery walk:

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Students will have a gallery walk in each of Students engage in gallery walks.
the groups where a student will describe Following the gallery work student will
their model of “how the cotton candy revise their models by inculcating the
grapes have been achieved”. feedback.
Whenever needed, the teacher will add
prompts to the question asked by the peers,
such as.
Can you explain?
Why did you added a certain term?
At this point, students cannot differentiate In order to further explore, students
between natural selection and artificial will conduct an investigation for which
selection all the material has been provided by
In order to further explore the topic and the teacher.
connect the dots students will perform an This investigation allows students to
investigation. collect data about how humans might
Investigation: manipulate a plant population using a
The teacher will break students into pairs or practice called artificial selection.
small groups and hand out the materials. Students will be able to comprehend
Each group will need: that artificial selection is when humans
• 9 green chips determine what organisms to breed
• 12 blue chips together to get the desired traits. Just
• 12 red chips like our investigation where we are
• 8 yellow chips investigating to have a tall and sweet
• 1 brown paper bag breed of corn.
•the investigation sheet
To begin the investigation,
Students will be provided with all the
material and instructions required.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

The student will discuss their results
with the rest of the groups and the
discussion must include the following.
● Certain combinations of
parents gave you better
chances at getting the plant
you wanted.
● Some groups never got 2 of the
desired plants.
● Some groups caught 2 of the
desired plants. In future.

When the investigation ends. The teacher

will engage students in a class discussion to
reflect on and share what they determined
from their results.

The teacher will ask students:
● How the investigation they Students will reflect on the
performed relates to crop investigation and relate selective
development? breeding to crop production and
● How long it takes plants like Corn to discuss the questions and be able to
grow and how long it might take for differentiate between artificial and
the type of corn we want to develop natural selection

When students are done sharing, the

teacher will define biotechnology (using
biological processes to solve a problem) for
the students.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Video: The student will watch the video.
To Further elaborated on the topic teacher They will ask questions whenever they
will show a video showing that the same find it difficult in order to comprehend
process is used to create new dog breeds, the concept of selective breeding or
some of which did not exist even 20 years artificial selection.
LINK: Natural Selection Video For Kids | 6th,
7th & 8th Grade Science

Teacher will ask students to name a few Students will share their ideas and
plants and animals in Pakistan that are the name a few local plants or animals that
result of selective breeding and what traits have been the result of selective
were electively bred breeding

Lesson 02- Biotechnology

Recall: Entry ticket:

Students will give verbal responses to
Which of the following is true about the question and discuss their peer
selective breeding? Choose two answers. answers.
● Selective breeding is a recent
approach to biotechnology.
● Selective breathing can be used to
make plants taste better.
● Selective breeding and be used to
make animals healthier.
● Selective breeding is always about
producing food.
The teacher will explain how the corn Students apply the previous lesson
investigation, the cotton-candy-flavored learning of selective breeding to
grapes, and different dog breeds are comprehend the term
developed using biotechnology. BIOTECHNOLOGY and state its
Teacher will explain that the idea of definition.
biotechnology existed hundreds of years
ago without the knowledge of genes and

Explore 1: Students are involved in exploring
The teacher will play a video regarding information and in sense-making by
benefits of biotechnology. The teacher will asking questions and discussing.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

pauses video from time to time to explain
the new terms and answer any queries from
the students.


Explore 2:
Students will be arranged in groups of three
or four and each group will be provided Students read the leaflets in each
with leaflets regarding the biotechnology group and answer the accompanying
applications. questions. They can discuss their
Students will explore the biotechnology understanding and answers with their
applications and discuss them within a peers as they work.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Along with this teacher will distribute
worksheets as well. the teacher will ask
students to fill in the worksheet within a

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

group. each group will work on one

The teacher will take rounds and interact

with each group to cater for their problems,
misunderstandings and learning gaps.

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

This written work activity helps teachers
asses students' understanding and learning Students are given a variety of
also uncovers gaps in learning and indicates questions/ problems in a worksheet
which ideas need revisiting. that help them apply their learnings to
topical as well as thinking questions
and make it relatable to real life,

Extension: Students think about and analyse what

The teacher will show a genetically they see as they try to connect
engineered tobacco plant and ask students information about biotechnology and
its application

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

● what do they think about this photo
● how was this plant achieved
Further teacher will show the video to
elaborate how biotechnology is now
working to alter genetic makeup to come up
with desired traits and revolutionize medical
What's the Difference Between G…
Students watch the video and start
debating on gene therapy, and genetic
This video will raise a discussion and give engineering and raises questions
rise to certain questions such as regarding its moral and ethical values
and services as well.
1. is it possible to make super humans The teacher will act as a facilitator and
one day? answer the scientific aspect of the
2. Do pest-resistant plants not alter question keeping religious, moral ad
the food chain? ethical parts for discussion
3. In the future, biotechnology could
be used to select traits in unborn
babies. Should this be allowed?

Exit Ticket: Students will fill out the exit ticket by
The teacher will distribute the exit ticket at applying ideas and concepts they built
the end of the class. in the class and submit it to the teacher
The exit ticket is an opportunity for students
to use the science ideas they built in the
lesson in a new context

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

Plans for after this lesson/competency is complete (How will you extend, enrich?):
Students will reflect on Selective breeding and biotechnology and be able to research for the
genetically modified crops in Pakistan and biofortified crops used in Pakistan. also, extend the
learning to design a project of biodegradable plastic and submit it in the upcoming week

Key Resources Used: Websites, books, video clips, etc.

Type of Resource(s): Name of


grapes story board


Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022 natural
or-kids/ selection biotechnol
kids/ ogy

Cambridge textbook and worksheets text pages

worksheet gene
therapy vs

Adapted from Wiggins & McTighe, 2011 (The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High
Quality Units)

Dr Tasneem Anwar | AKU-IED | December 21, 2022

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