Moodle Reports - Check Your Understanding - Attempt Review 2

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16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Started on Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 2:50 PM

State Finished
Completed on Wednesday, 16 August 2023, 2:55 PM
Time taken 5 mins 11 secs
Marks 7.00/10.00
Grade 70.00 out of 100.00
Feedback You haven’t reached the required score for this quiz, but you may attempt it again!

Question 1 Here are four statements relating to the Report builder and custom reports. Which
Partially correct ones are true? Select all that apply.
Mark 0.50 out of
Course teachers cannot by default create custom reports. 
Course teachers cannot by default view custom reports.
Managers cannot by default create custom reports.
Managers cannot by default edit the Custom report settings. 1/6
16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Question 2 Sal has added a Glossary activity to their course and wants each participant to add at
Incorrect least one entry. Sal wants to message those who haven't yet added an entry but
Mark 0.00 out of unfortunately hasn't enabled completion tracking in the course so cannot check the
1.00 Activity completion report. How can Sal find and message those who have not yet
added their entry?

Unfortunately this is not possible since Sal added the Glossary before enabling
completion tracking.
Sal must first enable completion tracking in the course, then check the 
Activity completion report and message the relevant participants.
Sal should first enable completion tracking and then check the Participation
report, select and message those who haven't added to the Glossary.
Sal should check the Participation report, select and message those who haven't
added to the Glossary.

Question 3 Which of these are events for which event monitoring rules could be created and
Correct viewed from the Event monitoring report? Select all that apply.
Mark 1.00 out of
Insights viewed 
Site upgraded
Question updated 
Access control created  2/6
16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Question 4 Jakob has enabled course completion so that when learners complete all the required
Correct activities the course is automatically marked complete. However, one learner had
Mark 1.00 out of temporary problems accessing the course so they emailed Jakob their assignment.
1.00 Jakob knows that he can manually mark that particular activity as complete on behalf
of the learner but when he goes to Course navigation > Reports > Course completion,
he is unable to click into the checkbox to mark it manually complete on behalf of the
learner. Jakob asks you, the admin, for help.
What could be the problem?

Jakob has not yet enabled activity completion, which is required for course
Jakob needs to reset course completion for everyone.
Jakob needs to go to the Activity completion report instead. 
Jakob needs to enable Manual course completion by the teacher in order to do

Question 5 You've been asked by your senior management team to make more use of Insights.
Correct Which of these are standard Analytics models? Select all that apply.
Mark 1.00 out of
Students at risk of dropping out. 
Students who have not yet accessed the course. 
Students who have not accessed the course recently. 
Courses at risk of not starting.  3/6
16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Question 6 You receive a message from one of your managers saying they received a notification
Correct with a message about a scheduled custom report - but there was no report attached.
Mark 1.00 out of What might have happened?

There is no report data so the report was sent with a message and no report. 
The manager should try a different browser.
Cron has not run. Check the scheduled task.
You forgot to give this manager access to the report from the Access tab.

Question 7 You are admin of a large Moodle site to which people can sign up with email-based
Correct self-registration. You are interested to know how popular the site is and want to find
Mark 1.00 out of out how often new accounts are created. How could you monitor this? Select all that
1.00 apply.

Check the site logs at the end of each working day, selecting from All actions 
> Create and from All Events > Other.
Set up an event monitoring rule to alert you when new users are created. 
Create and schedule a custom report to alert you when new users are 
Schedule an Insight to alert you when new accounts are created. 4/6
16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Question 8 You are admin of a large school where over the last week, teenage students have
Correct recently been posting an inappropriate word on their profiles. What is the most
Mark 1.00 out of efficient way of identifying these students so they can be reprimanded?

Check the site logs for the last seven days.

Add the word to the Spam cleaner. 
From Security checks, look at the status of Spam detection.
Set up an Event monitorinig rule to alert you each time someone posts the word
on their profiles.

Question 9 You are checking backups from the Backups report. When you look at the Execution
Partially correct log you are dismayed to see that some courses have been 'skipped', ie, not backed up
Mark 0.50 out of this time. Why might this be? Select more than one likely answer.

Those courses have not been recently modified so new backups haven't been 
These courses were made with an earlier version of Moodle so have not been 
backed up.
Theses courses are too large to back up.
Those courses are hidden so have not been backed up.  5/6
16/8/23, 11:55 Moodle Reports: Check your understanding: Attempt review

Question 10 You get an urgent help request from a course teacher saying her course main page
Incorrect has suddenly turned pink and green! What might be the problem?
Mark 0.00 out of
The teacher needs to fix certain accessibility issues in the course. Check the
course accessibility review.
There is a serious database error on the site. Check the System status report.
Your colleague recently changed the site theme. Check the Config changes
The teacher added some HTML to her course page which corrupted it. Check 
the course logs. 6/6

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