Research Paper Outline

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CS 652 Research Paper Suggested Outline

• Abstract
• Introduction
o Give the reader brief information about the area of your research
o Talk about what is the difficulty or problem that you are trying to address
o What are you proposing
o Give the reader a roadmap through your paper.
• Related Work
o Find who worked on this area before you
o Describe the work that has been done previously in a timely manner
o At least 4 papers in this section. You can use here the papers that you previously
summarized if they are related.
• Proposed Solution
o This is where you describe your new ideas or technique
o You can have as many subsections as you want
• Validation
o If your paper suggests a new approach/technique/methodology etc., then
describe how you validate it.
o Since this is a semester project, you’re not expected to validate the idea.
However, you can describe how are you planning to validate the idea in the
• Discussion
o How is your idea different from others?
o What are the advantages/disadvantages of using and/or applying your idea?
o Can you present the negatives of other approaches that were positively
addressed by your approach?
• Conclusion and future work
o Here you should restate your introduction, but use different working
(paraphrase your introduction as much as possible)
o List your accomplishments of the research.
o What are the remaining thoughts on your idea? Is there anything that you
would like to add to the idea in the future?
• References
o List references that you used.
o I suggest during writing your paper that you use the format:

[1] V. Basili and D. Weiss, “A Methodology for collecting

valid software engineering data,” IEEE Transactions on

software engineering, vol. 10(3): 728-738, November 1984

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