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Darunday, Ezra M.

Rotation 6 – Emergency Ward

Reaction Paper
Being in an Emergency Ward takes a lot of skills as a nurse. Such as knowing how to
prioritize care for the patient, assessing, and implementing interventions needed. The nurse must
adapt to a fast-paced atmosphere, especially to traumatic situations.
In the Philippines, though equipped with highly skilled and trained nurses, one of the
crucial issues in an emergency ward is the scarcity of medical resources and the incoming patient
who is most experienced in public hospitals. As the video portrayed, the medical team needs to
be resourceful as possible due to the rising demands of the incoming cases. This may delay the
medical diagnosis of a doctor to the patient. One patient in the video has broken leg where the
medical team does not have a splint to support the leg of the patient, thus, they made use of
carton boxes and medical tape to support the injured part. The intervention and care that a patient
received is optimally modified for the recovery of the patient even with the scarcity of resources.
Notable qualities of the nurse that has been shown are being ‘equal,’ whether a patient is a
wrongdoer or a normal person, the quality of care does not lessen and still maintains the integrity
of professionalism as medical personnel.
As for the international emergency ward, even with the occurrence of trauma cases, the
diagnosis and care of the patient are highly optimized due to the usage of hospital resources. This
may also improve the recovery of the patient and may reduce the potential monetary charges in
the hospital. In summary, the international emergency ward has good support of hospital
resources thus improving the emergency ward management system. Unlike with the Philippines,
due to the shortage of resources, the patient and significant others ought to buy their own
resources thus, expenses also increase, and other peers may not avail medical intervention due to
lack of information, worry about expenses, and dilemma.
The Philippines needs to strengthen the department that is responsible for the health of
every citizen by enacting laws, providing privileges, stocking useful resources, and
disseminating the right information to the public. These are things to help the people, especially
for who are in need.

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