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Tutorial 2

Design of Machine Elements

Date: 2023 Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Attempt ALL Questions. (Open Book)
I. The rigid bar ABC as shown in Figure 1 is pinned at B and attached to the two vertical rods.
Initially, the bar is horizontal and the vertical rods are stress-free. Determine the stress in
the aluminum rod if the temperature of the steel rod is decreased by 40°C. Neglect the
weight of bar ABC. (25 marks)

Figure. 1 Figure. 2
II. A solid shaft is to transmit 1000 kW at 120 rpm. Find the shaft diameter if the design shear
stress is 80N/mm2. If the shaft is made hollow that internal diameter is 0.6 times the outside
diameter, find the percentage of saving in material. (25 marks)

III. A pulley transmits 7.5 kW at 400 rpm. The belt drive is vertical and assuming the leather
belt for which density may be taken as 1000 kg/m3. The angle of wrap may be taken as 180֯.
Find (i) width of the belt if the coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.25
and velocity of the belt is 25 m/s, assuming thickness t = 10 mm (ii) diameter of the shaft
if the distance of the pulley center line from the nearest bearing is 300 mm (iii) dimensions
of the key for securing the pulley on the shaft. The following stresses may be taken for
design purpose: Shaft and key: 80 MPa (Tension), 50 MPa (Shear); Belt: 2.5 MPa
(Tension). (25 marks)

IV. A 125×95×10 mm angle is welded to a frame by two 10 mm fillet welds, as shown in Figure
2. A load of 16 kN is applied normal to the gravity axis at a distance of 300 mm from the
centre of gravity of welds. Find maximum shear stress in the welds, assuming each weld to
be 100 mm long and parallel to the axis of the angle. (25 marks)
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