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Lesson (2) Graduation of properties of elements.

1-by increasing the atomic number within a period, the atomic size……………………
because the …………… between positive nucleus and outermost electrons increases.
2- by increasing the atomic number in groups, the atomic size…………………… due to
the increase of the number of ……………
3-the atomic size of (Li3) atom is …………………… than that of (N7) atom and
……………… than that of (Na11) atom.
4-……………………………. Is the ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the
………………….. of the bond towards itself.
5-in periods, by increasing the atomic number ,the electro negativity of elements
……………….., while the atomic size……………….
6. each group starts with strong …………….………and ends by…….……………
7- the electro negativity of elements ……………………..within the group (from up to
down) by ……………………the atomic number.
8- by increasing the atomic number within group1, the metallic
property…………….……. ,while by increasing the atomic number within group17, the
nonmetallic property ………………….…….
9-………………………… and ……………………….. are polar compounds.
10- by increasing the atomic number within a period, the metallic property…………….
,while the nonmetallic property …………….
11-the polarity of water is …………………...than that of ammonia as the difference in
………………….……between elements of water is …….……………than that between
elements of ammonia.
12-the outermost energy level of metals contain …….……….…..4 electrons, while the
outermost energy level of non-metals contain ……….……..…..4 electrons.
13-during chemical reaction, metal atom tends to ………………..…….. electrons and
changes into………………..
14- during chemical reaction, non-metal atom tends to ……….. electrons and
changes into………………..
15-………….have the properties of both metals and non-metals.
16-…………….. and …………… are examples of metalloids.

1-the atomic radius in …………. Is used as a measure for the atomic size of the atom
a-metre b-millimeter c-nanometer d-picometre
2- by increasing the atomic number within group (1A) the …………..
a-electro negativity increases b-metallic property increases
c- atomic size decreases d-non metallic property increases
3- by increasing the atomic number in groups, the atomic size increases due to the
increase of the………
a-no of energy levels b-atomic mass
c-no of outermost electrons d-attraction force
4- the electro negativity of fluorine equals …………………….
a-2.1 b-4 c-5 d-6
5-all the following elements are metalloids except ………..
a- trillium b-silicon c-boron d-bromine
6-…………. Is the least metallic element in group1
a-Na b-Cs c-K d-Li
7- each period in periodic table starts with…………
a-metal b-metalloid c-nonmetal d-noble gas
8-the nonmetallic property decreases gradually within group 17 as we go from……
a-left to right b-right to left c-top to bottom d-bottom to top
9-in the same period, the element which has the highest electro negativity lies in
a-1A b-2A c-7A d-0
10-in periods, by increasing the atomic number , the …………………
a. Electro negativity increases and atomic size decreases.
b. Electro negativity decreases and atomic size decreases
c. Electro negativity decreases and atomic size increases
d. Electro negativity increases and atomic size increases
3-put(√)or(×)and correct the wrong:
1-the atomic size increases in the same group by increasing the atomic number.( )
2-in the group, the atomic size increases as we go from top to bottom. ( )
3- the atomic size of (Cl17) is greater than that of (Mg12). ( )
4- fluorine has the least electro negativity which equals (4). ( )
5-Water and ammonia are from polar compounds. ( )
4 – Give reason
1-the atomic size decreases in periods by increasing the atomic number.
2-the atomic size increases by increasing the atomic number within groups.
3- cesium is the most metallic element in group 1A
4-water molecule is from the polar molecules.
5-water is more polar than ammonia.
6- metallic property increases in the metallic groups from the top to the bottom.
5-write scientific term:
1-the measuring unit of the atomic radius which is used as a measure for the
atomic size. (…………………………….)
2-the ability of the atom in covalent molecule to attract the electrons of the bond
towards itself. (……………………………)
3-the element which lies at the top right side of the periodic table before the noble
gases. (………………………….)
4-an atom of metallic element which loses one electron or more during chemical
reaction. (………………………….)
5-the inert gas which has the same electronic structure of sodium ion. (……………….
6-elements have the properties of metal and nonmetal. (………………………….)
7-the most metallic element. (………………………….)
8-the strongest nonmetallic element. (………………………….)
6-What is meant by:

2-polar compound





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