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Question 1: In a business meeting, you should typically arrive: A) Exactly on time B) 10-15

minutes early C) 5-10 minutes late

Question 2: When exchanging business cards, it's polite to: A) Keep the card in your pocket B)

Quickly glance at it and put it away C) Show genuine interest and study the card briefly

Question 3: During a business lunch or dinner, which hand should you use for eating? A) Left B)

Right C) Both

Question 4: What is the appropriate way to dress for a business casual event? A) Jeans and a t-

shirt B) Slacks or a skirt and a collared shirt or blouse C) A formal suit and tie

Question 5: In a business email, it's essential to: A) Use informal language and abbreviations B)

Avoid punctuation and capitalization C) Use proper grammar and be concise

Question 6: When addressing someone in a business email, you should: A) Use their first name

B) Use their last name with a title (e.g., Mr. or Ms.) C) Use a nickname or abbreviation

Question 7: What's the standard protocol for turning off your mobile phone in a business

meeting? A) Silent mode B) Airplane mode C) Turn it off completely

Question 8: How should you handle interruptions during a business conversation? A) Interrupt

back to assert your point B) Politely acknowledge and address the interruption C) Ignore the

interruption and continue talking

Question 9: When you receive a business gift, it's courteous to: A) Open it immediately B) Wait

until later to open it C) Politely decline the gift

Question 10: If you're running late for a business appointment, you should: A) Send a text

message and arrive when you can B) Call ahead to inform them and apologize C) Arrive without

mentioning your lateness

Question 11: At a networking event, how should you approach someone you'd like to meet? A)

Interrupt their conversation and introduce yourself B) Wait for them to finish their conversation,

then introduce yourself C) Send a friend to introduce you

Question 12: What's the best way to handle a disagreement during a business meeting? A)

Raise your voice to assert your point B) Listen actively, ask questions, and seek common

ground C) Leave the meeting immediately

Question 13: When should you follow up with a thank-you note after a job interview? A) Within

24 hours B) Within a week C) Never

Question 14: During a business presentation, what's the ideal length of time to maintain eye

contact with the audience? A) 30 seconds B) 5-10 seconds per person C) Avoid eye contact


Question 15: How should you respond to a business colleague's personal information or story?

A) Show no interest B) Act empathetic and ask follow-up questions C) Change the subject to a

business-related topic

Question 16: In a multicultural business setting, it's essential to: A) Assume everyone shares

the same cultural norms B) Respect and adapt to diverse cultural practices and customs C)

Promote your own culture's values

Question 17: When attending a conference, what's a common networking mistake to avoid? A)

Staying in your hotel room B) Talking only about your own accomplishments C) Avoiding social

media engagement

Question 18: What should you do when you receive a criticism or negative feedback in a

business context? A) Get defensive and argue your point B) Listen actively, acknowledge the

feedback, and consider how to improve C) Ignore the feedback

Question 19: In a business negotiation, what's the key to a successful outcome? A) Dominating

the conversation B) Collaboration and finding mutually beneficial solutions C) Walking away

from the negotiation

Question 20: When attending a business social event, such as a cocktail party, it's essential to:

A) Focus solely on business talk B) Avoid engaging in small talk C) Balance business and social

interactions effectively


B) 10-15 minutes early

C) Show genuine interest and study the card briefly
B) Right
B) Slacks or a skirt and a collared shirt or blouse
C) Use proper grammar and be concise
B) Use their last name with a title (e.g., Mr. or Ms.)
A) Silent mode
B) Politely acknowledge and address the interruption
B) Wait until later to open it
B) Call ahead to inform them and apologize
B) Wait for them to finish their conversation, then introduce yourself
B) Listen actively, ask questions, and seek common ground
A) Within 24 hours
B) 5-10 seconds per person
B) Act empathetic and ask follow-up questions
B) Respect and adapt to diverse cultural practices and customs
A) Staying in your hotel room
B) Listen actively, acknowledge the feedback, and consider how to improve
B) Collaboration and finding mutually beneficial solutions
C) Balance business and social interactions effectively

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