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Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.

28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

Evaluation of Different Phenotypic

Methods for Identification of Candida
Original Article
Species Isolated from Clinical Samples

Mai M. El-Ashmony1, Hala M. Hafez2, Dalia H.

Abdelhamid2, Ola A. Abd El-Rahman1, Fatma Rasslan1*
1Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls), Al-Azhar University,
Cairo, Egypt.
2Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

Corresponding author:
Fatma Rasslan, Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy (Girls), Al-Azhar

Background and Aim: The incidence of simultaneously by using CHROMagar Candida.
candidiasis has increased greatly in recent years.
Candida albicans (C. albicans) is the most Conclusion: Therefore, CHROMagar Candida can
common pathogenic species responsible for be used as a primary isolation medium for prompt
various types of candidiasis. Recently, several identification and speciation of Candida spp. in a
studies have reported a drastic increase in the short time.
incidence of non albicans Candida (NAC) spp.
Rapid and correct identification of Candida Keywords: Candida spp. - Germ tube - Cornmeal
isolates at the species level is very beneficial for Agar - CHROMAgar Candida - Vitek-2 system.
initiation of early and adequate antifungal
treatment. The aim of our study is to compare INTRODUCTION
between different identification methods of Candida species are human commensals which
Candida spp. to choose the most accurate, fast and colonize skin, mucus membrane and
cost-effective method. gastrointestinal tract without causing any notable
harm or damage in healthy individuals. However,
Materials & Methods: Candida spp. isolated in certain circumstances, they can cause a wide
from 134 different clinical specimens were range of disease (Ami, 2018 and Sardi et al.,
identified by conventional methods as germ tube 2013). In recent years, the incidence of fungal
test and cornmeal agar, by CHROMagar Candida infections caused by Candida spp. (candidiasis) has
and Vitek-2 system. increased dramatically, due to the rise in number of
immunocompromised individuals, such as AIDS
Results: CHROMagar Candida accurately patients, patients undergoing organ transplantation,
identified the three widespread Candida spp., C. cytotoxic chemotherapy or immunosuppression
tropicalis, C. albicans and C. krusei, with therapies and excessive usage of broad-spectrum
sensitivity and specificity as 100%. It was found antibiotics (Dadar et al., 2018; Mnge et al., 2017;
that poly yeast specimen can be detected Arendrup, 2010 and Pfaller and Diekema, 2010).
Candidiasis has a wide clinical spectrum ranging

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

from superficial mucocutaneous infections to life Therefore, the aim of our study was to compare
threatening invasive disease associated with between different identification methods of
candidemia (Pappas et al., 2018). Currently, Candida spp. in term of sensitivity, specificity and
candidiasis represents the fourth leading cause of the time required for proper identification in order
nosocomial infections, and mortality due to to choose the most accurate, fast and cost-effective
systemic candidiasis remains high, ranging from method.
15 to 35% depending on the infecting Candida
spp. (Mnge et al., 2017; Szweda et al., 2015 and MATERIALS AND METHODS
Pfaller, and Diekema, 2007). Candida albicans
(C. albicans) is the most common pathogenic Specimen Collection
species responsible for various types of A total of 134 different clinical specimens were
candidiasis. However, in recent years, there is a obtained from different wards including the
drastic increase in incidence of non albicans intensive care unit in Ain Shams University
Candida (NAC) spp. (Al-Dorzi et al., 2018; Ami, Hospitals from August 2018 to January 2019 for a
2018; Arendrup, 2010 and Pfaller, and Diekema, period of six months. Specimens included urine
2007). (112), sputum (10), pus (5), wound swab (3),
central line (3) and one vaginal swab. Specimens
Many of the NAC spp. such as C. krusei and C. were submitted to the Microbiology laboratory of
glabrata exhibit resistance to traditional triazole Ain Shams University Hospitals.
antifungals such as, fluconazole and may also
demonstrate cross-resistance to newer triazoles Methods of Identification
(Magill et al., 2006). Accordingly, the Specimens were inoculated on Sabouraud dextrose
identification of Candida isolates at the species agar (SDA) (Oxoid, England) and incubated
level is necessary in order to select the appropriate aerobically at 37°C for 24-48 hours. Colonies from
antifungal agent for the treatment of serious SDA were subjected to Gram staining and then
infections caused by Candida spp. (Souza et al., identified on the species level depending on
2015; Kumari et al., 2014 and Eraso et al., 2006). standard mycological protocol including germ tube
test and chlamydospores production on cornmeal
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) medium is the
agar (Raju and Rajappa, 2011). The colonies were
most widely used for primary isolation of Candida
also subjected to biochemical identification using
spp. from clinical specimens. However, it is not a
Vitek-2 system for spp. confirmation which
differential medium; as it can't differentiate
considered as gold standard method (Mishra et al.,
between Candida spp. (Mahmoudabadi, 2000).
Several tests with different techniques from
conventional to molecular methods are available
CHROMagar Candida
for identification of Candida spp. (Bharathi,
CHROMagar Candida medium (HiMedia, India)
2018). Conventional method as germ tube test,
was prepared and sterilized according to the
culture on cornmeal agar and sugar assimilation
manufacturer's instructions. Specimens were
test are time consuming and labor intensive (Jain
inoculated on CHROMagar Candida plates and
et al., 2012). Newer methods such as
incubated aerobically at 37°C for 48 hours. The
CHROMagar, API systems, Vitek-2 ID system
morphology and color of colonies produced were
and molecular methods have been developed for
recorded as described by the manufacturer and
identification of yeast spp. Chromogenic medium
compared with the results of standard mycological
contains substrates that react with enzymes
protocol. The colored colonies from CHROMagar
secreted by the target microorganisms to yield
Candida were biochemically identified using
different colored colonies (Mehta and
automated Vitek-2 system.
Wyawahare, 2016 and Jain et al., 2012). In view
of not all laboratories have automated or semi-
Germ Tube Test Method
automated systems, and molecular biology-
Very small inoculum from an isolated colony of
dedicated departments, it is worth to use a manual
Candida spp. was picked up with a sterile
method that is fast, reliable and has high
inoculating loop and was suspended in a test tube
sensitivity and specificity (Souza et al., 2015).

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

containing normal human serum (0.3-0.5 ml) by 40.36 ± 21.34 years, respectively. The most
rubbing the inoculated loop against the wall of the common isolated species was C. albicans
test tube. This helps in diluting the pasty colonies (43.79%) followed by C. tropicalis (41.17%), C.
by giving turbid appearance in the serum. The krusei (7.8%), C. glabrata (5.22%) and C.
mixture was incubated at 42°C for 2-3 hours. A parasilosis (1.96%). The percent of non albicans
drop of mixture was placed in a clean glass slide Candida (NAC) (56.2%) was higher than that of C.
and covered with a clean cover slip and examined albicans (43.79%) (Table 1).
under high-power objective of the microscope
(Gupta et al., 2019 and Saigal et al., 2011). Isolation of Candida spp. from different clinical
specimens showed the majority in urine samples
Culture on Cornmeal Agar (81.7%) followed by sputum (8.5%), pus (4.6%),
Isolates were inoculated in a cross hatch pattern wound swab (2%), central lines (2.6%) and vaginal
on cornmeal agar and overlaid with a sterile swab (0.6%). Table (2) shows the distribution
cover slip and then was incubated for 48 hours frequency of Candida spp. among different clinical
at 37°C. The presence of chlamydospore specimens.
was examined microscopically (Raju and
Rajappa, 2011). Non-albicans C. tropicalis was the most
predominant spp. among ICU patients (47%),
Vitek-2 System while C. albicans was the predominant (54. 54%)
The yeast inoculum was prepared by adjusting among other hospital units. The prevalence of
turbidity to 2 McFarland standard with a Vitek-2 Candida spp. among ICU and other different units
DensiChek instrument according to the in the hospital is shown in table 3.
manufacturer's recommendations. This
standardized suspension was aspirated into the Both SDA and CHROMagar Candida were used
identification cards (YST-21343), and then the for the primary isolation of Candida spp. from
cards were sealed and incubated by the Vitek-2 various specimens. There were no discrepancies
instrument for 18 hours. between SDA and CHROMagar Candida in
promoting the growth of Candida isolates. Both
Statistical Analysis media supported growth of all 153 Candida
Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of isolates.
conventional methods (germ tube and cornmeal
agar) and CHROMagar Candida were calculated All specimens develop cream, smooth, pasty
and compared to the Vitek-2 system (gold convex colonies on SDA with no difference
standard). between Candida spp. On the other hand, germ
Sensitivity = [(true positive X 100)/ (true positive tube test and cornmeal agar differentiated Candida
+ false negative)] Specificity = [(true negative X spp. into C. albicans and NAC, where C.
100)/ (true negative + false positive) albicans form germ tube in human serum and
Positive predicted value (PPV) = [(true positive X form chlamydospore on cornmeal agar after 48
100)/ (true positive + false positive)] hours’ incubation (Figure 1).
Negative predicted value (NPV) = [(true negative
X 100)/ (true negative + false negative) Moreover, it was found that CHROMagar Candida
(Trevethan, 2017). can differentiate Candida spp. according to the
color of the colony where C. albicans gave light
RESULTS: green colonies, C. tropicalis gave metallic blue
A total of 153 Candida spp. were isolated during colonies, C. krusei gave purple fuzzy colonies, C.
the study period from 134 different clinical glabrata gave creamy to white smooth colonies
specimens. More than one Candida spp. were and C. parasilosis gave creamy colored colonies
isolated from the same specimen. Among these, with tinge mauve (Figure 2)
40.5% of the isolates were from males and 59.5% ( The definitive color of the
were from females. The mean age of male and colonies was obtained for all species only after
female patients was 32.93 ± 20.14 years and incubation for 48 hours as the color of the colonies

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

of all Candida spp. were deepened by increasing glabrata (10.9%) which in agreement with Amer
time. et al (Amer et al., 2015), Camacho-Cardoso et al
(Camacho-Cardoso et al., 2017) and Sharma et al
The frequencies of identification of various (Sharma et al., 2017). On the other hand, the
Candida spp. by the different methods is incidence of candidiasis in patients admitted to
described in table 4. ICU caused by NAC spp. (62.3%) was higher than
C. albicans (37.7%). C. tropicalis represented the
We calculated the performance of the germ tube most common spp. (47%) followed by C. krusei
test for C. albicans, and the results were 94.9% (11.22%), C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata
sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% positive (2.04%). These results are compatible with many
predictive value (PPV) and 96.15% negative studies carried out recently and reported shift
predictive value (NPV) (Table 5). Also, the predominance of C. albicans to NAC spp. (Amr et
performance of cornmeal agar and CHROMagar al., 2019; Wani et al., 2019 and Kaur et al.,
for identification of Candida spp. is shown in 2016).
table 5 and 6 respectively.
Our study reported several mixed yeast infections
DISCUSSION: especially in ICU patients which may be attributed
Candidiasis is the most prevalent fungal infection to long stay in ICU, extensive use of intravascular
affecting populations in the world (de Oliveira catheters, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and
Santos et al., 2018) and it represents the fourth miss identification of mixed specimen and hence
leading cause of nosocomial infections (Szweda inappropriate therapy.
et al., 2015). C. albicans was considered as the
most common cause of candidiasis, and recently Several methods for detecting and differentiating
it was observed that there is a significant increase Candida spp. from specimens have been suggested
in the prevalence of non albicans Candida spp. (Sadrossadati et al., 2018). Conventional and
(NAC) (Kaur et al., 2016 and Deorukhkar et al., biochemical methods are time consuming and
2014). Such emergence of NAC has higlighted require skilled laboratory personnel (Wani et al.,
the importance of identification of Candida spp. 2019 and Sadrossadati et al., 2018), while
as they differ in anti-fungal susceptibility and chromogenic agar is a rapid, cost effective and
the expression of putative virulence factors (Lee technically simple method compared to
et al., 2018; Sathiya et al., 2015 and Souza et al., conventional methods (Dadhich et al., 2016;
2015). Mehta and Wyawahare, 2016 and Nazir and
Kanth, 2016).
Rapid and accurate identification of Candida
isolates down to the species level is a key for the In the present study, the CHROMagar Candida
selection of proper therapeutic and prophylactic medium was used as primary isolation and
anti-fungal agents and for patient management identification medium parallel to conventional
(Decat et al., 2013). In the present study, five method. By using CHROMagar Candida medium,
different Candida spp. were identified, and the several species of Candida as C. albicans, C.
majority of species were isolated from urine tropicalis and C. krusei, C. parasilosis and C.
(81.7%) and sputum (8.5%), suggesting the glabrata can be identified easily and directly from
greater occurrence and distribution of Candida clinical specimens due to difference in the color of
spp. causing urinary tract and respiratory tract the colonies. C. albicans produce β-
infections. This result is in accordance with hexosaminidase which breaks down substrate in
Khadka et al (Khadka et al., 2017). C. albicans the medium producing green color, while C. krusei
was the most frequently isolated spp. (54.5%) produces phosphatase or β-glucosidase enzyme
among hospitalized patient which is in which break down another chromogenic substrate
compliance with Kadry et al (Kadry et al., 2018) giving pink color. C. tropicalis produces both
and El-Mashad et al (El-Mashad et al., 2018). enzymes giving metallic blue colonies. In other
Among NAC spp., C. tropicalis represented the Candida spp. neither of these enzymes are
most predominant spp. (31%) followed by C. produced and grow as white colonies (Perry,
2017). CHROMagar Candida differentiated three

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

prevalent species of Candida accurately, C. displayed higher PPV than cornmeal agar (100%
albicans, C. tropicalis and C. krusei, with and 66.66% respectively) and similar NPV of
sensitivity and specificity as 100% when 97.97% and 97.7%. Nazir and Kanth (Nazir and
compared to Vitek-2 system as the gold standard Kanth, 2016) reported 66. 66% sensitivity and
method. The values obtained in this study are 100% specificity which is similar to our study. On
similar to studies conducted by Bharathi the other hand, Bharathi (Bharathi, 2018) reported
(Bharathi, 2018) and Nazir and Kanth (Nazir and different results of 100% sensitivity and 84.21%
Kanth, 2016) who reported 100% sensitivity and specificity of chromogenic media (Hichrome)
96% specificity for C. albicans. Regarding C. against cornmeal agar. Charles et al (Charles et
tropicalis, Bharathi (Bharathi, 2018) reported al., 2015) reported 100% sensitivity, 100%
100% sensitivity and 96.77% specificity, while specificity, 100% PPV and 100% NPV for
Nazir and Kanth (Nazir and Kanth, 2016) Hichrom medium in identifying C. glabrata.
reported lower sensitivity of 92.3% and 100%
specificity. Concerning C. krusei, Bharathi For C. parasilosis, both CHROMagar Candida and
(Bharathi, 2018), reported 100% sensitivity and cornmeal agar exhibited similar sensitivity,
100% specificity while Nazir and Kanth (Nazir specificity, PPV and NPV which may be due to a
and Kanth, 2016) reported lower sensitivity of small number of C. parasilosis isolates.
92.3% and 100% specificity. CHROMagar
Candida showed higher positive predictive value Germ tube test identified only C. albicans and not
(PPV) (100%) in identifying C. albicans, C. able to identify NAC on the species level. The
tropicalis and C. krusei, indicating that the results for C. albicans showed a high performance
probability of achieving success is 100% when of 94.9% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% PPV
the test result is positive. It was observed that and 96.15% NPV that is too much the same as
negative predictive value (NPV) of CHROMagar Souza et al (Souza et al., 2015).
Candida for these species identification is also
100%, i.e., the probability of the negative result in So, CHROMagar Candida can identify five
the absence of disease is 100%. A study commonly found Candida spp. efficiently. A
conducted by Souza et al (Souza et al., 2015) study by Sariguzel et al (Sariguzel et al., 2015)
reported lower sensitivity, specificity, PPV and was carried out to compare conventional methods,
NPV of CHROMagar Candida in identifying C. CHROMagar Candida, VITEK2 YST card and
albicans (78.6%, 88.5%, 75.9% and 90.0%, VITEKRMS system for the identification of
respectively) and C. tropicalis (46.2%, 95.2%, Candida strains. They found that CHROMagar
80% and 81.1%, respectively). Candida correctly identified 96.2% while VITEK2
YST automated card system correctly identified
Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 90.7% of all strains. VITEKRMS system correctly
cornmeal agar for identification of C. albicans identified 100% of the strains. Also, Patel et al
and C. tropicalis were almost the same as that (Patel et al., 2016) found that CHROMagar was
obtained from CHROMagar Candida. However, able to identify 93.75% isolates of Candida to
the total number and frequency of C. albicans and species level while VITEK 2 system was able to
C. tropicalis isolates obtained from each method identify 75% isolates.
differ greatly as CHROMagar Candida can
identify several species at the same time Sadrossadati et al found that the results of
according to colony color. For C. krusei, Candida spp. identification by molecular method
cornmeal agar also showed a very good were consistent with those of the phenotypic
performance of 100% sensitivity, 99.2% methods in 97.5% of the cases and CHROMagar
specificity, 90% PPV and 100% NPV. Candida showed a better function in species
identification than other phenotypic methods used
Concerning C. glabrata, CHROMagar Candida in this study (Sadrossadati et al., 2018). Also,
was more sensitive than cornmeal agar (72.72% Fatima et al concluded that the results of
and 57.1% respectively), however, the conventional phenotypic identification methods
specificities were similar (100% and 98.4%, including Hichrom agar were 100% accurate when
respectively). CHROMagar Candida also compared to molecular method and the time taken

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

by both methods was the same. In addition, Amr, G.E., Atef, D.M., and Salah, A.M. (2019):
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Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

Tables and Figures

Table 1: Distribution of Candida albicans and non albicans Candida isolates

Candida spp. NO %
C. albicans 67 43.79%
C. tropicalis 63 41.17%
C. krusei 12 7.8%
C. glabrata 8 5.22%
C. parasilosis 3 1.96%
Total 153 100%

Table 2: Candida spp. distribution frequency obtained from different clinical specimens

Specimen (No.) C. albicans C. tropicalis C. krusei C. glabrata C. Total (%)

Urine (112) 53 53 8 8 3 125 (81.7)
Sputum (10) 6 5 2 - - 13 (8.5)
Pus (5) 3 3 1 - - 7 (4.6)
Wound swab (3) 1 1 1 - - 3 (2)
Central line (3) 3 1 - - - 4 (2.6)
Vaginal swab (1) 1 - - - - 1 (0.6)
Total (134) 67 63 12 8 3 153 (100)

Table 3: The prevalence of Candida spp. among ICU and other units in hospital
Candida spp. ICU (80 specimens) Other units (54 specimens)
C. albicans 37 (37.7%) 30 (54.5%)
C. tropicalis 46 (47%) 17 (31%)
C. krusei 11 (11. 22%) 1 (1.8%)
C. parasilosis 2 (2.04%) 1 (1.8%)
C. glabrata 2 (2.04%) 6 (10.9%)
Total isolates (153) 98 (64%) 55 (36%)

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

Table 4: Identification of Candida spp. by various methods

Vitek-2 Vitek-2
Species Germ tube Without CHROMagar After
agar CHROMagar CHROMagar
C. albicans 56 59 59 67 67
C. tropicalis - 57 58 63 63
C. krusei - 10 9 12 12
C. glabrata - 6 7 5 8
C. parasilosis - 2 1 6 3
Total 56 134 134 153 153

Egypt. J. Med. Lab. Sci. August 2019, Vol.28 (2) ISSN 1110-5593

Table 5: Diagnostic efficiency of conventional methods (sensitivity, specificity and predictive value) and
agreement between the methods with regard to Vitek-2
Conventional Vitek-2 Vitek-2 Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Species Total
method (+) (-) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Gem tube (+) 56 - 56
94.9 100 100 96.15
Gem tube (-) 3 75 78
C. Total 59 75 134
albicans Cornmeal agar (+) 59 - 59
100 100 100 100
Cornmeal agar (-) - 75 75
Total 59 75 134
Cornmeal agar (+) 57 - 57
C. 98.3 100 100 98.7
Cornmeal agar (-) 1 76 76
Total 58 76 134
Cornmeal agar (+) 9 1 10
100 99.2 90 100
C. kruzi Cornmeal agar (-) - 124 124
Total 9 125 134
Cornmeal agar (+) 4 2 6
C. 57.1 98.4 66.67 97.7
Cornmeal agar (-) 3 125 128
Total 7 127 134
Cornmeal agar (+) 1 1 2
C. 100 99.2 50 100
Cornmeal agar (-) - 132 132
Total 1 133 134

Table 6: Diagnostic efficiency of CHROMagar Candida (sensitivity, specificity and predictive value)
against Vitek-2
Vitek-2 Vitek-2 Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Species CHROMagar Total
(+) (-) (%) (%) (%) (%)
CHROMagar (+) 67 - 67
C. 100 100 100 100
CHROMagar (-) - 86 86
Total 67 86 153
CHROMagar (+) 63 - 63
C. 100 100 100 100
CHROMagar (-) - 90 90
Total 63 90 153
CHROMagar (+) 12 - 12
100 100 100 100
C. kruzi CHROMagar (-) - 141 141
Total 12 141 153
CHROMagar (+) 5 - 5
C. 62.5 100 100 97.97
CHROMagar (-) 3 145 148
Total 8 145 153
CHROMagar (+) 3 3 6
C. 100 98 50 100
CHROMagar (-) - 147 147
Total 3 150 153


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