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Digitalization of supply chains in Industry 4.0

environment of manufacturing organizations:
conceptualization, scale development & validation

Ruchi Mishra, Rajesh Kr Singh & Angappa Gunasekaran

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Digitalization of supply chains in Industry 4.0 environment of manufacturing organizations:
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Digitalization of supply chains in Industry 4.0 environment of manufacturing

organizations: conceptualization, scale development & validation
Ruchi Mishraa, Rajesh Kr Singhb and Angappa Gunasekaranc
Production Operations Management & QT, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Anand, Gujarat, India; bOperations Management
Area, Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, India; cOperations Management Area, School of Business Administration, Penn
State Harrisburg, Middletown, PA, USA


Digitalization of the supply chain represents using several advanced digital technologies to support Received 17 October 2021
and synchronize organizational interactions by making services more valuable, accessible, and afford- Accepted 16 January 2023
able for customer satisfaction. Given the growing significance of supply chain digitalization, develop-
ing a valid and reliable instrument to assess the level of digitalization of supply chain practices is
Industry 4.0; digital
imperative. However, no systematic and scientific study has been carried out to develop such an technologies; scale
instrument. This study aims to conceptualize, develop, and validate a multifaceted scale for assessing development; survey;
the digitalization practices in the supply chain. Data for the study are collected from 246 organizations, information technology;
and measurement scales are evaluated and validated using structural equation modelling. Using com- structural equation
peting model strategy, five alternate competing models are developed and tested to identify the best modelling
fitting parsimonious model. Following the well-established procedure of instrument development, the
study confirms the existence of four dimensions of digitalization practices, namely sourcing digitaliza-
tion, operations digitalization, distribution network digitalization and digitalized strategic planning
with adequate levels of reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and nomological validity.
The study theoretically conceptualizes and operationalizes digitalization associated with Industry 4.0 as
a multi-dimensional construct tapping its four key dimensions. The findings contribute to the existing
literature by offering an understanding of the multi-dimensional scale of digitalization practices, which
will be highly valuable for future research on the digitalization of the supply chain in the industry 4.0

1. Introduction constant, agile and effective outcome’. The primary strength

of the novel digital technologies lies in their massive impact
With the emergence of Industry 4.0 paradigm (Aamer and
on diverse aspects of supply chain activities that are majorly
Sahara 2021; Horvath and Szabo  2019), the supply chain of
influenced by the quantity and quality of data (Bag et al.
every firm is strongly relying on smart technologies to bring
2021; Pfohl, Yahsi, and Kurnaz 2017). Digitalization in the
transparency, integration and control to different supply
supply chain can provide unprecedented benefits to the sup-
chain processes (Wamba and Queiroz 2020). Digitalization in
business organizations implies the application of digital tech- ply chains, such as automation, better visibility, coordination
nologies to transform an organization’s business model and collaboration among supply chain networks (Cezarino
(Zangiacomi et al. 2017), and it offers opportunities to et al. 2019; AI & Society 2018; Wee et al. 2016).
enhance its value creation, altering the way business is car- Given the strategic benefits of Industry 4.0-driven digital
ried out (Truant, Broccardo, and Dana 2021). The supply technologies in transforming operations and supply
chain in industry 4.0 is characterized by digitalization sup- chain (Anthony Jnr and Abbas Petersen 2020; Coronado-
ported by several advanced digital technologies like Internet Mondragon 2020; Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha 2019;
of things (IoT), cyber-physical systems (CPs), blockchain, big Lorentz et al. 2021), a comprehensive conceptualization of
data, and cloud computing (Aamer and Sahara 2021; Yang, digitalization practices is utmost importance. However, des-
Fu, and Zhang 2021). Bu €yu €zkan and Go
€ ko €çer (2018) defined pite the considerable number of published papers, the con-
digitalized supply chain as ‘an intelligent best-fit techno- cept of digitalization in the supply chain remains ill-defined
logical system that is based on the capability of massive (Calabrese et al. 2020). Literature is still short of unlocking
data disposal and excellent cooperation and communication the potential of the digitalized supply chain in Industry 4.0
for digital hardware, software and networks to support and paradigm (Chauhan and Singh 2019; Zouari, Ruel, and Viale
synchronize interactions between organizations by making 2020), and piecemeal studies are available to address the
services more valuable, accessible and affordable with the comprehensive concept of digitalization practices in the

CONTACT Ruchi Mishra Production Operations Management & QT, Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA), Anand, Gujarat
388001, India
ß 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

supply chain (Agrawal, Narain, and Ullah 2019; Marcon et al. 1989). Third, the instrument can be employed as a diagnostic
2019). The lack of a specific measurement scale for digitaliza- tool for assessing Industry 4.0-enabled digitalization in
tion practices in the supply chain leaves an important know- organizations. Developing a reliable and valid scale can
ledge gap and opens the opportunity for a meaningful and benefit firms in assessing digitalization practices. Firms can
much-needed investigation to assess the level of digitaliza- apply the scale for continuous improvement and benchmark-
tion practices in a more generalizable setting. Further, most ing activities to deploy digitalization practices.
studies only focus on the western perspective and lack a The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows:
conceptualized and systematic investigation to advance our Literature review of supply chain digitalization is presented
understanding of digitalization practices in a more global in Section 2. Section 3 delineates the methodology applied
setting (Chiarini, Belvedere, and Grando 2020; Papadopoulos in this study to conceptualize and develop a scale for digital-
et al. 2021). ization practices, and Section 4 describes the sample and
Along this line, this study addresses the call from the sup- data collection method used in this study. Data analysis and
ply chain community for investigation of the digitalization results of the study are presented in Section 5 followed by
practices in the Industry 4.0 environment to serve as a the- discussion & implications in Section 6. Section 7 presents
ory in operations management in general and in the context conclusion and limitations of this research and suggests a
of a supply chain in particular (Bu €yu €zkan and Go
€ ko €çer 2018; direction for future research.
Chauhan and Singh 2019). In general, developing psycho-
metric measurement scales for emerging concepts is essen-
2. Theoretical foundation
tial to foster robust research and expand the body of
knowledge in the supply chain field in Industry 4.0 (Zhu, Digitalization of the supply chain has become the prerequis-
Sarkis, and Lai 2008). The digitalization of supply chain prac- ite for firms to compete in the Industry 4.0 environment.
tices for Industry 4.0 is unarguably in its infancy (Bienhaus This section presents a review of the digitalization of supply
and Haddud 2018; Garay-Rondero et al. 2019; Lorentz et al. chain in the Industry 4.0 environment and then discusses
2021), both theoretically and practically. Given the academic digitalization practices in the supply chain. We then highlight
(theoretical) and practical significance of the instrument for the need to develop a validated digitalization scale in the
assessing the level of digitalization, this study addresses literature.
these three research questions:
RQ1. What are the dimensions of digitalization in supply chain for 2.1. Digitalization of supply chain in Industry 4.0
the industry 4.0 environment?
RQ2. How do we measure different dimensions of digitalization
of supply chain for the industry 4.0 environment? Industry 4.0 is an emerging topic in the supply chain litera-
ture that refers to the digitalization process through several
RQ3. How to develop a valid and reliable scale for digitalization
technologies and systems (Seyedghorban et al. 2019).
of the supply chain in an Industry 4.0 environment?
Digitalization implies using information and communication
Thus, this study aims to specify the dimensionality of the technologies such as big data analytics (BDA), IoT, cloud
digitalization construct in the supply chain and validate computing, blockchains and the development of information
them from practitioners’ perspectives. The study contributes standards for interoperability (Cearley and Panetta 2016).
to the operations and supply chain literature in three distinct Novel digital technologies such as IoT, big data, cloud com-
ways. First, the study focuses on conceptualizing, developing, puting, and blockchain play a key role in Industry 4.0 and
and measuring the level of digitalization practices in the sup- are considered game-changers, particularly for the supply
ply chain for Industry 4.0 environment to understand them chain (Hahn 2020). These technologies are also responsible
at the aggregate level. A comprehensive analysis of digital- for building up digital supply chains, cloud manufacturing
ization practices is still lacking in the literature. This study and intelligent manufacturing (Brad, Murar, and Brad 2018;
facilitates an understanding of different facets of digitaliza- Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019; Yang, Fu, and Zhang
tion of supply chains in the Industry 4.0 environment. 2021). Raab and Griffin-Cryan (2011) suggested that the
Therefore, the frontier of knowledge about digitalization can digital supply chain can facilitate widespread availability of
be extended by developing and validating an instrument information and encourage collaboration and communication
that can measure emerging theories related to digitalization across digital platforms, eventually improving reliability, agil-
practices. Second, developing the digitalization scale in the ity, and effectiveness (Calabrese et al. 2020). Thus, the ubi-
supply chain will be a catalyst for advancing research and quitous availability of data is the centre of digital supply
extending its application in other service organizations. chains (Lorentz et al. 2021).
Theoretically, valuable and empirically tested measurement Many studies have emphasized that the digital supply
scales can effectively advance theory within the field of digit- chain in the Industry 4.0 environment can revolutionize the
alization. Also, the instrument encourages cooperative way processes take place in the supply chain (Brunetti et al.
research efforts by ‘allowing other researchers in the stream 2020; Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019). Bu €yu €zkan and
€ ko
to apply this tested instrument across heterogeneous set- Goۍer (2018) suggested that a digital supply chain is an
tings and times’ and also by bringing ‘greater clarity to the agile, customer-driven, and productive way to promote dif-
formulation and interpretation of research questions’ (Straub ferent forms of returns for organizations and to leverage

diverse approaches with evolving techniques such as IoT, ability to analyze data, and development of cross-platforms
data analytics, cloud computing and blockchain. Industry 4.0 around customer social and mobile tools.
uses emerging digital technologies to make the supply chain Several consulting and business entities published their
more agile, customize and responsive to customers’ needs report on the role of digitalization of supply chain practices
(Antonopoulou and Begkos 2020; Szalavetz 2019a). in Industry 4.0 environment (Hanifan, Sharma, and Newberry
Leveraging information technology, resource utilization, and 2014; Mussomeli, Gish, and Laaper 2016). However, the litera-
inventory management help organizations develop a com- ture lacks relevant contributions with an exclusive focus on
petitive advantage (Zangiacomi et al. 2017). Information and digitalized sourcing and procurement practices (Lorentz et al.
communication technology (ICT) is essential to identify tools 2021; Srai and Lorentz 2019). The focus of a few studies is
that can be implemented at the various process levels and limited to the process of suppliers’ evaluation (Chauhan and
the network to enhance and support supply chain manage- Singh 2019). Digitalization in sourcing refers to applying
ment competency and specify which competencies are digital technologies, such as mobile applications, big data,
necessary to manage ICT services (Hennelly et al. 2019; and cloud computing to make the procurement process effi-
Ivanov and Dolgui 2020). ICT tools facilitate knowledge for- cient. Some of the activities involved in the digitalization of
malization for the organization and improve the supply chain sourcing practices include maintaining the procurement
network. intranet website, forming service level agreements with sup-
Recent development in communication technologies, pliers, stakeholder satisfaction surveys, frequent project
cloud services, robotics and sensors has transformed the reviews, identification, and implementation of improvement
physical manufacturing facility into the virtual world of inter- opportunities (Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Lundberg, Quist,
net applications (Lundberg, Quist, and Magnusson 2018). and Magnusson 2018). Bag et al. (2020) emphasized the
Novel technologies facilitate customer-driven manufacturing, importance of digitalization in procurement practices as it
flexibility, and sustainability. Industry 4.0-enabled digital provides opportunities for excellence in remanufacturing
technologies enable organizations to improve customer rela- operations. Their study explained the importance of digital-
tionships, develop visibility across operations and bring more ization for procurement 4.0 by emphasizing significant
agility and flexibility to the supply chain (Agrawal, Narain, resources, including talent, technology, and management
resources. In addition, studies reported the applications of
and Ullah 2019). It improves efficiency and suggests new
digital technology in sourcing or procurement areas, such as
options to produce better goods and deliver customer ser-
the use of ERP, e-procurement, e-tendering and e-tendering
vice (Papadopoulos et al. 2021). Digital transformation
(De Boer, Harink, and Heijboer 2002; Johnson et al. 2007).
demands an in-depth understanding of customers’ needs
The potential areas for digitalization in the sourcing context
and experiences throughout the product life cycle and
include managing transactions, collaboration, coordination
focuses on managing supply chain core operations
and control, assessing suppliers’ capability, and managing
(Seyedghorban et al. 2019). The application of digital tech-
relationships with suppliers (Srai and Lorentz 2019).
nologies mitigates the risk of demand volatility across the
Digitalization of operations practices refers to performing
geographically dispersed supply chain (Baryannis et al. 2019).
production through digital sensors and IoT technology.
To stay competitive, take advantage of the opportunities,
Digital disruptions transform mass production at a large scale
and become leaders in the Industry 4.0 era, organizations
to micro-scale production at diverse locations (Srai and
need to integrate novel technologies into their supply chain
Lorentz 2019). New emerging digital technologies offer intel-
uko €zkan and Go€çer 2018; Lorentz et al. 2021).
ligent products that facilitate self-learning and autonomous
decision-making based on advanced algorithms (Zangiacomi
2.2. Digitalization practices in the supply chain et al. 2020). It incorporates various activities, from sales fore-
casting to production, through diverse technologies, such as
Digitalization of supply chain practices is one of the promin- big data, IoT, and additive manufacturing. Thus, digitalization
ent characteristics of industry 4.0 (Bienhaus and Haddud of operations can be defined as ‘using digital data and tech-
2018; Calış Duman and Akdemir 2021; Hahn 2020). To com- nology to automate data handling and optimize processes’
pete in the digitally advanced Industry 4.0 environment, (Buer, Fragapane, and Strandhagen 2018, 1036). It refers to
most of the best performing organizations have developed autonomous data collection, analysis, and interconnectivity
excellence in their supply chains to compete against each between products, processes, and people. The usages of
other’s supply chain using several advanced technologies digital technologies such as IoT, big data analytics and vir-
such as autonomous robotics, sensors, cloud computing, tualization technologies, artificial intelligence, cloud comput-
additive manufacturing, agent-based systems, IoT and big ing, additive manufacturing in operations, and the digital
data in their supply chain (Brunetti et al. 2020; Buer et al. reinvention of business are expected to transform supply
2020; Luthra et al. 2018; Queiroz et al. 2019). Digital technol- chain activities and improve organizational performance
ogies transform and bring efficacy to the process and facili- (Szalavetz 2019b). Studies indicate that cyber-physical pro-
tate efficient coordination and management of complex duction systems are industrial production systems monitored,
supply chain activities. From a technology-centric perspec- controlled, coordinated, and connected by advanced digital
tive, Loonam et al. (2018) suggested three approaches for technologies. A cyber-physical production system generates
digitization: integration of systems across the organization, massive amounts of data that can be accessed, monitored,

and processed in real-time through big data analytics. (Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha 2019). Digitalization in
Digitalized operational practices minimize complexity, inventory management refers to managing inventory
improve operational excellence, optimize resource usage, through real-time visibility of inventory flow. Sensors and
and enhance the productivity of functional activities RFID tags with cloud-based systems can provide remote
(Colledani et al. 2014). positioning methods and GPS (indoor/outdoor) based sys-
The application of digital technologies has emerged tems, thereby facilitating firms in monitoring and controlling
slowly in the logistics function compared to other functions the products’ movement throughout the supply chain,
in the supply chain (Chauhan and Singh 2019). In logistics, thereby minimizing the possibility of stockout situations (Bag
digital platforms have become significantly important, allow- et al. 2021; Martınez-Caro, Cegarra-Navarro, and Alfonso-Ruiz
ing small organizations to expand their reach and compete 2020). Further, the digital supply chain supports a lean sup-
with the other established players (Mussomeli, Gish, and ply chain and helps in minimizing wastages through
Laaper 2016). Digitalization in logistics can overcome ineffi- improved real-time information sharing and data capturing
ciency and improve productivity by cutting down energy techniques (Mussomeli, Gish, and Laaper 2016). RFID tags in
consumption and emissions (Weinelt 2016). Similarly, auto- warehouses enable the large volume of inventory to move
mated identification technologies, such as RFID, Barcode, and quickly, smoothly and efficiently, prevent technical failure,
sensors, are used as standard identification technology that enhance device reliability, reduce equipment failure, and
offers faster and secure access control (Aamer and Sahara improve customer satisfaction (Rafael et al. 2020; Upadhyay
2021) and provides data to help intelligent services that 2020; Yang, Fu, and Zhang 2021). RFID tags further help
might be used for logistics, quality audits and manufacturing eliminate the problem of inventory shrinkage, enhance
organizations (Chauhan and Singh 2019).The use of technolo- inventory accuracy and out of stocks, improve shelf replen-
gies such as cloud computing will facilitate a novel platform- ishment and minimize inventory misplacement (Aamer and
based business model that will eventually increase logistics Sahara 2021; Tu, Lim, and Yang 2018).
efficiency (Agrifoglio et al. 2017).
Using automated guided vehicles (AGVs) facilitates the
2.3. Scale for digitalization of supply chain – a
movement of materials from one location to another in the
research gap
warehouse. Further, there is a high expectation for a broad
practice of automated planning and control systems. It is The digitalization practices through the proliferation of
expected that automated planning and control systems and technological development fall within the boundary of
novel platform-based business models will emerge in the Industry 4.0. With the growing popularity of the Industry 4.0
logistics industry (Hanifan, Sharma, and Newberry 2014). paradigm, digitalization in the supply chain has been among
Kucukaltan et al. (2020) summarized the impact of industry the leading concerns for practitioners and academicians
4.0 technologies on the logistics industry, and the possible (Ivanov and Dolgui 2020), but the studies addressing the
influence of these technologies was assessed from the oper- digitalization concept in the supply chain is fragmented and
ational, financial, and human resource perspectives. From the inconclusive (B€ uy€
uko €zkan and Go €çer 2018; Garay-Rondero
operational perspective, their study explored a set of practi- et al. 2019; Zekhnini et al. 2020). One of the main limitations
ces that may influence logistics operations, like the use of of the earlier studies is that majority of them appeared in
automated identification technology, the practice of auto- consulting reports and addressed the digitalization concepts,
mated planning and control systems, wide usage of novel its potential benefits and challenges in implementation
platform-based business models, personalized delivery (Bu€yu €zkan and Go
€ ko €çer 2018). Another limitation of existing
through drones and substantial structural changes using 3D research is its lack of insight into the digitalization practices
printing and digitalized products. Digital technologies help across the supply chain in the Industry 4.0 environment
generate readings of goods conditions, improve traceability, (Zekhnini et al. 2020; Zouari, Ruel, and Viale 2020).
and improve the supply chain’s transparency to ensure prod- Furthermore, studies lack insights into the application of
uct quality (Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019). Advanced digitalization initiatives across different supply chain activ-
technologies are used to make the warehouse adaptive and ities. Since Industry 4.0 heavily relies on emerging technolo-
flexible and offer product visibility (Aamer and Sahara 2021). gies; therefore, understanding the digitalization practices
Organizations can manage warehouses efficiently and moni- across the supply chain is inevitable to impact supply chain
tor stock levels continuously using sensors or other digital activities significantly
technologies. Moreover, a comprehensive and widely recognized theor-
Further, digitalization makes it possible to recognize the etical framework for assessing digitalization practices in
purchasing trends and future demand for goods and services Industry 4.0 have yet to be developed (Chauhan and Singh
in advance to predict the future demand for products 2019; Zouari, Ruel, and Viale 2020). Without a reliable and
(Bu€yu €zkan and Go
€ ko €çer 2018). IoT facilitates real-time data well-validated scale, it is difficult to adequately assess the
integration in warehouses and enables digital connectivity of digitalization practices across the supply chain or compare
physical and digital systems to offer massive data storage the level of digitalization practices of one supply chain with
and greater visibility (Xu, Xu, and Li 2018). The synchronized another and understand the performance implications of
information minimizes the handling process, minimizes digitalization practices. Therefore, the study aims to under-
human intervention, and reduces operating expenses stand the nature of digitalization practices in Industry 4.0

and integrate their various dimensions to form a reliable and Since the number of papers extracted from the Scopus
well-validated measurement scale. Using a structured and database was few, other databases such as Web-of-Science,
rigorous validation process, the study develops a compre- ProQuest, and Ebsco were also referred. Further, considering
hensive measurement instrument that can be used in future the nascent and largely unexplored nature of the field, con-
studies and may generate substantive theories (Zhu, Sarkis, sulting reports were also reviewed to understand a set of
and Lai 2008). More specifically, the findings can offer a digitalization practices applied in the supply chain of manu-
means for assessing the degree of employment of digitaliza- facturing organizations. Through extensive research, a set of
tion practices in organizations’ supply chains in the industry 40 items were derived from the journal articles from different
4.0 environment. databases and consulting reports. However, following the
guidelines of Hinkin (2016) and Worthington and Whittaker
(2006), two criteria were applied to finalize the item list for
3. Methodology the scale development procedure. First, a set of items should
This study has followed a well-acknowledged and widely be clear, concise, distinct, and clearly articulated so that data
used scale development procedure based on initial item gen- reduction techniques can provide a stable set of underlying
eration, item refinement & purification, dimensionality deter- factors and minimize the potential source of error variance.
mination and, reliability assessment, and construct validation Second, items having overlapping content and not directly
(Chahal, Gupta, and Lonial 2018; Churchill, 1979; Lee, reflecting the scale’s purpose have been dropped. Following
Cheung, and Chan 2015; Mishra 2020; Moon, Yi, and Ngai these two criteria, 14 items that have primarily overlapping
2012). The procedure used in the study is presented in content (for e.g. tracking technology and RFID, predictive
Figure 1 and delineated in this section. models and data analytical tools) and not directly related to
objective of the study (e.g. practices related to service organ-
izations) were dropped. For example, items ‘digital solution
3.1. Generation of items of digitalization practices for multi-location tracking’ and ‘single central repository of
inventory information and track items by serial numbers,
The goal of this stage is to identify content that can be poten-
barcodes, stock-keeping units’ and item ‘All inventory infor-
tially relevant to four dimensions of digitalization practices in
mation are stored with our centralized IT-based system sig-
the supply chain. In the first step, relevant literature and con-
nify the same thing’.
sulting reports were reviewed to understand digitalization
Similarly, an item representing service digitalization has
practices used across supply chains (Berger and Frey 2016).
been dropped. For example, an item representing ‘creation
After that, items for the different dimensions of digitalization
of digital centres with global customer support to allow inte-
practices were derived through focus group interviews of
gration of customer-facing technology’ has been dropped.
practitioners working in manufacturing organizations
Moreover, two researchers were involved in the item screen-
(Delamere, Wankel, and Hinch 2001). ing process. Therefore, the item generation process has been
carefully carried out to overcome potential bias. Thus, an ini-
3.1.1. Literature review tial list of 26 digitalization practices that are unambiguous,
A thorough review of the literature was carried out using a concise, distinct and directly relevant to scale’s purpose has
keyword such as ‘digitalization practices’, ‘digitalized practi- been used for further analysis (Aamer and Sahara 2021;
ces’, ‘digital technologies’, ‘digital supply chain’, ‘Industry 4.0’ Bechtsis et al., 2017; Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Colicchia,
from several databases. Initially, a preliminary keyword search Creazza, and Menachof 2019; Garay-Rondero et al. 2019;
was carried out in the Scopus database. Scopus is the world’s Gillani et al. 2020; Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019a;
most peer-reviewed database (Dangelico and Pontrandolfo Schneckenberg et al. 2021)
2015) that involves 20,000 periodicals from more than 5000
publishers and boasts more than 49 million registered users 3.1.2. Focus group study
(de Sousa Jabbour et al. 2018). An initial keyword search The focus group study was carried out with an aim to
gave us a broad range of studies that dealt with the applica- explore a set of digitalization practices used in manufactur-
tion, challenges, and adoption practices of several technolo- ing organizations. Therefore, senior & middle management
gies, such as blockchain, IoT, big data, and cloud computing practitioners from manufacturing organizations in India were
in manufacturing organizations. Therefore, to narrow down contacted to conduct a focus group study. To ensure only
the results, a combination of keywords with digitalization, valid and relevant participation of focus group participants,
including ‘digitalization practices and supply chain practices’, the following criteria were applied:
‘digitalization and sourcing practices’, ‘digitalization and
logistics practices’, ‘digitalization and Industry 4.0’, ‘digital  Participants should have exposure (knowledge) to emerg-
supply chain and Industry 4.0’ were used to extract articles ing digital technologies
from the Scopus database. Each of these papers was thor-  Participants should be the users of any or all emerging
oughly evaluated to understand the digitalization concept, digital technologies
diverse types of digital technologies and application of these  Participants should be an integral part of the digitaliza-
digital technologies in the firms’ supply chain. tion process in their organization

Stage-1 Literature Review

Item Generation (Digitalisation and Supply Chain Literature, Consulting
- Initial item list = 40 items, Total number of items
after screening 26
Item Generation
Stage-2 Focus Group Interview
Item Generation (With 14 Practitioners)
- Total number of 28 items

Stage-3 Expert Review

Face Validity (With two professors of operations management, one
Assessment professor of survey research and two experts from
and Initial Purification industry)
- Total number of 25 items

Stage-4 Expert Review

Content Assessment (With 7 Practitioners)
and Initial Purification - Total number of 24 items
Item Refinement
& Purification Stage-5 Expert Review
Content Validity (With 2 Professor and 6 Practitioners)
Assessment - Total number of 23 items and their four underlying
and Initial Purification dimensions

Stage-6 Pilot Study

Scale refinement and (With 32 practitioners)
Item Purification - Total number of 23 items and their four underlying

Stage-7 Exploratory Factor Analysis

Dimensionality Scale refinement and - Exploration of dimensions of digitalisation
Determination Item Purification practices

Stage-8 Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Scale refinement and - Development and assessment of measurement
Item Purification model for each construct
- Development and evaluation of an overall
measurement model

Stage-9 Competing Model Strategy

Reliability Assessment of - Development and assessment of alternative
Determination and competing models competing models
Construct - Finalisation of a best-fitting parsimonious model
Stage-10 Scale Validity and Reliability assessment
Reliability & Validity - Composite Reliability Computation
Assessment - Average Variance Extracted Computation
- Convergent Validity Assessment
- Discriminant Validity Assessment
- Nomological Validity Assessment

Figure 1. Scale development process.

Participants for the focus group interviews were selected Table 1. Sample characteristics of focus group (N ¼ 14).
using purposive heterogeneous sampling from National Particulars No.
Capital Region, India. Only 14 out of 26 participants agreed Gender Male 12
to participate in focus group discussion and were invited for Female 2
Domain Supply chain 4
focus group discussion held at their firm’s premise during Production 1
November 2020 (Table 1). Using an inductive approach, two Maintenance 1
Research & development 2
focus group interviews were carried out to understand the Information technology 4
participants’ opinions about the digitalization practices used Product development 2
in their organization. The objective, process, guidelines and Experience 5–8 Years 6
8–10 Years 5
potential usages of findings of focus group interviews were More than 10 Years 3
explained to participants (Krueger 2014; Mishra, Pundir, and Education Bachelors 9
L. 2016). Two researchers participated in group discussions, Masters 5

where one acted as a moderator (author), and another 2016); thereby, 24 items were finalized for the next round
author served as a facilitator. The Focus group discussion fol- of refinement. In the next step, these 24 items were given
lowed the guidelines given by Krueger (2014). Each focus to a new expert panel comprising 8 members (Two profes-
group lasted for approximately 90 minutes. Participants were sors from operations management and six practitioners). All
asked to answer questions related to supply chain in of these members had a work experience of 5 years and
Industry 4.0, including: ‘Does your firm apply Industry 4.0 above. Further, they were given construct definitions, and
enabling digital technologies in the supply chain’, ‘Where they were requested to assign these 24 items to distinct
can a firm apply technologies in the supply chain? What are constructs. Expert panel I and expert panel II were different
the functional areas where a firm can deploy digital technol- from each other. Items were retained based on the extent
ogies to compete in Industry 4.0 environment’, ‘What type of of their accurate representation of the underlying dimen-
digital technologies can be used in the supply chain’, ‘Do sions by a minimum 70% of the experts (DeVellis 2016);
you think the deployment of Industry 4.0 technologies in the thereby, a list of 23 items was finalized for data collection
supply chain can improve performance’. Responses were (Table 2).
recorded, and analysis was carried out. Using the qualitative
clustering methods, text that shares similar patterns or char-
3.3. Questionnaire development and pilot test
acteristics were grouped together and then conceptualized.
Further, findings of focus group discussions were matched A questionnaire was developed with a pool of 23 statements
with the literature findings. A list of 28 items of digitalization using a 7-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 ¼ strongly dis-
practices and their underlying four dimensions, namely oper- agree to 7 ¼ strongly agree). 7-point Likert scale was pre-
ations digitalization, sourcing digitalization, distribution net- ferred over the 5-point Likert scale as it offers a larger
work digitalization and digitalized strategic planning, were spectrum of choices and independence to the participants to
derived from the findings of the focus group studies. These pick the ‘exact’ response than to choose some ‘nearby’ or
28 items also include those items that were identified ‘close’ option (Joshi et al. 2015), thereby reduces the role of
through the literature review as well. The findings of the ambiguity in the answers. Also, 7-point Likert scales are more
focus group interviews were shared with participants to sensitive and robust than 5 -point Likert scales (Finstad 2010;
know their opinion about any information (particularly item) Oaster 2016; Preston and Colman 2000) and are widely used
that was missed out by participants or were not appropri- in operations and supply chain literature.
ately covered under suitable dimension. Participants agreed Before conducting a large-scale postal survey, a pilot sur-
with the interpretation of the findings of the focus group vey was conducted (Chahal, Gupta, and Lonial 2018), and a
interviews. questionnaire was administered to 32 supply chain practi-
tioners using a purposive sample. All 32 practitioners have
worked in supply chain management for the last 5 years.
3.2. Item review and sorting
These participants were asked to indicate their view on each
Item review and reduction were carried out in two subse- questionnaire item and suggest their opinion on the items’
quent stages. In the first stage, a list of 28 items was scru- meaningfulness, wording, formatting, and content. The prac-
tinized by an expert panel comprising five members (two titioners pointed out no concern regarding the developed
professors of operations management, one professor of sur- questionnaire, and the reliability of the initial 32 responses
vey research and two experts from industry). The expert was found to be 0.875. Thus, a questionnaire was considered
panel members had an experience of over 10 years in their appropriate for data collection.
functional domains. Members of the expert panel carefully
reviewed the developed items and assessed the extent to
4. Sample and data collection
which each item measure represents their underlying con-
struct. The rephrasing of ambiguous items, deletion of After finalizing the questionnaire, an online survey is carried
redundant items, and modification of existing items took out to collect data from the industry to validate the digital-
place, and only items with good face validity were retained ization scale. The respondents of the study are supply chain,
for the data analysis (Lee, Cheung, and Chan 2015; Mishra manufacturing, design, logistics, research & development
2020). Also, the nomenclature of the underlying dimensions practitioners from diverse manufacturing organizations in
of digitalization practices was modified. In this process, 3 India and are selected using purposive and snowball sam-
items were dropped. Only items with good face validity pling. Purposive sampling is preferred over simple random
were retained for the data analysis (Hardesty and Bearden sampling as it identifies and captures individuals or groups
2004), leading to 25 items under four dimensions of digital- of individuals that are directly suited for examining the phe-
ization practices: sourcing digitalization, operations digital- nomenon of interest (Morse and Field 1995; Palinkas et al.
ization, distribution network digitalization and digitalized 2015). The target respondents of this study possess the fol-
strategic planning. A list of 25 items was given to 7 indus- lowing characteristics. First, they are the actual technology
try practitioners, and they were requested to place these user and have knowledge and experience in using emerging
items under four different dimensions of digitalization. An digital technology in their supply chain. Second, they have
item was kept when there was a consensus of at least been part of the existing organization for more than 3 years.
70% of experts in the item assignment process (DeVellis Thus, they are aware of the various practices used in their

Table 2. Items used for survey research.

Proposed dimension Notation Items used to measure digitalization practices Reference
Sourcing Digitalization V1 The procurement decisions are based on system data analysis Bienhaus and Haddud (2018), Lorentz
et al. (2021)
V2 The purchase orders are placed directly through ERP systems based Garay-Rondero et al. (2019)
on the requirement
V3 Cross-functional teams are formed to integrate various digital Colicchia, Creazza, and Menachof
solutions in procurement practices (2019)
V4 Centrally controlled systems facilitate the production stores to keep Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov (2019)
a check on inventory as per production planning
Operations Digitalization V5 We have smart work procedures (real-time online monitoring and Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha
control) to manage various operations (2019)
V6 Data is stored and analyzed in the cloud/ common drive to make Schneckenberg et al. (2021)
the necessary information accessible anywhere, anytime
V7 My organization uses the industrial internet of things Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha
V8 My organization uses big data analytics Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha
(2019), Ivanov, Dolgui, and
Sokolov (2019)
V9 My organization uses additive manufacturing Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov (2019),
Priyadarshini et al. (2022)
V10 My organization uses e-Kanban for routing messages to external Kamble, Gunasekaran, and Arha
suppliers to provide real-time visibility into the entire supply (2019)
V11 My organization has technological integration between product Gillani et al. (2020)
development and manufacturing through computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM)
V12 My organization has technological integration between product Gillani et al. (2020)
development and manufacturing through product lifecycle
Distribution Network V13 My organization uses the latest tracking and tracking technologies Aamer and Sahara (2021) Sahoo et al.
Digitalization (RFID/Blockchain) for logistics and warehousing operations (2022)
V14 My organization engages in dynamic inventory and replenishment Hanifan, Sharma, and Newberry
planning based on real-time visibility across the extended supply (2014)
V15 My organization uses automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for moving Bechtsis et al. (2017)
materials in the warehouse
V16 My organization uses a digitally enabled global shipping platform to Wang and Sarkis (2021)
match individual shipping demand with unique logistics
V17 My organization uses Industry 4.0-based analytics techniques Islam et al. (2020)
(machine learning/artificial intelligence) to consolidate deliveries
for last-mile delivery
V18 My organization uses dynamic route planning based on real-time Hanifan, Sharma, and Newberry
analytics (2014)
Digitalized Strategic V19 My organization uses digital solutions for multi-location tracking Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov (2019);
Planning Nandi et al. (2021)
V20 My organization uses an automated replenishment system to create Srai and Lorentz (2019)
and send purchase orders for frequent reorders
V21 My organization uses digitalized solutions to differentiate between Focus group study
fast-moving products and slow-moving products
V22 My organization uses Industry 4.0 technologies (BDA/machine Garay-Rondero et al. (2019)
learning) to predict the demand for products already in the run
V23 My organization uses sophisticated digital solutions to measure Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov (2019)
several matrices for assessing inventory level and performance

organizations. Third, the target respondents are middle and Industry 4.0-driven digitalization process is still evolving in
senior management practitioners within their respective Indian manufacturing organizations and is not widely used
organizations, with job titles such as plant manager, by Indian organizations (Bag et al. 2020; Kamble,
manager-supply chain, general manager, and vice president- Gunasekaran, and Arha 2019). Therefore, selecting firms from
supply chain. The selection of firms from diverse manufactur- a wide range of industries is rational to fulfil the sample size
ing industries is based on the following consideration. First, requirement of this survey research.
firms are the actual user (adopters) of any industry 4.0 ena- Initially, 1200 a stratified random sample of manufacturing
bling digital technologies, such as big data, blockchain, cloud firms were approached. However, only 640 respondents ini-
computing, IoT in their supply chain. Second, the study’s tially showed a willingness to participate in the survey and
objective is to propose a generic instrument that can be were administered a survey questionnaire. After a series of
applied across multiple industries; therefore, selecting firms follow-ups, 246 usable and valid responses are received.
from diverse industries is appropriate. Third, while digitaliza- Table 3 presents the profiles of the participants and their
tion is ubiquitous in manufacturing organizations, the organizations.

Table 3. Sample characteristics of the study.

Industry broad classification NAICS code No. of responses Particular No. of responses
Apparel manufacturing 315 21 Ownership of the firm
Chemical industry 325 18 Joint venture 17
Communication equipment manufacturing 334290 16 Private domestic player 81
Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing 334100 7 Private foreign player 58
Computer and electronics products 334 17 PSU 4
Computer terminal and other computer peripheral equipment 334118 6 Public limited 86
Electronic equipment manufacturing 33531 17 Age of firm
Food manufacturing 311 17 Less than 5 years 22
Household appliances 423620 23 5–10 Years 13
Machine manufacturing 333 37 10–15 Years 14
Motor vehicle manufacturing 3361 16 15–20 Years 16
Motor vehicle part manufacturing 3363 13 More than 20 years 181
Semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing 33441 10
Others (pharma, plastic, rubber, steel, fertilizer, ventilation air 28
conditioning, etc.)
Informants job title Number of employee
AGM/DGM/GM 26 Up to 1000 65
Assistant Manager/Deputy Manager 131 1000–5000 33
CEO/President/Vice President/COO/Owner 11 5000–10,000 23
Engineer 72 More than 10,000 125
Consultant/Senior Consultant 6

5. Data analysis and results than 0.2. Thus, it can be concluded that CMB is not evident
in the data set.
This section presents the procedure used to control biases
and their assessment, the results of a detailed scale valid-
ation process, including exploratory factor analysis, confirma- 5.2. Reliability analysis
tory factor analysis and the comparison of alternative
Churchill (1979) reported that an essential step in establish-
competing models for identifying and confirming the best-
ing the psychometric characteristics of a scale is assessing its
fitting final measurement model.
reliability. We have calculated item-to-total correlation and
Cronbach’s a coefficient to measure the internal consistency
5.1. Bias control procedure & assessment of digitalization scales (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). All the
item-to-total correlations are found >0.3. The value of
Non-response bias is assessed by comparing the profile of Cronbach’s a shows an excellent internal consistency (0.936),
early respondents with the late respondents (Armstrong and well above the recommended 0.70. Thus, there is no need to
Overton 1977). Further, a random sample of non-respondents modify the scale at this stage (Nunnally 1978).
is contacted through telephonic contact after sending a cou-
ple of request mails. Generally, non-respondents did not
respond as their organizations do not respond to the survey 5.3. Exploratory factor analysis
without taking formal permission from the human resource Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is conducted to assess the
department (Stephan, 1958; Armstrong and Overton 1977). appropriateness of 23 items for explaining the four dimen-
To minimize the chances of common method bias (CMB), the sions of digitalization practices. Principal component analysis
response anonymity is maintained during the data collection with Varimax rotation is applied using SPSS 21.0. All commu-
phase by allowing respondents’ names to be anonymous nalities are found to be greater than 0.6 except for two
and assuring them that there is no right and wrong answer items, namely ‘use of e-Kanban for routing messages to
(Podsakoff et al. 2003). They must fill up the questionnaire external suppliers (V10) (0.25)’ and ‘Use of computer-aided
honestly. The CMB is controlled by carefully constructing manufacturing to technologically integrate product develop-
questionnaire items, defining unfamiliar terms, and eliminat- ment and manufacturing (V11) (0.20).’ Therefore, these two
ing confusing words (Mishra et al. 2022; Podsakoff et al. items have been deleted. After that, EFA on the remaining
2003). Harman’s single-factor and common latent factor anal- 21 items has been applied. Consistent with our anticipations,
yses (CLF) are conducted to assess the common method bias four dimensions emerged from the analysis. An item having
(Mishra 2020). Also, The result of Harman’s single factor test a factor-loading below 0.5 and the cross-loaded items on
indicates that a single accounted for less than 50% variance more than one factor are considered for removal (Hair, Black,
in the model, and also CLF analysis suggests that the differ- and Babin 2009). Three items are cross loaded on more than
ence between standardized regression models without CLF one construct, namely ‘usage of Industrial Internet of
and with CLF was found to be less than 0.2 (Podsakoff et al. Things(V7)’, ‘dynamic inventory and replenishment planning
2003). The most considerable difference in the values of across the extended supply chain (V14)’, and ‘Industry 4.0
standardized regression weights of both models is 0.167, less technologies to predict the demand for products(V22)’.

Therefore, these items have been dropped, and EFA has measurement model covering all the four dimensions of sup-
been applied to the remaining18 items. The result shows a ply chain digitalization is developed, and measurement prop-
solution of four constructs representing 18 items. Kaiser– erties are assessed. Fit indices for the measurement model
demonstrate excellent fit (kdf ¼ 1.98, CFI ¼ 0.95, TLI ¼ 00.94,
Meyer–Olkin (KMO) has been found to be 0.92, and Bartlett’s
test of sphericity’ 2828.48 (p < 0.000) represents the merits of NFI¼ 0.91, RMSEA ¼ 0.06, SRMR ¼ 0.05, GFI ¼ 0.90, AIC ¼
the correlation matrix. The four factors account for a total 339.87, CAIC ¼ 529.10) and standardized factor loading of all
variance of 70.62%, and the value of Cronbach’s alpha ranges the items are found to be greater than 0.6, thereby satisfying
from 0.81 to 0.93, above the recommended threshold value the model fit criteria of the overall measurement model of
0.6 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). The results of the explora- digitalization practices (Byrne 2016; Hair, Black, and Babin
tory factor analysis and factor loadings are presented in 2009).
Tables 4 and 5, respectively.

5.5. Assessment of competing models

5.4. Confirmatory factor analysis
A competing model strategy is used to identify the best fit
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is carried out to validate model through developing, assessing and comparing several
the initial factor structure derived from EFA using AMOS 26.0 alternative models (Hair, Black, and Babin 2009). The compet-
software (Byrne 2016; Hair, Black, and Babin 2009). CFA ing model strategy is widely used to identify the best fitting
include 18 items and its underlying four dimensions derived and parsimonious model for scale development (Lee,
by EFA as an input. Using the rotated component matrix Cheung, and Chan 2015; Mishra 2020; Moon, Yi, and Ngai
from EFA as input, a measurement model is developed, and 2012). Following Xia and Lee (2005) recommendations, five
model fit has been assessed by assessing the goodness of fit alternative competing models are proposed, and their fit
indices. CFA is conducted in two distinct phases: first meas- indices are assessed and compared (Figure 2). Model 1 indi-
urement model for each construct is developed; after that, cates a null model; model 2 represents a model in which all
an overall measurement model covering all the dimensions measurement items are loaded onto a single first-order fac-
of supply chain digitalization is developed, and measurement tor of digitalization practices. Model 3 represents a model in
properties are assessed (Mishra 2020). The measurement which all measurement items are loaded onto four uncorre-
properties of each measurement model demonstrate a satis- lated first-order factors; model 4 represents a correlated four-
factory model fit (Table 6). In the second step, a dimensional first-order model of supply chain digitalization.

Table 4. Exploratory factor analysis results.

Distribution Network Digitalized Strategic Operations Digitalization Sourcing Digitalization
Threshold value Digitalization (DNDIG) Planning (DIGSP) (OPDIG) (SODIG)
KMO ¼ 0.92, Bartlett’s test of sphericity ¼ 2828.48 (p < 0.000), total variance extracted ¼ 70.62%, No. of factors extracted ¼ 4
Reliability >0:7 0.86 0.93 0.86 0.81
Communality >0:6 0.58–0.76 0.82–0.85 0.51–0.81 0.64–0.70
Factor loading >0:5 0.66–0.83 0.80–0.84 0.51–0.80 0.65–0.76
Eigen value 8.52 1.55 1.39 1.25
Cumulative variance (%) 47 55.95 63.69 70.62

Table 5. Rotated component matrix.

Distribution Network Digitalization (DNDIG) Digitalized Strategic Planning (DIGSP) Operations Digitalization (OPDIG) Sourcing Digitalization (SODIG)
V16 0.833 0.128 0.134 0.181
V15 0.735 0.111 0.260 0.129
V13 0.698 0.313 0.293
V18 0.697 0.279 0.231 0.219
V17 0.663 0.214 0.299
V19 0.843 0.217 0.235
V21 0.276 0.831 0.216 0.192
V23 0.280 0.808 0.234 0.177
V20 0.329 0.804 0.200 0.210
V8 0.338 0.195 0.795 0.164
V5 0.240 0.754
V9 0.245 0.189 0.739 0.259
V12 0.358 0.270 0.705 0.249
V6 0.299 0.515 0.381
V2 0.166 0.202 0.756
V1 0.190 0.245 0.225 0.747
V4 0.200 0.278 0.735
V3 0.367 0.269 0.652
Extraction method: principal component analysis.
Rotation method: Varimax with Kaiser normalization.
Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

Table 6. Measurement properties of digitalization constructs.

Distribution Network Digitalized Strategic Operations Digitalization Sourcing Digitalization
Threshold value Digitalization (DNDIG) Planning (DIGSP) (OPDIG) (SODIG)
df <3 1.65 0.29 0.13 1.01
CFI >0:90 0.99 1 1 1
TLI >0:90 0.98 1 1 1
NFI >0:90 0.98 0.99 0.99 0.99
RMSEA <0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01
SRMR <0.10 0.02 0.004 0.005 0.01
GFI >0:90 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
AIC Smaller is better 28.24 16.58 20.63 18.03
CAIC Smaller is better 73.30 52.63 65.69 54.07
Standardized factor >0:7 0.78 (V13), 0.64 (V5)
loading 0.73 (V15), 0.81 (V19), 0.62 (V6) 0.80 (V1),
0.80 (V16), 0.89 (V20) 0.87 (V8) 0.66 (V2),
0.69 (V17), 0.90 (V21) 0.80 (V9) 0.73 (V3)
0.77 (V18) 0.88 (V23) 0.88 (V12) 0.71 (V4)
Composite reliability >0:6 0.87 0.93 0.88 0.82
Average variance >0:5 0.57 0.77 0.59 0.53
Fornell and Larcker (1981); Hair, Black, and Babin (2009), Byrne (2016).

Model 5 represents a second-order factor of digitalization research (Churchill 1979; Moon, Yi, and Ngai 2012). Content
practices onto which four dimensions of digitalization practi- validity is established by reviewing the items by seven or
ces are loaded. more experts (Devon et al. 2007). Further, responses are eval-
Fit indices of five competing models are presented in uated regarding clarity of the wordings, meaningfulness, and
Table 7. Fit indices of Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3 have formatting (layout and style); accordingly, scale items have
not satisfied the minimum threshold criteria. Among five been modified.
alternative models, model 4 (correlated first-order model)
and model 5 (second-order model) demonstrate satisfactory
fit, while model 5 statistically fits better in terms of parsi-
5.6.3. Convergent validity
mony. AIC and CAIC values of model 5 (second-order model)
Convergent validity is assessed to ensure whether all item
are found to be lower than their values in model 4 (corre-
measures represent respective factors (Hair, Black, and Babin
lated first-order model). Thus, model-5 (second-order model)
2009; Malhotra and Dash 2010). It measures how item meas-
suggests that supply chain digitalization is a multi-dimen-
sional concept that includes sourcing digitalization, opera- ures of the constructs are correlated to one another
tions digitalization, distribution network digitalization and (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Construct validity is assessed
digitalized strategic planning. These multiple factors and using CR, standardized factor loading, and average variance
their measurement items should be included in future stud- extracted (AVE)(Hair, Black, and Babin 2009). The value of CR,
ies to arrive at a more comprehensive picture of firms’ digit- standardized factor loading and average variance extracted
alization practices. are found to be above the recommended value of 0.7, 0.6
and 0.5, respectively (Table 7) (Hair, Black, and Babin 2009).
Thus, CR values are found in the range of 0.817–0.928, and
5.6. Reliability & validity AVE values are found in the acceptable range of 0.528 to
5.6.1. Reliability 0.765. Similarly, the values of standardized factor loading are
Cronbach’s a coefficients and composite reliability (CR) are also found in the acceptable range of 0.62 to 0.90. Hence,
used to assess the reliability of the four-dimensional con- the convergent validity requirement is satisfied from the
struct (Hair, Black, and Babin 2009; Nunnally & Bernstein, data set.
1994). The Cronbach’s a coefficients’ values are above the
threshold value of 0.70 for four dimensions (Table 4)
(Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994). Similarly, CR values range from 5.6.4. Discriminant validity
0.82 to 0.92, higher than a minimum of 0.700 (Table 7) Discriminant validity refers to how the item measures of one
(Fornell and Larcker 1981). Therefore, the observed data set construct differ from those of other constructs (Hair, Black,
reflects a high level of reliability. and Babin 2009; Malhotra and Dash 2010). Discriminant val-
idity is examined using AVE and MSV (maximum shared vari-
5.6.2. Content validity ance). The dataset is considered free from discriminant
Using Nunnally(1978) guidelines, content validity is estab- validity issues if the value of AVE is higher than MSV and the
lished using representative items from an extensive literature squared root of AVE is higher than the correlations between
survey and following the scientific method of instrument inter-item constructs (Hair, Black, and Babin 2009; Malhotra
construction. During the scale development process, items and Dash 2010). It is reflected in Table 8 that the four dimen-
are thoroughly reviewed by practitioners and academicians sions of the scale met discriminant validity criteria. Therefore,
from the field of operations management and survey the dataset is found to be free from discriminant validity.

Figure 2. Competing models.

5.6.5. Nomological validity assessed to determine the predictive/nomological validity

Nomological validity of the developed scale is assessed to (Abou-Foul, Ruiz-Alba, and Soares 2020).
ensure its usefulness and effectiveness (Hair, Black, and The construct ‘operational performance’ is assessed using
Babin 2009). The positive relationship between supply chain five items: throughput time, product quality, process flexibil-
digitalization and organizations’ operational performance is ity, process time, and production cost per unit adopted from

Table 7. Model fit indices of alternative models.

Fit Indices Threshold value Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
df <3 6.907 4.747 1.984 1.959
CFI >0:90 1.000 0.711 0.817 0.954 0.954
TLI >0:90 0.672 0.792 0.945 0.947
NFI >0:90 1.000 0.680 0.780 0.912 0.912
RMSEA <0.10 0.271 0.155 0.124 0.063 0.063
SRMR <0.10 0.092 0.339 0.049 0.049
GFI >0:90 1.000 0.634 0.759 0.90 0.899
AIC Smaller is better 342.000 1004.412 712.783 339.874 336.69
CAIC Smaller is better 1112.412 1166.604 874.975 529.098 516.90
Fornell and Larcker (1981); Hair, Black, and Babin (2009).

Table 8. Measures of model validity.

Distribution Network Digitalized Strategic Operations Sourcing
CR AVE MSV Digitalization Planning Digitalization Digitalization
Distribution Network Digitalization 0.867 0.566 0.503 [0.753]#
Digitalized Strategic Planning 0.928 0.765 0.423 0.651 [0.874]#
Operations Digitalization 0.876 0.591 0.503 0.709 0.629 [0.769]#
Sourcing Digitalization 0.817 0.528 0.457 0.645 0.610 0.676 [0.727]#
#The number within [] signifies the square root of AVE; significance of correlations at p < 0:001.

Buer et al. (2020). Cronbach’s alpha value is found to be digitalization in the Industry 4.0 environment were devel-
0.916, and standardized factor loading is between 0.783 and oped to address our second research question (RQ2).
0.891. Further measurement model of the ‘operational per- Further, using a large-scale survey and competing model
formance’ construct is developed. Fit indices, reliability and strategy, the four distinct measurement models were com-
validity of the measurement model is examined. The values pared to identify a valid, reliable and most parsimonious
of fit indices demonstrate excellent model fit (kdf ¼ 1:225,
best-fitting model for digitalization of the supply chain in
GFI¼ 0.990, CFI¼ 0.999, NFI ¼ 0.993, TLI ¼ 0.997, RMSEA ¼ the Industry 4.0 environment. The constructs for supply chain
0.030, SRMR¼ 0.012). Results confirm the reliability and valid- digitalization utilizing a survey instrument are administered
ity of the model as Cronbach’s alpha value (0.916), CR (0.923) to Indian manufacturers. The measurement scale for assess-
and AVE (0.708) of the measurement model are found within ing the different facets of supply chain digitalization in the
an acceptable range. Industry 4.0 environment is examined for its reliability, valid-
Consistent with prior studies (Buer, Fragapane, and ity and parsimony. This led to addressing our third research
Strandhagen 2018; Calış Duman and Akdemir 2021), a struc- question (RQ3).
tural model is developed by measuring a hypothesized posi- Previous studies have primarily evaluated the significance
tive relationship between the second-order construct of of Industry 4.0 and its associated novel technologies in
supply chain digitalization and operational performance. The digital transformation (Fatorachian and Kazemi 2021;
result of the structural model indicates an acceptable level of Upadhyay 2020; Wamba and Queiroz 2020) and the barriers
goodness of fit indices (kdf ¼ 1:493, GFI¼ 0.897, CFI¼ 0.971,
and challenges related to their implementation (Lundberg,
NFI ¼ 0.919, TLI ¼ 0.968, RMSEA ¼ 0.045, SRMR¼ 0.0432). Quist, and Magnusson 2018; Raj et al. 2020; Tu, Lim, and
The path coefficient between digitalization practices and Yang 2018). However, the scale for evaluating digitalization
operational performance is found to be statistically signifi- practices associated with Industry 4.0 in the supply chain has
cant at p < 0:001 with r2 ¼ 0:809: Therefore, the nomo- not been addressed in the previous studies. In this context,
logical validity of the developed scale of digitalization this study is the first of its kind wherein the digitalization
practices is found in line with the recommendation of practices have been modelled as a second-order four factors
Churchill (1979) and Hair, Black, and Babin (2009). construct from the perspective of manufacturing organiza-
tions engaged in digitalization practices. Using fragmented
findings of earlier studies and experts’ opinions, we have
6. Discussion and implications
developed 18 items scale for measuring the digitalization of
Industry 4.0 is transforming organizations’ supply chains the supply chain in Industry 4.0 and empirically evaluated
through rapid digitalization enabled by disruptive new tech- the scale in manufacturing organizations. As a result, the
nologies. Along this line, in this study, we first identify and study offers validated scales to assess digitalization practices
explores the dimensions of digitalization in the supply chain associated with Industry 4.0 in the supply chain. The devel-
through a structured literature review and focus group inter- oped scale can be adopted across a wide range of industries
views approach, thereby addressing our first research ques- and geographical contexts to create and integrate sound
tion (RQ1). After that, items measuring different dimensions knowledge about digitalization practices.
of digitalization practices were derived, refined and devel- The findings of this study suggest that digitalization prac-
oped through literature review, focus group interviews and tices in the supply chain manifest the interactions among
multiple rounds of expert reviews. Based on the extensive four distinct factors. The first factor, ‘distribution network
process, the items for measuring different dimensions of digitalization’, comprises five items: usage of the latest

tracking technologies for logistics and warehousing, use of use of ERP systems for purchase orders, cross-function teams
automated guided vehicles for moving materials, use of glo- to integrate digital solutions, and centrally controlled sys-
bal shipping platform, Industry 4.0-based analytics techni- tems to check inventory. Industry 4.0 enables digital technol-
ques to consolidate delivery and service of dynamic route ogies to streamline procurement operations, offer real-time
planning based on real-time analytics. The emergence of this visibility, increase resilience and innovation and improve
factor reinforces the prominent role of Industry 4.0-linked productivity (Bienhaus and Haddud 2018; Lorentz et al.
digital technologies, RFID, AGV, shipping platform, and ana- 2021). Intelligent devices and intelligence tools help make
lytics techniques in product movements and is consistent with procurement decisions through system data analysis and
other scholar’s discussions of varying forms of digital technolo- facilitate production planning through a centralized inven-
gies in warehousing & distribution (Aamer and Sahara 2021; tory control system (Ali and Aboelmaged 2021; Ivanov,
Cichosz, Wallenburg, and Knemeyer 2020). RFID tags attached Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019; Raj et al. 2020). Enterprise
with the products facilitate tracking in logistics and warehous- resource planning for electronically doing order placement,
ing operations. RFID tags in warehouses allow inventory move- creating digital invoices, and executing procurement and
ment quickly and efficiently (Aamer and Sahara 2021). AGVs payment processes are some examples of sourcing digitaliza-
used in warehousing help the quick and efficient movement tion (Lorentz et al. 2021).
of a large volume of inventory. Using industry 4.0 analytics
techniques brings visibility, helps in shipment consolidation,
6.1. Academic implications
and assists firms in dynamic route planning based on real-time
analytics (Bechtsis et al. 2017). The second factor comprises While the digitalization of supply chain in the era of industry
four items representative of digitalized strategic planning. The 4.0 is essential to make connected, smart and highly efficient
items included in this study are digital solutions for multi-loca- supply chain. Studies on digitalization has focused primarily on
tion tracking, automated replenishment systems, digital solu- barriers and enablers of digitalization and discussed strategies
tions to differentiate between fast and slow-moving products, for practitioners to facilitate digitalization. As the contempor-
and sophisticated digital solutions to assess inventory level ary supply chain is all about adopting and using digital tech-
and performance. Studies on digitalization and industry 4.0 nologies to make the process efficient, the study
technologies highlight the usage of digital technologies in conceptualizes, develops, and validates digitalization practices
inventory planning. Digital technologies such as IoT, block- in the supply chain of manufacturing organizations, thereby
chain bring transparency and improve real-time materials creating a valuable contribution to the supply chain field.
identification and tracking (Wamba and Queiroz 2020; Yang, First, the study conceptualizes the digitalization construct
Fu, and Zhang 2021). Integrating Industry 4.0 technologies and develops its associated measurement scales, which con-
(BDA/machine learning) helps predict product demand. It also tribute further insights into the nature and dimensionality of
helps in differentiating between fast-moving products and the ‘digitalization concept’ with the broader theoretical areas
slow-moving stock. of the supply chain in the industry 4.0 environment. Overall,
The third factor represents operations digitalization and this study provides the first known empirical investigation of
contains five items. The items include using smart work pro- digitalization scale in the supply chain. There is a general
cedures to manage several operations, storage of data in the lack of multidimensional theoretical conceptualization or
cloud to make widespread availability of data, use of big instrumentation for measuring digitalization practices in the
data analytics, use of additive manufacturing and techno- supply chain. Going beyond the existing research that
logical integration between product development and manu- focused separately on different aspects of the digital supply
facturing through product life cycle management. Industry chain, this instrument takes a broader perspective by focus-
4.0 enabling technologies can increase real-time data analysis ing on different digitalization practices and offers an abstract
and helps in managing various operations. Advanced ana- view on digitalization in the supply chain.
lytics techniques such as big data analytics cloud help Second, the comparative model strategy used in this
uncover hidden patterns, make optimal and preventive deci- research indicates that the correlated four-factor first-order
sions, and explore other useful business information (Liu model (model-4) and four-factor second-order model (model-
et al. 2019; Mikalef et al. 2020). Additive manufacturing sim- 5) represent sound goodness of fit indices, representing a
plifies the operations by engaging in decentralized produc- scale of supply chain digitalization. Comparing these two
tion, enables customization of components and eliminates models indicates that the four-factor second-order model
geographical constraints (Ivanov, Dolgui, and Sokolov 2019; (model 5) demonstrates better explanatory power and is
Ryan et al. 2017). Product life cycle management (PLM) opti- more parsimonious than the correlated four-factor first-order
mizes the production process in real-time through techno- model. Therefore, the study contributes to the research by
logical integration. PLM ensures products’ unified data, unearthing the digitalization of the supply chain concept in
collaborates workflows across the organization, helps to run industry 4.0. The existing literature lacks clear definitions and
things smoothly, and supports efficient teamwork (Kumar valid measures of the digitalization concept in the supply
et al. 2021; Mubarak and Petraite 2020). The fourth and final chain. In the absence of widely accepted measurements,
factor of the solution consists of four items that constitute developing and testing theories and comparing results across
sourcing digitalization. The items of sourcing digitalization various settings is challenging. In this context, the newly
are procurement decisions based on system data analysis, developed scale has overcome the limitations of previous

studies and involves a wide range of digitalization practices widespread implementation of digitalization practices in
across the supply chain. the initial phase of digital transformation. At the same time,
Third, the study explores specific theoretical relationships the four-factor first-order model of digitalization can be used
between the diverse dimensions of digitalization practices, to facilitate detailed assessments and communications within
including ‘sourcing digitalization’, ‘operations digitalization’, each functional area. It can help identify the progress of
‘distribution network digitalization’ and ‘digitalized strategic digital transformation in specific function areas, thus ena-
planning’, to facilitate a theoretical understanding of the bling practitioners to implement and manage the compo-
nature and directionality of their conceptual associations. nents or most essential aspects of digitalization in the supply
Thus, this paper can work as a catalyst for future research. chain during the implementation phase.
For example, future studies can be done to examine the rela- Practitioners (e.g. supply chain and information technol-
tionship between digitalization practices and their antece- ogy practitioners) can use the developed instrument to
dents and outcomes, like economic performance, operational assess the level of digitalization in the supply chain. An
performance, productivity, and efficiency. Given the growing instrument can be used over a successive period to evaluate
significance of digital technologies in the supply chain and the change in the different dimensions of digitalization prac-
the paucity of research on digitalization practices, developing tices and track the overall progress in this regard. In supply
the digitalization scale in the manufacturing context is chain literature, the growing usage of technology in large
believed to be a timely and relevant contribution to the lit- and small firms is becoming prominent; the developed scales
erature. It can become a steppingstone to future studies in can be used to compare the level of adoption of digitaliza-
this field. Using the developed scale in this study, researchers tion practices in small and large firms. Similarly, firms with a
can also evaluate the same scale for other sectors. high level of adoption of digitalization practices can be
tested to assess their impact on performance outcomes.
Second, conceptualizing the construct at the second-order
6.2. Managerial implications level allows practitioners to understand digitalization practi-
The study offers practitioners a scale of eighteen measurement ces at a higher level of abstraction beyond individual items
items to assess the different facets of the supply chain digital- and factor tiers (Zhu, Sarkis, and Lai 2008). Digitalization in
ization in the industry 4.0 environment. The study indicates the supply chain scale includes scales related to distribution
digitalization practices as a second-order construct showing network digitalization, digitalized strategic planning, opera-
that supply chain digitalization is a multi-dimensional rather tions digitalization and sourcing digitalization. It is recom-
than a single construct. The multi-dimensional instrument mended that firm can use this comprehensive scale to share
offers comprehensive and easily administered measures and knowledge and best practices with their supply chain
gives insights into the measurement items of digitalization members so a long-term and competitive roadmap can be
practices and their relationships with the underlying con- developed and implemented. Organizations aiming at trans-
structs. First, the item measure of the construct provides pre- forming the supply chain through digitalization associated
cise and actionable information on digitalization practices. with Industry 4.0 can use the instrument as a self-diagnostic
Given the growing significance of digitalization in achieving tool to recognize areas requiring specific improvement and
sustainable performance and competitive advantage, imple- pinpoint those aspects that call for immediate action. At the
menting, and adopting digitalization practices is critical to suc- individual items and construct level, practitioners can con-
cess. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of the sider implementing digitalization practices for each individual
digitalization construct is timely and essential. The digitaliza- item and recognize areas that demand specific attention. In
tion scale developed in this study can be used in manufactur- contrast, evaluating the construct for supply chain digitaliza-
ing organizations that are going under digital transformation. tion at a higher level of abstraction signifies that firms can
Using the developed scale, supply chain practitioners can improve the digitalization of the supply chain by addressing
appreciate the usage of digital technology in the various func- immediate requirements. Therefore, items and construct vali-
tional areas of the supply chain. Further, most of the constructs dated in this study can facilitate digital transformation in
considered in this study are generic, enabling their usage in Industry 4.0 environment.
diverse sectoral contexts.
Further, by defining four distinct factors of digitalization
7. Conclusion, limitations, and future research
scale, the study enables practitioners to measure these fac-
tors more precisely. Without the measurement tool, it would To date, a significant number of studies have been carried
be difficult for practitioners to identify areas of concern and out to understand different industry 4.0 technologies. While
take appropriate actions. Therefore, the developed measure- previous studies offer valuable insights into the barriers, ena-
ment scale can help in accurately implementing digitalization blers and facilitating factors influencing the implementation
in the supply chain. The four first-order and second-order of industry 4.0 technologies, it devotes scant attention to the
factor models serve distinct purposes for estimating and attributes of digitalization practices essential in the industry
managing digitalization in the supply chain. The second- 4.0 environment. Therefore, our study bridges the research
factor model can be used to measure and convey the overall gap between theory and practice by conceptualizing, devel-
level of digitalization to supply chain practitioners and busi- oping and validating multidimensional digitalization con-
ness unit managers. It can also be used to plan the structs in the supply chain.

The study contributes theoretically and methodologically Acknowledgement

to supply chain literature by focusing on different dimen-
Authors would like to express sincere thanks to the Editor and reviewers
sions of supply chain digitalization in the industry 4.0 envir- for giving constructive comments to improve the quality of this paper.
onment. First, the developed scale for supply chain
digitalization fills the gap of earlier studies that lack a com-
prehensive scale for measuring digitalization in the supply Disclosure statement
chains of manufacturing organizations. It represents the first No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
study emphasizing scale development in supply chain digital-
ization in industry 4.0. Second, existing studies have assessed
practitioners’ perceptions about using a particular industry Notes on contributors
4.0 technology. In contrast, in the present study, supply
chain digitalization considers the application of overall prom-
Ruchi Mishra is an Assistant Professor in Production
inent industry 4.0-based technologies. Unlike previous stud- Operations Management & QT area at Institute of
ies that have been majorly done in the western context, it is Rural Management Anand (IRMA), India. She holds
the first major study on digitalization practices in an emerg- her Fellow (Ph.D.) from National Institute of
ing economy like India. The findings of this study demon- Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India. She has
published papers in journals such as Computer &
strate that four-dimensional conceptualization is essential for Industrial Engineering, Annal of Operations Research,
assessing digitalization practices in the supply chain. Third, International Journal of Logistics Management,
the study offers a methodological contribution by validating Journal of Cleaner Production, IEEE Transactions on
digitalization practices as a second-order latent construct Engineering Management, International Journal of Consumer Studies,
Journal of Enterprise Information Management, and International Journal
using the four first-order factors as indicators of digitalization
of Retail & Distribution Management. Her major interests are in the areas
practices. The findings support that considering digitalization of Digitalization, Green Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain
practices as a second-order construct is conceptually justified Aspects of Omnichannel Retailing.
and empirically supported. Fourth, the study can also have
social implications as the digital supply chain integrates
many facets of society. Supply chain digitalization promotes Dr. Rajesh Kr Singh is Professor in Operations
collaboration between machines and humans that can have Management Area at Management Development
a social impact on the lives of employees and the commu- Institute (MDI), Gurgaon, India. His areas of interest
include Supply chain management, Industry 4.0,
nity in terms of better working conditions, better safety, Circular Economy. Currently, he is serving as
improved labour relations, and reduced complaints and acci- Associate Editor to International Journal of
dents. Given the essential role of industry 4.0 in improving Consumer Studies (Wiley) and International Journal
sustainability performance, the developed scale can assess of Global Business and Competitiveness (Springer).
the level of digitalization in the supply chain for transforming He is also on the Editorial Board of Journal of Supply
Chain Management Systems and Vision-The Journal of Business
customer experience, business process and business model. Perspective. He has also worked as Guest Editor for special issues of
Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Sustainable Production and
Consumption, Competitiveness Review, Journal of Modelling in
7.1. Limitations and future research Management, Administrative Sciences, Global Journal of Operations and
Strategic Sourcing etc. He has published research papers in reputed top
The study contributes to a better understanding of the prac- category international/national journals and conferences. He has pub-
tices required for supply chain digitalization to facilitate the lished papers in journals such as Resources, Conservation and Recycling,
transition towards Industry 4.0. However, it is not without Journal of Cleaner Production, Production planning and Control, Annals
limitations. First, the study has been conducted by taking of Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research,
Applied Soft Computing, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy,
samples from Indian manufacturing organizations; therefore,
Industrial Management and Data Systems, Singapore Management
future studies need to take samples from different geograph- Review, International Journal of Productivity and Performance
ical locations and/or conduct investigations in diverse cul- Management, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Journal of
tural contexts. Second, the study assesses the digitalization Modelling in Management, Competitiveness Review: An International
practices in the supply chain of manufacturing organizations. Business Journal.
Future research can examine the performance implications of
these digitalization practices and their relative importance in
performance improvement. Third, the study used cross-sec- Prof. Angappa Gunasekaran is the director of the
School of Business Administration, Penn State
tional data from manufacturing firms to assess the validity Harrisburg. He has published over 300 articles in
and reliability of the scale items. The validation of the scale prestigious peer-reviewed journals. Prof Gunasekaran
is an ongoing process. Therefore, validity can be established has held academic positions in the UK, Australia,
only after conducting a series of studies over the years that Finland, India, and Canada. He has presented and
published over 50 papers and articles in conferences
can further refine and evaluate the measurement items.
and at several invited leadership talks across the
Therefore, this study can be a starting point, and future work globe. He is on the editorial board of several journals
should include a minimum of these factors to assess digital- and has organized numerous international workshops and conferences
ization of supply chains in the Industry 4.0 Environment. in the emerging areas of Operations and Supply Chain Management.

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