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We use Past Simple Tense for: 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

- finished actions that happened at a specific time in the

a) Harry _______________ (leave) the house in a hurry.
b) My parents _________________ (buy) this house
e.g. I watched a movie yesterday.
when we _________________ (be) 6 years old.
- finished actions that happened in a time period that has
c) Yesterday I __________________ (not, take) the bus
e.g. Christopher Columbus discovered America. to school, I _________________ (walk).
- actions that happened several times in the past d) They ________________ (stop) talking to each other a
e.g. When I was 5 years old, I played tennis every month ago.
weekend. e) Devon ______________ (get) his diploma last Monday.
f) We _________________ (not, see) the sign so we
We form Past Simple Tense with: _________________ (enter).
a) REGULAR VERBS – we add -ED on the base form of the g) I ________________ (have) a wonderful time
verb yesterday on the picnic.
- The letter „y“ changes to „i“ if there`s a consonant in
front of it. If there`s a vowel (-ay, -oy, -ey, uy) the letter 2. Complete the questions with the correct form of the
„y“ doesn`t change. verb in brackets
e.g. marry + ed > married, try + ed > tried
play + ed > played, stay + ed > stayed a) Who __________________ (you, meet) yesterday
- With one syllable verb, there is doubling of final evening?
consonant before adding -ED b) ___________________ (they, have) Spanish in school?
e.g. plan + ed > planned, stop + ed > stopped c) ___________________ (Fred, lock) the door on his
- If there is more than one syllable and the stress is on the way out?
last one d) Why _____________________ (he, not say) anything
e.g. prefer + ed > preferred, occur + ed > occurred about the robbery?
e) Where ___________________ (you, take) Anna on a
b) IRREGULAR VERBS – some are exactly like the base
first date?
form and some are completely different
f) ______________________ (Tim and Jerry, work)
e.g. cut > cut, set > set, hit > hit
go > went, do > done, teach > taught together in 2005?
g) Why _____________________ (you, not call) last
BE > I/he/ she/it > WAS, we/you/they > WERE
DO > DID 3. Use cues below to make sentences in Past Simple
HAVE > HAD Tense. Put the verb into the correct form!

Negative form a) movie / watch / we / evening / yesterday / a

For making negative form, we use the auxiliary DID + NOT >> ____________________________________________.
DIDN`T followed by base form of the verb in all persons. b) lot / semester / study / Tina / a / last
e .g. I didn`t finish my homework yesterday. c) go / Peru / on / summer / vacation / to / we / last
Patrick didn`t forget to water the plants. ____________________________________________.
d) year / in / they / meet / June / last
Interrogative form ____________________________________________.
To form an interrogative sentence, we use DID followed by e) my / steal / new / somebody / purse
the subject and the base form of the verb in all persons.
f) Adam / three / ago / here / return / years
e.g. Did they arrive on time? No, they didn`t / Yes, they did.
Where did we celebrate our 10th anniversary? At home.
g) ankle / I / morning / break / my / this
Signal words: ____________________________________________.
yesterday, last (week, month, year, Friday...), in 2006., this
morning, a month ago, 3 weeks ago, a year ago...

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