After I Had Brushed My Teeth

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Simple past

Past perfect

 After I had brushed my teeth… I realized I had rinsed my mouth with aftershave
instead of mouthwash!
 I went to get dressed and realized I had left my best shirt in the washer!
 I had meant to put it in the dryer before I started getting ready.
 I went to get it from the washer but my mother had already put it in the dryer.
 I was relieved, until I took it out. The shirt had shrunk!
 I sat at a table to wait for Ann to arrive. After I had waited for a few minutes…
 I realized I had put my shirt on inside out!
 This had never happened to me before last night!
 When I came back, a waiter had given my table to someone else!
 I told a server what had happened, but he said would have to wait for another
 After about ten minutes, I told them that I had waited long enough.
 They finally gave me a new table, apologizing that they had made a mistake.
 She said that she had waited for me for over twenty minutes.
 She had left the restaurant and was in her car, about to go home.
 I asked her where she had sat at Taqueria Loca and she sounded surprised. She
had been at Taqueria San Jose!
 Then Ann made it to the restaurant, right? Yes, she did. After 10 minutes had
passed, Ann finally showed up. When I saw her, I left the wait had been worth it.
 Did you have much in common? Yes, we did! It turns out she had listened to most
of the same music I did when I was a teenager. She had even played on a
basketball team, just like me.
 After we had eaten, I went to the men’s room.
 They had been there the whole time I was talking to her!
 She told me that my car keys had started to slip out of my jacket pocket… So she
had only meant to reach for them.
 On the bright side, at least you got to meet her! Are you going to see her again?
Yes, tonight! Oh, that reminds me, I have to go! I had bought a new shirt and I left
it at the dry cleaners. I better go get it.
After my English class I went to the Pame hadn’t arrived to the University
University. when I got there.
We didn’t take breakfast together. Because Pame had already eaten breakfast
at home.
I started my classes at 10:00. My professor had started the class when I
I didn’t have lunch in the University. I had I had cooked my lunch a day before so I
lunch in my apartment. only warmed my food.
After my University class I went to my When I got home I realized I hadn’t fead
apartment. my fish.

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