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Interactive Placement Test Oral Test question banks

Introductory questions
What’s your name? How do you spell it? Where do you live? Do you like learning English?

Level 1 CEF A1–A2

Goals (with Student’s Book unit) Questions Notes
Talking about daily routine and school. What do you do every morning before you go to school?
(Unit 2)
Tell me about a typical day for you.

Tell me about your school day. (Which classes are your favourites?
Which ones don’t you like?)
Talking about holidays and weather Where do you usually go on holiday? Who do you go with?
(Unit 3)
Tell me about the kind of things you do on holiday. (Do you play sport?
Go sightseeing? Shopping?)

What’s the weather usually like during your holiday?

Talking about food What kind of food and drink do you like?
(Unit 7)
Tell me about a typical meal in your country.

Do you enjoy cooking? Why? / Why not?

Talking about parts of a house Tell me about the house or flat you live in. (Where is it? How many rooms
(Unit 8) are there? What’s it like inside?)

Do you have your own room where you live? Tell me about your room.
What’s in it?

Now imagine your dream room. What’s inside it?

Talking about films Tell me about the kind of films you like watching.
(Unit 11)
What’s your favourite film? Why do you like it?

Do you prefer watching films on TV or at the cinema? Why? (How often

do you go to the cinema?)

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Level 2 CEF A2–B1

Goals (with Student’s Book unit) Questions Notes
Talking about jobs What kind of job would you like to do in the future? Why?
(Unit 2)
Which jobs wouldn’t you like to do? Why not?

What jobs do people in your family do? (Do they enjoy their work? Why?
/ Why not?)
Making comparisons Tell me about the town or city where you live.
(Unit 4)
What are the most interesting places to visit? Why?

What are the best shops to visit to buy clothes?

Talking about the future Tell me about how you think our lives will be in the future. How will our
(Unit 5) lives be different from now? (How will we travel? What will our computers
and phones be like?)

Do you think we will have robots in our homes? (How will they help us?)

What about your plans for the future? Tell me about what you’re going to
do next year.
Talking about sports What kind of sports are extreme sports? Why are they called this, do you
Extreme sports think? Have you ever tried any extreme sports? Why? / Why not?
(Unit 6) Tell me about other sports you enjoy doing.

(Where do you play? Who with? How often?)

Talking about music Tell me about the kind of music you listen to.
(Unit 7)
What kind of singers or bands do you like? Why?

(How do you listen to music? On TV programmes? On your computer?

Do you download albums or buy CDs? Have you ever been to a
concert? Tell me about it.)

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Level 3 CEF B1–B2

Goals (with Student’s Book unit) Questions Notes
Talking about fitness What kind of things can you do to keep fit?
(Unit 1)
Tell me about the activities you do, like playing sport or going to the gym.
(Where do you do them? Who with? When? Why do you enjoy them?)

Why is it important to try to keep fit?

Talking about waste and recycling What kind of things can be recycled? How important is it to recycle them?
(Unit 2)
Tell me about what things you do to cut down on waste. (recycling
clothes, paper, plastic)

What else can be done to cut down on waste and energy use, and help
the environment? (for example using less electricity, using solar power,
reducing the number of new things we buy, cutting down on car and
plane travel)
Talking ab out f riends What do we mean by ‘a good friend’?
(Unit 4)
Tell me about a good friend that you’ve got. (How did you meet? What
kind of things do you do together? Why do you like him/her?)

Is it important to share all the same interests as a friend? Why? / Why not?
Talking about talent Do you enjoy watching reality TV shows on TV?
(Unit 6)
Do you ever watch TV talent shows? Why? / Why not?

Tell me about someone who you think is very talented. (What are they
good at?)

What things are you good at? (for example, music, dancing, singing,
drawing, writing, sport, science, computers). Tell me about them.
Talking about hopes and ambitions What do you hope to do in the future? (Go to university? Get a job?
(Unit 12) Travel the world?)

Tell me about your ambitions.

What things will you need to do to achieve your ambitions? (pass exams,
learn a skill, save some money, learn more English / other languages?)

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Level 4 CEF B2
Goals (with Student’s Book unit) Questions Notes
Talking about social networks How often do you meet up with your friends?
(Unit 1)
What other means of communication do you use to keep in touch with
them? (phone, Facebook)

What are the advantages of communicating through social networking

sites? What are the disadvantages?
Talking about sport How important is sport to you?
(Unit 2)
Tell me about a sport you enjoy watching or taking part in. Why do you
like it? What are the rules of the sport? (Where do you go? Who do you
watch/go/play it with? What equipment do you need?)

What international sports are played in your country? Is it important for

countries to compete against each other? Why? / Why not?
Talking about animals Do you keep any pets at home? What kind of animals live in your
(Unit 5) country?

Where are the best places to go and see wildlife? Do you ever visit these
places? Why? / Why not?

What is your opinion of keeping wild animals as pets? What about in

zoos? What are the advantages and disadvantages for the animals?
Talking about clothes Some people say the clothes that people wear tell us about their
(Unit 7) personalities. Do you agree? Why? / Why not?

What kind of clothes do you like to wear? Do you try to follow fashion?

Tell me about a favourite outfit or item of clothing you have. Why do you
like it? How do you feel when you’re wearing it?
Character adjectives Think of three positive adjectives to describe yourself, and explain why
Talking about getting on with other you chose them.
Who are you most similar to in your family? Is there anyone in your family
(Unit 9) (or among your friends) that you often argue with? Why do you argue?

Who do you get on with the best in your family (or among your friends)?
Why do you think that is?

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