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THIS DEED OF DIVORCE is made signed and executed at Islamabad on this

4 t h day of February 2017 I, ___________________ , hereinafter called the
Executant, of this deed of divorce.

WHEREAS a marriage contract / Nikah was solemnized at _____________ on

____________ between the executant and ________________________ in
accordance with Muslim Rites and Injunction of Islam.
AND WHEREAS the parties used to live together as husband and wife but as
the differences cropped up and the relations between the parties have
become strained and all the consolatory efforts have failed and it has
become impossible to live together as husband and wife in the prescribed
limits of Almighty Allah. It was the daily routine to meet with unfair
situation and the Executant tried his best to cope with the affairs so that
the domestic life be passed in a modest and happy manner but executant’s
all efforts resulted fruitless. Now, therefore, I, the Executant divorce by
pronouncing Talaq thrice upon Asma Noureen D/o. Iqbal Khan R/o.
Mohallah Bumbran Wala, Tehsil Colony Eisa Khail:
i. Firstly, I __________________ S/o. _____________ divorced _____________
D/o. __________________ on _____________.
ii. Secondly, I __________________ S/o. _____________ divorce _____________
D/o. __________________ on ___________ and now
iii. I __________________ S/o. _____________ divorce _____________ D/o.
With immediate effect, so all the relations between the husband and wife are
abolished forthwith and the matrimonial bond between the parties ceases to
exist and both the parties have liberty to pass their lives in accordance with
their free choice, will and discretion.

AND WHEREAS I have divorced ___________D/o. ____________ out of my free

will, without any force, fear or pressure and have executed this deed of
divorce / Talaq Nama on this 4 t h day of June 2011, in the presence of the
witnesses mentioned below.

EXECUTANT: ___ ________


1. __________________ 2. __________________

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