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1. Savings
Savings and contributions to the Pag-IBIG fund guarantee tax-exempted annual dividends. At the end of
your membership, you can refund your total accumulated value. The best part is, the sum of your
contributions and dividends will have grown much more than the same amount stored in the bank even
with interest.

2. End-user Home Financing and Affordable Housing Loan Program

Compared to most financing institutions and whether it’s purchasing or construction of a lot or
residential unit, home improvements, or refinancing an existing housing loan, Pag-IBIG makes the load
lighter with its housing loan plans. You can borrow up to 6 million pesos at 5.5% interest per annum,
payable for up to 30 years.

As Pag-IBIG believes in housing for all Filipinos, their Affordable Housing Loan Program caters to
members in the lower-income bracket. With the Affordable housing loan program, you can borrow up to
P750,000 payable for up to 30 years, lots developed or purchased may not exceed 1,000 square meters.
Unlike the regular housing loan, up to three qualified members can share the Affordable Housing Loan

3. Calamity Loan
There is a possibility that typhoons can devastate the entire communities, If you live in an area declared
to be under a state of calamity, you can loan up to 80% of your total accumulated value, with an interest
rate of 5.95% per annum. While this loan is payable in 24 months, you will have a grace period of 3
months before you need to start paying.

4. Multi-purpose Loan
Like any other short-term loan, they can be used for things like travel, funding a small business, bills
payment, and even home renovation. Just like the calamity loan, you can borrow up to 80% of your total
accumulated value, payable in 24 months. The difference lies in the annual interest. Unlike the calamity
loan, the MPL charges 10.75% per annum.

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