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Ecological Engineering 159 (2021) 106085

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Three mechanisms of mycorrhizae that may improve stormwater biofilter T

Yussi M. Palacios , Brandon K. Winfrey

Water Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, 23 College Walk, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia


Keywords: Stormwater biofilters rely on healthy plant communities to perform essential functions of stormwater man-
Green infrastructure agement. Mycorrhizae are a class of fungi which may confer benefits to plants growing in green stormwater
Pollutant removal infrastructure, just as they do in natural ecosystems. Few studies have investigated the roles of mycorrhizae
Fungi outside natural ecosystems or agricultural systems. This review describes three mechanisms of mycorrhizal
Plant performance
symbiosis which could influence plant function in stormwater biofilters. The first mechanism is mycorrhizae
Mycorrhizosphere-rhizosphere interaction
acting as an extension of plant roots, providing water and nutrient for plant growth and resistance to stress.
Plant stress resistance
Through this mechanism metal removal could also be improved. The second mechanism, mycorrhizal interaction
with the rhizosphere, can contribute to soil organic carbon and impact microbial community structures that
ultimately affect the N cycle. A third mechanism is discussed in relation to the impact of mycorrhizae on the
photosynthetic activity of plants and its subsequent effect on plant growth and resistance to environmental
stress. These three mechanisms will be placed into the context of how mycorrhizae could play a crucial role on
plant performance and nutrient and metal removal in stormwater biofilters.

1. Introduction maintain hydraulic conductivity and reduce clogging (Goh et al., 2017;
Le Coustumer et al., 2012), which can be attributed to the creation of
Stormwater biofilters are a widely adopted type of water sensitive macropores by the roots (Lewis et al., 2008). In relation to biological
urban design (WSUD), primarily because of their demonstrated capa- processes, plants have been found to enhance removal of nitrogen,
city to remove pollutants with minimal external energy sources, ease of phosphorus, metals, and, to a lesser extent, hydrocarbons through
incorporation into the urban green infrastructure designs and relatively processes like uptake, facilitation of rhizosphere processes, and gas
low maintenance requirements. It has been widely reported that the exchange (Dagenais et al., 2018). However, plants are only one com-
vegetation in biofilters is crucial for mechanical and biological pro- ponent of the biofilter ecosystem, which functions with the help of
cesses related to nutrient removal, permeability and hydraulic con- microbial communities such as bacteria and fungi. These communities
ductivity (Dagenais et al., 2018; Le Coustumer et al., 2012; Payne et al., are less studied and may play a crucial role on both mechanical and
2015; Read et al., 2009), therefore researchers are increasingly focusing biological processes. For example, Morse et al. (Morse et al., 2018)
on improving the performance and roles of plants in stormwater bio- studied plant-microbe interactions in four plants growing in biofilters,
filters. observing that the abundance of dominant bacterial taxa were influ-
Mechanical benefits of vegetation in biofilters are related to changes enced by plant species type. It was also found that correlations between
in filter media permeability over time. For example, Gonzalez-Merchan the abundance of denitrification genes, denitrification rates and NOx
et al. (Gonzalez-Merchan et al., 2012) monitored the development of removal were likely due to plant-microbe interactions, which indicates
clogging in a field study for 7 years, observing progressive clogging for the importance of studying how microbial N cycling affects water
2.8 years, but after the growth of vegetation, clogging stopped in- quality over time. In regard to fungi, mycorrhizae may facilitate pro-
creasing significantly. Virahsawmy et al. (Virahsawmy et al., 2014) also cesses in the root zone which have important implications for biofilter
found that in the presence of vegetation infiltration rates were around functionality.
150 mm/h higher than in non-vegetated areas of biofilters. The benefits Mycorrhizae establish symbiotic associations with more than 80%
of plants on biofilter permeability is related to root structure. Plants of terrestrial vascular plants (Smith & Read, 2008). The two most
with higher root mass, rooting depth, and diameter help the system to common mycorrhizal morphotypes are ectomycorrhizae (ECM), which

Corresponding author at: Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, 23 College Walk, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia.
E-mail address: (Y.M. Palacios).
Received 19 May 2020; Received in revised form 7 October 2020; Accepted 11 October 2020
Available online 28 October 2020
0925-8574/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y.M. Palacios and B.K. Winfrey Ecological Engineering 159 (2021) 106085

develop an external and visible fungal mantle around the roots, and enter our waterways from impervious surfaces, potentially causing
vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM), which are a type of en- algae blooms and deteriorated aquatic health. Both N and P are present
domycorrhizae that form intraradical structures in the roots. In both in urban runoff in organic and inorganic forms (Li & Davis, 2016).
cases, mycorrhizae also form an external hyphal phase referred to as the Plants assimilate N and P through their roots accessing the soil water.
mycorrhizosphere (Linderman, 1988) that extends the influence of Excessive N and P in urban runoff can be taken up by plants to a certain
roots beyond the rhizosphere (Choudhary et al., 2016; Linderman, extent, but some of these nutrients are re-delivered to the soil when
1991). It is well established that mycorrhizal fungi affect the physiology plants die-off and roots decay.
of plants, physical structure and chemistry of the soil, and have great It has been reported that P particulate is generally removed by fil-
influence on the bacterial community associated to the rhizosphere tration through the media (Li & Davis, 2008a; Li & Davis, 2008b; Li &
(Bulgarelli et al., 2017; Katznelson et al., 1962; Meyer & Linderman, Davis, 2009; Liu & Davis, 2014) as well as soluble P through adsorption
1986). These functions can benefit plant establishment, plant pro- (Lucas William & Greenway, 2008; Lucas William & Greenway, 2011).
ductivity, and re-establishment after natural and/or human interven- Regardless, some studies show that P removal is enhanced in vegetated
tion, among others (Curaqueo et al., 2014; Glassman et al., 2016; Wagg vs. non-vegetated biofilters (Bratieres et al., 2008; Glaister et al., 2014;
et al., 2011). These benefits are well known and applied in other fields Read et al., 2009).
such as in agriculture and ecosystem restoration, but are only just The capacity of filter media to absorb P is determined by the amount
starting to be explored in stormwater biofilters (Poor et al., 2018). Since of amorphous iron oxide and aluminium oxide content in the filter
the first stormwater biofilters were described in 1999 (Winogradoff & media (Li & Davis, 2016), as well as adsorption breakthrough and ex-
Coffman, 1999), thousands of stormwater biofilters studies have been haustion of P, which accumulates and can eventually saturate the filter
published. These studies have primarily focused on hydrology, hy- media. Soluble P, especially phosphate, can be taken up by plant roots
draulics, and the contribution of media and vegetation to the system and be relocated to the shoot (Kadlec & Wallace, 2009), allowing re-
functioning. Only three of these studies have investigated mycorrhizal moving P from the system by plant harvesting. Pruning plant material
fungi in stormwater biofilters. Poor et al. (Poor et al., 2018) and Poor in biofilters is a common practice as part of seasonal maintenance of
and Kube (Poor & Kube, 2019) evaluated the role of mycorrhizal fungi vegetation (Erickson et al., 2018; Payne et al., 2015). This practice is in
on nutrient and metal removal in biofilter mesocosm studies. In a field increasing interest since it has been discussed (Kadlec & Wallace, 2009;
study, (Winfrey et al., 2017) surveyed 32 biofilter plant communities in Roy et al., 2009), mainly because improving the capacity of plants to
three Australian cities for mycorrhizal colonisation of dominant plant absorb phosphorus from the media could be a promising path to in-
species. About 28% of biofilter plant communities exhibited mycor- crease P removal from biofilter, avoiding a long term P saturation in the
rhizal associations, some of which were observed in species which are system.
rarely mycorrhizal. Despite the relatively low prevalence of mycor- Pore spaces that are unreachable for roots but reachable for hyphae
rhizal colonisation observed in Australian biofilter plants, roles of these contain water and nutrients that can be absorbed and transferred from
mycorrhizae could have significant impacts on biofilter performance hyphae to roots (Oades, 1984). It is well known that mycorrhizal plants
and plant establishment (Winfrey et al., 2017). establish a bidirectional transfer of nutrients, where especially P and N
In order to identify key roles of plants which mycorrhizae might are taken up by the external mycelium and transferred to the plant in
influence, we first investigated these roles in 205 peer-reviewed studies exchange for organic C. Unlike non-mycorrhizal plants, these plants
published between 1999 to March 2020, which investigated the con- develop two pathways to absorb nutrients, especially P (Javot et al.,
tribution of plants to biofilter performance. Of these studies, 90, 76 and 2007; Marcel, 2007). In the “direct pathway”, P transporters located in
30 focused on the contribution of vegetation to nitrogen, phosphorus the epidermis and hairs of the plant roots facilitate P uptake. Plant
and heavy metal removal, respectively. Thirty-seven studies focused on orthophosphate transporters absorb P as orthophosphate from soil close
the contribution of plants to biofilter hydrology or hydraulics. In rela- to the root surface, which is transferred to the roots (Smith et al., 2010).
tion to environmental stress, 19 studies considered that biofilter plants In the “mycorrhizal pathway,” both fungal and plant P transporters
can be exposed to water or salinity stress, which affect the performance facilitate P uptake (Smith et al., 2010). The mycorrhizal pathway is
of biofilters. Based on the known contribution that plants provide to crucial for P uptake in mycorrhizal plants, even in cases when no effect
this system and some of the environmental factors that affect their of mycorrhizae on plant growth has been observed (Hetrick et al., 1996;
performance, we propose three mechanisms, summarised in Fig. 1, Ravnskov & Jakobsen, 1995; Smith et al., 2003). Van der Heijden et al.
where mycorrhizae can play a key role in the contribution of plants to (Van der Heijden et al., 1998) inoculated 70 microcosms with 1 kg of
biofilter performance: 1) as an extension of plant roots, 2) in its inter- VAM, containing 1, 2, 4, 8, or 14 fungal species. They observed a de-
action with the rhizosphere, and 3) in the photosynthetic activity of creasing soil P and increasing plant P with an increasing number of
plants. VAM species, indicating that VAM was crucial for P uptake in the mi-
crocosms. If this same response is observed in mycorrhizal plants
2. Mycorrhizae as an extension of Plant roots growing in biofilters, P could be removed from the soil by the mycor-
rhizal pathway in addition to the direct plant P uptake by roots. Per-
One gram of soil can contain up to 111 m of hyphae associated to manent removal of P from the system could be achieved by pruning the
VAM (Miller et al., 1995; Smith et al., 2004) and 200 m associated to plants Roy (Roy, 2017).
ECM (Leake et al., 2004) with diameters between 2 and 20 μm, which is In the case of nitrogen, biofilters can have around 75–85% of N in
one or two orders of magnitude narrower than roots (> 300 μm) (Smith dissolved forms, meaning that most of the N removal depends on bio-
et al., 2010). These small diameters enable hyphae to access areas logical processes (Dagenais et al., 2018). Nitrogen is decomposed by
unreachable for plant roots and water- and nutrient-filled micropores mineralization to ammonia, oxidized to nitrite and nitrate (nitrification
(Smith et al., 2010). Also, it has been found that hyphae can adjust their process), and finally released to the atmosphere by denitrification or
hyphal diameter depending on the size of the pores, allowing them to assimilation of nitrate through plants and microbes. In VAM plants, it
reach compacted soil pores in dry conditions (Drew et al., 2003). The has been found that fungal hyphae developed outside the roots, also
extension of plant roots by mycorrhizae could enhance the role of plants known as extraradical mycelium, have a key role in N uptake; both
in biofilter media. nitrate and ammonia are taken up by the fungal extraradical mycelium
before being converted and translocated from the extraradical to the
2.1. The role of root extension in nitrogen and phosphorus removal intraradical mycelium (fungal hyphae developed inside the roots) and
finally incorporated into plant proteins (Govindarajulu et al., 2005).
Rain events in urban areas cause nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to Because this fungal extraradical mycelium can reach micropores which

Y.M. Palacios and B.K. Winfrey Ecological Engineering 159 (2021) 106085

Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the three

mechanisms of mycorrhizae that can contribute to
the performance of biofilter. Mycorrhizae can 1) act
as an extension of plant roots, providing additional
water and nutrient for plant growth and resistance to
environmental stress. Through this mechanism metal
up taken could also be imporved. 2) Through its in-
teraction with the rhizosphere, mycorrhizae can
contribute organic carbon to soil and change bac-
terial community structures, which has a key role on
the nitrogen (N) cycle. 3) Mycorrhizae can enhance
energy production by increasing photosynthetic ac-
tivity of plants, having imprtant impact on plant
growth and resistance to stress.

roots are unable to access, mycorrhizae could also affect the role of increased biomass production (Göhre & Paszkowski, 2006), allowing
plants in N removal in biofilter systems. To confirm this, studies on N plants to cope with a higher metal concentration in soils. Aloui et al.
removal in biofilters that evaluate the effect of mycorrhizae could use (Aloui et al., 2011) studied the effect of VAM on cadmium-stress miti-
root exclusion and the addition of 15N-labelled nitrogen to the saturated gation in Medicago truncatula, in the context of its contribution to the
zone to evaluate movement of nitrogen through hyphae. transfer of Cd from the soil to harvestable above-ground plant tissue.
They found that in the presence of VAM, plants increased their shoot
2.2. The role of mycorrhizal associations in metal removal tolerance to Cd by 33%. However, some of these studies show that the
tendency to increase metal tolerance is both metal- and species-specific
Metals are incorporated into plant tissue through the uptake of soil (Aloui et al., 2011; Griffioen et al., 1994).
water by roots, which can be toxic to plants or essential to growth. Mycorrhizae may also increase metal removal in biofilters through
Plants regulate metal concentrations in their tissue to reduce toxicity the same mechanism that enhances P removal by increasing the volume
and maintain levels of metals which are essential for their metabolic of soil accessible to plant roots, mycorrhizae may facilitate the in-
processes, but toxic at higher concentrations (Clemens, 2001). Plant creased uptake of metals (Aloui et al., 2011). Additionally, as mycor-
physiological processes mediate the tolerance to these metals (Clemens, rhizae enhance plant nutrition and growth, they provide a sink for the
2001), which can be affected by mycorrhizal colonisation (Liao et al., additional “waste” carbon produced by their plant hosts through the
2003; Weissenhorn et al., 1995; Whitfield et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2007). extended hyphal network (Smith & Read, 1997). This carbon can be
In biofilters, the removal of metals from stormwater runoff is largely stabilised in the rhizosphere and enhance metal removal through in-
driven by sorption to filter media (Davis et al., 2003). Metal sorption creased sorption (Aloui et al., 2011). In biofilters, additional organic
and desorption depend on filter media properties (Feng et al., 2012), carbon in the filter media increased copper removal, one of the primary
particularly organic matter content (Blecken et al., 2009a) and degree metals of concern in urban runoff (Blecken et al., 2009a).
of saturation (Sun & Davis, 2007). Long-term removal of metals fol-
lowing saturation of sorption sites may be enhanced by vegetation (Sun 2.3. The role of mycorrhizal associations in plant drought tolerance
& Davis, 2007). Metal uptake by plants varies by species, metal, and
operating conditions (Blecken et al., 2009b). Plant species with higher Plants growing in biofilters are exposed to alternating wet and dry
metal tolerance and higher biomass are suggested to enhance the long- periods, depending on the environmental conditions. Some investiga-
term benefits of biofiltration in terms of metal removal (Sun & Davis, tions have indicated that prolonged dry periods can impact plant
2007). growth and pollutant removal performance in biofilters (Barron et al.,
Mycorrhizae may play a role in metal removal in biofilters in nu- 2020; Hermawan et al., 2020; Muerdter et al., 2018). This is suggested
merous ways. Firstly, mycorrhizal associations can increase plant tol- because dry seasons can lead to plant death in natural ecosystems
erance to metals in metal-contaminated soils (Aloui et al., 2011; Dueck (McDowell et al., 2008). In biofilters, which often consist of sandy filter
et al., 1986; Göhre & Paszkowski, 2006; Griffioen et al., 1994; Leyval media receiving runoff from an area 50–100 times their area (Payne
et al., 2002). This increased metal tolerance may be due to increased et al., 2015), plants must tolerate inundation and extended dry periods.
metal transfer from belowground to aboveground plant parts or Because the filter media is engineered to maintain high hydraulic

Y.M. Palacios and B.K. Winfrey Ecological Engineering 159 (2021) 106085

conductivity, substrate moisture content can dry rapidly. Indeed, a field Attard et al. (Attard et al., 2011) found that SOC explained 81% of
inspection of about 100 stormwater assets revealed poor plant health potential denitrification variance in crop/temporary grassland sites,
and plant death were the most common problems encountered in indicating that differences in SOC availability have the potential to
stormwater biofilters, (Browne et al., 2014) The authors also identified change denitrification patterns. Roesti et al. (Roesti et al., 2005) found
substrate moisture content was the most likely cause of diminished that the bacterial community associated with Glomus spores was more
plant health (Browne et al., 2014). influenced by VAM than host plant identity, which was influenced by
The expanded access to soil micropores can enable mycorrhizal the components of the spore wall, concluding that VAM spores could
plants to perform better under dry conditions (Augé, 2001; Ruiz-lozano, provide particular conditions for specific bacteria to grow in the soil.
2003; Safir et al., 1971; Safir et al., 1972). Safir et al. (Safir et al., 1971) In biofilters, N removal is driven by biological processes related to
compared the resistance to water transport between mycorrhizal and plant growth strategies and plant activity in the rhizosphere (Payne
non-mycorrhizal plants of Soybean. 28 days after the mycorrhizal in- et al., 2018). In the previous section, it was discussed that mycorrhizae,
oculation, mycorrhizal plants presented 40% lower water transport acting as an extension or plant roots, could increase N absorption by
resistance than non-mycorrhizal plants, followed by doubling plant plants. By contributing organic carbon and changing the microbial
height. Under drought conditions, Duan et al. (Duan et al., 1996) stu- community in the rhizosphere, mycorrhizae could also contribute to
died the influence of mycorrhizae on hydraulic parameters of leaves of nitrogen removal in biofilters.
Vigna unguiculata, observing higher stomatal conductance, transpira- It is known that both VAM and ECM can facilitate the uptake of
tion, and shoot water potential in mycorrhizal plants than in non-my- soluble inorganic nitrogen, while ECM can also increase uptake of in-
corrhizal ones when soil water content was low. These results lead to soluble and soluble organic nitrogen (Smith & Read, 2008). However,
the conclusion that mycorrhizal plants could have access to an extra the potential mechanisms associated with mycorrhizal-related nitrogen
source of water in dry soil, provided by the fungi. It was understood uptake in biofilters are yet to be described.
that altered rate of water movement in mycorrhizal plants can be re- One gram of soil can contain up to 111 and 200 m of hyphae as-
lated to the improvement of P acquisition (Safir et al., 1971), but today sociated to VAM and ECM, respectively, and an estimated 200 to 1.8
it is also known that mycorrhizae can affect water relations of plants by million species of bacteria (Leake et al., 2004; Miller et al., 1995;
other mechanisms unrelated to P uptake (Augé, 2001). Roesch et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2004). The relationship between fungi
Ruiz-Lozano and Azcón (Ruiz-Lozano & Azcón, 1995) studied the and soil microbial communities could be crucial for nitrogen removal in
contribution of mycorrhizal hyphae to water uptake by growing my- biofilters. (Li et al., 2019) found that the ectomycorrhizal fungi Piso-
corrhizal Lactuca sativa in containers with three compartments: 1) a lithus tinctorius recovered archaeal amoA gene abundance and deni-
root compartment containing mycorrhizal plants, 2) a hyphae com- trification enzyme activity under acid rain. Other researchers have
partment, where roots could not penetrate and 3) a second hyphae found that VAM can facilitate nutrient uptake activity in plants by its
compartment where water was supplied. Plants that were supplied with association with microorganisms such as plant-growth-promoting bac-
water in the hyphal compartment 2 showed higher plant fresh weight, teria or nitrogen-fixing bacteria (de Novais et al., 2020; Yadav et al.,
leaf water content, and gas exchange than non-watered plants, in- 2020). For example, Yadav et al. (Yadav et al., 2020) observed that the
dicating that mycorrhizal hyphae can absorb and transfer water to activity of growth-promoting bacteria isolated from native soil in-
plants from areas plant roots cannot penetrate. creased in wheat cultivars by the presence of VAM, resulting in in-
Other results have also shown that hyphae ability to access more creases in nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, total chlorophyll content in
soil water can result in higher stomatal conductance and transpiration, leaves and improvement of soil organic matter. In plant species more
better diffusion of nutrients in dry seasons and lower concentration of closely related to those used in biofilters, Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2020)
xylem abscisic acid in mycorrhizal plants (Augé, 2001; Duan et al., studied the effect of mycorrhizae on nitrification and denitrification in
1996). the rhizosphere of a Cyperaceae, Cyperus alternifolius. It was found that,
In areas where water stress is a major factor affecting plant health in plants inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi isolated from local soil,
(e.g., stormwater biofilters and green roofs), leaf water potential nitrification and denitrification activity was promoted. Microbial
(Farrell et al., 2013) and turgor loss point (Du et al., 2019) can be used community structure and biomass analysis revealed changes to the ni-
to quantify plant drought tolerance. Plants with lower leaf water po- trifier and denitrifier communities and higher soil microbial biomass in
tential have been found to tolerate drought conditions (Carmo-Silva VAM-inoculated plants (Liu et al., 2020). These results indicate that the
et al., 2009). The extensive review prepared by Augé (Augé, 2001) interaction of extraradical mycelium of mycorrhizae with the rhizo-
showed that 98 out of 110 studies presented positive effects of my- sphere could contribute to soil organic carbon and microbial commu-
corrhizae on host gas exchange, water relations, drought tolerance, nity structure and activity related to the N cycle in biofilters. Metage-
and/or growth. Even though more studies need to be done in green nomic analysis of microbial communities coupled with N processing in
infrastructure systems, these findings indicate that mycorrhizal in- biofilters with and without VAM-inoculated plants could reveal the
oculation of biofilter and green roof plants could potentially offer a relative importance of mycorrhizae in N removal.
solution to one of the major issues of these systems.
4. Mycorrhizae affects photosynthetic activity of plants
3. Mycorrhizae and the rhizosphere
Biofilters are exposed to several environmental changes such as dry
Mycorrhizae have the potential to change and/or increase soil or- seasons, wetting and drying cycles, temperature and salinity changes,
ganic carbon (SOC) composition, which can subsequently affect the all of which can affect plant physiology and health. The most important
nutrient cycle and hydrocarbon removal through changes in the soil indicator of health in plants is its photosynthetic activity. It has been
bacterial community. The main carbohydrate components of mycor- observed that the photosynthetic performance of plants exposed to any
rhizal hyphae are trehalose, mannitol and glycogen (Bago et al., 2003; of these environmental stressors can be negatively affected, which is
López et al., 2007; Ramstedt et al., 1987). In the case of VAM spores, it followed by negative effects on plant growth (Mathur et al., 2019;
has been found that 28 spores/g soil can contribute up to 919 kg/ha of Sheng et al., 2008; Zhu et al., 2010). Mycorrhizae have been found to
spores, of which a large proportion corresponds to SOC (Sieverding increase the performance of photosynthesis of plants under water
et al., 1989). A correlation between glycoprotein and hyphal length (Huang et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2012), temperature (Mathur et al.,
density in soil suggests that mycorrhizae contribute significantly to soil 2018) and salinity (Sheng et al., 2008) stress conditions, indicating that
organic matter (Lal, 2003; Rillig, 2004; Rillig et al., 2001). Microbial mycorrhizae could contribute to plant health by increasing the photo-
activity in the rhizosphere depends significantly on the amount of SOC. synthetic activity of biofilter plants, especially when they are exposed

Y.M. Palacios and B.K. Winfrey Ecological Engineering 159 (2021) 106085

to environmental stressors. less so the subsequent effect on biofilter performance. From the 205
Mathur et al. (Mathur et al., 2019) studied the role of VAM in the peer-reviewed studies examined in this review concerning plant roles in
protection of the photosynthetic apparatus of Triticum aestivum under biofilters, one study considered net photosynthesis rate measurement
water stress by measuring the maximum quantum yield of Photosystem (Gong et al., 2019) and two studies considered chlorophyll a measure-
II (Fv/Fm), which is an indicator of plant photosynthetic efficiency. ment as an indication of plant photosynthetic response to pollutant
They observed that mycorrhizal plants had 32% higher Fv/Fm compared concentration in biofilter (Choi et al., 2019; Gong et al., 2019). Besides
with non-mycorrhizal plants, as well as higher relative water content in these studies, we are not aware of any study describing photosynthetic
their leaves and soil. Other parameters such as non-photochemical efficiency of biofilter plants, however, Fv/Fm has been used as an in-
quenching and electron transport rate also revealed that mycorrhizal dicator of plant health in green roof studies (Angela et al., 2006; Eksi
plants were able to absorb more light for photosynthesis and increase et al., 2015; Xie et al., 2018; Young et al., 2017). The role of mycor-
photosynthetic activity, indicating that mycorrhizal hyphae penetrated rhizae on the photosynthetic performance of biofilter plants could be
deeper in the soil to provide water to the plants, which protected the evaluated by measuring a wide range of photosynthetic parameters,
photosynthetic apparatus from dry conditions (Mathur et al., 2019). such as Fv/Fm, photosynthetic rate, non-photochemical quenching,
Another study showed that inoculation with VAM increased chlorophyll chlorophyll content and photosynthetic capacity. Studies in this research
content and Fv/Fm in Zea mays in drought-stress and control conditions area would contribute to the understanding of plant health in biofilters,
(Zhu et al., 2012). Similar results have been observed in other plants its effect on growth and biofilter performance.
such as Cucumis melo (Huang et al., 2011) and Citrullus lanatus (Mo
et al., 2016). 5. Conclusions
Biofilters installed close to coastal areas can also be exposed to
seawater, affecting plant physiology and growth that lead to biological The evidence of both the importance of plants in biofilters and the
immobilisation of N and P (Szota et al., 2015). This, in addition to role of mycorrhizae in plant establishment and performance suggest
biofilters in colder climates commonly treating salt-laden runoff from that there are numerous benefits that mycorrhizae can provide to bio-
de-icing agents, has led to search for plant species that can tolerate filters. Based on studies in natural and agricultural systems as well as in
saline conditions while maintaining performance in a biofilter (Szota laboratories, we identified three mechanisms in which mycorrhizae
et al., 2015; Tahvonen, 2018). It has been found that mycorrhizae can may affect biofilter plant roles and thus biofilter performance: 1) my-
increase plant tolerance to salt stress; Sheng et al. (Sheng et al., 2008) corrhizae can act as an extension of plant roots, providing extra water
tested the influence of VAM (Glomus mosseae) in maize plants growing and nutrient to plants by penetrating unreachable water and nutrient-
under increasing levels of NaCl from 0 to 2 g/kg dry substrate, finding filled micropores in the soil. This could benefit plant growth and re-
that under 1.5 g/kg of NaCl, mycorrhizal maize plants showed 24% sistance to stress as well as increase nutrient and metal removal from
higher Fv/Fm and 100% higher net photosynthetic rate than non-my- stormwater. 2) In interaction with the rhizosphere, mycorrhizae could
corrhizal plants. This increased photosynthetic activity resulted in 3.5 also contribute SOC and impact bacterial community density and
times higher water use efficiency and 2.5 times higher aboveground structure in biofilters, both having an important role in the N cycle. 3)
biomass in mycorrhizal plants. Inoculation using G. mosseae on Prunus Mycorrhizae could have an important role in the photosynthetic ac-
maritima (beach plum) also resulted in an increase of Fv/Fm, among tivity of biofilter plants, improving plant growth and resistance to
other photosynthetic parameters, in plants grown under NaCl level of stress, especially when they are exposed to changes in water avail-
2%, which indicated that G. mosseae can alleviate the effect of salt stress ability, salinity levels or temperature.
on the photosynthetic activity of P. maritima (Zai et al., 2012). Ad- We have identified mechanisms that could have significant effects
ditionally, mycorrhizal Z. mays grown in salt-stressed environments had on biofilter performance. Yet, to our knowledge, only three studies have
increases in multiple photo- and non-photochemical indices when evaluated mycorrhizae in biofilters to date (Poor & Kube, 2019; Poor
compared to non-mycorrhizal Z. mays, suggesting the increase in pho- et al., 2018; Winfrey et al., 2017). Consequently, the importance of
tosynthetic performance due to mycorrhizal symbiosis can decrease evaluating these mechanisms in biofilters is clear. It is important to test
plant stress (Sheng et al., 2008). numerous biofilter plant species, inoculants, and environmental con-
Mycorrhizal plants can also better tolerate temperature stress ditions. Growing our knowledge of the roles of mycorrhizae and other
(Mathur et al., 2018). Photosynthetic and growth parameters were soil microorganisms may help to optimise performance, deliver more
compared between mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Zea mays grown reliable performance, and reduce maintenance costs of stormwater
under high-temperature stress of 44 °C. Mycorrhizal plants showed biofilters. Indeed, this research needs to be conducted in a variety of
higher Fv/Fm (0.818) than non-mycorrhizal plants (0.766), as well as climatic and ecological regions, where different environmental stressors
higher total chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate, which also and plant-fungal relationships may influence the mechanisms described
resulted in 30 cm higher shoot height and 12 cm higher leaf length in in this review.
mycorrhizal plants (Mathur et al., 2018). Another study performed on Biofilters, containing engineered filter media rather than natural
Z. mays investigated the effect of high-temperature stress on photo- soils, may not support mycorrhizae at the abundance observed in nat-
synthesis of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants by comparing ural plant communities (Helgason et al., 1998). Indeed, mycorrhizae
plants grown under 25, 35 and 40 °C (Zhu et al., 2011). Net photo- are not abundant in Australian biofilters and did not increase with in-
synthetic rate and Fv/Fm decreased with increasing temperatures in creasing biofilter age (Winfrey et al., 2017). In contrast, older green
both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants, indicating that 40 °C is a roofs supported more mycorrhizae (Chaudhary et al., 2019). In-
high-temperature stress condition for this plant species, however, under oculating biofilters with mycorrhizae may be an effective strategy to
that high temperature, mycorrhizal plants showed higher net photo- improve biofilter function by improving the health of plants. In bio-
synthetic rate, Fv/Fm, and photosynthetic pigments accumulation than filters, species diversity decreases over time (Winfrey et al., 2018). In-
non-mycorrhizal plants (Zhu et al., 2011). oculating older biofilters may improve persistence of certain plant
Evaluating the effects of mycorrhizae on biofilter plant photo- species that would otherwise not survive. In new biofilters, mycorrhizae
synthetic activity, wherein stressors can be enacted on replicated bio- may aide plant establishment in sandy biofilter media, as is observed in
filter plants, would contribute to the understanding of plant health in restoration of plant communities in mine tailings (Chen et al., 2007;
biofilters. Even though it is well known that biofilters can be exposed to Hetrick et al., 1994) and sandy soils (Carrillo-Garcia et al., 1999).
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moisture content, the effect of these factors on the photosynthetic ac- be carefully considered. The addition of ‘biofertilizers’ like microbial
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