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Carbon emission, sequestration, credit and economics of wheat under poplar

based agroforestry system

Article in Carbon Management · November 2020

DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2020.1840875


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Abhay Kumar Swati Shabnam

Birsa Agricultural University Birsa Agricultural University


Prabhat Ranjan Oraon

Birsa Agricultural University


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Carbon Management

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Carbon emission, sequestration, credit and

economics of wheat under poplar based
agroforestry system

Abhay Kumar , Virendra Singh , Swati Shabnam & P. R. Oraon

To cite this article: Abhay Kumar , Virendra Singh , Swati Shabnam & P. R. Oraon (2020) Carbon
emission, sequestration, credit and economics of wheat under poplar based agroforestry system,
Carbon Management, 11:6, 673-679, DOI: 10.1080/17583004.2020.1840875

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2020, VOL. 11, NO. 6, 673–679

Carbon emission, sequestration, credit and economics of wheat under

poplar based agroforestry system
Abhay Kumara, Virendra Singhb, Swati Shabnama and P. R. Oraonc
Department of Agronomy, RAC, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, India; bDepartment of GPB, G.B. Pant, University of
Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India; cDepartment of SAF, Faculty of Forestry, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, India

The present study was conducted to compare the carbon sequestration potential, carbon Carbon emission; carbon
emission, and cost benefit ratio of wheat varieties under open farming and poplar based sequestration; carbon stock;
agroforestry system. Field experiment was carried out at Agroforestry Research Center, G.B. carbon credit; economics
Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. The experimental plots
were laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with two associate farming systems, open
farming and poplar based agroforestry system, and four varieties of wheat, PBW-373, PBW-
343, UP-262 and VL-907, with three replications. Above ground, below ground and total bio-
mass, carbon stock, carbon sequestration, carbon credit, and carbon price all were signifi-
cantly higher in wheat under poplar based agroforestry system (22.949, 2.753, 25.702,
11.460, 42.049 tonnes/ha, 40.049 and $744.270/ha) while net emission was significantly lower
(40.998 tonnes/ha) in two years, as compared to open farming (37.263 tonnes/ha). Net
return and Benefit Cost (B:C) ratio ($876.29/ha and 1.83) was also higher in agroforestry sys-
tem than open farming system ($700.91/ha and 1.82). Among wheat varieties VL-907
recorded maximum net return and B:C ratio ($914.52/ha and 2.12) followed by PBW-343.

Introduction planted on an area of 2700 km2 in northern India

Agroforestry is the science of designing and devel- [5] and covers 1.22% of the total area under agro-
oping integrated, self-sustainable, land-manage- forestry [6]. Poplar (Populus deltoids Bartr.) based
ment systems that involves the introduction and agroforestry system is economically viable and
retention of woody components such as trees, more sustainable than many other crop rotations
shrubs, bamboos, canes and palms along with prevalent in northern and eastern India since mid-
agricultural crops including pastures or animals, 80s [7]. Its popularity among the farmers is mainly
simultaneously or sequentially on the same unit of due to multi-utility wood, fast growth, high market
land and time, to satisfy the ecological as well as prices, less competition with associated crops and
socio-economic needs of people. Agroforestry pro- pruning tolerant nature [8]. Many research findings
vides assets and income from wood energy, diver- have highlighted that the benefits of intercropping
sified crop rotations, improved soil fertility, in poplar could be more money spinning than
enhancement of local climatic conditions, ecosys- growing crops as monocropping [3,5,9–11]. An
tem services and reduces human impacts on nat- average farmer earns 46% higher income from
ural forests [1,2]. The ever-increasing demand for poplar-based agroforestry system [12]. Studies
wood products could be minimized by growing revealed that Poplar based agroforestry system
timber trees in agriculture landscape. Various fast- increases income (>70%) and is an emergency
growing and industrially important tree species source of cash (>20%) for plantation owner in
like poplar, eucalyptus, melia, shisham and bam- northern India [13]. Poplar, being a fast-growing
boo can be grown under agroforestry system [3,4]. tree, also provides vast opportunities for carbon
Total green cover under agroforestry system of (C) sequestration.
the country is estimated at 111,554 km2 which is Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is grown exten-
3.39 percent of country’s total geographical area, sively under agroforestry system in central and
out of which poplar, which is one of the fastest- northern India. Poplar, due to its leaf shedding
growing industrial soft woods, is extensively habit before sowing of wheat in winter season,

CONTACT Abhay Kumar Department of Agronomy, RAC, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 834006 India
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Layout plan of the field experiment under open farming system and poplar based agroforestry system.

makes an excellent companion tree than other potential of different tree species under systems
tree interfaces and higher wheat yield under pop- for carbon sequestration in different regions.
lar compared to other tree-crop in agroforestry
system is reported due to its complementary Methods
effects on resource allocation [14,15]. The inherent
potential of wheat under poplar based intercrop- Site description and experimental setup
ping system can be achieved by enhancing the The study was conducted during winter season
competitive ability of wheat through appropriate of 2013–14 at the experimental site of
and sustainable land use system. Keeping these Agroforestry Research Centre of G.B. Pant
points in view, an experiment was aimed to assess University of Agriculture and Technology,
the performance of wheat varieties under sole Pantnagar, Uttarakhand (29 1’ 21"N to 29 1’
cropping and poplar based agroforestry system. 43"N Latitude and 79 24’ 19"E to 79 24’ 30"E
The present study also compared the C sequestra- longitudes and at an altitude of 243.84 meters),
tion potential and cost benefit of wheat under which lies in the foothills of the Shivalik range of
open and poplar based agroforestry system in the Himalayas and North West plain agro-climatic
Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. Carbon studies are wheat zone in the narrow strip called ‘Terai’. The
gaining importance as there are various negative experiment was laid out in randomized block
environmental impacts of conventional farming, design with two-factors, two systems, viz. open
agriculture contributing nearly 14% and land use farming and poplar based agri-silvicultural sys-
and forestry 17% of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) tem, and four varieties of wheat viz. PBW-343
emissions globally. Increasing carbon emissions is (timely sown), PBW-373 (late sown), UP-262 (early
the major concern now days and to minimize the sown), VL-907 (late sown) with high yield poten-
carbon emissions through sequestering more car- tials, and replicated thrice. The poplar clone G-48
bon in system is one way to mitigate climate was used which is fast growing and shed leaves
change and achieve the global targets of reducing during four winter months, and hence is suitable
the emission intensity of its gross domestic prod- for this region under agroforestry conditions. Plot
uct (GDP). Government of India has set a goal to size was 7  6 m2 and the spacing of Poplar was
reduce emissions upto 33–35% from 2005 level 7 m  3 m. Poplar seedlings were transplanted in
and to create an additional carbon sink of 2.5–3.0 the experimental field on February 22, 2012.
billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent Different varieties of wheat were sown mechanic-
through additional forest and tree cover by 2030 ally in rows at a distance of 23.0 cm on
under Intended Nationally Determined November 14, 2013; seed rate was 100 kg per
Contribution (INDC) submitted to United Nations hectare. The land was left fallow during summer
Framework Conservation on Climate Change season. The experimental layout is shown in
(UNFCCC). Efforts are made to generate data on Figure 1.

Plant sampling and carbon sequestration plants were uprooted to the depth possible in
1 m2 area. Fresh weight (above and below ground)
Poplar plantations of clone G-48 (2 year old) trees
was taken and hereafter, the representative sam-
were measured for their height from ground to top
ples from all treatment and replications were taken
of the trees and girth at breast height (1.37 m above
and brought to laboratory and dried in oven at
the ground level). Standing volume of timber tree
60  C till the constant weight was attained to
was calculated by the regression equation: Total vol-
record dry weight.
ume (m3) V ¼ 0.003487 þ 0.268366  D2H, where, V,
D and H represent timber volume, diameter at
breast height and height of the tree, respectively Economic analysis of poplar-based
[16]. The above ground biomass of poplar was calcu- agroforestry systems
lated by the formula: Biomass ¼ volume X specific
In economics, cost of cultivation is the total
gravity of wood (0.423 g/cm3 for G-48 clone of pop-
expenditure incurred right from sowing to harvest
lar [17]. The below ground biomass of poplar was
of the crop, including the field preparation. It is
calculated using IPCC, default value 0.26 [18].
worked out from cost of input materials such as
Therefore, carbon storage of poplar tree has been
seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, etc and
computed by fraction of biomass, i.e. C ¼ 0.42  B, (C
labor cost for total man days needed, and is
content in percentage equal to 42 for poplar tree
expressed in $/ha. Gross return is the total income
[19]) where C is the carbon stock and B the dry bio-
obtained by selling price of main product as well
mass. Above ground and below ground carbon
as by products and is also expressed in $/ha.
stock in herbs and shrub species was determined by
Market price helps portray the economic overview
multiplying their respective aboveground and
of agroforestry systems.
belowground biomass with carbon conversion factor
Net return
of 0.45 [20]. The estimated carbon stocks were con-
Net return is obtained by subtracting cost of
verted into CO2 equivalents (quantity of C  44/12 or
cultivation from gross return and expressed in
3.66) for calculating CO2 assimilation by biomass of
$/ha. The Net return calculated as follows
poplar trees in agroforestry systems. The carbon
Net Return ¼ Gross return – Total cost of
credit or certified emission reduction (CER) is the
unit related to reduction of 1 tonnes of CO2 emis-
Benefit cost ratio
sion. The value of one carbon credit or CER in US
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) is the ratio of net return
Dollar is about 17.7 $.
and cost of cultivation. It can be expressed as
Carbon emission
Net return ð$=haÞ
Benefit Cost RatioðBCRÞ ¼
The carbon (CO2 -e) emission was estimated by Cost of cultivation ð$=haÞ
“Green House Gases Estimation Tool for Integrated
Farming System Models” developed by ICAR- The project is considered to be viable only
Indian Institute for Farming System Research, when BCR is one or more than one.
Modipuram, Meerut, India. All the inputs used, viz.
diesel used for land preparation, irrigation, and Statistical analysis
running of any other farm machinery, fertilizers,
Whole data was first entered in Microsoft excel
agrochemicals etc. were taken into account as for
and then analyzed by OP-STAT software.
the estimation of CO2 -e emission. Net emission
Significance of variance was determined using
was then calculated by subtracting total carbon
ANOVA and summaries were drawn. Standard error
sequestered in the field from total CO2 -e emission
of mean (SEm±) and C.V. was computed in each
from the field.
case by using the critical difference (C.D.) at 5%
probability level to test the effects of treatments.
Grain, straw and biological yield
Yield of wheat was recorded by harvesting the net Results and discussion
plot area of each plot at physiological maturity.
Growth parameters of poplar tree
Harvests were then left to dry and then threshed
and winnowed to get grain and straw yield separ- Growth and biomass of poplar tree in open farm-
ately. To estimate the biological yield of wheat, ing and poplar based agroforestry system are

Table 1. Growth parameters of poplar tree at the end of experiment (two years old).
Tree Diameter at Plant Tree Total Biomass Carbon stock sequestration CER or Carbon Economic price
No. breast height (cm) height (m) volume (m3) (tonnes/ha) (tonnes/ha) (tonnes/ha) credit ($ or Dollar)
1 7.32 5.00 0.0156 3.958 1.662 6.100 6.10 107.98
2 6.36 3.60 0.0141 3.577 1.502 5.514 5.51 97.59
3 4.13 5.10 0.0098 2.486 1.044 3.832 3.83 67.83
4 5.72 5.45 0.0118 2.994 1.257 4.614 4.61 81.67
5 7.95 6.5 0.0202 5.125 2.152 7.899 7.90 139.82
6 6.68 5.00 0.0142 3.603 1.513 5.553 5.55 98.29
7 4.77 4.50 0.0105 2.664 1.119 4.106 4.11 72.68
8 8.27 5.70 0.0207 5.252 2.206 8.095 8.09 143.28
9 7.00 5.10 0.0157 3.983 1.673 6.139 6.14 108.67
10 6.68 6.20 0.0145 3.679 1.545 5.670 5.67 100.36
11 5.72 4.60 0.0119 3.019 1.268 4.654 4.65 82.37
12 6.50 5.50 0.0145 3.679 1.545 5.670 5.67 100.36
13 3.82 4.70 0.0091 2.309 1.854 6.804 6.80 120.44
14 5.41 5.50 0.0122 3.095 1.300 4.771 4.77 84.44
15 7.63 6.50 0.0192 4.871 2.046 7.508 7.51 132.89
16 7.62 6.00 0.0182 4.617 1.939 7.117 7.12 125.97
17 6.61 5.50 0.0173 4.389 1.843 6.765 6.77 119.74
18 6.36 4.80 0.0133 3.374 1.417 5.201 5.20 92.06
19 7.00 5.80 0.0162 4.110 1.726 6.335 6.34 112.13
20 7.32 5.70 0.0169 4.288 1.801 6.609 6.61 116.98
21 7.32 5.60 0.0167 4.237 1.779 6.531 6.53 115.59
22 3.82 3.70 0.0089 2.258 0.948 3.480 3.48 61.60
Mean 6.36 5.27 0.0146 3.707 1.597 5.862 5.86 103.76

Table 2. Total biomass, carbon stock, CER and carbon price at the end of experiment (two years) under open farming
and poplar based agroforestry system.
Biomass (Trees þ Wheat) (tonnes/ha)
Treatments Above ground Below ground Total Carbon stock (tonnes/ha) CER or Carbon credit Carbon price ($ or Dollar)
Farming systems
Open farming 21.061 2.106 23.167 10.425 38.261 677.220
Agroforestry system 22.949 2.753 25.702 1.146 42.049 744.270
SEm ± 0.404 0.049 0.451 0.194 0.712 12.592
CD (5%) 1.225 0.148 1.367 0.588 2.158 38.195
Wheat varieties
PBW-343 22.226 2.443 24.669 11.049 40.550 717.73
PBW-373 21.317 2.357 23.674 10.600 38.902 688.57
UP-262 21.278 2.379 23.657 10.586 38.851 687.67
VL-907 23.199 2.540 25.739 11.531 42.317 749.01
SEm ± 0.571 0.069 0.637 0.274 1.006 17.808
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS
CV % 6.356 6.957 6.391 6.453 6.454 6.453

presented in Table 1. Mean dbh, height and vol- respectively of Poplar deltoids trees planted in agro-
ume of poplar tree were found to be 6.36 cm forestry with a spacing of 5 m  5 m (400 trees/ha).
5.27 m and 0.0146 m3 respectively, the total bio- Among wheat varieties, VL-907 recorded maximum
mass (aboveground and belowground), carbon above ground, below ground and total biomass, car-
stock, carbon sequestration were estimated to be bon stock, carbon credit as well as economic price
3.707, 1.597, and 5.862 tonnes/ha respectively and (23.199, 2.540, 25.739, 11.531 tonnes/ha, 42.317 and
the Carbon credit and Economic price were found $749.01) followed by PBW-343 and minimum was
to be 5.86 and $103.76 at the age of two years. found in UP-262 (21.278, 2.379, 23.657, 10.586
tonnes/ha, 38.851 and $687.67).
Carbon sequestration
Net carbon emission
Above ground, below ground, and total biomass,
carbon stock, carbon credit as well as economic price The net carbon emission per ha in two years was
all were significantly higher in wheat under agrofor- significantly lower in agroforestry system (40.998
estry system (22.949, 2.753, 25.702, 1.146 tonnes/ha, tonnes/ha) as compared to open farming (37.263
42.049 and $744.270) as compared to open farming tonnes/ha) in spite of higher emission (1.052
(Table 2) due to tree biomass in addition to wheat tonnes/ha as compared to 0.998 tonnes/ha in
under agroforestry system. Tandon et al. [21] also open farming) due to more carbon sequestered by
reported estimated bole biomass of 17.42, 37.47 and trees in the system (42.049 tonnes/ha as compared
47.80 tonnes/ha at the age of 3, 5 and 7 years to 38.261 tonnes/ha in open farming). Among

Table 3. CO2-e emission, carbon sequestration and net emission at the end of experiment (two years) under open farm-
ing and poplar based agroforestry system.
CO2-e emission Carbon sequestration Net emission
Treatments (tonnes/ha) (tonnes/ha) (tonnes/ha)
Farming systems
Open farming 0.998 38.261 37.263
Agroforestry system 1.052 42.049 40.998
SEm ± – 0.711 0.711
CD (5%) – 2.158 2.158
Wheat varieties
PBW-343 1.025 40.550 39.525
PBW-373 1.025 38.902 37.877
UP-262 1.025 38.851 37.827
VL-907 1.023 42.317 41.292
SEm ± – 1.006 1.006
CD (5%) – NS NS
Interaction – NS NS
CV % – 6.453 6.631

Figure 2. Carbon sequestration and net emission at the end of experiment (two years) under open farming and poplar
based agroforestry system.

Table 4. Initial (February, 2012) soil organic carbon (%) agroforestry system and subsequent net emission
in open farming and final (April, 2014) wheat under open in both the system is graphically presented in
farming and poplar based agroforestry system.
Figure 2.
Treatments Organic carbon (%) (Final)
0–15 cm 15–30 cm
Farming systems
Open farming 1.04 0.81 Soil organic carbon
Agroforestry system 1.12 0.86
SEm ± 0.01 0.01 Initial soil organic carbon at the time of tree plant-
CD (5%) NS NS
Wheat varieties
ing was recorded to be 0.96% in 0–15 cm and
PBW-343 1.14 0.84 0.80% in 15–30 cm of soil layer. After two years of
PBW-373 1.01 0.82
UP-262 1.05 0.78 experimentation, soil organic carbon in all the
VL-907 1.12 0.89 treatments increased in both the layers. This
SEm ± 0.01 0.01
CD (5%) 0.04 0.01 increase can be attributed to addition of biomass
Interaction NS NS
CV % 3.01 3.91 in the soil as a result of farming. Agroforestry sys-
Initial 0.96 0.80 tem recorded higher increase than open farming
due to total leaf fall of poplar trees in winter sea-
wheat varieties, VL-907 recorded minimum net car- son and leaves are easily decomposed in the soil.
bon emission (41.292 tonnes/ha) followed by Soil organic carbon under poplar-based agrofor-
PBW-343 (39.525 tonnes/ha) and maximum was estry system and open farming was 1.12% and
found in UP-262 (37.827 tonnes/ha), showed in 1.04% in 0–15 cm layer and 0.86% and 0.81% in
Table 3. The carbon sequestration of wheat vari- 15–30 cm layer, respectively. Among wheat vari-
eties under open farming and total carbon seques- eties, soil organic carbon was found maximum in
tered by wheat varieties and poplar tree under the wheat variety PBW-343, followed by VL-907,

Table 5. Economics under open and poplar based agroforestry system.

Wheat yield (tonnes/ha) Gross return ($ or Dollar)
Treatments Grain yield Straw yield Wheat Tree Total Net return($) B:C ratio
Farming systems
Open farming 3.790 6.595 1085.41 0 1085.41 700.91 1.82
Agroforestry system 3.674 6.445 1053.65 305.60 1359.25 876.29 1.83
SEm ± 0.254 0.403 8.15 10.24 13.00 13.00 0.03
CD (5%) NS NS 24.95 31.35 39.84 39.84 NS
Wheat varieties
PBW-343 39.09 6.423 1109.36 150.25 1259.61 825.88 1.91
PBW-373 36.04 6.128 1038.43 154.12 1182.53 748.80 1.72
UP-262 31.98 6.554 942.36 156.57 1098.93 665.20 1.56
VL-907 42.17 6.975 1198.01 150.25 1348.25 914.52 2.12
SEm ± 3.59 0.570 11.52 14.48 18.40 18.40 0.04
CD (5%) NS NS 35.28 NS 56.33 56.33 0.12
Interaction NS NS NS NS NS NS SEm ± 0.05
CD (5%)0.17
CV % 6.93 6.27 11.97 9.81 11.54 13.39 12.11

UP-262 and PBW-373 as shown in Table 4. under agroforestry also increased soil organic car-
Addition of litter fall and fine-root in the soil turn- bon due to litter fall and gave higher monetary
over increased soil organic matter content. Sharma returns in terms of net return, B:C ratio and carbon
and Dadhwal [22] estimated that poplar leaf litter price ($876.29/ha, 1.83 and $744.27/ha) than under
added on an average in the soil at the age of open farming. Among wheat varieties VL-907
3–4 year. Near poplar tree line (0–3 m) higher recorded maximum net return and B:C ratio
organic carbon (0.53%) contents were recorded. ($914.52/ha and 2.12) followed by PBW-343. It can
Gupta et al. [23] also recorded increase in average thus be concluded that the impacts of greenhouse
soil organic carbon from 0.36% in sole crop to gases, global warming and climate change as a
0.66% in 1, 3 and 6 years old poplar based agrofor- whole can be reduced or improved through agro-
estry soils. forestry, making agricultural production systems
more profitable as well. In general, trees also
Economics improve above and below ground microclimate,
meso and microfauna, and microflora around plant
Economics of poplar based agroforestry was calcu-
roots which alter soil chemical, biological, and
lated for open farming and agroforestry system on
physical properties.
the basis of selling rates of different produces
(Poplar – $86.67/tonnes, Wheat grain – $240/
tonnes and Wheat straw – $26.67/tonnes) and are Acknowledgments
presented in Table 5. The net return and B:C ratio This research partly formed the M.Sc. Agriculture
are found higher in agroforestry system ($876.29/ (Agroforestry) thesis by the first author, and for field and
ha and 1.83) than open farming ($700.91/ha and laboratory facilities provided, Chairman & HOD,
1.82). Among wheat varieties, VL-907 recorded sig- Department of Agroforestry, College of Agriculture, G. B.
Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar,
nificantly higher net return and B:C ratio ($914.52/
Uttarakhand, India are gratefully acknowledged.
ha and 2.12) followed by PBW-343 ($825.88/ha and
1.91) and minimum was found in UP-262 ($665.20/
ha and 1.56). Singh et al. [24] and Kumar et al. [25] Disclosure statement
also reported higher net returns from agri-silvicul- No potential conflict of interest was reported by
ture system of poplar (500 trees/ha) with wheat in the author(s).
winter and fallow in rainy season in northern India.
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