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Ladies and gentlemen!

Welcome to The Memorandum of Understanding and Opening Ceremony of International Community
Service of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia

at Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Sadao, Songkhla Thailand

Sawatdee, krup!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh
Good morning!
It is an honor for us to be here as the master of the ceremony. My name is Andrew Okta Mahendra.
And my partner is
Hi, My name is Nur Arfiya Adnan. I am in grade 6/1 of the English Program. I am Teacher Andrew’s
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamiin, we Praise Allah Subhanahu wataala, The Almighty God, who always
gives us mercy and blessing.
Let’s start our agenda by praying together based on your belief.
Ladies and gentlemen!
When we shout “Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School,’ everybody please say “The School/ of Islam/ Way
of Life!”
The honorable,
 The Manager of Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School Songkhla,, Dr. Abdurrahman Kayeem
 The Vice Manager, Ustadz Phaisan Kayeem
 The director Ustadz Ta’leb Kayeem
 The Vice Director, Ustadz Preecha Roengsamut
The honorable,
 The Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ma'mun Murod
 The Head of the International Relations Office of UMJ, Dr. Endang Zakaria
 The Research Center of UMJ, Darto

All respectable
 Thailand school principals, Teachers, staff, UMJ students, and our beloved participants.

1. Reciting the Holy Quran, by Badryah Jaidi, 6/4 grade high school student of Sangkhom Islam
Wittaya School and continued by Aidil Ilham irrofiqi, an Undergraduate student of
Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. The stage is yours

2. The National Anthem of Thailand, “Phleng Chat Thai” and The National Anthem of
Indonesia “ Indonesia Raya”

Ladies and gentlemen,/ We please you to stand up.

We please you to have a sit

3. Ladies and gentlemen!

We have a spectacular singing performance from primary students of Sangkhom Islam
Wittaya School. Please welcome EP 3/1 students with their song Soleram
Everybody, please give applause!

Next, a Singing performance from 3/2 students with their song Thank You Allah- by Maher

4. The profile video playback of Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School, Thailand.

Please enjoy the show
5. Welcoming speech from The Director of Sangkhom Islam Wittaya School. Ladies and
gentlemen, we please Dr. Ta’leb Kayem.
6. Speech from The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta,
Ladies, and gentlemen, Please welcome Prof. Dr. Ma'mun Murod
7. Ladies and gentlemen, Special Performance from Muhammadiyah University Jakarta
students! Here are Martial Art, Silat Betawi Aliran Rahmat and Wonderland Indonesia
Please give applause!

Martial Art, Silat Betawi Aliran Wonderland Indonesia Dance is a combined dance between the modern
Rahmat is … and traditional dances of Indonesia. This dance unities the traditional
performed by Syamil Abdul Qohar. movements and philosophy from several traditional dances growing in the
Now it is performed by UMJ Students;
1. Aisha Diva Caledonia
2. Wirdatul Jannah
3. Cakra Maharani
4. Nursyifa Alifiah
5. Winda Yulianti
6. Kinanti Putri Herlambang
7. Octana Puteri Pedrova
8. Shzalfa Azzahra

8. Signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Integrated Islamic School Network

Thailand and Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta Indonesia.
1. Firstly, we, please …
9. The Impression speech and introduction from the students of UMJ.
Please welcome Meisya Adelina Dewanti.
10. Du’a and Speech from The Head of the Islamic Integrated School Network, Babo Mansyur
The stage is yours!
11. Ladies and gentlemen
The agenda comes to an end. / To close this ceremony,/ let’s recite alhamdulillahi
robbil aalaamiin
alhamdulillahi robbil aalaamiin

12. It has been our pleasure to host this event. Thank you for your participation.
Wabilahitaufik wa hidayah, Wassalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh)

(Ladies and gentlemen, we please you all to come in front to take pictures together!)

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