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EXERCISE (Page 133)

CHAPTER 8: Control & Coordination

Question Number 1:

Copy and Complete.


The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The brain
is protected by the skull and the spinal cord by the vertebral column.
Impulses are carried to the spinal cord by the sensory neurons. Inside the
gray matter of spinal cord, the impulses are passed on to the relay
neurons. The impulses leave the spinal cord along motor neurons. There
is a gap between two neurons called a synapse.


Question Number 2:

a) What is meant by:

i) A stimulus
ii) A receptor
iii) An effector


i) A Stimulus is a change that can be detected.

ii) A receptor detects the change.
iii) An effector brings about responses.
b) Name the parts labelled A to G.


A: Sense organ/ Receptor

B: Sensory Neuron

C: Cell body of Sensory neuron

D: Relay Neuron

E: Synapse at the level of relay and motor neuron

F: Motor Neuron

G: Effector organ

c) Explain what is happening from A to G.


Receptor receives the stimulus. The impulse travels to the spinal cord
along the sensory neurone. In the spinal cord the impulse is passed
on to the relay neurone. This passes the impulse on to the motor
neurone. The motor neuron carries the impulse to the muscle. The
muscle is the effector. The muscle will take an action called as
response. This phenomenon is called as reflex arc.

Question Number 3:

Look at the diagram of motor neurone:

a) Name the parts labelled from A to D


A: Cell Body

B: Axon

C: Fatty (Myelin) Sheath

D: Dendrites

b) Give the functions of parts B, C and D.


B: Axon carries the impulse/ message away from the cell body.

C: Fatty (Myelin) Sheath insulate the axon to ensure that impulse is

not lost.

D: Dendrites sends the impulse/ message to the cell body.

Question Number 5:

a) What is meant by a reflex action?


Reflex action is a sudden involuntary response to stimuli.

b) Which reflex action happens when you:

i) Get dust in your trachea: Cough
ii) Have bright light shown into your eye: Pupil constrict/
Closure of eye lids.
iii) See or smell nice food: Drooling
iv) Stand outside in cold wind: Shivering

c) How does each of these reflexes help you?

i) Coughing helps to eliminate dust particle from respiratory
ii) Constriction of pupil/ Closure of eye lids helps to protect our
eyes from bright light that can otherwise be dangerous.
iii) Production of saliva (Hypersalivation) helps the mouth and
stomach to be prepared for the food.
iv) Shivering generates heat in cold wind to keep the body
temperature normal.
Question Number 6:

a) Name four ways in which hormonal system is different from

nervous system?
Nervous System Endocrine System
Electrical impulses are the Hormones are the chemical
messengers in the nervous system messengers in the endocrine system
that target cells through the
Brain and the spinal cord constitute the Glands and organs like thyroid,
nervous system pituitary glands and reproductive
organs (ovaries and testes) are
involved in the endocrine system
Nerve impulses are transmitted Hormones are transmitted through
through neurons blood vessels
Responses are localized. Responses are widespread.

b) Which hormone:
i) Prepares body for action: Adrenaline.
ii) Reduces the amount of glucose in the blood: Insulin.
iii) Controls the rate of chemical reactions in the body:
iv) Is produced in the testes o the male: Testosterone.
v) Is produced in the ovaries of females: Oestrogen and


Question Number 9:

Give the proper biological names for each of these parts of eye:

a) Light sensitive layer: Retina.
b) Controls the amount of light entering the eye: Iris.
c) Delicate transparent layer at the front of eye: Conjunctiva.
d) Tough, white, outer layer of eye: Sclera.
e) Jelly like substance that keeps the eye in shape: Vitreous humor.
f) Carries nerve impulses to the brain: Optic nerve.
g) Black middle layer: Choroid.
h) Attaches the lens to the ciliary muscles: Suspensory ligaments.


Question Number 10:

The diagram shows a section through the human eye:

a) Name the parts labelled A to G.

A: Aqueous humor
B: Lens.
C: Cornea
D: Sclera
E: Choroid
F: Retina
G: Vitreous humor
b) Which of these parts help in focusing light on F?
B: Lens.
c) Write out the sequence to show the pathway of light from C to
The light enters through the transparent cornea, its passes
through the lens and is focused on retina.
d) How are nerve impulses carried away from the eye to the
The nerve impulses are carried through optic nerve away from
the eye to the brain.


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