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11. Hi yomira. What if we talked about trip experiences?

b. hello Sander. Sure. I hear you.

22. When did you last travel abroad huancayo?
b. I traveled last week because I had to do paperwork at the university.
33. How did you travel?
b. I traveled by bus to the city of Arequipa, because my car is in the workshop.
44. How long did the journey take you to go to cusco?
b. It took me 5 hours..., for the reason that I traveled by bus and it is a means of
transport a bit slow....
55. How many places did you visit in Cusco?
b. I visited several places, for example Paucarpata, Bustamate and Rivero, Cayma and
the center of Arequipa.
66. How much money did you spend on your last trip?
b. I spent approximately a thousand dollars, because I paid university fees and meals
77. Did you have fun?
b. Being honest yes, apart from going to university, visiting my friends and family was

godd evening, everyyone. i'll report Yomira's:: she says that she traveled to the city of
Cusco two years ago where she got to know Machu Picchu and the rainbow mountain,
she also traveled by bus because it was not so expensive. His trip took 20 hours, which
was not boring at all because there were beautiful landscapes. Later, she visited many
places like Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountain. the main square and sacsaywaman, she
also told us that he spent a thousand dollars on his trip. and finally he told us that he
loved his trip because it was the first time he had visited Cusco with his friends

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