ODI AmE TE6 Unit5

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Unit Overview
Objectives• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• To identify and talk about tourist attractions and amusement park attractions
• To ask and answer questions about activities using simple past tense
• To ask and answer questions about activities using future tense
• To talk about plans in sequence

Language •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tourist attractions: aquarium, amusement park, palace,

water park, theater, national park, circus
Target Vocabulary Amusement park attractions: ride the Ferris wheel,
go on the bumper cars, play miniature golf, ride the carousel,
go on the paddle boats, ride the roller coaster, go on the pirate ship,
go on the water slide

What did you do yesterday? I went to the aquarium.

Did you go to the aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Target Structures Did you like the aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
What will you do at the amusement park?
First, I’ll ride the Ferris wheel. Then, I’ll go on the bumper cars.

Values: Plan, but be flexible. Planning helps you do more things.

Cross-curricular: Social science: Beach safety

Materials• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Student Book 6 pages 60–69

• Audio CD tracks B:02–14
• Picture Cards: (66) aquarium, (67) amusement park, (68) palace, (69) water park,
(70) theater, (71) national park, (72) circus, (73) ride the Ferris wheel, (74) go on the
bumper cars, (75) play miniature golf, (76) ride the carousel, (77) go on the paddle
boats, (78) ride the roller coaster, (79) go on the pirate ship, (80) go on the water
• Story Cards
• Activity Sheets 9–10
• Workbook 6 pages 48–57
• Unit 5 Test
Student Book page 60
• To listen to a conversation
• To identify tourist attractions
Target language
aquarium, amusement park, palace, water park,
theater, national park, circus
Picture Cards 66–72

• Pre-teach the word tourist. Say, I like being a
tourist. I like going places. Talk about a recent trip
you took and the things you did. Start by saying, I
went on a trip to …. It was great. Invite students to
share similar experiences.
• Say, Let’s think of some fun places for tourists. Elicit
responses and write the names of the places on the

Using the page

1 B:02
Listen and read. Did they enjoy today?
• Ask, Who can you see in the picture? (Hannah, Maria,
Felipe, Tom, and Flo) Where are they? (At the camp.)
What time is it? (It’s late./It’s evening.) 3 Look at Activity 1. Where did Flo,
• Play the audio. Ask students to look at the story frames Tom, and Maria go?
and listen. Play the audio again, pausing for students to
repeat. Pair students and give them time to ask and answer the
• Divide the class into five parts and assign the roles. question. Circulate, prompt, and help as needed.
Have each group read their lines.
Assign Workbook page 48. For the answers, see
• Ask comprehension questions: Where did Tom and Flo WB page 168.
go today? (To a palace.) How was it? (It was great.)
Where did Maria go? (To the palace and the museum.)
Where will they go tomorrow? (To the amusement park.) Extension
Where does Felipe want to go first? (On the water Tourist scramble game
Review tourist attractions using Picture Cards 66–72.
Then have students sit in a circle. Assign each
2 B:03
Listen and say. student one of the tourist attractions. Stand in the
middle and start talking. Explain to students that
• Focus on the seven pictures of tourist attractions. Play
when they hear their tourist attraction, the ones who
the audio and have students repeat after each word
are assigned that item must switch chairs. Teacher
they hear.
also takes a chair, leaving one student in the middle.
• Put Picture Cards 66–72 up on the board for students’ That student then takes the teacher’s role, although
reference. Number each card. Pair students and have if a student says the word tourist all students move to
them play a game. One student in each pair says a a new chair.
number. His/Her partner has to say the item and use
it in a sentence, e.g., Palace. I went to the palace

4 B:05
Listen and circle.
• Focus on the Look! box. Play the audio (CD track B:04)
and have students repeat the questions and answers.
• Focus on the picture of Maria. Tell students they will
listen to Maria talking on the phone to her dad. Then
have students read the questions chorally.
• Play the audio and have students do the activity.

Hi, Maria.
Hi, Dad.
What did you do yesterday? Did you go to London?
Yes, I did. I went to a lot of places in London.
Did you go to the palace?
Yes, I did. Buckingham Palace is beautiful.
Did you go to the zoo and the aquarium?
No, I didn’t. There was no time because I went to the
theater. The actors were great.
Where did you go after that?
To a pizza restaurant—I was really hungry!
Sounds like you’re having a wonderful time!

• Elicit answers from the class.

5 Stick and circle. Then ask and

• Have students read the exchanges in the speech
bubbles chorally.
• Ask students to focus on the stickers for this activity
at the back of their books. Have students say what the
items are, and give them time to place the stickers on
Student Book page 61 the page by their choice.
• Pair students and give them time to ask and answer
Objectives questions, using the target language.
• To use tourist attractions vocabulary
• To ask and answer questions about activities using 6 Ask and answer. What did you do
simple past tense
Target language
What did you do yesterday? I went to the aquarium. Pair students and give them time to ask and answer
Did you go to the aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. questions, using the target language. Encourage them
Did you like the aquarium? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. to find out what their partner did, where he/she went to
and whether he/she liked the place/activity.
Picture Cards 66–72, Activity Sheet 9 Online task: Direct students’ attention to Champ.
Tell students to go online to Future Island and find
Champ’s item. Once students click on it, they are
Warm-up taken to a supplementary language task.
Divide the class into two. Show students Pictures
Cards 66–72 one by one and elicit spellings. Correct
Assign Workbook page 49. For the audio script,
spellings earn points for the teams. WB see page 162. For the answers, see page 168.

Using the page Extension

Tourist places matching game
B:04 Hand out a copy of Activity Sheet 9 to pairs of
What did you do yesterday? I went to the aquarium. students. Have students add one more item by
Did you go to the aquarium? Yes, I did. drawing and writing. Ask them to cut out the items.
Did you go to the aquarium? No, I didn’t. Students take turns to match the picture card to the
Did you like the aquarium? Yes, I did. word card. When they make a match, they say a
Did you like the aquarium? No, I didn’t. sentence using the target word.
Using the page
7 B:06
Listen and say.
• Introduce the new vocabulary with Picture Cards
73–80. Hold the cards up one by one, then turn them
to the word-side and ask students to repeat the words
after you. Then ask students to look at the words and
pictures in their books.
• Play the audio and have students listen as they look at
the eight pictures in their books.
• Play the audio again and have students repeat the
vocabulary. Correct pronunciation if necessary.

8 B:07-08
Listen to the song and write.
• Draw students’ attention to the lyrics on page 62. Play
the song audio and have students listen.
• Play the audio again and ask students to write the
correct word in the spaces. Have students compare
their answers with partners.
• Play the song again and have students check their
answers in pairs.
• Invite students to sing the song. Play the karaoke
version (CD track B:08) and ask students to do some
actions as they sing the song.

9 Look and say.

• Draw students’ attention to the four pictures at the
bottom of the page. Pair students and have them ask
Student Book page 62 and answer the questions.
• Invite a few pair of confident students to ask and
answer the questions in front of the class. Correct any
• To identify amusement park attractions
• To practice amusement park attractions
vocabulary with a song
Assign Workbook page 50. For the answers, see
Target language WB page 168.
ride the Ferris wheel, go on the bumper cars, play
miniature golf, ride the carousel, go on the paddle
boats, ride the roller coaster, go on the pirate ship, Extension
go on the water slide Amusement park design
Materials Give each student a drawing paper and have them
Picture Cards 73–80, drawing paper, colored pencils draw and color a picture of their own amusement
park. It can be one from their imagination or one they
have been to. Students present their poster to the
Warm-up class. Encourage the class to ask questions using
• To review interrogative of like using past simple, simple past tense. Finally, have a class vote for the
have students work in pairs. They each imagine or best amusement park.
think and write down a famous place they visited
last year. Their partner asks questions to guess the
place. Encourage them to use target language.
• Divide the class into two teams and play charades,
using the tourist attractions vocabulary.

Using the page


What will you do at the amusement park?

First, I’ll ride the Ferris wheel. Then, I’ll go on the bumper

10 B:10
Listen and number. Then ask and
• Have students focus on the Look! box. Play the audio
(CD track B:09) and have them listen and repeat after
the audio.
• Say the exchange in the speech bubbles chorally,
then draw students’ attention to the six pictures in
Activity 10. Point to picture 1a and ask, Where are
they? (They’re at the amusement park.) What are they
doing? (They’re going on the pirate ship.)
• Have students listen to the audio and write 1 or 2 in the
boxes for each item to indicate the order of the activity.

1. First, I’ll ride the carousel. Then, I’ll go on the pirate

2. First, I’ll play miniature golf. Then, I’ll go on the paddle
3. First, I’ll ride the Ferris wheel. Then, I’ll go on the water

• To check answers, ask students, e.g., Which attraction

did they/she do first? Which box is number one?
Student Book page 63
11 Look at Activity 10 and write.
• To ask and answer questions about activities using • Have students look at the pictures in Activity 10 and
future tense the sentence prompts in Activity 11. Give students time
• To talk about plans in sequence to do the activity. Circulate and prompt as needed.
• Invite confident students to write their answers on the
Target language board. Correct any mistakes.
What will you do at the amusement park?
First, I’ll ride the Ferris wheel. Then, I’ll go on the
bumper cars. 12 Ask and answer. What will you do
next week/summer/winter/year?
Picture Cards 66–72; 73–80, Activity Sheet 10 Pair students and give them time to do the activity.
Circulate and prompt as needed. Invite confident
students to speak in front of the class.
Play a memory game to review vocabulary of this Assign Workbook page 51. For the answers, see
unit by using Picture Cards 66–80. First, show the
WB page 168.
word-side of the cards one by one and have students
repeat. Then have everyone stand up. Say, e.g.,
Ferris wheel! The first person in the first rows says, Extension
e.g., Ferris wheel! Palace! Repeat down the rows, What will you do at the amusement park?
adding a new word each time. If a student cannot Pair students and give each pair Activity Sheets 10.
remember he/she must sit down. To extend the Using the word cards only, students pick 2 cards and
game, add verbs, e.g., I rode the Ferris wheel! I went make sentences about their own experiences, using
to the palace! future tense, e.g., First, I’ll ride the carousel. Then, I’ll
go on the bumper cars.

Using the page
13 B:11
Read. Then match the underlined
words to the photos.
• Give student time to look at the four photos, and
have them talk about what they see. Have students
read the underlined words chorally, and check for
• Play the audio and have students listen as they follow
along in their books.
• Play the audio again and have students complete the
activity by matching the pictures with the underlined
• To check answers, point to each picture and ask,
What’s this? or What are they doing? Elicit answers by
asking students to say the number or the words.

14 Write.
• Have students read the four questions aloud chorally.
• Give students time to complete the activity in pairs.
Circulate and help as needed.
• Check answers by asking pairs of students to give their

15 Talk about your last vacation and

your plan for your next vacation.
• Draw students’ attention to Activity 13. Ask, Do you
Student Book page 64 like Hawaii? Would you like to go there? Why / Why
not? What can you do in such a place? Elicit possible
vocabulary of holiday activities and weather conditions
(e.g., sightseeing, relaxing, sunny, warm, comfortable)
• To develop reading, writing, listening and speaking
Write the words on the board.
• To scan for information • Have students read the statement in the speech
bubble chorally. Place students in small groups and
Additional language have them take turns talking about their last vacation
surfing, Hawaiian dancing, paragliding, volleyball and their plan for next vacation. Circulate and help as
Materials needed.
paper, colored pencils • Invite some students to talk about their own, or their
classmate’s vacation plans.

Warm-up Assign Workbook page 52. For the audio script,

• Write on the board, Yesterday I went somewhere WB see page 162. For the answers, see page 168.
and I did something. Encourage students to ask
questions in simple past tense to find out more.
Have something interesting in mind to answer Extension
students’ questions. Vacation plan
• To extend the activity, invite some students to the Give each pair of students a piece of paper and ask
front to do the same. Other students ask them them to plan for their next vacation. Encourage them
questions to find out more information. Encourage to use their imaginations and be creative. Their aim
them to answer questions in full sentences, using is to make plans for their next vacation by drawing
affirmative and negative verbs, e.g., No, I didn’t play illustrations and writing sentences. Students present
tennis yesterday. Yes, I liked the movie very much. to the class. Have the class judge which vacation
plan is the most attractive.

Using the page
16 B:12
Read. What do the different flags
• Draw students’ attention to the photos and ask them to
talk about what they see.
• Play the audio and have students read along in their
books. Remind them to use the context to work out
meaning. Ask them to answer the question, What do
the different flags mean?

17 Look at Activity 16 and write.

• Ask students to read the text in Activity 16 one more
time, aloud. Then read the five incomplete statements
• Pair students and give them time to do the activity. Ask
for volunteers to say the statements to the class for
checking. Students check their own work.
• Draw students’ attention to the Think! box. Read the
text chorally. Give students time to think of possible
answers and take notes. Discuss.

Assign Workbook page 53. For the answers, see

WB page 168.

Safety role-play game
Place students in small groups and have them write
Student Book page 65 and act out a skit showing an aspect of safety at the
beach/park/schoolyard. To make the activity more
Objectives challenging, students do the skit as a silent movie,
• To integrate cross-curricular content (social and the students watching must guess what aspect
science) into English class of safety is the subject, what rules are being broken,
• To develop cross-curricular content through a short and what is the safety tip.
Mini-project: Have students work in small groups
Additional language and find out about beach safety in their country and
safety instructions, slip, slop, slap, yellow and red make a poster. Remind them that they can get ideas
flags from some government pamphlets or websites on the
Materials Internet, or they can take photos on the beaches and
pictures (from the Internet) showing warning signs on use them in their posters.
the beaches and parks

• Ask students about their experiences of going
to a beach/pool/water park, e.g., Is it fun? Is it
dangerous? What did you do to protect yourselves?
Write their answers on the board and discuss.
• Show students some pictures of warning signs and
place them on the board. Ask them to guess the
meanings of the signs.

Using the page
18 B:13
Listen and read.
• Draw students’ attention to the story frames and
give them time to look at the pictures. Play the audio.
Students listen and follow in their books.
• To check understanding, give students false
statements to correct. Read them out one at a time and
students correct them chorally, e.g., It’s easy to rescue
Champ. (It isn’t easy to rescue Champ. It’s difficult to
rescue Champ.) The nature reserve closed down fifty
years ago. (The nature reserve didn’t close down fifty
years ago. It closed down a hundred years ago.) They
used the river to bring water to the animals. (They didn’t
use the river to bring water to the animals. They used
the river to bring food to the animals.) They can use it
now to get into the nature reserve. (They can use it now
to get into Zero Zendell’s zoo.)
• Play the audio again. Pause for the class to repeat
each line in chorus.
• Divide the class into groups of three. Allocate the roles
of Martha, Chris, and Serena to each group.
• Play the audio again. Pause for students to repeat their
character’s lines.
• Have pairs of students predict what happens next.
Volunteers share their ideas with the class. Take a vote
to find the most popular idea.

19 How does Marta know about the

Student Book page 66 river? Discuss your answers.
• Ask, How does Marta know about the river?
• Give students time to think, then ask for volunteers to
• To consolidate target language in a story
tell their ideas.
• To provide story comprehension
Additional language Assign Workbook page 54. For the audio script,
underground, river, bring, harbor WB see page 162. For the answers, see page 168.
pictures of zoos, harbors, and nature reserves from Extension
the Internet
Places and activities
Show pictures of zoos, harbors, and nature reserves
Warm-up from the Internet. Ask students to describe what they
To remind the students of the story, write the key see and also to detail what activities there are or
words from the last episode on the board (zoo, what can be found in these places. This can be done
cameras, dogs, roof, guard, cage, open) and ask in small groups or as a class discussion.
them in pairs to retell the story using these words.
Circulate and help. Then ask some students to tell
their version of the summary to the whole class.

Using the page
20 Circle T = True or F = False.
• Focus on the six statements and have students say
them chorally.
• Give students time to read the story on page 66 again
and complete the activity.
• Pair students to have them discuss the answers and
check their work. Elicit answers from volunteers.

21 Role-play the story.

• Divide students into groups, making sure there are the
same number of students in each group as there are
characters in the story. Give each group a set of cut-up
Story Cards and have students place them in order.
Then ask each group to act out the story. Circulate,
prompt and correct as needed.
• Have each group act out the story in front of the class.
Have the class vote on the best version of the story.

22 Write in the schedule below to plan

your day. Then share with a friend.
• Read the values, Plan, but be flexible. Planning helps
you do more things. Ask, Why do you think planning is
important? Why is it a good idea to be flexible? Elicit
responses and discuss students’ ideas. Praise any
good ideas.
Student Book page 67 • Draw students’ attention to the schedule in Activity 22,
and read the verb phrases in the word box chorally.
Give students time to write in the schedule individually.
Objectives Circulate, prompt, and help as needed.
• To provide story comprehension
• Pair students and give them time to discuss their
• To role-play a story
answers together. Ask them to look at the speech
Additional language bubbles for their reference. Invite pairs of students to
Plan, but be flexible. Planning helps you do more talk about their schedules to the class.
Assign Workbook page 55. For the answers, see
Materials WB page 168.
Story Cards, paper

Warm-up Extension
My “Ideal Day” plan
Discuss an upcoming school activity, or a family
activity and brainstorm a plan for it. Have students Give students paper and tell them to plan a schedule
say ideas for the plan and you write them down on for their “ideal day.” They write short phrases, and
the board. Once the plan is done, discuss with the they can also draw small illustrations to make it more
class if there are ways that the plan can be improved interesting. Have students present their plans to a
or made better. partner, then ask some volunteers to describe their
partner’s ideal day. Place all plans on the bulletin
board for display.

Home-school link: Read the directive with the

class: Help a family member to plan his/her day. Ask
students to do this at home.

• Pair students. Explain that they must find out what
their partner’s park looks like but they cannot look at it!
Students must only listen to their partners talk about
their own park, and they can ask questions.
• Walk around the classroom and help students who may
be having difficulty. Invite volunteers to ask and answer
questions about their amusement park design.

Assign Workbook page 56. For the answers, see

WB page 168.

Crazy Park
Pair students and give each pair a piece of paper.
Tell them to plan and design their own “crazy”
amusement park. Encourage them to create any
interesting games or facilities in their amusement
park. They draw pictures and they can write some
short phrases to explain things if necessary. Have
pairs present their amusement park to the class, and
have the class ask questions to find out more about
the park. Place all the park design on the bulletin
board. Vote for the craziest amusement park.

Student Book page 68

To review unit language with an information gap
Picture Cards 66–72; 73–80, paper, colored pencils

Review the vocabulary items from this unit by
showing Picture Cards 66–80. Then play a spelling
bee or a memory game.

Using the page

23 Stick. Then listen to your friend and
• Direct students’ attention to the information gap activity
and ask questions about the picture. Ask, What do you
have to do? (Design an amusement park. Put stickers
on the park map.) Have students find the stickers at the
back of their books.
• Give students time to place the stickers on their
amusement park map (the top half of the page). They
can place stickers by their choice.

• Play the audio. Have students listen and follow along in
their books.
• Play the audio again. Have students complete the
activity by checking the correct pictures. Pause the
audio where necessary to give students enough time to
do the activity.

My name’s Jenny. It’s my summer vacation now. Last

Monday, I went to the water park. Next Monday, I’ll go
again, and go on the water slide!
On Tuesday last week I went to the amusement park. I
played miniature golf with my friend. She asked if I will go
with her again next week to go on the bumper cars.
On Wednesday last week I went to the aquarium with my
dad. Next Wednesday I’ll go to the theater with my mom.
The weather was sunny last Thursday so I went to the
national park with my grandparents. Next Thursday they’ll
go on vacation to the United States. So, I’ll go to the
airport to say goodbye to them.
Last Friday I went to the amusement park again! It rained
so we didn’t go on the new roller coaster. We’ll go to the
amusement park again next Friday and go on the new
roller coaster then.

• Play the audio again, or read the statements yourself,

and elicit answers.

25 Look at Activity 24 and write.

• Read the five questions chorally. Give students time
to write answers. Remind them to use complete
sentences. Circulate and help as needed.
• To check answers, have students swap their books with
Student Book page 69 a partner. Elicit answers from volunteers.

Objectives Assign Workbook page 57. For the audio script,

• To complete a progress check WB see page 162. For the answers, see page 168.
• To provide an opportunity for self-assessment
Materials Extension
Copies of page 68 activity
Whisper Game
Divide the students into small teams and have them
Warm-up stand in a line. The last person in the line says two
Prepare enough copies of “Your friend’s amusement sentences using target language, e.g., I went to the
park” (bottom half of page 68) for each student. Invite theater last week. I will go to the circus next week. by
a student to describe his/her amusement park on whispering it into the person ahead of them in line.
page 68, upper half. The rest of the students try to When the messages are whispered to the first person
write or draw the amusement park attractions on the in each line, they all say the sentences aloud. The
map given. Encourage students to ask questions if last person verifies if it is correct. Correct answers
they need more information to complete the map. get a point. The last person in each line then goes
to the front of the line and the game is repeated until
everyone has a turn being the “whisperer.”

Using the page

Unit wrap-up
24 B:14
Listen and check (✓). I Can: Read the two statements with students and
invite students to check the boxes. Say,
• Have students look at the pictures. Invite students to Good job! Then walk around the class and
talk about the pictures randomly, e.g., Number 3a. He’s initial the page.
playing miniature golf. Explain that the odd-numbered
pairs of pictures are about what happened last week, Tests: You may wish to give Unit 5 Test (see page
and the even-numbered pictures are about what will 215) at this time.
happen next week. Read the days of the week chorally. Students can now go online to Future Island.
Activity Sheet 9 SAMPLE

aquarium amusement park

palace water park
theater national park
104 Our Discovery Island, Level 6, Uni 5 Ac ivi y Shee 9 © Pearson Educa ion Limi ed 2012
Activity Sheet 10 SAMPLE

ride the Ferris wheel go on the bumper cars

play miniature golf ride the carousel
go on the paddle boats ride the roller coaster
go on a pirate ship go on the water slide
© Pearson Educa ion Limi ed 2012 Our Discovery Island, Level 6, Uni 5 Ac ivi y Shee 10 105
Unit 5 Story Cards SAMPLE

What can we do? Wait! I know this

How can we rescue place! Isn’t it the
Champ? nature reserve?
It’s difficult ….

Yes, I’ll
check the

My parents started this It went from the harbor,

nature reserve. There was past the zoo, and into the
Here! It was easy to
an underground river! nature reserve!
bring food for the
animals … we used
Where? the river!

Where did
it go?

Yes! And we can use it!

We can get into Zero
Cool! It’s Zendell’s Zoo!
the river!

And then we’ll

rescue Champ!

106 Our Discovery Island, Level 6, Unit 5 S ory Cards © Pearson Educa ion Limi ed 2012

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