Comparative Genomics and Selection Analysis of Yeonsan Ogye Black Chicken With Whole-Genome Sequencing

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Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

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Comparative genomics and selection analysis o Yeonsan Ogye black

chicken with whole-genome sequencing
Youngbeom Cho a, b, 1, Jae-Yoon Kim a, b, 1, Namshin Kim a, b, *
Genome Editing Research Center, Korea Research Institute o Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, Republic o Korea
Department o Bioinormatics, KRIBB School o Bioscience, University o Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon 34141, Republic o Korea


Keywords: Yeonsan Ogye (OGYE; Gallus gallus domesticus) is a rare indigenous chicken breed that inhabits the Korean
Chicken Peninsula. This breed has completely black coloring, including plumage, skin, eyes, beak, and internal organs.
Population genetics Despite these unique morphological characteristics, the population o OGYE has declined without in-depth
Selection signature
research into their genome research. Thereore, this study aimed to compare the whole genome o OGYE to
Whole-genome sequencing
Genomic characteristics
12 other chicken populations, including ancestral breed, commercial breeds, Chinese indigenous breeds, and
Yeonsan Ogye Korean native chickens. We ocused on revealing the selection signature o OGYE, which has occurred through
environmental pressures in the Korean Peninsula. Genome-wide selection analysis has identied local adaptation
traits, such as egg development, that contribute to etal viability and innate immune response to prevent viral
and microbes inection in OGYE. In particular, SPP1 (Secreted Phosphoprotein 1), HSP90AA1 (Heat Shock
Protein 90 Alpha Family Class A Member 1), and P2RX4 (Purinergic Receptor P2X 4) could have considerable
involvement in egg development and RNASEL (Ribonuclease L), BRIP1 (BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal
Helicase 1), and TLR4 (Toll-Like Receptor 4) are crucial or the determination o the innate immune response.
This study revealed the unique genetic diversity o OGYE at the genome-wide level. Furthermore, we emphasized
the sustainable management o genetic resources and ormulated breeding strategies or livestock on the Korean

1. Introduction several plumage colors and eather patterns (white, black, yellow-
brown, gray-brown, and red-brown). The KNC is also preserved by the
The Yeonsan Ogye (OGYE) is a representative Korean native chicken Korean government as a valuable animal to protect the richness o ge-
breed (Gallus gallus domesticus), considered a natural monument by the netic diversity [5].
Korean government (Protected Species Act No.265), which is also Domestic chickens descended primarily rom the wild Red Jungle
registered with the Food and Agriculture Organization o the United Fowl (RJF) o Southeast Asia (approximately 8000 to 5400 BCE) and
Nations (FAO) as Yeonsan Ogye [1]. OGYE can be distinguished rom have subsequently spread throughout the world [6]. Environmental
other chicken breeds by the complete melanism o beak, eyes, ace, pressures and articial selection have generated signicant genome-
earlobes, wattle, tongue, shank, toes, eathers, and skin as well as its wide divergence in these chickens, as those selection pressures
bones [2]. In the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910), OGYE had a royal contribute a considerable evolutionary orce to phenotypic and geno-
connection and was honored. OGYE has conserved a distinct genetic typic dierentiation [7]. Domestic chickens have developed a substan-
basis ater hundreds o years o successive adaptation in the Korean tial number o dierent phenotypic characteristics that infuence
Peninsula [2–4]. OGYE and the Korean native chicken (KNC) were morphology, tness, physiology, egg production, and tolerance to
domesticated in Korea approximately 2000 years ago ater migration abiotic and biotic stresses [8].
rom their native regions o South-East Asia and China [5]. The two A previous study reported a selective signature in Tibetan chickens
breeds successully adapted to the environment o the Korean Peninsula, highlighting several candidate genes in relation to an oxygen-sensing
where; they were mainly raised on small-scale arms. The KNC has ability that aids in acclimation to high-altitudes and low-oxygen levels

* Corresponding author at: Genome Editing Research Center, Korea Research Institute o Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon 34141, Republic o Korea.
E-mail address: (N. Kim).
These authors contributed equally to this research.
Received 18 May 2021; Received in revised orm 24 December 2021; Accepted 1 February 2022
Available online 5 February 2022
0888-7543/© 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

[9]. Another study involved indigenous chickens rom tropical countries BAM les in a two-stage process to minimize systematic bias and to
and identied candidate genes related to high biological response infuence the assignment o base quality scores made by the sequencer.
sensitivity in the hot and humid environment, such as Brazil, Sri Lanka, The ‘RealignerTarget Creator’ and ‘IndelRealiner’ o GATK v3.8 were
and Egypt [10]. These indigenous chicken studies uncovered breed- then applied to the BAM les to correct misalignments made by the
specic genetic material and emphasized the importance o character- genome aligners in the region containing INDELs. Furthermore, the
izing the genetic components o indigenous breeds. option ‘HaplotypeCaller’ in GATK4 called all base sites o the reerence
Several previous studies have been conducted to uncover the char- genome and generated gVCF les, including raw SNPs and raw INDELs.
acteristics o OGYE. This breed is recognized as sensitive and easily The 188 gVCF les were merged into a single gVCF le using the GATK4
intimidated by humankind, and it is susceptible to environmental con- ‘GenomicsDBImport’ and then converted to a single VCF le using
ditions and rapidly adapting to environmental changes that increase ‘GenotypeVCFs’. The ‘VariantFilteration’ and ‘SelectVariants’ options
with its age [11]. Moreover, previous studies on OGYE have shown that were used to remove alse-positive variants or the ollowing ltration
in terms o growth rate variation and egg production, and it was iden- options: (I) read position rank-sum test (ReadPosRankSum) < -2 (II)
tied as having a thicker eggshell than those o KNC, Korean White mapping quality rank-sum test (MQRankSum) < -2; (III) phred-scaled
Leghorn (WLH), and Korean Rhode Island Red (RIR) [11]. The genetic quality score (QUAL) < 30; (IV) quality by depth (QD) < 3.0; (V)
characteristics o OGYE have been analyzed using whole-genome and FisherStrand (FS) > 60; (VI) RMS Mapping Quality (MQRankSum) < 40;
transcriptome map data to understand the genomic dierence and (VII) depth o coverage (DP) < 7 && 30 < (DP); and (VIII) genotype
unctioning o hyperpigmentation in OGYE [12]. Although OGYE has quality (GQ) < 10. VCFtools v0.1.17 was used to perorm variants to
not been deeply researched as other chicken breeds yet, these studies lter by genotyping missing rates o > 20% and minor allele requency
have proposed that OGYE conserved unique phenotypic and genotypic < 1% [16]. We separated SNP and INDEL variants rom the VCF le and
properties as an indigenous breed and has raised the need or urther retained only the highest requency alternative SNP allele to maintain
research to understand their genomes, which could contribute to theo- the ollowing imputation. The next step was to impute the missing ge-
retical population genetics, acilitate local adaptation and economic notype and phasing haplotype using Beagle v5.1 [17]. Identied SNPs
traits. This study aimed to: (I) identiy or the rst time the genomic were annotated on the unctional genomics and protein regions by
characterization o OGYE and KNC with whole-genome sequencing data; SnpE [18]. WGS variant calling was applied to 188 chicken samples
and (II) determine key variants/genes underlying the selection signa- utilizing the GATK Best Practice recommendations and were executed
tures o OGYE using the comparative genome-wide analysis. conservatively to increase statistical power or evaluation o selection
2. Materials and methods
2.3. General genomic characteristics
2.1. Sample preparation and data description
Nucleotide diversity (π) was measured in windows using VCFtools
A total o 188 whole-genome chicken samples were used in this [16] with a window size o 50 kb, sliding size o 25 kb. The inbreeding
study, o which 120 were newly sequenced and shared by the Animal coecient (F) was also calculated using the VCFtools. An individual’s F
Genetic Resources Station, National Institute o Animal Science, Rural value indicates the probability that a pair o genes at a randomly
Development Administration (Jeon-Ju, South Korea), according to a selected DNA location is identical-by-descent (IBD). PopLDdecay was
joint research agreement (Approval No: 2012-D-010). The sequencing used to compute the linkage disequilibrium (LD) pattern using all bi-
data were deposited in the Korean National Agricultural Biotechnology allelic SNPs [19], and also to iner the square o the correlation coe-
Inormation Center (, and the remaining 68 cient (r2) as suggested. The summary o π, F, and LD are provided or
public whole-genome chicken samples were collected rom Sequence each population (Supplementary le1: Table S4). For genetic dieren-
Read Archive. All sample accession numbers are summarized in Sup- tiation among 13 chicken breeds, VCFtools was used to measure the
plementary le1: Table S1. The 120 newly sequenced samples consisted pairwise xation index value (Fst) [20] with a window size o 50 kb and
o nine breeds: 10 Korean native red-brown (KNR), 10 Korean native a sliding size o 25 kb. We built a phylogenetic tree based on all iden-
black (KNB), 10 Korean native gray-brown (KNG), 10 Korean native tied bi-allelic SNPs using SNPhylo [21] and visualized the phylogenetic
white (KNW), 10 Korean native yellow-brown (KNY), 10 OGYE, 20 tree with MEGA10 [22]. RJF was the root o the phylogenetic tree, and
Korean Cornish (COR), 20 WLH, and 20 RIR (Supplementary le1: Table we used both the neighbor-joining and maximum-likelihood algorithms
S3). Six o the breeds are representative Korean native chickens, and the to adopt the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1A and Supplementary le1: Fig.S7).
remaining three common commercial breeds are raised in Korea. The
other 68 chickens were included in our breeds, as ollows: 10 RJF, 10 2.4. Genomic relationship and population structure
Chinese ghting cocks (CNF), 18 Tibetan chickens (CNT), and 31
Southern Chinese native chickens (CNS) (Supplementary le1: Table We used astStructure [23] to calculate the admixture analysis based
S2). In this study, the extensive comparative analysis included RJF, on a variational Bayesian ramework and estimated rom the number o
ancestral species, and Chinese native chickens based on historical re- genetic clusters (K) K = 2 to K = 7, and each genetic cluster was
cords stating that these are KNC initially imported rom China [5]. calculated using the corresponding cross-validation errors (Fig. 2B).
Plink [24] was used or the principal component analysis (PCA) to
2.2. Data processing and variant calling obtain eigenvalues and eigenvectors to conduct the PCA, and the results
were observed using R sotware (Fig. 2A and Supplementary le1: Fig.
We rst used a FastQC [13] to check the quality o the base-paired S4). PCA is a dimension reduction method by transorming multiple
sequence. The FASTQ les then were mapped against the Gallus_gal- eatures into a lower-dimensional eature that explains most o the
lus_5.0 reerence genome ( variance in a large dataset. We used Treemix v1.13 [25] to estimate the
GCF_00000 2315.4/), generating a BAM le through BWA [14]. The historical relationships among populations, such as gene fow and ge-
mapped BAM les were assigned to Gallus_gallus_5.0 reerence genome netic drit. RJF was used as the root and block size or calculating a
coordinates using the Genome Analysis Toolkit v4.0.2.0 (GATK4) [15] window size o 300 kb (Supplementary le1: Fig.S3). The eective
package ‘AddOrReplaceReadGroups’ ollowed by removal o potential population size o the chicken populations was calculated separately,
PCR duplicates using GATK4 ‘MarkDuplicates’. Then, the ‘FixMa- using SMC++ [26] (Fig. 3B). We assumed a constant generation time (g)
teInormation’ was used to veriy the mate-pair inormation between o one year and xed per-generation mutation rate o 1.91 × 109 per
reads. The ‘BaseRecalibrator’ and ‘ApplyBQSR’ were perormed on the generation [27].

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

Fig. 1. Overview o 13 WGS chicken samples covered in this study, (A) Map shows the geographic distribution o the sampling location across South Asia and East
Asia. (B) Appearance o OGYE with a Black morphological eature (Photo credits by Hitchock Hens). (C) The number o bi-allelic SNPs detected in each chicken
population covering the reerence Gallus_gallus_5.0 or 13 chicken populations.

2.5. Selection signals and gene set enrichment analysis used the R sotware package rehh v3.2.1 [30] to calculate a raw score o
XP-EHH that targeted a dierential selection signature between two
To identiy genetic loci under positive selection, we perormed the populations. We accepted the top and bottom 0.5% o the empirical
cross-population composite likelihood ratio test (XP-CLR) [28] and the distribution o XP-EHH, the genetic region, as a selection candidate re-
cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity test (XP-EHH) [29]. gion based on the p-value. Genes ound closest to selected candidate
We assumed that the genetic position was equally matched to a physical regions were assigned as candidate genes. The selection o candidate
position (1 Mb = 1 cm) because o the absence o a chicken genetic map. genes detected using these two methods are summarized in (Supple-
XP-CLR v1.0 adopted a 50 kb window with a 25 kb sliding window size mentary le2–le3). To identiy the unctional inormation o candidate
to examine the WGS dataset. We accepted selection regions o the top genes, we pooled candidate genes to perorm gene set enrichment
0.5% o the empirical distribution o the XP-CLR raw scores and assigned analysis using the Kyoto Encyclopedia o Genes and Genomes (KEGG)
them to selected candidate gene regions. Genes were ound closest to pathway analysis [31]. The KEGG pathway analysis linked the candidate
selected candidate regions that were considered as candidate genes. We genes to gene unctions, diseases, and biological pathways and grouped

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

Fig. 2. Genomic stratication and relationship o 13 chicken population, (A) Phylogenetic tree was inerred using the Neighbor-Joining method based on 188
chicken. (B) Genomic structure or 13 chicken breeds assuming the dierent number o ancestral population (rom K = 2 to K = 7). (C) PCA results o all 188 chicken,
(D) all six Korean native chicken breeds.

Fig. 3. LD decay or 12 chicken population and estimate o eective population size. (A) The extent o the LD decay or 12 chicken populations. CNT were excluded
(B) Estimated population size or the OGYE (Red), KNC (Purple), CNS (Blue), and CNF (Orange). (For interpretation o the reerences to colour in this gure legend,
the reader is reerred to the web version o this article.)

them by pathway categories. The statistical signicance level or the

pathway categories was determined using the Bonerroni method with a
p-value o 0.05 (Supplementary le4).

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

3. Results phylogenetic tree. The rst cluster represented nine RJF individuals,
the ancestor o the domestic chicken. The second cluster comprised the
3.1. Whole-genome resequencing and identifcation o SNPs and INDELs Chinese indigenous breeds o CNF (10), CNT (18), and CNS (31)
chickens. The third cluster involved the commercial breeds o COR (20),
The 188 chicken samples were collected rom South Korea, China, RIR (20), and WLH (20), and the ourth cluster contained the Korean
and Indonesia; their raw-resequenced data were analyzed to obtain a native chicken breeds (Fig. 2A). The PCA detected the ollowing
single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). In total, 33.65 billion reads o phylogenetic relationships. The genetic variances o PC1 and PC2 (PC1:
101 bp (3.39 Tb o sequence) were generated and aligned to the chicken 14.63% and PC2: 11.76%) were distributed to the seven groups
reerence genome, Gallus_gallus_5.0 (Ensembl release 94). The average (Fig. 2C). The PCA in Korean native chickens showed that OGYE was
alignment rate was 97.31% and the genome coverage rate was 98.67% entirely separated rom KNC (PC1: 15.45%, PC2: 11.39%) (Fig. 2D). This
o the reerence genome. Moreover, the average read depth ater trend was also conrmed in the Fst statistics. OGYE showed high
removing duplicated reads was 16.73×. The variant calling process average levels o genetic dierentiation than the Chinese indigenous
identied 42,993,594 raw variants, 1,862,730 insertion/deletion poly- chicken breeds and KNC (Supplementary le1: Table S5). We also
morphisms (INDEL), and 18,902,359 bi-allelic SNPs remained ater examined the highest levels o Fst in commercial breeds. To determine
quality control procedures. These 18,902,359 bi-allelic SNPs ltered the admixture structure across the 188 samples, we perormed admix-
with a minor allele requency (MAF) greater than 1% and a missing rate ture analysis with K ranging rom 2 to 10 (Fig. 2B). We observed the best
less than 20%. The ltered variants were included in the urther asso- estimated genetic group separation at K = 7, which showed the same
ciation analysis (Supplementary le1: Table S1). The number o bi- clustering as the above PCA. The three commercial breeds were sepa-
allelic SNPs was the highest or the RJF, ollowed by the CNS and CNT rated rom K = 2 to K = 5. Furthermore, KNC was distinguished rom
(RJF: 16,195,406; CNS: 15,744,576; and CNT: 14,197,259) (Fig. 1C). RJF, CNF, CNT, and CNS at K = 4. Admixture analysis measured the
The number o SNPs in RJF was 1.70 times greater than the average unique genetic admixture o OGYE at K = 6 (Fig. 2B). RJF, CNF, and CNT
number o SNPs in COR, WLH, and RIR. The commercial chicken breeds ormed a group that mainly represented the ancestral genetic structure
were maintained genetic homogeneity, which is a signature o articial based on admixture analysis. Furthermore, CNS appeared as a mixture o
selection. (COR: 10,901,971; WLH: 9,530,318; and RIR: 8,146,054). the ancestral group and KNC. These results support a previous study on
Among the indigenous breeds, the average number o SNPs in OGYE and the origin o Korean native chicken breeds introduced into the Korean
KNC had 1.06 times greater than the average number o variants in COR, Peninsula rom China [39].
WLH and RIR. Also, the number o SNPs in CNS has 1.57 times more than
average number o SNPs in OGYE and KNC (OGYE: 9,564,547; and KNC: 3.4. Identifcation o genome-wide selection signature
10,539,628). Due to the small population size (only around 2000 OGYE
are saved), OGYE had a similar homogeneous genetic characteristics to Genetic change triggers local adaptation when individuals rom the
commercial chicken breeds. We used 18,902,359 bi-allelic SNPs with a population have benecial tness traits, such as in morphology cam-
high genome-wide resolution, covering all 188 chicken samples or the oufage ability, innate immune responses, and etal viability. This leads
ollowing analysis. to genetic and phenotypic population dierentiation and changes in
genetic structure over time [40]. The peninsula as an island environ-
3.2. Genomic architecture o chickens ment creates geographical isolation and leads to environmental het-
erogeneity, contributing to unique genetic patterns [41]. To identiy the
Nucleotide diversity (π) determines the degree o polymorphism genomic regions most aected by environmental pressure, we examined
within a population, and the pattern o π indicates the candidate region both XP-EHH and XP-CLR, as these methods have previously been suc-
under selection [32,33]. Among all 13 populations, the highest π was cessully used to detect selection genomic regions in cattle [42], goats
ound in RJF (4.90 × 103), and the lowest in RIR (1.74 × 103) (Sup- [43], pigs [44], and chickens [36]. In addition, XP-EHH is able to detect
plementary le1: Table S4). The commercial breeds, COR, RIR, and selective genomic regions within a small sample size [45]. Thereore, we
WLH lost 58.78% o their π, which is the same level lost in a previous tested the selection analysis o OGYE with a total o 13 chicken breeds;
study [34]. Among the Korean native chickens, KNR (3.46 × 103) had ancestral (RJF), Chinese indigenous breeds (CNS), Korean native
the highest π, ollowed by KNW (3.05 × 103), KNG (3.35 × 103), KNB chicken breeds (OGYE, KNB, KNG, KNR, KNW, and KNY), and com-
(3.41 × 103), and KNY (3.45 × 103), and the lowest was observed in mercial breeds (COR, RIR, and WLH) to identiy candidate genes un-
OGYE (3.00 × 103). CNS (3.11 × 103) presented the highest π among derlying selective pressure or local adaptation. We split the genome
the Chinese indigenous breeds, ollowed by CNT (2.51 × 103) and CNF region into overlapping window sizes o 50 kb with a 25 kb step size to
(2.42 × 103). The latter two had relatively lower π due to isolated local examine genomic regions across populations. With a threshold o the top
adaptation [35] and articial selection or cockghting, respectively 0.5% outliers o windows being the selective genomic regions, we
[36]. OGYE had comparatively low levels o π because it is a homoge- identied a total o 293 candidate genes in terms o XP-CLR and XP-EHH
neous breed with small population that approximately 2000 OGYE are values (Supplementary le2 and le3). We perormed KEGG pathway
preserving by Korean government conservation program. We also analysis to identiy the biological unction o candidate genes (Supple-
examined the LD patterns o the population, as they reveal evolutionary mentary le4) [31]. Among the candidate genes, SPP1 (Secreted Phos-
orce, such as genetic bottlenecks and selection signatures [37,38]. We phoprotein 1), HSP90AA1 (Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha Family Class A
observed the highest LD level in RIR, ollowed by the rest o the com- Member 1), P2RX4 (Purinergic Receptor P2X 4), RNASEL (Ribonuclease
mercial breeds, WLH, and COR, whereas RJF displayed the lowest LD L), BRIP1 (BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal Helicase 1), and TLR4
level (Fig. 3A). Indigenous chicken breeds, such as CNS, OGYE, and (Toll-Like Receptor 4), were identied as selection signatures o OGYE
KNC, which showed a moderate level o LD, were classied between RJF associated with the egg development and innate immune system path-
and commercial breeds (Fig. 3A). ways (Table 1). Each selection gene leaves a distinct molecular selection
signal at the genome-wide level, such as a pattern o π , LD, or haplotype
3.3. Genome-wide genetic dierentiation o chickens diversity. In terms o the genetic hitchhiking eect, alleles o nearly
linked loci are aected, while an allele o a selection locus is infuenced
To quantiy the genetic dierentiation and population structure, by selection pressure. The genomic selection signature leaves a long
PCA, admixture analysis, phylogenetic tree analysis, and xation index haplotype length with low diversity and aects a low crossing over or π
value (Fst) were perormed. We analyzed 188 chickens rom 13 pop- [46]. In addition, the hitchhiking eect results in an intense increase in
ulations that were grouped into our clusters in the neighbor-joining LD rom the selected region [33,47]. We scanned or potential genomic

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

Table 1
Summary o major candidate genes classied rom XP-EHH and XP-CLR in OGYE and KNC.
Selected genes Association CHR XP-CLRa XP-EHHb (log p-value) Candidate SNP position Selected breed Reerencec

SPP1 Eggshell calcication 4 2.57 p.Glu252Lys OGYE [84]

P2RX4 Eggshell calcication 15 2.89 OGYE [54]
RNASEL Innate immune system 8 5.50 p.Asp594Asn OGYE [85]
BRIP1 Fanconi anemia 19 413.76 2.82 OGYE [86]
HSP90AA1 Egg development & Heat resistance 5 6.79 OGYE [87]
TLR4 Innate immune system 17 3.52 p.Gly225Glu OGYE/KOR [88]
NFKBIA Salmonella inection 5 2.56 KOR [73]
DYNC1H1 Salmonella inection 5 2.72 KOR [71]
Candidate genes associated with selection signatures, belonging to the top 0.5% o the empirical distributions o XP-CLR results.
Candidate genes associated with selection signatures, belonging to the top 0.5% o the empirical distributions o XP-EHH results.
Reerences to candidate genes reported related to selection signature.

selection regions based on: (I) low π and haplotype diversity; and (II) 3.5. The selection signature o OGYE to the egg development
high genomic LD region. The patterns o π, LD, and haplotype diversity
were calculated (Fig. 4A-C and Fig. 5A). We investigated a missense Previous experimental studies have reported that OGYE has the
variant inside the candidate gene region under selection and surrounded heaviest egg with the thickest shell among the Korean native chicken
14 variants to classiy haplotype structures and requencies (Fig. 4B-D breeds [11,48]. The quality o eggs is a crucial actor in the viability o
and Fig. 5B). In addition, long haplotype length was measured utilizing the chick embryo and the ultimate hatchability [49]. We identied a
the degree o haplotype-sharing by visualizing the major and minor al- selection signature or OGYE in the SPP1, P2RX4, and HSP90AA1 gene
leles o the gene region variant as red and yellow (Fig. 4A-C and Fig. 5A). regions. We conrmed that SPP1 and P2RX4 are prominent eggshell
Long haplotype length and low haplotype diversity indicated variant matrix protein genes in both the bone and eggshell [50,51]. SPP1 is
sections that did not combine with the dierent colors. Among the highly expressed in the uterine wall during eggshell calcication [52].
candidate genes o OGYE, we detected SPP1, RNASEL, and TLR4 genes The P2RX4 gene plays an important role in calcium signaling and ion
that had strong selection signals through rigorous selection analysis transer pathways or eggshell ormation [53,54], and has been reported
(Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). as associated with bone mineral density in a human osteoporosis risk
study [53]. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) reinorce the primary deense
against heat stress [55,56], as they are a group o specic proteins

Fig. 4. Selection signature associated with egg development. (A) Plots o the π, Average LD, and haplotype diversity at the SPP1 region (top) and the pattern o
haplotype sharing among 13 chicken breeds (bottom) in SPP1 region. (B) Gene (top) and haplotype structure (bottom) or the region, including one missense variant
in SPP1 region. The missense variants are located 45,974,845 on chromosome 4.

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

Fig. 5. Selection signature associated with innate immune response. (A,C) Plots o the π, Average LD, and haplotype diversity at the RNASEL and TLR4 regions (top),
and the pattern o haplotype sharing among 13 chicken breeds (bottom) in RNASEL and TLR4 regions. (B–D) Gene (top) and haplotype structure (bottom) or the
region, including one missense variant in RNASEL and TLR4 regions. The missense variants are located at 5,626,065 on chromosome 8 or RNASEL and 4,085,707 on
chromosome 17 or TLR4.

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

synthesized in response to heat stress. In stressed cells, HSPs bind to in both innate and adaptive immunity [73]. The selection signature o
heat-sensitive proteins to protect cells, and the expression rates o HSPs KNC conrmed that it is crucial or the innate immune system unc-
increase in response to stressul external environments and heat tioning and biotic inection resistance in local adaptation on the Korean
[57–59]. HSP90AA1 interacts with proteins in older olding stages, as Peninsula.
well as modies the congurations o HSP proteins [60]. Environmental
stress is detrimental to body weight, leading to a decrease in voluntary 4. Discussion
eed intake [61]. Egg production, as well as egg weight and eggshell
quality, is attenuated by environmental stress via reproductive hormone The genetic resources o indigenous animals are crucial or biodi-
levels and intestinal calcium uptake [62,63]. The most signicant versity conservation, as they have an excellent ability to adapt to new
concern o stressors is the decrease in embryo development in poultry environmental conditions [74]. However, many indigenous animals are
production [64]. In particular, one missense variant was located at declining due to degraded environments and lack o commercial value
45,974,845 bp position (Glu252Lys) in SPP1 (Fig. 4D) and a high pattern [75]. The importance o genetic resources rom indigenous livestock is a
o LD and low patterns o π and haplotype diversity were observed. The global matter. Many previous studies on indigenous animals have re-
spotless haplotype sharing pattern o SPP1 was characterized rom other ported genetic characteristics and selection signatures by WGS data:
chicken breeds (Fig. 4C). These results provide evidence that OGYE has cattle [42], goats [43], and chickens [36]. WGS is a powerul resource
experienced intense selective pressure, which infuences the allele re- that captures genetic variation at a high genome resolution with high
quency spectrum. We conrmed that SPP1, P2RX4, and HSP90AA1 are accuracy and is superior to the imputation o rare variants [76,77].
xed genes in OGYE which maintain egg development. This study is the rst OGYE study that ocuses on revealing the se-
lection signature o OGYE and identiying their distinct genomic char-
3.6. The selection signature o OGYE and KNC to the innate immune acteristics using WGS data. OGYE is a representative Korean native
system chicken that has long existed on the Korean Peninsula. According to the
Korean traditional medical document ‘Donui Bogam’ (1613), edited by
A previous OGYE immunological study has reported decreased nitric the royal physician Heo Jun, OGYE was identied as a medication or
oxide (NO) levels and pro-infammatory cytokines. Three regions o human disease [78]. This breed is identied as the 265th Natural Korean
OGYE (bone, meat, and rind) attenuated the production o NO and pro- Monument, and is only allowed to be raised in the Gyeryong Mountain
infammatory cytokines in LPS-induced RAW macrophage-derived Region (South Chungcheong Province, South Korea) or the conserva-
264.7 cells. In previous study, termination o infammation was noted tion o their phenotypic and genetic characteristics. We utilized a WGS
in OGYE. Macrophages are important immune cells or evoking (16.73×) o over 188 samples rom 13 chicken breeds, including
infammation against harmul stimuli via NO and pro-infammatory ancestral breeds, indigenous breeds, and commercial breeds. This study
cytokines. However, the termination o infammation is a crucial step identied 42,993,594 raw variants and 18,902,359 bi-allelic SNP vari-
in preparing or other assaults. OGYE might have the ability to increase ants on 28 autosomes o 13 chicken breeds by WGS data. Previous
anti-infammatory eects o the innate immune system [65]. RNASEL is genomic OGYE studies mainly used microsatellite and mitochondrial
the activator gene o the innate immune system that provides a rapid DNA (mtDNA) sequencing data to evaluate genetic characteristics
protective response against viral inection through the initiation o other [70,79–81]. In a previous OGYE study with mtDNA, a 1231–1232 bp
immune-related genes [66]. We identied the HSP90AA1 and BRIP1 DNA ragment rom the mtDNA displacement-loop (D-loop) region was
genes associated with the Fanconi anemia pathway, and Fanconi anemia sequenced and 35 variable sites that classied into 21 haplotypes were
is a clinical sign o the immune response [67]. Fanconi anemia is a detected [39]. WGS helps to overcome the potential misidentication in
recessively derived chromosomal instability disorder. The DNA repair analysis and identiy the genetic ootprints o the high-resolution
gene BRIP1 is essential or crosslink resistance and is thereore related to genome. This study conrmed the benet o WGS in research on ge-
the Fanconi anemia pathway [68]. TLR4 is an innate immune pattern netic characteristics and enhanced the picture o previous microsatellite
recognition receptor that can detect gram-negative bacteria and plays an and mtDNA studies.
essential role in innate and adaptive immune responses [69]. Notably, We employed several population genetic methods to identiy novel
we classied the gene regions or missense variants in RNASEL and genomic characteristics o OGYE by analyzing the genome statistics
TLR4, and both genes showed a high pattern o LD, low patterns o π and summary and comparing empirical genomic distributions to identiy
haplotype diversity, and a simple haplotype sharing pattern (Fig. 5A-B). outliers, which are considered as selection signatures. OGYE exhibited
The missense variants were located at the 5,626,065 bp position the lowest π and an intermediate level o LD among indigenous breeds
(Asp2Asn) in RNASEL and 4,085,707 bp position (Gly2Glu) in TLR4. (Fig. 3A and Supplementary le 1: Table S3). The π level indicates a
HSP90AA1, BRIP1, and TLR4 contribute to the biological response to large number o homozygous SNP variants dierentiated rom other
environmental adaptation and the robust innate immune system to anti- indigenous breeds. Moreover, the level o LD observed compared to
biotic activity. Based on these results, we propose that OGYE has other indigenous breeds and emphasized the importance o genetic di-
accumulated environmental pressures and has a strong innate immune versity conservation. Furthermore, the PCA results separated OGYE to
system. the rightmost and unique genetic structure in the admixture analysis
We also identied the KNC selection genomic regions, since KNC has (Fig. 2B-D). The genomic structure o CNS is composed o an ancestral
previously reported strong environmental stress resistance and a high breed (Red) and KNC (light green) components (Fig. 2B). China is known
survival rate [70]. We identied TLR4, NFKBIA (NFKB Inhibitor Alpha), as the region o the rst domesticated chicken habitat that existed
and DYNC1H1 (Dynein Cytoplasmic 1 Heavy Chain 1) as candidate approximately 10,000 years ago [6]. In the historical record or KNC,
genes associated with antibiotic and viral inections. TLR4 is addition- chicken eggs were discovered in the ancient tomb o Cheonmachong
ally selected on KNC, which is critical or the innate immune system. (Gyeongju, South Korea), which dates to 400 to 500 CE, and KNC
Selection analysis o TLR4 showed a high LD, and low π and haplotype originated rom Chinese ancestors through more than ve maternal lines
diversity patterns (Fig. 5C). DYNC1H1 directly interacts with the poly- based on the mtDNA D-loop variation analysis [39]. The variation o
merase acidic protein o the Infuenza A virus, and plays a crucial role in eective population size over time is illustrated by SMC++, which has
the dynein complex, which is related to replication o the H5N1 infu- recently been developed or inerring the size o the history o the
enza virus [71]. The NFKBIA gene is also critically involved in the population using WGS data (Fig. 3B). OGYE and KNC experienced a
process that regulates the innate immune system [72]. In a previous severe population decline approximately 2000 years ago. This result is
study, the NFKBIA gene induced an immune response to Salmonella compatible with the rst population bottleneck ollowing domestic
inection in chicken macrophages, which play an anti-infammatory role chicken arrival and local adaptation on the Korean Peninsula [5]. The

Y. Cho et al. Genomics 114 (2022) 110298

eective population size o OGYE and KNC slightly increased ater Funding
massive decay due to successul adaptation on the Korean Peninsula.
These previous studies indicated that KNC was introduced rom China or This research was supported by the Korea Research Institute o
Southeast Asia into the Korean Peninsula approximately 2000 years ago Bioscience and Biotechnology Research Initiative Program
[5]. We also observed a linear directional relationship o ancestral (RJF) (1711134074), Ministry o Education (2020M3A9D8038194), and Na-
and indigenous breeds (CNS and KNC) in PCA, representing migration o tional Research Foundation o Korea (2014M3C9A3064552).
domestic chickens (Fig. 2D). Furthermore, CNS has maintained a spe-
cic genetic admixture o ancestral breeds since domestication, and the Data availability statement
indigenous genetic portion o CNS genetic admixture has been xed on
KNC (Fig. 2B). We conrmed that the OGYE and KNC experienced a The dataset generated or this study can be ound in the ENA Browser
genetic bottleneck event 2000 years ago, when introduced on the project name: PRJEB44919 2021-05-15.
Korean Peninsula, by analyzing the eective population size (Fig. 3B).
These results support the previous study on the origin o the KNC. Based Declaration of Competing Interest
on these results, OGYE and KNC have mediated local adaptation to
environmental pressures over a long period and have ormed their None.
unique genomic characteristics by genetic isolation on the Korean
Peninsula. Appendix A. Supplementary data
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egg development and innate immune system pathways (Table 1). Egg Supplementary data to this article can be ound online at https://doi.
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