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Fusion 360 Constraints Cheat Sheet

Horizontal/Vertical - Constrains a line or two points to

either the horizontal or vertical orientation (whichever
is closer to the current alignment).

Coincident - Constrains one point to another point. In

the example on the right, the center point of the circle is
constrained to the upper right corner point on the

Tangent - Constrains a curve and another object so

that they touch at a single point but never cross each

Equal - Constrains similar objects so that their sizes are

identical. The relationship remains so that if one object
is adjusted, the others adjust also.

Parallel - Constrains two lines so that they extend in

the same direction but never intersect.

Perpendicular- Constrain two objects so that lie 90

degrees to one another.
Fix/Unfix- Locks the size and location of an object.
When an object is Fixed, the color changes to green.

Midpoint - Constrains a point or object to the midpoint

of another object. In the example on the right, the
center point of the circle is constrained to the midpoint
of the line.

Concentric - Constrains two or more arcs, circles, or

ellipses to the same center points.

Collinear - Constrain two or more objects so that they

share a common line. The lines don't have to share the
same space. In the example on the right, a Collinear
constraint is applied between the angled line and the
top edge of the rectangle.

Symmetry - Constrain two or more objects so that they

are identical to each other and share a common axis.
On the example in the right, a Symmetry constraint is
applied to the circles about the center vertical line
making them the same size, horizontally aligned, and
the same distance from the centerline. This
relationship will hold if either object is moved.

Curvature - Constrain two or more objects to create a

smooth, continuous curvature among them. In the
example on the right, a Curvature constraint is applied
between the Spline curve and both top edges each

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