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Collection of problems from Sakurai, Chap-I (on

Quantum Mechanics I)

Arijit Bhattacharyay, August semester 2020

October 11, 2020

Book for this part - Modern Quantum Mechanics, J.J. Sakurai

1. Prove [AB, CD] = −ACD, B + AC, BD − CD, AB + C, ADB where , is

an anticommutator and [, ] is a commutator.
2. Prove the following using bra-ket algebra
(a) tr(XY ) = tr(Y X) where X and Y are operators and tr is tress.
(b) (XY )† = Y † X † .

3. Consider the spin-half states |Sz = h̄/2i and |Sx = h̄/2i. Write down the
square matrix |Sz = h̄/2i hSx = h̄/2| in the Sz basis.
4. Consider the complete nondegenerate set of eigenkets of the operator A
to be {|a0 i}.

(a) Prove that a0 (A − a0 ) is a null operator.

(b) What is the significance of a0 6=a00 (A−a )
a0 −a00 ?

5. Using orthonormality of the eigenkets of Sz |+i and |−i, prove that

[Si , Sj ] = iijk h̄Sk

Si , Sj = δij
6. Let A and B be observables. Suppose the simultaneus eigenkets of A and
B {|ai , bi i} form a complete orthonormal set of base kets. Can we always
conclude that [A, B] = 0?

7. Two hermitian operators anticommute i.e {A, B} = 0, Is it possible to

have a simultaneous eigenket of A and B?


8. Two time-independent observable A and B commute with the time inde-

pendent Hamiltonian H, but, themselves do not commute. Prove that the
energy eigenstates are in general degenerate. Are there exceptions?
9. Compute hSz , +|(4Sx )2 |Sz , +i and check the uncertainty relation for Sx
and Sy in the |Sz , +i.

10. Evaluate [X 2 , P 2 ] and compare your result with classical Poisson bracket
{x2 , p2 }.
11. What is the physical significance of eiXΞ/h̄ where X is position operator
and Ξ has dimension of momentum?

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