Essay 2 Comp

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Student: Jose Manuel Sanchez

Instructor: Graham Stagg

Composition I

DATE: 13/09/23

Integrity Statement

I confirm that the work I am submitting was created primarily by me. If I have used other sources of
information, I have done my best to cite them using the guidelines provided. I have also thought
carefully about when to paraphrase, when to summarize, and when to quote directly. I might have used
technology to help me check grammar and the best words to express my ideas, but I have not used it to
generate the text, or significant sections of the text. I am confident that I could use 95% of the words and
phrases in the text again in a similar context.

NAME Jose Manuel Sanchez

DATE: (13/09/23)

My outline
Thesis statement: Team sports play a crucial role in the development of important social
skills, allowing individuals to communicate, cooperate, and empathize with one another,
ultimately leading to well-rounded and socially adept individuals.
Main ideas:
1. Teamwork and cooperation
2. Effective communication
3. Empathy and understanding
4. Building confidence and self-esteem

(if you have more major ideas, add them)

Importance of team sports in becoming social beings

Team sports have long been recognized as more than just a physical activity; they also provide an

excellent platform for the development of important social skills. In a world dominated by digital

communication and virtual interactions, the importance of team sports in developing face-to-face

interpersonal skills cannot be emphasized. Sports related activities dive at multidimensional relationship

between team sports and social skill development. It is clear from an assessment of teamwork, effective

communication, and empathy-building experiences that team sports are a powerful accelerator for

personal growth and the development of fundamental social expertise. Team sports play a crucial role in

the development of important social skills, allowing individuals to communicate, cooperate, and

empathize with one another, ultimately leading to well-rounded and socially adept individuals.

Teamwork is essential in team sports. Athletes must work together to attain a common goal, utilizing

each other's strengths and adjusting for weaknesses. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and support

that extends beyond the field or court. Individuals learn the value of cooperation and collaboration via

the common pursuit of victory. In my personal experience I have played basketball and football my

whole life, and the first thing the coach says to you before entering the match is to trust your

teammates, once the individual puts trust in their teammates, the team plays a lot more confidently and

better. This experience directly transfers into the acquisition of social skills as children must navigate

complex group dynamics and settle arguments amicably. As a result, team sports educate people on how

to function well in groups, which is a vital skill for thriving in a variety of social situations.

In sports, effective communication is essential for successful teamwork. Athletes must convey their

intentions, methods, and needs to their teammates in a clear and simple manner. Furthermore, they

must actively listen to others and reply properly. A quote by Sir Alex Ferguson, the greatest manager in

premier league history, said this in a press conference when talking to the UEFA officials” Other things I
developed by the learning process if you give it time, particularly communication. I think when

you're in charge of a football team, you're not just in charge of 11 players on the pitch.” These

communication abilities are useful not only in gameplay but also in everyday life. Athletes learn to clarify

their thoughts, confidently express themselves, and actively engage in conversations with others.

Individuals with improved communication skills are better able to form relationships, handle problems

more constructively, and flourish in a variety of social and professional circumstances.

Individuals can acquire empathy and a deeper understanding of others by participating in team sports.

When teammates confront difficulties or defeats, athletes frequently share their pleasures and sorrows.

As individuals learn to perceive and respond to the emotions of their peers, they develop empathy.

Athletes also come from a variety of backgrounds, which exposes them to a variety of perspectives and

life experiences. This experience improves cultural sensitivity and the ability to relate to people from

other backgrounds, which is an important part of good social interaction. As a result, team sports act as

a bridge between various people, helping to break down social boundaries and promote inclusivity.

Playing in team sports can increase an individual's self-esteem and confidence greatly. Athletes gain a

sense of satisfaction and self-worth when they improve their talents and contribute to their team's

success. Individuals are more likely to assert themselves and engage in confident social interactions as a

result of their newfound confidence. Furthermore, teammates' and coaches' support and

encouragement contribute to a positive self-image that goes beyond the sports arena, favorably

influencing numerous parts of an individual's life, also creating an immense self-esteem boost at the

time to play the indicated sport, also achieving great self-esteem conducts to better social skills out of

the field in real life.

Finally, team sports provide a unique and effective environment for the development of critical social

skills such as teamwork, effective communication, empathy, and self-confidence. These abilities are
useful not only for athletic achievement, but also for navigating the intricacies of modern society.

Individuals who participate in team sports are given the tools they need to succeed in interpersonal

relationships, contribute to their communities, and live fulfilling lives. this consequently leading

individuals, particularly young people, to participate in team sports should be a priority, since it

promotes the development of well-rounded and socially capable individuals that as a result of playing

any kind of team sport, end up becoming a greater person, not only achieving they're goal of becoming

better professionals, but in the way becoming social individuals and great persons.

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