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Lecture 5

❓ Random experiment:
is a process leading to two or more possible outcomes. We don’t know in
advance which one will occur.

Randomness is either performed or assumed

Tossing a coin is a performance, the outcome is either head or tail - and we

don’t know in advance

Measuring what the nature is doing is assumed randomness

Example, will person x buy a shirt or not when walking into a store

📢 The possible outcomes from a random experiment are “basic outcomes”

📢 the set of all basic outcomes is the “sample space” = “S”

Coin toss

S= {Head, Tail}

👥 Event = Any subset of basic outcomes

An event occurs if any of its constituent parts occur

We denote events by A,B....E(1), E(2)

Lecture 5 1
Examples of events in grabbing cards out of a shuffled deck of cards

E(1) = at least one Ace is observed

E(2) = at least one club is observed

E(3) = (1s, 4c) is observed

📌 Complement: the set of basic outcomes that are not in A. - we call “the
complement of A”

Denoted by:

Going off the example o the deck of cards:

🛣 Intersection: A and B are events, The intersection of A and B, AnB is the

set of all basic outcomes that belong to both A and B.

Going off the example o the deck of cards:

Lecture 5 2
E(1) n E(2) = at least one ace and at least one club are observed

When the events don’t match

✂ Mutually exclusive or disjoint

Two events that has no basic outcomes in common are “mutually exclusive” or

If you have multiple events and you define the amount of events with K - you
have to compare all “K” events with each other to determine if they are disjoint

Lecture 5 3
Mutually exclusive

💍 Union A and B are events. Their “union”, A u B, is the set of basic

outcomes that belong to A, B or both.

The union of K events is the set of basic outcomes that belong to any of them

Going off the example o the deck of cards:

E(1) u E(2) = at least one ace, or one club is observed

🗣 Collectively exhaustive = if their union is the sample space

Lecture 5 4
📢 Partition = A set of event E(1), E(2) ... E(x) that are both disjoint and
collectively exhaustive is a “partition” of “S”

The set of basic outcomes is another partition of S

They don’t overlap, but together they are all of the sample space


📢 Consider a random experiment with sample space “S”, basic outcome O(i)
and let A be an event.
A probability is a way to assign a value to each event in S in a sensible
way and in such a way that the following is satisfied:

Lecture 5 5
Anything that satisfies these is a probability

The university will not ask you to test nr 2.


Throw a dice

S = { 1,2,3,4,5,6}

A = we observe an even number = {2, 4, 6}

Probability of A = probability(P) of 2 + P(4) + P(6)

Lecture 5 6

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