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Global Common Control Software Design

LMS # 33544
Document Version 6.0

Module 10: Working with RSLogix5000


Sponsoring Group:

Manufacturing Engineer: Noel Miller

ME Engineering Group: GM Vehicle Systems-Automation Standards
Manufacturing Engineer Phone: 810-602-9768

Template Version 1.0

Document Revisions:

Date Revision By Revision History

8-26-13 5.0 J. Hocking Updated Graphics. Revised all exercises.
Synchronized to G16 with Powertrain and
6-18-15 6.0 J. Hocking
EtherNet I/O.

This training is based on the Global Common Software Design Standards, GCCS-1.
Please refer to the GCCS-1 manual found on the “GM intranet” or The GCCS-1 manual is comprehensive and will have the
latest information. This training manual is used as an instructional guide.
Copyright Information
Copyright General Motors Company, 2015, Detroit, Michigan. All rights reserved under
U.S., International, and Universal Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States
of America. These materials may be used only with related printed materials.
In no event will the General Motors Company be responsible or liable for incidental
or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of the materials in
this manual.
The examples, diagrams, and charts in this manual are included solely for illustrative
purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any
particular safety situation, the General Motors Company expressly disclaims all
express and implied warranties relating to the materials in this manual, including
all examples, diagrams, and charts.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written
permission of the General Motors Company, is prohibited.

© 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
10. Working with RSLogix 5000.......................................................... 10-1
10.1. Objectives ........................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2. Device Level Ethernet Address Assignment................................................. 10-2
10.2.1. Maintenance Workstation Setup (Laptop) ............................................... 10-2
10.2.2. Set the Static IP Address on a Windows PC ........................................... 10-3
10.2.3. ................................................................................................................. 10-5
10.2.4. Assigning IP Addresses to Devices Using the BootP Server................... 10-6
10.2.5. Configuring an ENxT with USB ............................................................... 10-7
10.3. Disabling BootP After a Device Has Been Assigned an IP Address ......... 10-10
10.3.1. Disabling BootP on ENBT Modules ....................................................... 10-10
10.4. Configuring RSLinx ....................................................................................... 10-12
10.5. Importing / Exporting .L5K Files .................................................................. 10-14
10.6. Importing .L5K to .ACD ................................................................................. 10-14
10.7. Exporting to .L5k File .................................................................................... 10-16
10.8. Control Flash Firmware Upgrade Tool ........................................................ 10-16
10.9. Downloading to the Processor ..................................................................... 10-21
10.10. Safety Programming in RSLogix 5000 ....................................................... 10-28
10.11. Safety Module Configuration ...................................................................... 10-29
10.12. Safety Network Numbers ............................................................................ 10-43
10.12.1. CIP Safety Protocol ............................................................................. 10-43
10.12.2. Managing Safety Network Numbers .................................................... 10-43
10.13. Exercises ...................................................................................................... 10-45
10.13.1. Exercise 1: Configure RSLinx.............................................................. 10-45
10.13.2. Exercise 2: Update Controller Firmware Using Control Flash ............. 10-48
10.13.3. Exercise 3: Download Logic File to the Processor .............................. 10-49
10.13.4. Exercise 4: Export a *.L5K File ............................................................ 10-49
10.13.5. Exercise 5: Import a *.L5K File into RSLogix ....................................... 10-51
10.13.6. Exercise 6: Create a Safe Node in RSLogix ........................................ 10-51
10.13.7. Exercise 7: Generate a Safety Network Number ................................. 10-55
10.13.8. Exercise 8: Generate a Safety Signature ............................................ 10-56
10.13.9. Exercise 9: Configuring the IP Address for a ENBT Card (Optional Time
permitting) ......................................................................................................... 10-62
10.14. Review .......................................................................................................... 10-63

© 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Open the Network and Sharing Center......................................................... 10-3
Figure 2: Change Adapter Settings ............................................................................. 10-3
Figure 3: Open the Local Area Connection ................................................................. 10-3
Figure 4: Open Internet Protocol Version 4 ................................................................. 10-4
Figure 5: NIC Configuration Windows computer........................................................... 10-4
Figure 6: TCP/IP Example ............................................................................................ 10-5
Figure 7: Changing the IP Address and Subnet Mask – Definitions ............................. 10-5
Figure 8: Bootp Server Showing Devices Requesting Addresses ................................ 10-6
Figure 9: RS Who Button ............................................................................................. 10-7
Figure 10: Expand the USB Driver .............................................................................. 10-8
Figure 11: Right Click the ENxT Module...................................................................... 10-8
Figure 12: Open the Module Configuration .................................................................. 10-8
Figure 13: Example ENxT Port Configuration ............................................................... 10-9
Figure 14: Open Module Configuration to Disable BootP .......................................... 10-10
Figure 15: Disable BootP ............................................................................................ 10-11
Figure 16: Accessing the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel ................................ 10-12
Figure 17: Start RSLinx from Launch Control ............................................................ 10-12
Figure 18: Open RSLinx ............................................................................................ 10-13
Figure 19: Opening an RSLogix File - .ACD or .L5K ................................................. 10-14
Figure 20: Import .L5K to Generate an .ACD ............................................................ 10-15
Figure 21: Import .L5K to Generate an .ACD ............................................................ 10-15
Figure 22: Saving as an .L5K File.............................................................................. 10-16
Figure 23: Locating Control Flash.............................................................................. 10-17
Figure 24: Control flash Welcome Screen ................................................................. 10-18
Figure 25: Selection of Card Type to be Flashed ...................................................... 10-18
Figure 26: Selection of Catalog Number of Device to Flash Update.......................... 10-18
Figure 27: Selection of Actual Card Through RSLinx ................................................ 10-19
Figure 28: Available Firmware Revisions for Selected Card ...................................... 10-20
Figure 29: Set the Firmware Revision Level .............................................................. 10-20
Figure 30: Firmware Update In Progress ................................................................... 10-21
Figure 31: Successful Firmware Upgrade ................................................................. 10-21
Figure 32: Who Active Function Inside RSLogix 5000............................................... 10-22
Figure 33: Available Communication Paths from RSLinx .......................................... 10-23
Figure 34: Selection of Correct Processor for Download ........................................... 10-24
Figure 35: Path in Project Correctly Set .................................................................... 10-25
Figure 36: Downloading Into a New Controller .......................................................... 10-26
Figure 37: Project to be Downloaded Matches Current Project in Controller............. 10-27
Figure 38: Download Status to Controller .................................................................. 10-27
Figure 39: Standard and Safety Controller Scoped Tags ........................................... 10-28
Figure 40: Mapping Standard Tags to Safety Tags for use in Safety Task.......... 10-29
Figure 41: Select Standard Tags and Matching Safety Tags for Mapping........... 10-29

© 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved

Figure 42: Beginning Configuration of DeviceNet Safety Modules ............................. 10-30
Figure 43: 1791DS-IB12 Fill in the Proper Data as Shown......................................... 10-31
Figure 44: 1791DS-IB12 Fill in the Proper Data as Shown – Definitions & Settings... 10-31
Figure 45: Set the RPI to the Proper Value for the Application................................... 10-32
Figure 46: Identify Which Inputs are Pulse-Tested ..................................................... 10-33
Figure 47 Test Output T2 and T3 Used as Standard Output ...................................... 10-34
Figure 48: Proper Configuration to Match................................................................... 10-35
Figure 49: Proper Configuration to Match................................................................... 10-36
Figure 50: Adding a New DeviceNet Safety Node ..................................................... 10-37
Figure 51: Select the Proper Safety I/O Node Type .................................................. 10-37
Figure 52: Fill In the Appropriate Data ....................................................................... 10-38
Figure 53: Set the RPI Values as Appropriate for the Application ............................. 10-38
Figure 54: Identify Which Points are Pulse Tested .................................................... 10-39
Figure 55: Safety Device Receptacles....................................................................... 10-40
Figure 56: Setting the Input Configuration Point Types and Modes .......................... 10-41
Figure 57: Configuring the Test Output ..................................................................... 10-42
Figure 58: Setting the Output Configuration .............................................................. 10-43
Figure 59: Generate a Safety Network Number ......................................................... 10-44
Figure 60: Click to Generate the Safety Network Number .......................................... 10-44
Figure 61: RSLinx Running Indicator in PC System Tool Tray ................................... 10-45
Figure 62: Main RSLinx Window ................................................................................ 10-45
Figure 63: Configure Drivers in RSLinx ...................................................................... 10-46
Figure 64: Configuring Ethernet Devices Driver ......................................................... 10-46
Figure 65: Add an Ethernet Devices Driver - Definitions ............................................ 10-47
Figure 66: Current Running Drivers in RSLinx ........................................................... 10-47
Figure 67: Adding Ethernet IP Addresses to RSLinx Manually (New Driver).............. 10-48
Figure 68: Safety I/O Page F1 .................................................................................... 10-52
Figure 69: Safety I/O Page F2 .................................................................................... 10-53
Figure 70: Safety Network Number Generation ......................................................... 10-55
Figure 71: Safety Network Number Generation and Copy/Paste .............................. 10-55
Figure 72: Select Program or Remote Program ......................................................... 10-56
Figure 73 Select Safety Lock/Unlock .......................................................................... 10-57
Figure 74: Select Change Password .......................................................................... 10-57
Figure 75: Enter and Confirm New Password ........................................................... 10-58
Figure 76: Generate Signature and Enter Password Before Locking ........................ 10-58
Figure 77: Processor is Locked ................................................................................. 10-59
Figure 78: Placing Processor in the Remote Run Mode ............................................ 10-59
Figure 79: Open the Mode Screen ............................................................................ 10-60
Figure 80: The Mode Screen ..................................................................................... 10-60
Figure 81: Signature Screen...................................................................................... 10-61
Figure 82: Safety Signature Locked .......................................................................... 10-61

© 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved

10. Working with RSLogix 5000
10.1. Objectives
1. Create a device level Ethernet address assignment.
2. Assign an Ethernet address to a Maintenance Workstation.
3. Configure drivers in RSLinx.
4. Set up an ENxT card using the USB connection.
5. The student will be able to import an .L5K file.
6. The student will be able to export an .L5K file.
7. The student will be able to update firmware with Control Flash.
8. The student will be able to download to the processor.
9. The student will be able to create a Safety I/O Module in RSLogix.
10. The student will be able to create a Safety Network Number.
11. The student will be able to create a Signature and lock the processor.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-1
10.2. Device Level Ethernet Address Assignment
Setting up the Ethernet system requires that each device on the network has an
individual address including the following:
• Each ENxT
• Each HMI
• Each Robot
• Each Weld SCR
• Each Managed Switch
• Each MWS – Maintenance Workstation
• Each PC such as a Process Tool or Vision Computer
• Optional – Each Programming Port
• Ethernet I/O devices

It is easiest to use the real addresses when setting up the network the first time.
The Plant Floor Systems (PFS) group requires a comprehensive list of devices
that will require IP addresses to properly assign them in the plant. For each of
the devices, the PFS group will need the type of device, the MAC ID, and
possible additional information depending on the facility.
After all of the devices above are submitted to the PFS group, a spreadsheet will
be delivered back to the responsible GM engineer with the proper IP addresses.
If the devices must be configured before the official IP addresses are delivered,
the startup engineer can pick a temporary range of addresses to begin with then
switch at a later point. For example: 198.168.XXX.XXX with a subnet mask of

10.2.1. Maintenance Workstation Setup (Laptop)

It is important that the Network Interface Card (NIC) in the maintenance
workstation (or laptop) is properly configured with an IP address in the same
range as the devices that it will communicate with. Most Ethernet devices will
default to either BootP or DHCP which is a mode where the device sends out a
request on the network and looks for a server assigned IP address. If the tools
are being integrated at a build source, there will probably not be a DHCP or
BootP server available; the user will have to use Static IP addresses.

10-2 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
10.2.2. Set the Static IP Address on a Windows PC
1. Right click the wireless signal display. (if not available use the
computer’s control panel to access the Network and Sharing Center.)
2. Click Open Network and Sharing Center.

Figure 1: Open the Network and Sharing Center

3. Click Change adapter settings.

Figure 2: Change Adapter Settings

4. Right click on Local Area Connection.

Figure 3: Open the Local Area Connection

5. Double Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-3
Figure 4: Open Internet Protocol Version 4
6. Select Use the following IP address:
7. Enter IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway.

Figure 5: NIC Configuration Windows computer

8. Click OK.

10-4 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
The following is an example of configuring the TCP/IP properties for a Windows

Figure 6: TCP/IP Example

Item Description Definition

1 Use the following IP Select to use a static, manually entered, IP
address: Address.
2 IP Address: Type in the given address, this example:
3 Subnet Mask: Type in the Subnet Mask, this example:; This configures thru to be accessible.
4 Default gateway Type in the Default gateway address, usually
the first address in the network. For example: If working with a private network
that does not have a Gateway, then omit the
Gateway address.
5 OK Click OK when finished entering the IP and
Subnet Mask.
Figure 7: Changing the IP Address and Subnet Mask – Definitions

Many computers can adjust the IP address without a re-boot of the machine.
However, if Windows prompts for a re-boot, re-boot. The computer should now
be ready to communicate on the network.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-5
10.2.4. Assigning IP Addresses to Devices Using the BootP
In most cases it is best to use the USB method, shown next, instead of BootP to
configure the initial IP address in ENxT Ethernet modules and Compact Logix
Controllers. USB is easier to use. BootP will be necessary if the device does not
have the USB connection.
To assign addresses to equipment configured with BootP, first ensure that the
Ethernet network is powered up and all devices including the maintenance
workstation (or maintenance laptop) are connected to the switch. Open the
BootP software on the computer and wait for the devices to begin requesting
addresses as shown in Figure 17. If the BootP server can not be located on the
computer, it can be found on the GM Supply Power website under GCCS
There is a possibility that software running on the computer will prevent the
computer from getting the broadcast message from the devices that are
requesting addresses. Some software firewalls have been known to block these
requests and, therefore, the firewall software should be shut down while using
the BootP server.

Figure 8: Bootp Server Showing Devices Requesting Addresses

10-6 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
9. The time data stamp and the Ethernet MAC Address of the requesting
device(s) will appear as each device requests.
10. Double-click the Ethernet Address (MAC) and the New Entry window
appears. (To verify the MAC ID belongs to the device you are trying
to address, look on the device for a white sticker with the Ethernet
Address on it.)
11. Enter the IP address and Subnet Mask, and Gateway address; omit
Gateway if the network does not have a Gateway.
12. Click OK.

The Status window at the bottom of the BootP server will read “Unable to service
BootP request” for a brief moment. However, when the device requests an IP
address again, the Status window will read: “Sent IP address to device.” Also
note that the Request History will now show the device as having an IP address
and a Subnet Mask.
After the IP addresses have been assigned, close the BootP Server.
10.2.5. Configuring an ENxT with USB
Starting with EN2T model Ethernet modules an USB connection is available on
the front of the module to interface between the module and your computer.
RSLinx is used to establish communication.
1. Connect a USB cable from the programming computer to the port on the
front of the ENxT module.
2. Open RSLinx.
3. Click the RS Who button.

Figure 9: RS Who Button

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-7
4. Expand the USB driver.

Figure 10: Expand the USB Driver

5. Right click the ENxT that appears directly below the USB driver.

Figure 11: Right Click the ENxT Module

6. Click Module Configuration from the menu.

Figure 12: Open the Module Configuration

10-8 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
7. Set up the Port Configuration as follows:
a. Select the Port Configuration tab.
b. Select Static
c. Enter IP Address
d. Enter Network Mask
e. Enter Gateway Address
f. Verify that the Auto Negotiate check box is selected
Important: Auto-negotiate setting is project specific. Some projects may use
Speed=100 and Full duplex. Please confirm appropriate settings with GM project

Figure 13: Example ENxT Port Configuration

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-9
10.3. Disabling BootP After a Device Has Been Assigned an
IP Address
Once an IP address has been assigned to a device, the BOOTP feature needs to
be disabled. This will ensure that the device will retain its IP address even when
power on the device is cycled.

10.3.1. Disabling BootP on ENBT Modules

1. Open RSLinx and under “Communications” select RS Who.
2. Select the appropriate driver (configured previously) and expand.
Ethernet devices on the network will be displayed.
3. Select the appropriate ENxT module, right click and select Module

Figure 14: Open Module Configuration to Disable BootP

10-10 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
4. Configure the module for Static Network Configuration.
5. Select Static under Network Configuration Type.
6. Click OK and close the ENBT Configuration.

Figure 15: Disable BootP

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-11
10.4. Configuring RSLinx
RSLinx is the communications package used by Rockwell Software that allows
Windows-based Rockwell programs to interface with Rockwell Hardware. The
software packages that GCCS-1 currently uses are RSLogix and RSNetworx.
These software packages, when using RSLinx, allow many different
communication paths to the hardware such as Ethernet, USB, ControlNet, and
Serial. This manual exercise will focus on Ethernet and USB with a Serial
backup should problems arise.
RSLinx can be run as a service on your computer, starts at boot-up and is always
running. It can cause problems with some communication tasks that your
computer performs, for example printing. You can elect to use the Launch
Control Panel to start and stop RSLinx software as needed.
Using the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel
1. Click the start menu, expand All Programs, expand Rockwell Software,
expand RSLinx and select RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel. You can
make a shortcut or pin it to the Start Menu or tool bar.

Figure 16: Accessing the RSLinx Classic Launch Control Panel

2. Click the Start button.

Figure 17: Start RSLinx from Launch Control

10-12 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
3. If RSLinx does not open, look for the RSLinx symbol on your tool bar or
notification window. Click the symbol to open RSLinx.

Figure 18: Open RSLinx

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-13
10.5. Importing / Exporting .L5K Files
RSLogix 5000 can save and open files in two different formats; .ACD and
.ACD is the default format and is used to view the logic in a graphical format
online. The .ACD format is a non-user readable format that can only be
viewed inside the RSLogix 5000 software.
.L5K is a text-based format that can be read using any text editor, such as
Notepad or Excel. The .L5K format contains all of the information needed to
recreate the logic and configuration in the controller. Since .L5K is a text-
based format, it is used to manipulate the logic with GM specific tools, such as
the Message Extractor.

10.6. Importing .L5K to .ACD

Figure 19: Opening an RSLogix File - .ACD or .L5K

To import the .L5K, open RSLogix 5000 and choose to open a file. Then
select the proper directory where both the .ACD and .L5K files will be
displayed. Set the Files of type: to All RSLogix 5000 Files (*.ACD, *.L5K,
*.L5X, *XML) as shown in Figure 19.

10-14 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 20: Import .L5K to Generate an .ACD

The window shown in Figure 20 will display after selecting an *.L5K for import
into RSLogix 5000.

Item Description Definition

1 Revision Indicates the revision that *.L5K
From (import file) was created from.
2 Revision To Select Revision that is desired for
logic output.
3 File name Enter the desired filename for the
*.ACD file.
4 Import Click Import to begin the
importation process.
Figure 21: Import .L5K to Generate an .ACD

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-15
10.7. Exporting to .L5k File
To save an opened file in RSLogix 5000 as an .L5K file, use Save as type:
from the file menu then select *.L5K as the type as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: Saving as an .L5K File

10.8. Control Flash Firmware Upgrade Tool

Most Control Logix 1756, Compact Logix 1769, and Flex Logix 1788 cards
are firmware upgradeable to different revision levels. Each major version of
RSLogix requires the controller to be at the matching major revision to enable
upload /download/online capability. New processors are shipped without
firmware so they are ready to be flashed to the proper version.
Communication cards used on GM projects are tested at specific revision
levels. It is not the intent of GM to update to the latest revisions as they are
released unless the new release fixes a specific issue that affects the cell in
The proper version of firmware for the 1756 Cards is listed in the Blockpoint
for the project. To obtain the latest Blockpoint, contact the responsible GM
engineer for the project. The Blockpoint is also maintained on the GM
SupplyPower website:

10-16 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
For Control Flash to work properly, the proper files for each revision need to
be installed. The firmware files are contained on the GCCS-1 release disks
under “Software,” on the Blockpoint software disks, and directly from the
Rockwell Automation website.
Locate the Control Flash shortcut or find it in the Program menu, under Flash
Programming Tools. Select Control Flash.

Figure 23: Locating Control Flash

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-17
Click Next to continue.

Figure 24: Control flash Welcome Screen

Figure 25: Selection of Card Type to be Flashed

Item Description Definition

1 Catalog Select the catalog number of the device you wish
Number to update.
2 Next Once your selection is made, click Next.
Figure 26: Selection of Catalog Number of Device to Flash Update

10-18 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Once the Next button is clicked, an RSLinx window will open.

Figure 27: Selection of Actual Card Through RSLinx

Now select the proper card, using the correct IP address and slot number in the
backplane as shown in Figure 27. Ensure that the card that is selected matches
the card type selected in Figure 25. Click the OK button.
IMPORTANT: When using Control Flash to update a Guard Logix
Controller (LxS), you must also update the Safety Partner (LSP).

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-19
Figure 28: Available Firmware Revisions for Selected Card

Item Description Definition

1 Status Info Displays the following info for the selected
• Catalog Number.
• Serial number of the card.
• Current Firmware revision level.
2 Firmware Displays all available revision levels.
Revision Choose the proper level as dictated by your
Note: Only the revisions that have been
installed in Control Flash are available.
3 Next Begins the flash update process.
Figure 29: Set the Firmware Revision Level

10-20 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Certain hardware series of cards will not accept all revision levels for the
product ID. Example: 1756-DNB Series B cannot be flashed to a revision lower
than 6.002 even though 1756-DNB Series A can be flashed to all of the
lower revisions.

Figure 30: Firmware Update In Progress

After starting a firmware update, DO NOT interrupt the process until the
screen looks similar to
Figure 31. Interrupting the update could cause the module to end up in an
unusable state. Starting with Control Flash version 19 the Safety Partner will
be updated when the Safety Controller is updated.

Figure 31: Successful Firmware Upgrade

10.9. Downloading to the Processor

Now that the processor is at the proper revision level, it can be downloaded or
uploaded. However, uploading a processor when the matching Logic file is
not present on the host computer will result in a file that is missing the
documentation such as Rung Comments and Address Comments since these

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-21
are stored in the .ACD file. Communications paths to the processor are set
up in RSLinx, which is covered in Exercise 2.

The first time that a processor is downloaded, there will not be a path set up in
the .ACD file. The easiest way to download to the processor is to use the
“Who Active” function of RSLogix as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32: Who Active Function Inside RSLogix 5000

10-22 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 33 shows the different drivers that have been set up in RSLinx. It also
shows that the path is set for the open project in RSLogix 5000.

Figure 33: Available Communication Paths from RSLinx

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-23
Select the proper drivers as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34: Selection of Correct Processor for Download

Select the path to the processor as highlighted in Figure 34 above. The

buttons for Online, Upload, and Download are now available. From the same
screen, the firmware can be updated, and the path in the project can be set
so that it is easier to go online next time.

10-24 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
At this time, select Set Project Path so the screen looks like
Figure 35. If the Project Path is set and must be changed, click the Clear
Project Path button then click the Set Project Path Button.

Figure 35: Path in Project Correctly Set

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-25
Now, select Download to prepare for the final confirmation as shown in
Figure 36.

Figure 36: Downloading Into a New Controller

Figure 36 above shows the final confirmation before the project will be
downloaded to the controller. There is no program in the controller currently,
so it is OK to download this program.

10-26 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
In Figure 37, the controller already has a program that matches the program
that is to be downloaded. This is the typical screen that the user should see.
If the names do not match, check to ensure the processor selection is correct.

Figure 37: Project to be Downloaded Matches Current Project in Controller

After the download is complete, the user may be asked to go back into the run
mode if the controller was in the run mode before the download (Figure 38).
At this point, the program is in the controller and the user can begin making
changes and viewing the logic online.

Figure 38: Download Status to Controller

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-27
10.10. Safety Programming in RSLogix 5000
In GCCS-1, Safety Tags, Safety UDT’s, and Safety I/O tags are identified
uniquely with the first letter of s. Additional letters may follow the s such as sz_,
su_, or s_. The only exception is Safety Program Scope tags which are not
named with the s. The Safety Program can only contain Safety tags. See Figure

Figure 39: Standard and Safety Controller Scoped Tags

10-28 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Standard tags that are to be used in the Safety Task must be first mapped
into Safety Tags. Only tags of the class Safety can be used in the Safety
Task. To map a standard tag into a safety tag, select Logic, Map Safety
Tags as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40: Mapping Standard Tags to Safety Tags for use in Safety Task

In the left column, select the standard tag name. In the right column,
select the matching safety tag name. Refer to Figure 41.

Figure 41: Select Standard Tags and Matching Safety Tags for Mapping

10.11. Safety Module Configuration

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-29
For networks, Safe I/O must have their safety connections configured in
RSLogix 5000. GCCS-2 contains examples of the safe I/O configuration for
many of the ECS panels. It is recommended that the configuration from
GCCS-2 be used for all existing modules.
Safe I/O can be copied from the GCCS-2 reference and modified or can be
added from scratch. The copying procedure is outlined below.
Typical configurations for the GCCS-2 safe I/O can be dragged and dropped
from the GCCS-2 template to the user’s application. Safe I/O modules must be
1. Once the module has been copied or dragged and dropped to
desired Network. Under I/O Configuration, Expand the view of the
network then right-click on the proper safe I/O module and select
Properties. See Figure 42.

Figure 42: Beginning Configuration of DeviceNet Safety Modules

After the node is selected, verify data for 1791DS-IB12 as shown in
2. Figure 43 and Figure 44.

10-30 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 43: 1791DS-IB12 Fill in the Proper Data as Shown

Item Description Definition

1 Name Enter the Safety Node Name
(Format = sz_ or su_XXXXXXX)
2 Node Safety I/O node number
3 Safety Sets the Input RPI
4 Input Sets the Pulse Testing Configuration for
Configuration Inputs
5 Test Output Sets the Pulse Test Outputs
6 Module Illustrates the correct Module
Definition Configuration for 1791DS-I8XOB8
Input/Output module
Figure 44: 1791DS-IB12 Fill in the Proper Data as Shown – Definitions & Settings

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-31
Figure 45: Set the RPI to the Proper Value for the Application

3. Set the RPI settings to the appropriate value for the application, see
Module 2.

10-32 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
4. The input configuration is set to match the hardware design. An
example is shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46: Identify Which Inputs are Pulse-Tested

In Figure 46, Input points 0, 4, and 5 are wired to pulse test T0. All of the
other inputs shown are wired as safety inputs without pulse testing. Test
Outputs T2 and T3 are used as standard outputs as shown in Figure 47.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-33
Figure 47 Test Output T2 and T3 Used as Standard Output

10-34 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 48 shows the correct input configuration to match.

Figure 48: Proper Configuration to Match

1. Type: All input points should be of the type “Single.”
2. Point Mode: Only the points identified on the prints as being pulse
tested should be selected as Safety Pulse Test; otherwise they
should be marked as Safety.
3. Test Source: Any points that have been identified as Safety Pulse
Test must also have an associated Test Source that is clearly
identified on the prints. In the example, Input Points 0, 4, and 5
have a test source of T0.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-35
4. The Test Output tab must be configured with each of the output
points identified as a Pulse Test, Standard or Power Supply
Output. Configure all test outputs connected to input devices as
pulse test. Configure test outputs connected to output devices as
standard. Configure unused test outputs as standard. See Figure

Figure 49: Proper Configuration to Match

5. Continue this configuration method for each safe I/O module in the

10-36 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
For Safe nodes that are not listed in GCCS-2, follow the instructions below
to add new Safe nodes into the application.
1. Under I/O Configuration, right click on the network below the proper
DeviceNet scanner and select New Module as shown in
2. Figure 50.

Figure 50: Adding a New DeviceNet Safety Node

3. Select the module that matches the prints. Refer to Figure 51.

Figure 51: Select the Proper Safety I/O Node Type

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-37
4. After the module is selected, fill in the appropriate data. See Figure 52.
DeviceNet is shown on the right.

Figure 52: Fill In the Appropriate Data

5. Set the RPI values to the appropriate value for the application. Refer to
Figure 53. The input configuration is set to match the hardware design.

Figure 53: Set the RPI Values as Appropriate for the Application

10-38 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Input Point 0 is wired to pulse test T0. All of the other inputs shown are wired
as safety inputs without pulse testing. Refer to Figure 54. The correct
configuration for this example is next.

Figure 54: Identify Which Points are Pulse Tested

Test pulse 0 connection is shown next in Figure 55.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-39
Figure 55: Safety Device Receptacles

10-40 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
1. All input points should be of the type “Single.” See Figure 56.
2. Only points identified on the prints as being pulse tested should be
selected as Safety Pulse Test; otherwise they should be marked as
Safety. Any points that have been identified as a Safety Pulse Test must
also have an associated Test Source that is clearly identified on the prints.
In the example, Input Point 0 has a test source of T0.

Figure 56: Setting the Input Configuration Point Types and Modes

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-41
3. The Test Output tab must be configured with each of the test output points
identified as a Pulse Test or Standard Output. Refer to Figure 57.
If a pulse test output point is used on the prints, it MUST be configured on
this tab as a Pulse Test output.

Figure 57: Configuring the Test Output

10-42 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
4. The outputs on the Output Configuration tab should be set as Single and
Safety Pulse Test. Refer to. Continue this method for each safe I/O
module in the application.
Note: Not all modules will have this tab in their configuration.

Figure 58: Setting the Output Configuration

Note: Change Point Mode to Safety if problems exist.
End of Procedure
10.12. Safety Network Numbers
10.12.1. CIP Safety Protocol
The CIP Safety protocol is an end-node to end-node safety protocol which
allows routing of CIP Safety messages to and from CIP Safety devices
through bridges, switches, and routers.
To maintain safety integrity when routing through non-certified bridges,
switches, or routers, each end node within a routable CIP Safety Control
System must have a unique reference. This unique reference is a
combination of a Safety Network Number (SNN) and the Node Address of
the network device.

10.12.2. Managing Safety Network Numbers

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-43
Safety Network Numbers assigned to each safety network or network
segment must be unique. You must ensure that unique Safety Network
Numbers (SNNs) are assigned to each:
• DeviceNet network that contains safety nodes
• Chassis that contains one or more safety devices
After the Safe I/O modules have been created, generate a Safety Network
Number for all modules (Figure 59).

Figure 59: Generate a Safety Network Number

Select Time-based and click the Generate button on each module you open.
This process must be repeated for each DeviceNet Network in the chassis,
generate a unique number for each device on all networks.

Figure 60: Click to Generate the Safety Network Number

10-44 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
10.13. Exercises
10.13.1. Exercise 1: Configure RSLinx

1. RSLinx may already be running on the computer when the computer

boots up. RSLinx can be identified by the chain symbol in the system
icon tray in the lower right.

Figure 61: RSLinx Running Indicator in PC System Tool Tray

2. Start RSLinx by clicking on the icon shown in Figure 61, or by clicking

on the shortcut in Windows. The screen will appear as shown in
Figure 62. New installs of RSLinx will not have any drivers configured
for communications. Once RSLinx has been set up the first time on
the computer, it will retain its configuration until the user changes it in

Figure 62: Main RSLinx Window

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-45
3. Select the Configure Drivers Icon as shown in
4. Figure 63 below.

Figure 63: Configure Drivers in RSLinx

5. Select Add New and select a name for the driver. The default name
is OK in most cases, see
6. Figure 64.

Figure 64: Configuring Ethernet Devices Driver

10-46 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
7. The Ethernet Devices Driver setup procedure is summarized in Figure

Item Description Definition

1 Available Driver Types Select Ethernet Devices.
2 Add New Adds a new driver of type selected.
3 Add New RSLinx Driver Default name is usually ok. You may
choose a different name.
4 OK Click OK, the driver is created.
Figure 65: Add an Ethernet Devices Driver - Definitions
8. IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the “EtherNet / IP driver”. The driver uses
broadcast messages that create network traffic storms and cause
devices to stop working.
9. Figure 66 illustrates a driver running in RSLinx.

Figure 66: Current Running Drivers in RSLinx

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-47
10. Once the Ethernet devices driver is added, the Configure driver –
Station Mapping screen will open as shown in
11. Figure 67.

Figure 67: Adding Ethernet IP Addresses to RSLinx Manually (New Driver)

This screen allows the user to define all of the IP addresses that RSLinx will be
communicating with. Only Rockwell Ethernet devices (e.g. 1756-ENxT) need to
be entered into the RSLinx drive. Other devices on the Ethernet network may
use a different software package for communication.
10.13.2. Exercise 2: Update Controller Firmware Using Control

1. Begin by updating the controller. Find the Control Flash icon or in

the program menu under Flash Programming Tools. Select Control
2. Select the catalog number for the device to be updated, which is
Guard Logix Processor 1756-L71S.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the proper card in the RSLinx window using the IP Address
and backplanes as shown below. Make sure the card selected is
the same type as that selected above.
5. Click OK.
6. Select the appropriate firmware revision level. Notice you can see
the card type, serial number, and the current revision level.
7. Click Next.

10-48 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
8. Do not interrupt the process at this point. Wait until the Update
status screen appears with the status window message indicating
Update Complete. The box will be green. Interrupting this process
may leave the module in an unusable state.
9. Repeat the Control Flash procedure outlined above to flash the
Safety Partner module (L7SP), if using revision 16.

10.13.3. Exercise 3: Download Logic File to the Processor
Warning: Uploading a processor when a matching logic file is not present
on the host computer will result in a file that is missing the documentation,
such as rung comments and address comments.

1. Open your completed Core08Exercises, from the Core Exercises with

Note: The TP010B1.acd file is located in the G12 Trainer/PLC folder. The
files are setup to coincide with its corresponding Trainer, this can be used as
a alternate file.
2. From the Main menu bar, select Communications and then Who
Active. This is required for the first download as there is no path
currently set in the project.
3. Choose the appropriate driver. For this project, choose AB_ETH-1,
4. Browse for the 1756-EN2T. Left-click to open the tree. Note: use the
DCDL to determine the IP address for the EN2T.
5. Select the processor in slot 0, [0] 1756-L71S. At this point, the
Download button, located on the right side of the window, will become
active. Select the Download button.
6. The Download confirmation window will appear. Verify the project is
going to download to the proper processor, and click Download. If
you are unsure the project is correct, click Cancel and begin again
from Step 1.
7. The Download progress window will appear, tracking the Download


10.13.4. Exercise 4: Export a *.L5K File

1. Open RSLogix and open Core08Exercises.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-49
2. From the ‘File’ menu, select Save As. The Save Window will appear.
The default (the current filename) will be highlighted.
3. Below ‘Filename,’ select the Save as type pull-down menu and select
‘RSLogix 5000 Import/Export File [*.L5K]’ and select Save.
4. The ‘Exporting Progress’ window will appear.
5. A successful export will end with “Project exported with no errors or
warnings” message in the lower left corner of the main RSLogix


10-50 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
10.13.5. Exercise 5: Import a *.L5K File into RSLogix
1. Open RSLogix.
2. Select Open. The file open selection window will appear.
3. Notice that both RSLogix and *.L5K files are displayed.
4. Select the *.L5K created in Exercise 4. Click Open. The ‘Save
Imported Project As’ window will open.
5. Change the ‘Filename’ so that you do not overwrite the existing file.
Use Core08Exercises_a.
6. Review the lower left corner of the window is the Revision Level
setting. The ‘From:’ indicates the RSLogix version utilized for the
project. The ‘To:’ gives a chance to select the output revision level.
7. Click Import. The ‘Importing’ status window will appear. A successful
import will end with ‘Project imported with no errors or warnings.’
message in the lower left corner of the main RSLogix window.


10.13.6. Exercise 6: Create a Safe Node in RSLogix

1. Open ComTask10Exercise6
2. Create a new safe node in the RSLogix program. Use the prints
shown in Figure 68 and Figure 69.
3. See Module 2: RSLogix Overview in this manual to configure Module
definition settings.
4. The device is a 1791DS-IB16, 16 Input Safety I/O Module at node 5 in
DNet05. The device name is s_KA030G4.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-51
Figure 68: Safety I/O Page F1

10-52 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 69: Safety I/O Page F2

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-53
5. Pulse Test T0 is used by Inputs 0, 2, 4, 6, 14.
6. Pulse Test T1 is used by Inputs 5, 7.
7. Test Outputs 2-15 are configured as standard outputs.

10-54 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
10.13.7. Exercise 7: Generate a Safety Network Number
1. Open ComTask10Exercise7.
2. Open the I/O configuration at the end of the Controller Organizer.
3. Generate a New Safety Network Number for each module in DNet03.
Begin with the first Safety I/O Module as shown in Figure 70

Figure 70: Safety Network Number Generation

Figure 71: Safety Network Number Generation and Copy/Paste

Each device will have its own unique Safety Network Number. Click Generate for
each module, do not use Copy.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-55
10.13.8. Exercise 8: Generate a Safety Signature
After the Safety Task has been created and verified for functionality, it must be
locked with a password to prevent future changes. A ‘Signature’ is a mixture of
time and the program checksum. The signature is used to identify that the
Safety Task has not been changed from the time that the task was validated.
1. Open Core08Exercises.
2. Go Online with the processor.
3. Select Program or Remote Program mode. See Figure 72.

Figure 72: Select Program or Remote Program

10-56 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
4. Click Safety Locked or Safety Unlocked. When the drop-down menu
appears, select Safety Lock/Unlock. See Figure 73.

Figure 73 Select Safety Lock/Unlock

5. Click Change Password (

6. Figure 74).

Figure 74: Select Change Password

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-57
7. Select Safety Unlock as shown in
8. Figure 75
9. Enter the New Password and enter the Confirm New Password.
10. Click OK. Refer to
11. Figure 75.

Figure 75: Enter and Confirm New Password

12. Select Generate Safety Signature. Refer to Figure 76.
13. Enter password (as needed) and click Lock.

Figure 76: Generate Signature and Enter Password Before Locking

The processor must be in program mode to Generate/Delete the signature

and to lock the processor. The screen shown in
Figure 75 also allows the user to change the passwords used to lock and
unlock the processor. A password is usually assigned to the Safety Unlock
only. Be sure to write down the password.

10-58 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
15. Figure 77 shows a locked processor.

Figure 77: Processor is Locked

Go to Run or Remote Run mode (

16. Figure 78).

Figure 78: Placing Processor in the Remote Run Mode

The final steps of locking the processor with a Safety Signature will be carried
out from the HMI.

17. From the Select screen, click the Signature Screen Button. See
Figure 79.

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-59
Figure 79: Open the Mode Screen
18. The status of the Safety Signature is indicated here.

Figure 80: The Mode Screen

19. Press the Use Current Signature button to open the Signature
Screen. See Figure 81. After a slight delay the signature will
appear below the Safety PLC Status.

10-60 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
Figure 81: Signature Screen
20. Press the Use Current PLC Signature Button.
21. After a short delay the signature status will update to [OK-Locked
Safety Signature: (the number, time and date will be displayed).
See Figure 82.

Figure 82: Safety Signature Locked

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-61
Once the processor has a signature or is locked, edits to the Safety Task are
no longer possible. This is the steady state of the tooling in a production
ready state. The Monitored Power System (MPS) is designed to function only
after there is a signature that matches the signature stored in the processor.
There is typically an additional memory location for the signature (either
PM&C or possibly plant safety) to verify that the Safety Task is intact and


10.13.9. Exercise 9: Configuring the IP Address for a ENBT Card

(Optional Time permitting)
1. Connect the USB cable between the computer and the ENxT module.
2. Open RSLinx.
3. Set the ENxT to Dynamic in the Network Configuration Type.
4. Cycle power to the ENxT switch.
5. Examine the ENxT card’s display. It should match the address you
6. Open RSLinx and select Static for the card you just addressed.
7. Uncheck the Auto-negotiate port speed and duplex box.
8. Select 100 in the Current Port Speed pull-down menu.
9. Select Full Duplex in the Current Duplex pull-down menu.
10. Restart the power to the ENBT card to set the port and speed


10-62 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved Rev. 6.0
10.14. Review
1. How do you import an .l5K file?
2. How do you export an .l5K file?
3. How do you update firmware in certain smart cards?
4. How is logic downloaded to the processor?
5. How do you create Safety I/O Modules in RSLogix?
6. How is the Safety Network Number Created?
7. How do you generate the safety signature and lock the processor with
a password?

Rev. 6.0 © 2015 General Motors Company. All Rights Reserved 10-63

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