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Development of neuropsychology

-TBI (traumatic brain injury)

-mild = concussion
-accounts for a lot of deaths
-common for kids<6, young adults, adults>65
-executive function
-everyday problem solving
-brain theory
-brain is the source of behaviour
-neuron theory
-unit of brain structure and function neuron or nerve cell
-brain is old English word for tissue found in the skull (cranium)
-cerebral cortex
-thin outer “bark” layer
-most of the forebrain
-longitudinal fissure divides the two hemispheres
-lateral fissures divide each hemisphere into halves
-connect the brain’s hemispheres
-largest is the corpus callosum
-temporal lobe
-below lateral fissure
-frontal lobe
-front of brain beneath frontal bones
-occipital lobe
-back of each hemisphere
-parietal lobe
-behind the frontal lobe
-went spinal cord (conveys sensory information into the brain and sends commands from
brain to muscles), brainstem (mediates regulatory functions), then forebrain (mediates
cognitive functions)
-skull protects brain and vertebrae protect spinal cord
-CNS (brain and spinal cord)
-PNS tissue will repair after damage, but not CNS
-nerve fibers that bring information from and to the CNS
-somatic nervous system
-bring info to CNS
-connected to sensory receptors
-sensory pathways
-fibers that carry specific messages (hearing, touch etc.)

-carry information collected from on one side of body to the cortex in the
opposite hemisphere
-motor pathways connect brain and spinal cord to muscles
-information is sent out of the cortex via motor pathways to muscles on
the opposite side of body
-autonomic nervous system
-regulate internal organs
-pineal gland is located in the brainstem
-chose this because it’s the only structure that’s not composed of two bilaterally
symmetrical halves and it’s also located close to the ventricles
-pineal gland actually influences daily and seasonal biorhythms
-mind and body are separate but can interact
-proposed animals don’t have minds and they’re just machine like
-if you could speak and reason ,you had a mind
-this helped justify experiments on children, animals, and mentally ill people
-rational behavior can be explained through the workings of the nervous system
-science that studies differences in gene expression related to environment and
-epigenetic factors don’t change genes ppl inherit but they can affect whether a
gene is active
-this is how they affect an individual’s phenotypic traits
-the nervous system’s potential for physical or chemical changes
-enhance its ability to adapt to environmental changes etc.
-corticospinal (cortex to spinal cord) tract
-leads from cortex to spinal cord on the opposite side of the body
-localization of function
-different specific brain area controls each kind of behavior
-a bump was a well-developed part of the brain
-depression is the opposite
-identified 27 faculties
-this expanded over time
-device was placed around skull to measure bumps and depressions
-bumps were correlated with the phrenological map to determine a
person’s traits
-believed that damage to frontal lobe resulted in loss of ability to speak
-(language was located just below the eye)
-language is localized in the brain and lateralized
-one cerebral hemisphere can perform a function not shared by the other
-Broca’s area
-third convolution (gyrus) of the frontal lobe on the left side of the brain
-left hemisphere=dominant hemisphere because it monitors speech
-temporal lobe aphasia, or fluent aphasia, or Wernicke’s aphasia
-in te

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