Illustrated Most People Fell in The Middle

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-illustrated most people fell in the middle

-Binet developed a test to find children with special needs

-administered questions to 3-11 year old’s
-Terman produced a version of the Binet Simon test
-Intelligence Quotient was introduced
-mental age divided by chronological age times 100
-first used
-set average intelligence to 100
-measures abilities
-mathematical reasoning and memory, used to measure many aspects of
brain function
-Hebb found that lesions to the frontal lobe didn’t decrease IQ
-lesions in other areas of the brain did affect scores though
-these areas weren’t thought as relating to IQ or intelligence
-tests can identify behavioral changes and aid in understanding the effects of brain damage

-alcohol, after caffeine, is the most commonly used psychoactive drug in America
-despite the fact that is has many negative effects (or potentially negative effects)
-people don’t realize alcohol is a drug too
-frequently, people’s beliefs about alcohol are misconceptions
-alcohol usage in America first began with immigrants
-around since probably 8000 BC
-mead was brewed from fermented honey
-3700 BC Egyptians prepared the first hearty beer called hek
-wine may have first come from Babylonia in 1700 BC
-some believe decline of Roman empire can be attributed to alcohol
-part of it can be
-aqua vitae (water of life) first distilled conversion of wine into brandy during the middle ages in
-production of gin by the Dutch is credited with the start of serious alcohol abuse in Europe
-gin was far more potent than wine, inexpensive
-was also introduced during a time of social upheaval
-was used as a coping mechanism for a bad life lol
-lower class had gin, upper class had beer
-American tavern wasn’t just for food and drink
-for conducting business and local politics, and mail delivery
-continental army supplied each soldier with a daily ration of rum
-alcohol consumption was so prevalent and got out of control often in America until the 1830s
-this is when people campaigned for more strict rules to be put in place
-this groups just wanted to lower the consumption of alcohol
-other groups, though, took this a step further
-religious groups said if you drank alcohol you were going to hell etc.
-same tactics are being used for other drugs now too
-1917, congress passed a law that in 1920 was the eighteenth amendment to the American
-prohibited the “manufacture, sale, transportation, and importation of liquor”
-this didn’t stop people thought
-became more dangerous
-were consuming more liquors because they were easy to hide
-this was revoked in 1933
-other measures like restricted age, or no drinking while driving was implemented
-also, the sin tax (tax on alcohol”
-wood alcohol (methyl alcohol)
-contains formic acid, and formaldehyde
-drinking this would cause blindness, coma, and death
-used also as an antifreeze, industrial solvent, fuel
-ethyl alcohol
-produced by fermentation
-process that occurs naturally whenever microscopic yeast cells in the air fall on
a product containing sugar (honey, fruit, sugar cane, rye, corn)
-the material that provides the sugar determines the alcoholic beverage
-grapes(wine), rice (sake) etc.
-yeast converts sugar molecules into two molecules of alcohol and two molecules
of carbon dioxide
-when concentration of alcohol is 15% the yeast dies
-distillation is required to achieve higher alcohol percentages
-it’s heated the

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