Most Amazing Cell Stain

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-most amazing cell stain

-application of photographic chemicals to nervous system tissue

-were able to see the neuron in its entirety for the first time
-neuron theory that neurons are autonomous, providing basis for functional localization
is more correct now than the theory that neurons are interconnected and form a net, thus
providing the basis for a holistic mind
-information flow in the brain has an electrical basis
-insert electrodes to send mild currents in the brain and see the response
-stimulating the cortex electrically produces movement
-cortex is selectively excitable too
-stimulation of frontal cortex=movement on opposite sides of body
-forms topographic neural-spatial representations of the
body’s different parts
-stimulation of parietal cortex=no movement
-synapse was later discovered
-disproved idea that neurons are connected
-then it was proved that chemicals carry the message across the synapse
-synapse releases chemicals to influence the adjacent cell
-Hebb or Plastic synapses
-new or strengthened connections are the structural bases of memory
-families of neurons connect to form cell assemblies
-represent units of behavior
-cell assemblies linked together could underlie thinking and
-glial cells
-help neurons out, holding them together and provide support functions
-delivering nutrients and removing waste
-86 billion
-transcranial magnetic stimulations (TMS)
-researchers induce electrical activation in the brain by passing a magnetized coil across
the skull
-neuropsychology draws from many fields
-neurosurgery, psychometrics (science of measuring human mental abilities) statistical
-also, technological advancements
-cutting a circular hole in the skull
-would do it on the opposite side of the injury to relieve pressure in the brain
-therapeutic intervention
-still used today
-modern era neurosurgery started with antisepsis, anesthesia, and functional localization
-then operations for treating brain abscesses, tumors, epilepsy-producing scars
-stereotaxic device
-holds head in a fixed position for surgery was developed later
-then anesthetics were developed that enabled patients to stay awake during surgery
-being able to trace stimulation of the brain to assess how bad the damage was helped a
-focal lesions in the brain links to changes in behavior were discovered
-past surgeries on people help distinguish problems for people in the future
-psychometrics and statical evaluation
-Galton wanted to find individual differences between people that could explain
variations in intelligence

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