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ny wre UFO SUERTE QUESTIONNAIRE GENERAL CASES (FORH 1) BPE | | mre or etsrcarns Lene MULE 5 racer anoess: 2SET ee OD sr prowe: NeQeF_ IZLWE SE romper Me Mott pisaceD suse QA E _ cove 21605" comm: 23 z Gaeif __ Les Auceres: UATE HOVE (on 4 spl sap of the aren shoving your poets sosect's ponte, Include an arrow Gendting the dlesctton of Herth, IedCeate ctrsetion stat the abject vee coving.) im 6 nC) tom: DST porrion LA ste () mw gd ms. Bo i EE 3. Mat BID You THI THE onZEeT WAS EWEN YoD FIRST YOTICED 77? [AL DeScRIDE YOUR REACTIONS 100 ACTIONS, DURING AND AFTER SIOWTING THE ORJECT. 51 DESCRIEE THE OSJECT AND TTS ACTIONS, 6. Rou DID vou vese stoxr oF Tar cmsecr? Le (THE STREET ADIBEEAT TO THE wie 500 HOME. 2. wirs Hap OULE HONELTS BEFORE SEEM A cance FIRERML 10 THE SKY THAT CATER PRovED TO BE SPACE HOLDUIARE DE-BUTER/VG, AUO THEY WERE sre Looe Ie AROVM? AT THE SKE. lg. rue rrasr aud vey THOUGHT WAS THAT IT Wes DUE, buy. wirs were sraRrisr 2uD FUIGHTELED AT FST, gud AS 300") (AS THE CBIEETS Disa PREARED THEY Rie IW THE HOUSE AUD EneLED Poca. 25. puert were 39 egucers. LACH APPEARED a5 RovrrD GPHERICAL) BRIGHT LITE BF AU IWTEXSITE WEBR THOT OF a fuTe HEnDLIiwT ATS THOUGHT THEM TO BE Ar Aw ALTITUDE OF LESS THAW 200% ALD srareD THB THER suRTELDED APLOX 20" AT ARMS LELTH. THE OBJECTS APPEALED TO BE FLYILG 1 AY ASCENDING Continue narrative on reverse side) ECHELEL FORMATION, 10 ewe, curret THE CowstsT eve CEmping, THE Vyasr ove 10 L1we APPEARED TO DE COMMECTED 7? rue séeoud BY A TULL BEAM oF THE SAME WHITE bic, CouLY HARK WOTtCE? ress) THIS Jotnsriew was FIRED OUD LUeHiaucsue THReYEH THE SiEHTIh, WIT THE Disrawee BETUEEM THE SEWERES REMMI GOK B TIMES THE DIAMETER OF EBCH SPNERE, THIS HAS, AT DEST, GL ESTIMBTE AUD IS ART QUBLLEAGED BY rue Fier THAT MARA G UE GEIOLD OR) (8s bt E euas seigHrey LARCER THAM THE OTHER TWO, THE OBJECTS WERE DIRECTLY OVER LANDALE JTREET AWD HOvED RATHER scowcy WEST Te THE LEMP AVEWLE, WHERE THEY TURLED “Ys, 1wCREdS PuIeKLY DISAPPEARED FREM VIEW BENiwd He: THE Bovs Wad BEEW Coons LG paren seeriow OF 1D SPEED, Aup VERY ses wD TREES HEAR BY. yw REMALY THE EPPOSITE DIRECTION pun Druk see rHe OQIEETS wwriE THEY WERE VERE LEAR — WITH) ® WUMDRED ARDS $0 ALTHOUGH THE OBIECTS MOVED PLOWEY, THE wire OWL’ AD AL ESTIMATED M1WuTE TOO MwETE BUD a HALE 7? oBsERVE THEN, IT 3H0 D PERHAPS BE MADE CLEAR Tir THE euiTs WERE STAUDLvE AT THE soured 51DE OF THE (WTERSECTION OF CEP Au LauDpE So THAT THE OBITS PRISED VERY LEARY CVERHERD, GILIVE THEM A CHAUEIG VIEW 25 THEY WELT. SIUCE Bot wiTs CoweuR OL 4LL POIMTS WUT THE EXCEPTION OF THE Two MELriovED DROVE, THIS REPERT siidee 3ERLE AS A TOU! ate REPORT wi7H BorW Bors r1GhiuG. ez. FO SUGRTINE GUISTONRNIRE = GENERAL CASES (FORK 1) paves id | TVTWORIDTA, STATION (QueN/TINL te fo Horteate) SSA Ss) of, |] smmzmor —ansenscer onst > cmc 9 aera 9 ore WS Wes aun WHEN) MIBONC ) RENE) ATBEHARKE YESH) aTEE CNEL Vas VUE |p seems cca ena) nat) a EEE ET” |] aanconen crncer sommocer wee ) nmeme( ) commen) xamertem Bead AAEATEREATS: —IRLDSC EF” WOODS) HTLLS( ) MOUMTAENS( )RIVERG ») POMOC) UMC BREE E IISA: AIRORT 5 PLONE ME ANTON) AMTADMD TEESE) OE sig 524 BAS Pa See gS. g /irg es EE a8 idge zg é p2gd: baba: Bes & i 3 5 ¥ ig g Wd LE, i cuEARC PARTLY CLOUDN( ) OWERCAST ) FocoNE > MEAG) MEOHIME ) LieeTC NONECe- RAIN) FOG(. > SLEET( SHOW 9 MEARHC ) MEDHENC 7 LIGHTC > ero pisces: riast seen i east usr seex an _//us rr vowen rao Beko “Zee ( rinsr seem = 1/40) U/C ET 9/6( > OF THE HAY UP HORIZON; OFERKEAD( ) OTHER yo nuevsios: { Cuasr seen = 1/4cer 1/20) 3/4) OF THE wAY UP HORIZON; OFERREAD( )- OTHER WO DISTANCE: WHEN CLOSEST 10 ¥E_ZOO ZF STOALTITDE: wHEN cLosEsT To THE crommZoe = (remot, warren ms 1 DISTANCE FROW Tt HITHESS monn: { : MEWIND Louse of TAEES WHICH AS Y=-p AT IN DISTANCE FROM THE WITRESS ASOULAREA! AIRPLANE) HELICOPTER) maLLOONC ) SEARORLICNT OTHER {ETORE UTENESS SIGHTED UFO ) DURING UFO STONTTNG( ) AFTER UFO SICATING( ) (ORIECT DESCHEFTION (Ohweh/FIN1 In Ar APPLAcebL®) strep, «(MOT CD sae of sure oF coun SEER "Ca uicer (Or nase oF_2__ SHAPE or SEHERIC#L coLente) exe PEW pesextae 0 Lavoe ee awe emer Pid See (uncee () SuL C) SwME SIRE C) AS THE osecT ListED aoe ‘ Coeseerant (> cow@aeT OAR (> STAIEARD OR () MOUSE (2 ora (now wane TRES LARGER (> OF SUALLER (IF PUT IN THE sey atsibe ocr ani srtanevr size: { (eee rms mu size or a stan _ 2. tne mur size oF 4 rou vox uerwees? me fee eso AL IAS: Asta (TE eon ¢ > on AdeeDUcuriom TF AcE A se DISTAICE AAT IDE OSJECTIs) On LIEITLGD: (Please elaborete on teens checked below by uring a c4parace aheee) usce DiRECTION (2) wows? (27 were woo 0) pure oO reuse ()esceor (OF asreer eccrerci? (sex oO PALL LIKE A LEAF? Co) ascEso? (op srreet erent (mn? Oo sasona nseeTte)? () oven owtniteast () arrecr TmerIECE? ¢ )PUMsaTE? © DIEET onrecréa)? ()OFERA nUILOLNE? (eT Arrecr eve? = (+) APMEAR scum? (2 usce SHAPET —() LAND ON ROOD?) AFFECT VERIGLEY (NAVE une eter (ET cast susoer (aA WaTER?.¢)arTecT ammAL?. =) aE ORIN? (2 cast Licmr? (+) canny occurasrsr ¢) arrecr woman? = ()onnet a) nonce: trom?) comemmcarer, © ()arruer uarER? =) viaTEr oO Love A TAT ( ) GIVE ORF wear?) AFFECT out, «(at er pusteresnarer (eave sesrouer (_)_arruer vecezartont (©) _gprean masseatnitt (2 DUD ANY OTHER ACENEY CONTACT YOU? 422 ORO Te SE PROVIDE THE MES/ADORESSES/PHONE MOERS OF OTIER LITNESSES ARO/OR Toma or amen salah Yow mar) Mae NOT CO) ESE ME RO — - Ooh fe ~ Case, folectorete , Suppl & Dee. 1877 fr lit Chel) pete Uf & hietted [Blemen hark, pitied 9 oO WATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS CONWITTEE ON AERIAL PHENOMENA (NICAP)© 1836 Connecticut Avenue, NW. North 79634 Woshington, D. C. 20036 j REPORT ON UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT(S) ‘This form ncues questions asked bythe Unltd States Ali Fotce and by other Armed Forces" investigating age tions to which answers ae needed fr fll evaluation by NICAP. ‘Atel he infrmation has ben uly stutid, the conclusion of ox Evaluation Pane wl be published by NICAP i it egualy issued ‘magazine or in another pullstlon. Plesse ty to answer as many questions as possible. Should you need ational oon, please use arate: sheet of ave. Please print x typemite. You assistance Is of peat value at is genuinely appreciates. Thank you, and ational ques: 1. wane Rochelle 0 aike Place of Employment ie Pot Ugur ae eae Tite CABG AAD 9 caer 2. oat of obsevatin \O—\G@-& Tine a. aoe 3. Locatty of bsawvatin Pow View St west OAy 4 Ho ong ais you 206 the oben? Hovre_2. Seeonde sun Was del criimistin i. <" n sacle inthe xg 7. sven at eh, twlght, or dam, wer the stars oF moon visible? 5 oe theta nts tna one object? VO movement, if any. NF so, please tot how mary, and raw a skteh of what you sow nceatingatetion of iif hay) sopear soli, ony 2 3 soute of let; wast evlving t.7 Pease Boe cd ghjects connected SEIS cote tnd ohopie ots 10, was the objects) brihtr than the backgund ofthe 3 9. Please sci te ej) in aa, For sie, 11. If so, compare the nghtess with the Sun, toe, heaatoms, ete 12, Dla the objec.) — (Pease elaborate, it you can glve details) opeat to stand sti at ny tine? Suddenly spina up 2 ash aay aay tae? [rea up into parts er explode? Cie of enoie? Leave ay visible wait? ‘top anything? ‘Chang tighness? ‘Change shaoe? (Change calor? 15. Dis enecis at sy tne pas in fot of ox tahind of, arything? 1 0, please elaborate ving distance, 28 te, If possible. as tire ay wind? Vee, 15, ia you cbse te objects) though a optical instrument or eka ai, windshield we OP aSecs 15, id he obec hoe ary sound? 17, Pleas el ie tees wa (te) — 8. uy x blared matin? his He Lika a eight ea, It s0plase give aicection and sped, wiodowpane, storm window, sreeing, ee? How tout? SOF K Caja oh 18 as tha objet — 2. Setetuminous7 bull inisnr (eine) 4. Transparent 18, Did the objats) sis fll while inmotion? VO 20. Tell he appavent sizeof the objects) when corpared wih the flowing held a an lent a. Pinta c. Gime) fe. Half dollar Ocange i, Career Pea a Wa 1 Silver dle 1. eopetrult (easier, eve sopsent size in Innes on ruler eld at a's length 2. a, How oid you hagpen to notice the objects)? SWS \oolsing at Xhe sky here wre you ad what va you dongs he tine \ Now aid ie ajectissisappear ron view TX licked Ouk oF wvew [Conpare te sped ofthe eects) wit a piston er jot izttt a te sane apparent alte 25. ‘ye tae any eanestong| acta ine feation a the tne or imoiotayatrnanes? It so, please elaborate 2. 28. 23, a. 2, here Was Oar pang 25. Please estate the distance ofthe Bject(), Daina (What as the elevation o the objects) nthe sky? Please maxon this temieohereshaten? hanes sd aitese ot ota witeies fay. Raorcette Daik tos font Uiew St What do you think you sau? a. Exuaterestit device? e.Satliter & Manx ar Other? (Pease specty). 0 describe yous feelings a eactons during the sighting. Wee you can, pawvous, ehanes, apprehensive, aves, ee.? I YOu Wish your answer to this question fa emclneantdental, pleat indicate witha check mark. (Uce a sepacte sheet if aecessay) Oe 7 exerted Secause L caw She chy object very clesely and Clearly, Plesse draw a ap of te locality ofthe observation showing North; your poston the erection trom which te objects) apeae and ds- speared fam view the etetion of is couse over the area oad, avms, village, rallrsas, nd other lander hin amie Is there an sipor, military, governmental, or research instalation in the area? (VO ‘ sean ether objects of on unidentified nature? 1 40, laaye dascr{be these observations, using p saarste shee of paar % eouyle Rome nade ay ny Dlink on ane ORE Pease orcloo photographs, ston pets dent elpies es or ado er tevin propane inclu tne, stan and aete, st possible) regatng so sila observa, er ay Oe backs a youl estes We wl eta the ater ere you ntarogaes ty Al Force Invetgatrs? Oy any ter fetal, sat, eatny,o local officials? If so, plase state the name ang tank of tle of the agent, hs office, ané details as to wer and when the gestionng tok pace. ee you asker to not to reveal of seuss the incident? 1 5, wae ny reatons or official orders mentioned? Plaseaelsoxate cartilly. WO We shoud lke parmisson te ote your name in conection with thi epat. TAs ation wil encourage other responsible citizen to epet ilar obsevatiens te NICAP. However, i yOu pret, we wll Kes you rane conden. Plaso note you choice by checking the po- a statement elon. In any case, lense til in al pars ot the fom, fr otrovm colori fils. Thankyou fr your cooperation You my tm BY Pree hep oy nine cone ae of ting oot tpet swowe: Doe hy Ve gh lo-as-66 ety UNITED AIR LINES ao : ‘Speen its, Denver, Clade 5207 April 19th, 1967 Ur, 5, Pox Parodes Chief of Flignt Dispatch Ganaditn Peoific Airlines Flight Dispatch Office Internet ional Airport Yexico City, Hexico Dear Mir, Paredes? With reference to my letter of Fob. 1th, 1967, I am sending you a copy of the tontstive findings on the ec. 36th, 1966 sighting you had forverded to me. Ten also enclosing « copy of the letest setellite re-entry infor— mation lebier thet is maile’ to all participating airlines on a regular basis. Agein pleese cosept ny thanks for your thoughtful asvistance in this matter. Sincerely Yours NE hel HE, Roth, Project Director Volunteer Flight Officer Network HERtoy. Una ar Une’ taf Fe: ty paserer cm shedle depend -hnesty sine

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