Hyperborean Reflexions - Christian Cortes

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HY PERBOREAN REFLEXIONS CHRISTIAN CORTES OPENING REMARKS The present book is a compilation of articles that manifest the author's position on topics related to the Superman and Pre-Hispanic America. Its main objective is to invite the reader to the study of the Hyperborean Gnosis, as a strategic means of spiritual development. This book is a contribution to the memory of the blood that awakens in each one the call of the blood, and strengthens in the purification and essential hostility and thus achieves the retum to the homeland of the spirit: Hyperborea The Hyperborean wisdom represents the most ancient and primordial legacy of wisdom by which men have surpassed themselves, obtaining as an achievement, their mutation from intellectual animal to Superman, ideal of realization to which every man should aspire to rebel as a warrior against the infamous slavery and lethargy in which he is submerged. Therefore, it is important to study the complete work of Felipe Moyano: The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom, for its understanding and consequent practice. As a Hispanic American, | consider it a duty to awaken in our compatriots, pride and respect for our ancestors and for the spiritual treasures that our continent harbors, in order to unify our wills and return together to the imperial glory of the golden days of our continent, whose wisdom today has been overshadowed by false scientific dogma and rationalism, which as dialectical myth, prevent men of today from knowing their historical and racial past, and worse still with the phagocytic force of archetypes, men ignore their past and divine heritage. May the words contained in the following articles serve to awaken in man the memory of the origin, and from Honor, endow him with the etemal courage to undertake the internal struggle towards the conquest of the Eternal Vril For the revival of the American Superman. And The Aryan Superman in the world Christian Cortes. ON THE PURIFICATION OF BLOOD The legacy that Felipe Moyano left us implies the study of a deep, uncomfortable and crude truth, but one that can grant man absolute freedom. Once the aforementioned study of the complete work of hyperborean wisdom is concluded, the profane scholar must decide whether or not to accept his mysterious mission to fight for his freedom, to recover his eternity, a process that necessarily requires the purification of his blood, that is, to practice kayvalia, a process by which the human being, upon discovering that he is eternal, that within him resides a god asleep inside the animal body, or in other words, to move away from the pasu behavior that he has inherited, being a sleeping Virya, to move away from the will of the absolute self to conquer his own freedom, and to go from the will of the absolute self to conquer his spirit, eternal, to conquer the origin, to eliminate his Pasu part, his animal part, in which he has been designated by the demiurge Jehovah Satan, to be one more sleeping slave that gives sense to the nefarious and demented work of the universe, ruled by the One and his court of Nephilim demons, in Shamballa, against these satanic hosts the Virya has declared war to free himself from the chains of karma and Samsara, initiating the return home, that is to say to Hyperborea, from the call of the pure blood. Why in the blood? Because in the blood resides the symbol of the origin that shows us the absolute self, the spirit. Racial purification is not the same as purity of blood, for Purity of blood is achieved by volitional right, while racial purity is a genetic inheritance, which also has its own scale of purity. However, it is blood purity that prevails over racial purity, for blood purity is purely spiritual. Among the masses (and even among National Socialists) it is very common to find people who presume their racial purity as a synonym of honor and supremacy, ignoring the esoteric character of blood, and its purity. As Felipe Moyano says, these people may be genotypically and phenotypically very pure racially, but psychologically most of them behave like materialistic Jews, besides keeping a marked emotional ego together with a too human rationalism. Man too much man would say Nietzsche. It is not the same a Virya to a Pasu, it is not the same a White to an Aryan. The latter, the Aryan is the representation of the blood purification in the white race, since the Aryan is a term that is first evaluated genetically, but in a fundamental way it is evaluated by an ethic achieved in its process of self- improvement, by the conquest of the Vril. Under this understanding, the purification of blood would apply not only to the white race, as historically in its conquest of the world, but also for all human races, as for example China, whose nation in DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this book to the following people: Juliana CZ, heiress of my path, my inspiration for every goal, my sublime and mutant divine synchronicity. Wise reflection of mind and transcendental journey. My Master of purity and great treasure bequeathed by the Gods. Keep walking the path of spiritual return to the origin, so you can finally conquer yourself. You were born to be a warrior and as such you will eternalize. Katherine ZG, Companion of lives, comrade in struggle, messenger of the gods, noble muse of intuitive wisdom. You guided me to the path of the warrior, and opened the doors of catharsis. | admire you and | will always admire you for being a woman of Truth. In you, will and strength converge perfectly. My wise and beloved fighter, | thank you for existing and complementing me. You are the light of my destiny. Jesus CO, My teacher and role model. My admired hero since early childhood. Guide on the path of life, who strengthened me from the great example of Virtue. Exalted paternal figure in wisdom, intelligence, patience, understanding, affection and respect. In addition to bequeathing me the genetic ancestry, you had the noble detail of offering me your friendship. You are the materialization of ethics. | will always carry your teachings in my life as a sign of affection and admiration for you. | see Krishna in you. Betty CC: My reflection and positive pole. You inherited the spirit in my blood, an example of a teacher, strengthened in righteousness, authority, intelligence, wisdom, who has always given space for love and affection, despite her admirable hardness. | will always admire her vocation as a spiritual and matriarchal leader. Thank you for your teachings and unconditional support, as well as your wise counsel. | carry in my blood your great example. | see Krishna in you Jestis CC: Great blood companion and unconditional friend, whose knowledge of supra material, inspired to a great extent my walking the path of the warrior. | thank you for your support, advice, brotherhood and friendship. May the ineffable light of the spirit guide your path to realization. To you, my words of admiration, affection and respect. Kevin L: My great comrade, friend and brother. Companion of struggles and battles both extemal and internal. The Aura Catena reunited us in the combat against the demiurge, and it will be the honor that will grant us the final victory. You symbolize in your being the will, discipline and strength. A great reference and pride for your lineage. My great respect and admiration for you Thorn and Sieg: My spiritual guides, counselors and teachers, messengers of Asgard, who as Kamaradas fight with me from hell, for the conquest of the Vril, from honor, and catharsis towards the Superman. To them, my eternal loyalty as Kamarada. ‘Special thanks to: Estefania M D, Kelly Z G and Martha M P. martial technique to further integrate as a true warrior complete. You belong to the brightest and strongest race in the universe, our strength allowed us to conquer the world, assault the court of hell, discover the deep mysteries of the universe and be the managers of the destruction of the same in Ragnarok. The Aryan Warrior must awaken the divine essence that lies within you. This warrior student of the hyperborean wisdom of Nimrod of Rosario, will seek to approach his spirit, the selbst, through awakening the luciferic grace, a new ethic whose banner is honor, and whose main and infinite foundation is the eternal spirit, in addition to this, his guiding principles that will orient him in this false world of demiurgic matter, aggressive against him for rebelling against the satanic creation, will be: Truth, Courage, Justice, Loyalty, unquantifiable eternal principles found in the unknowable, in this way | allude to the noological ethics that has bequeathed us the foundations of hyperborean wisdom. An example of integrity and absolute honor, would be the practice and application of the 82 advices of the divine Siddha Gurdjieff to his Daughter, which are principles of conduct based on the noological ethics of honor and luciferic grace, which can only be applied by someone who has overcome and surpassed himself. Accompanied to the previous one and for the guidance of his path, as a complement as the main base of the strategy chosen by the man who decides to purify his blood towards the infinite unknowable, he can apply the runes that Wotan inherited to the Aryan white race, as a set of weapons for the defense of the warrior in this material prison, in the practice of Kayvalia, with the runic Yoga, through the meditation of the Futhark, with the pronunciation of the mantra of each of the runes that make up the runic alphabet chosen for practice, or you can perform the body gymnastics of each rune with the same mantric pronunciation, which can be found in the excellent book, Runes the path of initiation of Juan Ricardo Cespedes. Together with these exercises of runic character, they can be complemented with excellent exercises of active meditation, that is to say, to transcend the passive sphere of the mere observer in the meditative practice, locating oneself in the absolute inner self, so that in daily life the person is not only located in the so-called "infinite present" but also in the eternal spirit that is to say, in Gnosis. Along with this, we can complement this process with the practice of Pranayama, a practice that helps us to awaken more quickly, by incorporating it into our strategy. If the same warrior has successfully passed the family test, he can practice Yoga Tantra without danger, otherwise he should not perform this path as advised in the complete work of the Hyperborean Wisdom. Thus we have an Aryan man-warrior, who has eliminated his emotions, and can freely choose how he feels, without being harmed by any outside agent, by his admirable defense, a man of a strange personality, who by his constant laughter over the illusory world of maya, denotes a great spiritual joy, superior to any human feeling or emotion, but at the same time shows and exhibits most of them come from the Han ethnic group, which makes it easier for them to develop into a homogeneous national racial nucleus. When man understands that within him sleeps an absolute and eternal God, who can never die, unlike the soul and the body, then he is aware of his gnostic predisposition, which is the first step to fight for his liberation, after purification. It is equally important to clarify our shadow or unconscious sphere, in other words to know ourselves in defects in order to deepen and correct them in the sphere of light, such as addictions and bad habits that constitute our daily development, and also in virtues to adapt them to a Noological ethic, which is the ethic of the spiritual warrior that has its basis in the eternal spirit, which man will follow to be able to overcome and eliminate the emotional self, in which are contained all human emotions, which are part of the soul, and at the same time, exploit the eternal spirit, and are the engine producer of suffering also exploited by the entities that make up the shamballa, and by the demiurge who feeds on the same engine to evolve his consciousness. It is this self-knowledge, of our shadow sphere, which leads us to correct our defects that corrupt the warrior ethic, we can mention among them the elimination of cigarettes, liquor, drugs (except in the case of shamanic experiences provided by nature) and gluttony, in other words, the warrior must conquer his attachments and desires, which chain him to the material world through placebos. There can be no blood purification without self-knowledge and the will to rise to the path of transmutation in the Hyperborean Origin It is fundamental to awaken in man a warrior ethic, martial, preferably Military, to forge an ascending hardening like steel, likewise to overcome his own mind, to generate resistance before pain, like the Spartan warriors or the SS of the Third Reich, likewise to generate resistance before situations of disgust and repugnance, to develop a great spirit of survival in precarious situations, because there are many advantages of the blood purification in a military training due to the fact that the being gets used to live in situations of danger and loneliness, strengthening him more and more. It goes without saying the learning of the use of conventional weapons, but likewise it is of great help that the man is not only a soldier but also a magician, learning the weapons taught by the hyperborean wisdom in the books of Felipe Moyano, learning also the use of unconventional weapons, which we can find in the field of parapsychology, when ‘experimenting with weapons that can generate influence in the enemy point, working in this way the mind and the spirit to the maximum. Having mentioned this, it follows that man must practice constant exercise, that is to say, temper himself completely as Ignacio Ondargain would say, because the Aryan warrior always strengthens his musculation to gain more strength, and also performs a constant and daily cleansing by constant and athletic practices to which he demands himself and better still if he perfects himself through the who has entered the lineage of Cain, is the man who enjoys insomnia, since he will never be able to sleep again, he will remain in constant vigil and alert, waiting to defend himself and attack at the right moment, just as Cain was punished by Jehovah with etemal insomnia for having murdered his brother Abel, as a representation of the camal and created soul Finally it should be noted that only the wisdom which is purely individual, and which lies in the blood, in the spirit is the way to pontificate a path to eternity, as the purification of the blood divinizes man in its greatest splendor, this being the great mystery of the pure blood, the man who has overcome the animal, pasu, animal body in which he resides captive, while on the other hand the knowledge, is collective, ie can be learned and taught to groups of people, as these are directed to the cultural and spiritual sphere. merely material. It is worth more, therefore, the wise man with ethical principles and a moral based on honor, physically trained, in bodybuilding and martial arts than the puny intellectual that abounds in our days, as a representation of a cultural subject and a pre-established prototype, lazy and obedient to the system that enslaves | him, The mystery of the Vril accompanies only the white and yellow race and its derived iy crossbreeding, they are the ‘ones who can access the high mysteries of the pure blood. And whoever manages to defeat himself, will be eternal in the origin, he will have achieved the Alchemical Opus and no one will be able to defeat him. THIS WORLD IS REALLY HELL Man believes he is the master of the earth, but in reality he is just another slave of a superior system that manufactured him in order to exploit him as a slave, being in reality chained to the world of the illusion of forms, where he lives surrounded by banalities and lies. Confused, he believes that this is the only possible world, completely ignoring his etemal origin because of the hypnotism in which he is submerged by direct action of Jehovah Satan and his satanic hosts, in charge of imprisoning the eternal spirit in the animal body of the pasu hominid, the first animal on earth, from whose mutation between animal and divinity, we would emerge as human beings, as an animal species but with great intelligence, whose base is not rational thought but the uncreated eternal spirit that belongs to the true world, infinite unknowable. The objective of this mutation was to create a species half animal and half divine, to enslave it through the exploitation of its capacities, so that it generates energy, love (reproduction and animal procreation of the species) and culture, which would give meaning to the immense insane work of the demiurge Jehovah Satan, demon that enslaves the eternal spirit in different forms and dimensional planes or universes, not comprehensible even to the human mind. This world is in reality a sewer, an immense filth, incomparable to the magnanimous true world, known as Hyperborea, world to which belongs the spirit chained in matter, which lies asleep in the repugnant animal body Pasu, sack of guts, which fil it with animal needs to which it must supply, in its maximum and vile inferior expression, going from being an eternal God to being humiliated and lowered to an animal, or human being that is the same garbage Jehovah, besides being the creator of the universe in which we live captive, imposes that his creatures live submerged in pain and suffering, food and necessary principle to enhance their conscience. Forced to live in a collective, sectarian way and to depend externally on the surrounding culture, the human being must live more and more alienated from his inner self, which is analogous to living on a cattle farm with a high degree of rationalism and false freedom, each one of them symbolizing one more number or head to be sacrificed by the satanic hosts that work to keep humanity asleep by manipulating its instinctive animal part. This farm is the center of major importance in the universe, as well as the other farms in their various subtle forms in which there are also captive spirits. The human Farm was "created" to be exploited, evolving to the present times, where its chosen people fulfill this task in an evolved environment, projected to maintain a globalized hierarchy that works from the shadows for to submerge in ignorance, systematic dependence through money and sex, as elements of human dependence, degeneration and perversion, the latter fostered from childhood. Since the beginning of time man has been an experiment developed by the satanic hosts of the one, becoming the sack of guts that has continued to be today, besides being a guinea pig at present in which there is no longer the memory of blood, of these same siddhas traitors from Shamballah, who create new perversions and vile behaviors in human beings such as transvestism, various paraphilias, among other aberrations, and on earth their hermetic counterparts are the druids and Golen or cabalist rabbis who directly influence the behavior of the masses, to achieve their interests in pursuit of the strategy of their god Jehovah and at a lower level, families of a lineage imitating the hyperborean, make up the global elite of the Israeli people, experimenting with the masses through the most influential media, imposing patterns of behavior, thus achieving the domination of public opinion with a massive brainwashing. Thus, in this hell, suffering and pain abound as the main engine of the universal conscience, man becoming identified with his most vile and darkest part, reflected in addition to the above, in the most perverse and cruel actions of the money-hungry human being, with several examples, among them we can comment on the covert crimes committed by the elite by poisoning their human animals through the consumption of their products or experimenting with their health, as laboratory rats, through the pharmaceutical industry controlled by themselves or organ trafficking, definitely the world is an earthly paradise. Being descended from an animal called Pasu, man inherits from it a great part of himself, to his personal psychology. It is curious to note that man claims to be the master of nature, when in reality he is just another slave, because he is not at the top of the cosmic hierarchy, or in the higher realm, he is just another animal in the created nature. From the Pasu he inherits his complexion, his anger and fear, among the most predominant emotions. A whole host of unnecessary or "gourmet" dishes, a world of junk that poisons the body and makes it more dependent and addicted to matter and more and more distant from its inner being, and there is the man admiring his work, when in reality his animality makes him analogous to the pig who enjoys his food and when meeting together for more than unnecessary formalities is equal to the latter in the pigsty, emitting gases, something besides repugnant proper to pasu behavior, that is why the virya is very careful not to do this in public. The pig is also the only animal that enjoys eating human feces, which is analogous to the cannibalism of the present time. Human animals are also the enslavers of this filthy world, who through theology realize Satan's intention, animals favored by the master of the farm, this immense madhouse. This phenomenon as of simultaneity in the hyperborean wisdom, which makes the mystery of Maya, the hypnotic veil that submerges the human being in this hell, in which our present and transcendent life would have no sense and no importance whatsoever. Another characteristic of this hell is the cruelty of karma, we find all kinds of injustices, diseases and ailments that we suffer or suffer around us, all responding to a demented system of polar and dual "balance" that regulates compliance with the law of Brahama- Yavhe, whatever the transgression, the cruelty of Jehovah, will manifest itself in the most demonic way possible in the materialization of human destiny between malformations, diseases of all kinds created cabalistically to experiment on human rabbits, perverted rapes, tortures, repressive communism, perversion, genocide which is nothing more than human sacrifice pleasing to yahweh, pedophilia, pimping, white slave trade, drug addiction, alcoholism, obesity, fatal destinies, among other gifts from 04, from which neither the religious speaker nor the good worker is spared We love the landscapes or the "beauty" of the beasts, but this is nothing more than an archetypal vision of which man has given meaning to a concept or parameter of beauty, but we are nothing more than disgusting machines, processors of matter, producers of disgusting garbage and nevertheless we consider that the beauty of the human being is something incomparable, but it is not more than another hypnotic process that deceives us in seeing that we are only horrible beasts, if we had bodies of arthropods we would continue considering ourselves beautiful and beautiful regardless of our condition Thus, the predominant systems in the world are capitalism and communism, both tending towards human enslavement, two regimes based on materialism, that is the reason why both systems come from the same origin: the international synarchy, the reigning organization of Satan: the house of David, who follows the guidelines of the Talud, which is nothing more than the word of Jehovah. Both have presented themselves as the martyrs of freedom and the union of the peoples of the world, and they are nothing more than the arms of the devil who devours his children. They have been responsible for genocides such as the French revolution and the Russian revolution, remaining totally unpunished, thus demonstrating their affiliation to this world order in favor of the existence and praise of this world and against the absolute freedom of the human being. To have hope in the current politics is useless, since the synarchy that rules behind the shadows of the church, liberalism, Marxism, Vaticanism, Zionism and Freemasonry has undermined all areas of human society, pushing it more and more to the slaughterhouse, to finally fulfil what is stipulated by the Talmud, the domination of the human races by the international Jew. They will focus the vision of man on material progress, such as the advancement of technology, but never on the advancement of dignity and the mitigation of human suffering, because such a system It is no coincidence that man has greater sensitivity in his lips and genitals, because his creators manipulate man with pleasure, and is not that what most of humanity seeks? is not that the real happiness of man? Eating, sleeping and copulating, because the manipulation through sex has the purpose and objective of expanding the procreation of the disgusting human species, that is why for the Gnostic it is a serious affront against his honor, to bring beings to suffer to this infernal and hostile world where even parasites need others to exist, the same happens with diseases, all created entities are connected to the same energy engine, it is the aggressive and satanic nature of Yahweh Another way of evidencing the cruelty of Satan as creator of the world, as Felipe Moyano explains, is in nature, through which animals must devour each other in order to survive, and plants, which are also living beings, suffer the same fate. And in the face of this, is this a perfect natural order? That same natural selection in nature can be evidenced in liberal society, through social Darwinism that tends to the existence of the strongest devouring the weakest, and | do not justify the weakness nor defend it, on the contrary, the imposed system wants man to be weak and pusillanimous, not to be a martial man or warrior, to be a man increasingly mestizo and without blood identity that allows him to face the cruelty and cosmic indignity as racial nucleus. Worse yet, most of humanity is destined to die in this miserable state of existence, since it was born programmed to seek crumbs of happiness and feel comfortable with the money and sex that the system provides and encourages, as keys to happiness and success, when it is just another element of the habitat of the animal man, who believes that reason differentiates him from the animals. How much truth there is in the phrase: “man is an animal of habit" CH.D, the cultural environment, the environment, envelops man in monotony, conformist, that models his behavior in a repetitive destiny, as if it were managed by an invisible hand, mitigating and taming in this way the will of man who will have less and less will and initiative, unable to innovate in their actions, thinking and criteria, but aimed at enjoying television, and entertainment on a daily basis, until finally their life is gone and kronos has devoured him losing one more opportunity. To be born, to live and to die. Eat, defecate and sleep. Produce, procreate and spend We believe that this world is the only one, they fill that existential doubt and the false smaliness of man with the immensity of the universe, and the ufological culture through the media and cinema. But in reality this universe is a copy of another universe being both and all false, in which the human being coexists in different forms of life to that of this universe, and even in some it has already died, with important differences, denominated Human Spiritual refinement, to become a Siddha again in the eternal Origin from where the captive spirit should never have been removed The demiurge knows that his fight is lost and that his world is destined to be destroyed, he knows his destiny and his sentence for his insane actions, he knows that he will lose the Final Battle and that he has nothing left to do but to take advantage of the last lapses of his hell, humiliating and torturing the captive Hyperborean spirits for his delight, but in the end The truth always triumphs over the Lie, because this one is Eternal and Honor will end up burying the demon creator of the matrix, being the Human being the destroyer of "God" For Hyperborea and the early release of the Eternal Spirit. Sieg Heill died more than 75 years ago, with the collapse of the last Atlantis: The Third Reich, great hyperborean bastion that fought for the happiness of man and the elimination of suffering and poverty in all its senses. But it is not a loss for our cause, that is clear. It is only the beginning of a spiritual revolution that propels all the peoples of the world towards the most absolute freedom: Hyperborea. That is why this knowledge called gnosis or alchemy, has been the most persecuted and hidden throughout history, its warriors, monks and warriors, never sought with it any recognition, nor social status or utilities, because they overcame the mystery of pain, as their best teacher, and descended to the deepest of the hells of the universe to rise as beyond the stars, beyond the limit of the universe. The honor lies in every person who wishes to leave this illusory hell, but he will have to tame his inner demons that will prevent him at all costs to return to the original source. The sentence that this world deserves is the total destruction of its master and creator: Yahweh together with the liberation of the divine race to its return to divinity. Spirit is the only true thing, everything else is limited by time and space as the principles and rules of this universal dictatorship. into hostility. Only honor can lead us to victory, the purification of the blood will allow us to retum to the origin and conquer it, in our race lies the etemal spirit seeking the glory of eternity. Complaint, depression and suicide are a defeat, a lost opportunity in the akashic sea. We must prove that we are in this world to conquer it, and at the same time we must become the strongest and most honorable heroes, implying to be our own masters. The Hyperborean Wisdom gives us the best gift: Gnosis, and with it we can embark on the road back to our home beyond the stars, always fighting for truth, honor, courage and Justice as eternal values that must always dwell in the ethics of the awakened and noble Warrior, declaring total war on the demon that has imprisoned us in this hell. It is our duty to eat of the forbidden fruit, to awaken from our captive situation and fill ourselves with eternal courage that only from our Vril will emerge to polish us from the purity of blood towards the battle and final victory of our spirits This is the Solitude of the Superman, in which only the fittest, strongest and most prepared will walk the eternal path to the gates of Valhalla. This solitude implies the process of purification such that the warrior is Student and Master at the same time, that is, his preparation must be optimal, his purity must be the sign of his internal struggle and his conduct must be the reflection of his Honor and his struggle to put an end to Demiurge. The superman is therefore, a demigod, the last degree of This spiritual praxis will turn him into a Magician, a monk and a soldier. In addition to the above, it is essential that the Warrior achieves victory against his inner demons, being his Mental Seif and his emotional Self (soul), extension of the demiurge in the being, in order to divinize them (soul) and awaken in him the government of the spiritual over the soul, following the Hermetic principle of correspondence "As above so below’. Likewise, the warrior must adopt a spiritual Ethics, which is based on the eternal principles of Honor, Justice, Truth, Courage, Virtue and Altruism, values that must transmute the being for its full and effective practice. We must emphasize that ambition, betrayal, materialism, selfishness, dishonor, corruption, and other anti-values that arise in the conduct and actions of the sleeping animal man are by-products of the soul which has not been purified by the power of the Vril spirit, these anti-values arise in all human races, although at different levels, this responds to the alchemical-genetic principle through which if the conduct of a man is unethical, he will inherit the defects and impurities of his ancestors, but if on the contrary the conduct of a man is ethical, he will inherit the greatest virtues and qualities of his ancestors (It must be taken into account that the purification of the blood can arise from the call of the blood or Minne of the nation unconsciously or consciously by the full conduction of a leader). Finally, it will be the Hyperborean initiation the one that will allow him to shine his divine part, in this we can conclude that the spiritual factor is the most important element in the process of alchemical development for the formation of the superman. The PHYSICAL Factor: this element is equally focused on the purification of the blood (physical part) maintaining a state that keeps it free of any influence that degrades his blood or prevents the warrior from recovering the purity of his ancestors through the blood. For the ideal physical development, the warrior aspiring to superman will be athletic and martial, practicing along with his spiritual work the military routine that his position and social class demands, in addition to a martial art that works together with his Vril force such as Kung Fu or the practice of Chi Kung, This prototype of human being must be prepared to overcome his limits and capacities in the art of war (nothing proves racial or blood purity better than war bravery) military confrontation, as itis, to exhibit strength in physical resistance, in survival in subhuman conditions. He must at the same time have generated in his training, great tolerance to pain, to psychological and physical suffering and also to situations of disgust. It is important that this prototype of man should have an adequate diet which should be vegan or vegetarian, which should be in accordance with the care and respect for the creatures of Nature and ecology. The above should focus on man overcoming his emotional and mental limitations that degrade his eternal spirit in his condition as a human animal that at the same time, is is of a beingasleep y dependent, and of gregarious. The INTELLECTUAL Factor: it is focused on the academic training of the ‘THE SPIRITUAL ARISTOCRACY OF THE SUPERMAN AS A MODEL OF GOVERNMENT The superman as a social prototype has been undoubtedly misrepresented as a Utopian idea, which is far from crystallizing as a real possibility. However, such misrepresentation responds to the strategies of synarchic disinformation that over the years have been aimed at keeping man submerged in the current materialistic system in which he is in lethargy. In spite of this, history shows us that the existence of the Superman has been recorded in the past (and is still valid in the present), It is the superman, the social type apt to hold power in a spiritual aristocratic system, defined as the government of the best for the benefit of the nation, and as a system of government based on meritocracy whose main purpose is the ethical-spiritual formation of those elected to govern, in pursuit of national benefit. Therefore, this model of government tends to the individual development of the governed and governing man, leaving aside the system of massive control of the human being as an entity belonging to a conglomerate whose main purpose is the submission of his conduct and behavior, creating the necessary conditions to keep him as a slave. slave producer. The mentioned system responds to the two main arms in force today: Liberal, democratic capitalism and Marxist communism, both of extreme materialism, with the purpose of degrading man even more around his spirituality and his national or racial pride, added to the strategies of social engineering that today are evident in the promotion of the mass media, controlled by the global synarchic power. GOVERNORS On the other hand, the aristocracy is a system of government that forges the human being in his spiritual, physical and intellectual development, being these three factors of formation, the alchemical keys to achieve the awakening of the Superman in the sleeping human being. These three factors are a complement that must be worked together for the full alchemical development to be achieved. Once his full formation is achieved, his aptitude to govern will be fulfilled, being now part of the best beings. Likewise, Aristocracy is denoted as a system that forged great empires and monarchies in ancient and pre-antiquity, carrying in its wake a much more extensive historical joumey than the predominant political and ideological systems of today. The SPIRITUAL factor: forms man from GNOSIS, which implies in the first place his blood purification, (astral and karmic part) declaring his intention against the material order created in this universe against the demiurge Yahweh Satan, passing in this way to practice one of the hyperborean ways of liberation, according to his situation, such as the practice of Tantrism or Kayvalia through the Runic Yoga, as well as the essential hostility through the archemonic technique, being meditation and mental silence complementary in his individual work. The superman will not only be able to learn in a more effective and efficient way, new knowledge, but at the same time to remember them by the action and effect of the Purification of his blood (we can cite as an example that the construction of the Vimana or Vril In National Socialist Germany, more than an invention was a rediscovery of the Atlantean past, a rediscovery of the Atlantean past), remember them by action and effect of the purification of his blood (we can cite as an example that the construction of the Vimana or Vril in National Socialist Germany, more than an invention was a rediscovery of the Germanic Atlantean past) as well as personal karmic knowledge of akashic content, which normally a brain with a dormant mentality could not bear to remember them immediately. In the ideal aristocratic state, science is complemented by mysticism, entering into full reconciliation, whose opus is scientific alchemy, the Union of the maximum Hyperborean Tabula, the secret of the Atlanteans, the complete hermetic body of Osiris (the superman himself is the opus between the primordial wisdom of the East and the West, the Eurasian Hyperborean Aryan legacy) This union opens the doors to a wide field of research in the human and supra-human field. Precisely from this mystical scientific doctrine have arisen great advances in genetics as a contribution of the father of this science: Josef Mengele, as well as the implosion technology. In this way, the full development of these 3 developments results in the opus of the Superman, who in community composes the class of men most apt to exercise the government in this system, falling on them the succession of power and the confidence of the nation, Not only from the community of supermen arises the successive government, but also from it originates the priestly caste of hierophants, in charge of the direction and orientation of the nation towards the divine transmutation and its spirituality reflected in the religious cult, which must be in accordance with the ethnocentrism of its nation in its exoteric form, but always preserving the Gnosis in its esoteric form, reflecting the hermetic principle of correspondence. Being the Super Man, as an objective of state policy, it must be meticulously planned in all its areas, having, therefore, the woman, a fundamental role as the CHOSEN MOTHER, the feminine equivalent to the Super Man and complement of the same. (It is necessary to clarify, that the chosen mother is the analogous to the initiated Super Man, but within a collective strategy of transmutation, since in the individual strategies the feminine counterpart is the woman Kaly and the Vraya, and in these strategies human procreation is a gnostic abomination). In this order of ideas, from the best women should be born the best men, passing the chosen Mother together with the Mother Nurse to be a public institution forged in the politics of the state, directed to create the most apt men and soldiers. The Mother Nurse will fulfil the role of teacher of the infant once he reaches a certain age, she will be in charge of fostering in him his Warrior and martial spirit from his foundations. The state will be in charge of the academic and traditional formation of the mother. Elected and Mother Nurse which will establish and strengthen this important institution as a parameter and cultural heritage of the nation, being able to educate national mothers for the strengthening of the national family Every Superman and chosen Mother will have the state duty to forge family with a minimum of 4 children. The state shall agree on ways of meeting and acquaintance to promote marriage between these institutions. The military education of the aspiring infantrymen will be in charge of the state, which will train its students in spirituality, esotericism, martial arts, national history, law, agriculture and common sciences. Both the educational institutionality of the aspirants and professionals will be covered by the strategic policy of the state which will enjoy its own educational structure based on the meritocratic privilege of the best. Similarly, university professionalism will be focused on the military field or in the field of knowledge, both for the aristocracy and for the nation, in completely differentiated educational structures. In the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle as in the law of Lycurgus, we can see reflected the virtues of the Aristocracy in antiquity. We can even reference as outstanding Aristocracies in history as the Ancient Sparta in Greece, the German Schutzstaffel in the Third German Reich or the Hero Cro-Magnon in Atlantis. Once the strategy of establishing and strengthening an integral ruling caste is forged and achieved, it will be within this community that the infinite Hyperborean Venus will begin to manifest, that is to say, it will be, due to its optimal conditions and characteristics (physical and spiritual), the propitious collectivity to exercise the birth of Tulkus, understood as Avatars incarnated in human beings whose incarnation responds to a specific hyperborean purpose and purpose to be realized in their life journey. However, Aristocracy can also be exercised by means of Monarchy, as long as there is a wise and integrated leader in the formation of the 3 factors mentioned above, that is to say, he is a Gnostic initiate and fulfills the requirements of aptitude for the wise leadership of his people, being important that he is connected to his people by blood, The latter explains the affiliation of envoy or Avatar of the guide and “creator” of the Superman, since this monarch exercises the function of spiritual ruler of the nation or Empire in which he is established. We can refer as examples of sacred and hyperborean monarchies that promoted the spiritual improvement of their soldiers as aristocratic elite to Genghis Khan, Frederick Il Hohenstaufen, Adolf Hitler, Wotan-Quetzalcoat!-Wiracocha (emperor of antediluvian Europe and America) The nation will enjoy the greatest protection from the state and the Aristocratic Elite, having served the nation, will reach an advanced age, will become part of the Caste of the MASTERS, understood as the doctors of the Hyperborean foundations, the Pontiffs of the Hyperborean wisdom, whose ethics represent a contribution as a model and social example for the nation, and as a guide and conductor of the race towards the divinity. They will preside over the centers. The most important spiritual citadels and temples of the nation throughout the territory and their legacy must endure in the magical collective unconscious, sustained archetypically from Asgard Agharta. Briefly we have observed the general principles of the Spiritual Aristocracy of the Superman, a system applicable to all races and peoples of the world for the perfection of Man who possesses the eternal Vril. His study seems to be the faithful description of what was and IS the German National Socialism whose wisdom today remains in Antarctica in the continuation of the Reich, preparing the best men and soldiers that Europe has produced. The present world plunged in the tenebrous darkness of the Kaly Yuga where demiurgy and monotheistic materialism rule the unconscious mentality of the sleeping man. The world today is a farm where the human being is treated like cattle, like @ number. However the power of maya is so strong while the system culturally keeps man submerged in the satanic hypnotism of social engineering, direct mandate of Jehovah Satan, head of the Tyrannical misrule, of capitalism, communism and monotheism. While Aristocracy, Nationalism, the third position, Fascism and National Socialism, directly and indirectly reflect the strategy of the Liberator Gods. Today this system is in force in Polar South Antarctica and will fight in Ragnarok to establish this system in the world For the glory of the Superman and the Pure blood, Sieg Heil At this point, it is important to clarify which element has greater preponderance: blood or race. Although the racial factor is important, in the understanding that Being is the material manifestation of the Vril spirit. While the blood is the legacy of the spirit. Having Clarified this, it is the blood that predominates over the race, because the racial purity is inherited, while the blood purity is achieved, however, the cohesion of racial purity and blood purity, are extremely beneficial for the spiritual and cultural development of a nation. But if we take into account the current characteristics of the Kaly Yuga, it is difficult to apply both purifications in a strategy of social engineering in a conscious way. GOVERNMENTS The state will direct its political praxis in dignifying the nation outside the Aristocracy, in terms of its personal, labor and family stability, eliminating all forms of monopolization of national rights to the people, which benefit personal interests over the general ones, implying a total and free state coverage in terms of health and social security, family housing, and labor establishment through state institutionality and insurance through state and national unionism that will strengthen the needs and rights of the worker, being work the engine of the national will, reason enough to be protected and endorsed by the state. Another important point in this form of government is the elimination of legalized crime in capitalism, such as usury and speculative private banking, with the state becoming the administrator of national banking, granting long-term loans without interest to the nation, strengthening its economy from the Autarchy, the common benefit, and the penal rigorousness regarding offenders with measures such as deportation, eugenics and the death penalty as general measures, as specific measures give rise to an even more extensive article. The government of the Super Man will therefore be succeeded within the aristocratic elite from which will emerge a tulku or community of tulkus in charge of the destiny of the nation through their state leadership. They will be the ones in charge of practically crystallizing the spiritual stability of the nation and fulfiling the main purpose of the state of the Superman: To reduce human suffering, establish National happiness and finally transmute the whole nation by facilitating its access to the lost divinity. The spiritual aristocratic elite will strengthen over time, forming their own cities and communities, dedicated to the cult of the Vril, religion, blood and race, which will not only allow to recover the historical, spiritual and cultural legacy of the ancestors, but will also promote the art and classical and primitive native architecture, which will also be promoted throughout the territory by the Pp olicy of the state, as an inspiring entity of improvement and improvement for the entire nation. Longevity and old age will not be a problem or hindrance to the nation or the aristocratic, elite, as it is in the capitalist and communist systems. On the contrary, the OF ALCHEMY AS THE PROCESS OF GNOSTIC TRANSMUTATION, FOURTH WAY AND ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY From the doctrine of the Fourth Way of Ancient Mazdeism collected by George Gurdjieff, he gives us the following fragment: "Later you will learn that the practice of selfremembering connected with self-observation and with the struggle against imagination, not only has a psychological meaning, but also changes the subtlest part of our metabolism and produces definite chemical substances in the organism, or rather, alchemical effects in our body" We clearly evidence a path towards a spiritual and divine change that necessarily evokes the Greek Metempsychosis, by which the mind (soul) and our physiological part (physical body) become directed by the Spirit, that is, within the composition of the human being in body, soul and spirit, three elements represented by the colors, black, white and red, respectively, the colors of alchemy. All human beings are born asleep, most of us die without awakening enough consciousness of ourselves, therefore, every alchemical process is a process that must be born of a sacred decision, to enter the most dangerous and repudiated path: the path of gnosis and must be willing to die, once awakened from the great material deception of the corrupt world in which we find ourselves and everything happens to us. As the Ancient Hyperborean Gnosis would say: "The Soul is born designated by Karma, the body deteriorates with the passage of time, but the spirit is immutable, it never forgets, but remains chained to the body and animal soul of man". This doctrine offers seven ways to liberate the spirit towards etemity, the spirit dominating over the body and the soul The Father of psychology and psychiatry, Carl Gustav Jung, speaks of Alchemy as a process of psychological development, through which man goes through the same processes of transformation according to stages or phases that are: the purification phase where he would be in the black or black part, to move later to the Integration, Albeda or white stage, passing to the Union which is the red or red part and finally the stage of the great Work, the complete and inverse development of the being. The profane man can give himself a purely exoteric idea about alchemy, and this is that of chemical alchemy, the transformation of Lead into Gold, the common idea and general. But the true religion is purely esoteric, because its true connotation is not merely material but spiritual, and its archetypal meaning is a deep, hidden, guarded and forbidden knowledge, since its dominion is at the same time a curse in the eyes of the dialectical demiurge, it is the most forbidden and persecuted religion of all human history, therefore it can only be possessed by the erect warrior and not by the kneeling priest possessing the kabalistic secret and the kalachakra science. The Symbol as a transmuting entity of alchemy, par excellence are the runes, the dance of the birds, the symbols of the eternal origin of Navutan. The layman understands runes as a divinatory mancy, but the hyperborean warrior magician sees a weapon against the enemy, a tool, the eternal symbol that transforms the unconscious and helps to awaken and heal the sleeping man, the lapis opositionis and the strategic opposition as a way of lithic liberation, to finally become a Bersekir warrior, an Erilaz Rune Magician, The same connotation has the Tantra through which the sleeping man dies in the sexual act by Kaly-Freya who kills his animal part (soul) through the body to finally transform man into a being of Red Vraja (Spirit), now converted into an eternal Kshatriya, the most fearsome warrior and full of Honor. The secret of alchemy is found in the past, because the truth is intuited in the past, this key is El Gral, hyperborean stone granted by the very Kristo Luz, or Phosforo, or Apollo, commander of the Original legions. Its distortion, like that of the myth of Navutan and the myth of the virgin Ama of Atlantis, was carried out by the Golen Christian church to give it a new archetypal meaning and completely modified for synarchic purposes. It is the Gral the sacred transmuting stone, the tabula of the purest men to rule within the aristocracy, the alchemical key of sanguineous transmutation. Its non-physical possession, gives the highest wisdom to the people who have it in their possession, an example of this are the Cathars of Languedoc in northern Spain and southern France, as well as the brave Hispanic Paraguayans in the mid-nineteenth century commanded by the gallant Lord Marshal Solano Lopez is still the Gral in the Cerro Cora? Will it be found on this site by some chosen one who will command the American nations in the final battle? Within the Gnostic doctrine of the fourth path, it is a technique of yoga, of self- knowledge, by means of which man can discover his false personality and his essence. To understand the remembrance of self, we must be aware of the phenomenon of simultaneity that Felipe Moyano reveals in his work, through which men live in thousands of worlds at the same time, whose present is determined in different ways, reaching similar objectives. In VRIL MEDITATION I have devised a simple meditation technique to complement the strategies of Viryas who are on the path of spiritual liberation from Vril. This technique consists of three simple steps, relating to the practice of Pranayama first, sexual yoga sexual emanations second and finally concluding with a Vril connection. This practice can be done daily, before going to sleep or in the most convenient space of time, which allows the practitioner to concentrate more easily. It can be done at any time of the day, but preferably before sleeping, due to the state of relaxation in which the human body enters, and also allows to forge a habit that suits the release strategies of each Virya and also allows the practitioner to master their tactics in the astral world and develop experience, once fully realized the 3 stages of this process of Vril Meditation. Steps: 1. Breathing Exercise This exercise consists of retaining air in the lungs, by breathing it in externally, in such a way that it fills the lungs completely in order to support as long as possible with the retained air, in order to proceed to expire all the stored oxygen, repeating this exercise consecutively for as many times as it is considered necessary, but it is recommended to perform it for a minimum of 30 times. Once the inspiration is done, there is always one more exercise to store more air with a last effort. It is important to mention that, at the moment of performing this first stage, the mind must go hand in hand with a double attention, performing the breathing exercise, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, clearing the mind of thoughts, in order to concentrate on itself. To do this, it is essential to eliminate the inner voice, which is the generator of all kinds of unnecessary thoughts, thus seeking to attract the attention of the subject. Therefore, eliminating the inner voice as a habit is essential to develop mindfulness and concentration, which is essential to keep the attention fixed on oneself while meditating, and then adopt this habit in everyday life, in order to begin to dominate the mind and let it act on its own, managing the subject at its dialectical disposal. As for breathing, this exercise is part of the breathing yoga, only this exercise is part of my personal experience, which means that the practitioner can use and change this first Pranayama exercise for one that best suits him/her. to suit your individual situation. The rationale for choosing this exercise is that it allows the greatest possible storage of air in the lungs. It may happen that, when performing these exercises, due to lack of experience, you start to perspire, or at the same time your heart rate accelerates, as well as slight dizziness, which is completely normal, because you are beginning to disinhabit your daily breathing rhythms. 2. Elevation of Sexual Emanations Once a deep state of concentration is achieved, it is possible to pass to the next stage, which is the practice of a special sexual yoga technique, which can be applied, even if it is not Kaula Tantra, the way of liberation in which the Virya is formed. It is important before starting this exercise, that the state of concentration achieved by exercise number 1 is preserved. Keeping the eyes closed, once in this trance, we proceed to imagine a white smoke emanating from the gonads, if the practitioner is male, or from the ovaries if the practitioner is female. This white smoke that comes from the lower part of the testicles, must be imagined with such force that it goes up and runs along the whole spine, rising from the lower part, to finally accumulate with great force in the brain, keeping all this imaginative process in the mind, with the objective of giving more "realism" to the whole exercise, to the point of not only “observing” it but to feel the sensation of the smoke emerging and rising, but mainly, feeling the potentiation in the brain where it must accumulate. This exercise is repeated for at least 10 minutes. It may happen that during the practice, you begin to feel a deep sleep, in which case you should practice the will to avoid falling asleep and that it overcomes the conscious subject, as well as it may also happen that headaches begin to arise after fully practicing the Vril meditation, which should not stop practicing, because it is normal, while the cerero is adapted. This pain will disappear after 2 or 3 days of practice For a better understanding of the elevation of sexual emanations around the kundalini logos, it is recommended to read the article "Sexual Yoga and sexual alchemy. Sexual techniques of Kaula Tantra to liberate the spirit" by Professor José Maria Herrou Aragon ‘Some of them have perished and others lead a completely different life. The problem lies in the fact that each one of these "I's" lives alternately from world to world generating an unbalanced disorder of thoughts, which emerge through the unconscious. The techniques of respiratory yoga, mental yoga, Sexual Yoga and as a prelude the techniques of the fourth path, help to dominate the mind so that it only concentrates on the corresponding world, allowing it to have government of the mental body, through attention, concentration, introspection, thus making the mind an effective tool and not an enemy that can lead you to get sick in a manic, neurotic and others. A very effective and accurate tool for self-discovery is the Enneagram (an analogy could be made with Nietzsche according to the bridge that man has to cross to stop being an animal and become a superman, taming the beasts and demons that rule over the being) Finally, it should be added that alchemy is a process clearly linked to the blood, since this is the conduit of the spirit, which predetermines the ruling function, the aristocratic function, the military and the priestly. It is key in this process to awaken the HONOR which rules within the absolute self, the spirit, only the eternal will can guide man to etemity, only to take up arms and prepare to rise beyond the stars can ensure a victory. Only the religion of alchemy can transform man into superman, and awaken him from his sleep, the spell that keeps him mired in materialism, attachment and desire. Only initiation transforms man into a demigod and finally into a Siddha. This revolution will take place on the day of the Spirit, the day of the final battle, the glorious and eternal Ragnarok, which will put an end to the rule of the cabals and the black magic of the sages of Zion, which plunges nations into slavery and material dependence. Luis Felipe Moyano and his work is the prophecy of the end of the Kaly Yuga, is the call to the chosen ones to fight against the powers of matter, is the key to awaken through the door number 13, the door of Venus, is the truth brought from the unknowable and embodied in a work of 4 books. Undoubtedly, wisdom lies in the past and it awaits our retum, but for this it is necessary that we overcome the demon of Kronos and dominate time at the same time that we return to our primordial source in which lies the absolute purity of blood, which implies a defeat for Satan-Saturn, the demon creator of impure matter that keeps us submerged in the hypnotic stupor of time, in a single focus: THE FUTURE, linear time, the new and current temporal mentality of man, whose accelerated and maniacal rhythm leads him to sleep in the illusory nightmare of maya. Let us observe our original heroes in the past, let us study the works of our wise exponents defenders of spiritual awakening and let us return to our original home, let us be eternal in the origin, let us transmute ourselves in the past, let us forget the veil of maya in the future and its dirty and rotten culture. It is the time of zombies, of sleeping beings, attached to matter, to pleasure and comfort, the world is and will be. The objective of performing sexual emanations is the repair and rejuvenation of the brain from the improper use of sexual energy, which affects and atrophies it, through habitual ejaculation, onanism or pollution. The brain and the semen share the same composition, therefore, the semen contributes with this exercise, in first instance, to repair it and in second instance to enhance its faculties, achieving in this way great benefits for the Virya, by strengthening the mental capacities in all magnitude, and in the same way, being able to awaken even supra mental functions. This practice is free of any danger, becoming even more dangerous the accumulation of sexual energy in the lower genital area, it can affect the nearby organs, a phenomenon that occurs when celibacy is used, being the only possibility of releasing sexual energy, pollution. This is the importance of working the sexual energy. 3. VRIL connection Once the practitioner has reached this stage, the state of concentration should be preserved, whose trance should be even deeper, to proceed in this way to connect with the Vril, the eternal spirit. We proceed to communicate through the word with the spirit, asking him in this way to fill with Vril energy and vitalize the whole body, and after that we can add requests that are important for our spirituality and daily life through phrases of power for this we will pronounce the phrase that is best considered to your personal strategy in order to further enhance the essential hostility, among which we can mention examples such as: "| am an eternal spirit, | alone rule in my being", "Eternal Spirit annihilate my soul and give me freedom’, " | want to be free in the origin. | want to get out of the universe of the demiurge”, etc. After that, one should imagine and feel the force of the Vril Spirit as cold fire that emerges from within and takes over the whole being, going through every comer of the body, from head to toe, visualizing even in the mind the fire from within, conquering the brain. One should strive to maintain this fire, which is the Vril in the whole body, maintaining an eternal connection with itself, in a trance in which the mind should be concentrated, fixing its attention only in feeling and imagining all the power of the enriching fire. This last stage of the Vril meditation: "Vril Connection” is based on the Gnostic principle: “Energy is concentrated where you direct your attention", a principle that nourishes the absolute self with power and brings it closer to the self-initiation granted by the Siddhas in the Dream. The Vril Connection can be used in order to strengthen the will, the a demonic place whose purpose is to enslave the human being, to feed this filthy matrix creation, vile and impure, but let us remember that the Black Sun shines and guides his most loyal warriors, and thanks to him, honor emerges from the purity of our blood, free of all emotional filth and attachments, which will allow the emergence of Honor as the noblest ethic of the warrior whose uncreated essence has overcome his created animality Jehovah knows that he will lose, and that Kristo Lucifer will win, that is why he takes advantage of the la infernal creation humiliating the hyperborean spirit that resides in the white and yellow race and its derivatives. It is in our hands to be our our ‘own masters and overcome, outwit time and step out of the Matrix into eternity, towards the Walhalla, where awaits our primar ypartner for our Honorable Victory. Sieg Heil essential hostility, in addition to recharging energy that will empower the body for health and daily functions, as does Qigong It is noteworthy that the word has been used to establish communication with the eternal spirit, being the only God who really listens to all kinds of requests and prayers. or prayers, as Gustav Meyrink and Professor José Maria Herrou Aragon mentioned in their writings, The realization of these 3 simple steps brings man closer to his own divinity, to the Gnosis that resides within him. As the days go by, he will observe the psychological and physiological changes that will bring to his life a spiritual development closer to the absolute conquest of the Origin. NIMROD OF ROSARY AND THE HYPERBOREAN GNOSIS VS. THE FALSE GNOSIS OF. SAMAEL AUN WEOR First clarify that these are two abysmally different initiatory paths, enemies even. These two initiatory paths denote the essential war, inside and outside the universe: The Liberator Gods of Walhalla vs. 199 Nephilim of Shamballa. The following points highlight and characterize as the main bases of each Author's Gnostic school of doctrine: SAMAEL AUN WEOR - SAMAELITE GNOSIS It is a Hebrew ‘Gnosis’ that recognizes monotheism over polytheism. He works the Soul to initiate it in search of its immortality. = imposes a bow total a Yahweh Itis the path of the Hincado Priest of the white fraternity. The Samaelite initiation eliminates the Vril-Spirit, causing the unwary to fall into an authentic suicide. The Samaelite Initiation does not free the absolute self from the created universe or Matrix, it makes it part of it. The only way to "eternity" is to be a host and submissive to the Shamballico high command. Works for the White Brotherhood, the 199 Nephilim who work for Yahweh Satan. _ Advocates by He has a “hostility” towards capitalism and communism, but in a confused and misleading way, because he does not believe in the creation of Zionist social engineering, the work of the white fraternity to keep man asleep. Samael Aun Weor, was a plagiarist like the theosophist Madame Blavatsky, in whose deep study and research, they did not create Gnostic epistemology, they only made compilations. compilations. ‘Samael proposes the elimination of the self and the egoic will in order not to become independent of the universe but to be part of it, that is to say, to fall into the demiurgic craw. It is the way of the sheeple who follow their shepherd Yahweh, obediently without rebelling against his tyranny and satanic law. One of its sciences is based on the Hebrew, numerical and acoustic Kabalah, based on the 22 voices through which Yahweh created the universe. It makes a confusing mention of tantrism, in the "paravatic” sense and denies the woman Kaly - Hyperborean Freya, divine woman who grants the liberation of the spirit, imposing on itself, a Nirvanic tantra in which kundalini does not divinize the chakras archons of the human being. but that the carries them harmoniously to Nirvana. In his confusion he gives a Priestly sense to the RUNES of Wotan, affirming them as a science used by Germanic priests (druids), likewise he changes the sense to the Hyperborean Siddha Quetzalcoatl equating it with an almic sense. ‘Samael is a servant of Yahweh and the white brotherhood of Shamballah, therefore his work is totally distant from the divine Alchemy. Man must praise Yahweh's work and not destroy it. The way of worship and praise denies blood, race and nation There is no established order in his compendium of works, therefore, there is no guiding oren which makes it a confusing path Initiation is granted by Man and does not produce psychological mutation. NIMROD DE ROSARIO - HYPERBOREAN GNOSIS _ Itis the way fromthe alchemy that transforms to man at a God Hyperborean Gnosis works all the properties of the Vril present in members of the white race, part of the mestization with the yellow race, Black race, Jewish people. a Itis a way completely oriented. It is the way of the Warrior, who rebels against Yavhe satan, the jailer who has imprisoned him in his creation. It grants the warrior absolute freedom in the unknowable Origin, teaching him the TIPS AND TECHNIQUES FOR THE REALIZATION OF SEXUAL EMANATIONS IN SEMINAL RETENTION WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF TANTRA YOGA Outside the spiritual and committed realization of Tantra, we can find minimal practices that every man can perform to improve his health, physical and spiritual faculties, internal energy control and mental training, based on a central axis: the sexual energy, the Kundalini energy focused and subordinated to the Vril energy, understood as the absolute self or spirit, for the control and self-improvement. Regardless of the path to choose in Tantra, what is vital within the worldview and the Doctrine of the Hyperborean is the liberation of the Spirit, the overcoming of the archons and chakras that impede this objective and the approach towards the realization of the Kaivalya; the Elimination of the created soul, the and the divinization of the material body in divine red Vajra. In other words, Hyperborean Tantra’ must forge the inner alchemy, transmuting man into the past at the origin and not evolving to the immortality of Nirvana, seeing reflected in the practice of Tantra, the essential War between the Liberating Gods of Hyperborea and the Nephilim and the Demiurge Yavhé, Having clarified the above, we contextualize the practice of Sexual Emanations, which ate the proper technique for the accumulation of sexual energy in the Brain. Its realization tends to the healing of the body and the brain, in a correct circulation of the Vril energy (also known as Chi, ki, gi or pneuma) in the whole being, allowing the correct alignment of the energy centers or chakras in subordination to the etemal Spirit or absolute self, Runifying or pontificating the chakras so that they do not impede the spiritual liberation, and requiring the intervention of a Kaly Woman to initiate the Kshatriya aspirant, a subject that is not for us to address at this time. The first thing that must be done, to accumulate Sexual energy, once engaged in the practice is sexual abstinence, which is not a priestly abstinence that rejects sexual relations, for moral considerations, but on the contrary, it REQUIRES and NEEDS sexual contact, but basing this practice on its two main objectives: 1. NOT REACHING ORGASM. 2. PRACTICE OF ACCUMULATION OF SEXUAL ENERGY IN THE BRAIN (SEXUAL EMANATION) 3. MENTAL COMPLEMENT 1. When the man reaches orgasm in any form either in intercourse, in pollution or ‘onanism or masturbation, and for its part, the woman when menstruating in her sexual energy counterpart: , generate an increasingly greater weakening of their brains, generating damage that in most people continues to be forged throughout their lives, not having an accurate knowledge about sexual energy within Tantra, for the use of the same in favor of physiological, mental and spiritual health in its correct application within the framework of the praxis of intelligent sex, which is purely spiritual virtues of the Aryan warrior, thus tuming him into a Warrior and a Wizard like the initiated soldiers. initiates of the Order Black Order SS. The gnosis of Nimrod of Rosario transforms man into a demigod in his first initiations and later into a divine and eternal Siddha God. The Hyperborean gnosis seeks to destroy the impure and the false, which is the creation of Yahweh and the shamballa, enemies of the essential war. The hyperborean gnostic exhibits his hostility towards this created world through Berserker Rage and strategically stimulates it through Luciferic Grace. Hyperborean gnosis teaches the use of unconventional, parapsychological, runological weapons and terrible powers. Hyperborean gnosis eliminates the Soul with its emotions and feelings, so that they are governed by the Spirit, that is to say, the Vril, in the absolute self, conserving an egoic wil Itis the way of the wolf that stalks and hunts the sheep in a solitary way. Itis the Gnosis of Honor and the Aryan virtues. It is a hostile enemy of capitalism and communism, basing its precepts on nationalism, aristocracy, racialism and, in an updated form, National Socialism. Hyperborean gnosis teaches 7 ways of spiritual liberation, One of its most important ways of liberation is the way of Kaula Tantra, in which it is a mandatory requirement to perform tantra with the Woman Freya Kaly. It contains the deepest study of RUNOLOGY in history as well as its initiates who have followed the path of the Wothan runes have complemented it as Ricardo Céspedes. It rescues the hyperborean values of the Aryan Vedic India, the Sufis, the Manichaeans, the Cathars, the Iberians, the Tiwanakas, the Germanic Vikings, the Quetzalcoaltians Toltecs, the Mayas of Kukulkan, the Muiscas of Bochica, the Comechingones among other sacred cultures, daughters of hyperborea and later of Atlantis It frees man from Jehovah's prison, making him eternal by conquering the vril, as did the THULE Society of Germany, the German Order, the BLACK ORDER SS of Germany, the ANAEL Order and the OCTIRODAE Order of Argentina. We must be aware of the constant strategies of social engineering applied by this Talmudic system, for the control of the masses in terms of cultural hypersexualization to keep us submerged in the sexual dependence that offers us the ephemeral and banal pleasure of coitus. The brains that move the monstrous arms of this system, in the decision making, understand that the weakening of the masses is essential for human mind control, therefore, it is not surprising that it uses its most effective weapon such as the media to directly influence the current cultural paradigms, encouraging the unbridled use of sex, as a "normal" axis that should govern in a mandatory way in everyday life This can be seen reflected and promoted in an overwhelming way within the monstrous cinematographic machinery, pornography, the music industry, sex education, influencing in a remarkable way the masses, especially the youth and adults, whose rates of masturbation are alarming, because there is no greater damage to the human brain than onanism, a practice that kills the vitality of man, numbs him, subtracts great will and self-control, and can degenerate into perversion and many other evils such as premature aging Therefore, for the awakening of the consciousness and health of spiritual men, it is necessary that the new Psychology transcends the Freudian psychoanalysis prevailing in contemporary academia, far from understanding or promoting the benefits of orgasmic retention, as it is of the inheritance of the pasu in the human being and its genetic implications in the conduct and behavior, being these behaviors of the sexuality of the slave, animal instincts. It is also important to understand that sexuality is not an immoral act, to be denied or repressed as any dogmatic or religious system of thought would establish, since it is a necessary factor, even if celibacy is practiced, because sexuality can be taken as a placebo turning us into dependent slaves of it, or it can be used alchemically to transform us into masters of our being. 2. Practice of Sexual Energy Accumulation in the brain (Sexual Emanation) Taking into account these notions, we proceed to the realization of the emanations, once the ‘orgasmic fluids have been retained in the man and the woman. It is necessary to emphasize that not performing sexual emanations once the semen has been retained, can generate serious consequences, because it is energy that must be worked nourishing the brain, and when it is accumulated it can damage the organs close to the genitals. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary and obligatorily important that the retained sexual energy be sent to the brain. We proceed as follows: In any situation or moment of the day, either at rest or at work, or even before going to sleep or in the routine of Meditation, you should relax your body and mind. To conclude, Samael's students found it very difficult to understand what Samael wanted to stipulate in his works and where they were directed, let us also remember the tragic destiny that Samael had when he invoked his last words against his "masters" who were nothing more than demons of Shamballa and in the same way Madame Blavatsky died. When Samael falls dead, the relief of his origin and disciples is confused without knowing what to do, so this order sought and found in Nimrod of Rosario in his order OCTIRODAE what Samael could not fulfill them fortunately for them. Finally, it is very dangerous to fall into the illusory traps of the demiurge, therefore it is important to be cautious of the false gnosis of Samael Aun Weor. The true Gnosis is that of the spirit, because wisdom has lingered in the dark corners of history, by concealment of a world government that has been developing since the Middle Ages, to enslave humanity and keep it imprisoned in the human rook. Only Hyperborean Gnosis grants true FREEDOM body and mind (preferably being in this one in silence, without mental conversation) in daily situations watching even television or being at the computer, etc. We proceed to touch the palate with the tongue to open the micro cosmic channel and we should imagine a white smoke that arises from the genitals in the man or in the ovules in the woman that would be its corresponding, we should imagine that this smoke rises all over the back unti it finally accumulates in the brain, it is important to visualize how the brain is completely bathed by this smoke. You should feel this accumulation in the brain and at the same time, with time and practice you will know which places of the brain are the most propitious to accumulate this white smoke. This praxis will repair the brain from the damage caused by the various orgasms performed throughout life. The sexual energy, by no longer going outwards, mutates inwards, transforming itself into energy (energy nodes) and it is this alchemical transformation that will nourish the brain, because for the brain the sexual energy represents a real nourishment. Perform this process daily, along with seminal retention. You can also opt for the realization of Maithuna, that is, to have sexual relations, with penetration, but without intercourse. This is the moment of greater use of sexual energy, because it is at its peak of potential. There are other forms of Maithuna, which involve only the visualization of the sexual partner both physically and mentally. The brain will be potentiated and with the passage of time you will begin to see the results, It should be noted that where we concentrate our attention, is where the energy is concentrated, therefore, visualization is very important, as this allows us to have a much clearer notion of this process of emanations and therefore, this will facilitate the accumulation of energy. We can make a previous study of the anatomy of the brain, which allows us to visualize all its parts, or the most important ones, to be filled with this white smoke, the sexual energy transformed into energy. The sexual emanation, therefore, transcends the sexual desire, and with practice and time, calms the thirst of having sexual relations instinctively or the dishabituation of the mind to the realization of onanism, gaining dominion over the instinctive and animal soul, soul subject that does not allow us to awaken spiritually, and keeps us lethargic in the placebos of food, sex or false selves, whether ambition, lust, laziness, anger, sadness, vices, etc. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that celibacy, practiced by priests who have taken vows of chastity, is an incomplete practice, because it generates accumulation of sexual energy, without being taken to the brain for its full exercise, which in the long run, is dangerous for those who practice it with serious organic consequences and in the worst case, consequences of the sexual energy, which in the long run, is dangerous for those who practice it with serious organic consequences and in the worst case, consequences of the sexual energy. with Chi Kung or Qi Gong exercises that allow the accumulation of Chi energy in the Tan Tien, this greatly favors the mastery over sexual energy, being charged with Chi energy in these energy retaining "tanks" that will eventually perfect our daily life. In the woman, menstruation as a sexual design, diminishes her sexual energy and potentiality, being therefore this fluid the analogue to the semen, while the ovaries are the analogue to the testicles of the man, therefore, she can proceed to perform the same personal practice mentioned above. For more information: https://www.lareligionprohibida.com/articulos.htm GNOSIS AS A POLITICAL STRATEGY IN THE DOCTRINE OF NATIONALISM To speak of Gnosis as an element proper to a political system, which is outside the sphere of the collective unconscious, would be absurd for the masses, but for those who read with their blood, this is the ideal system of government for the best nations, a system that focuses on the complete perfection of man in all his faculties. We refer, of course, to the Aristocracy of the Spirit, a system that is not "new" nor arose from thought or abstract theory, on the contrary, it is a system born of Custom, of iusnaturalism, that is to say, it arises as a manifestation of the will of the blood and the race. No community divine and superior to the merely human can be realized without the intervention of a great leader of the blood, of the unique and collective manifestation of the blood history of a nation, of a great Tulku, sent from the unknowable. Founder and forger of the foundations and principles of a civilization or empire. This is a system, which destroys all forms of officialdom imposed by synarchic darkness. As for time itself, it focuses on the past, but not on the future, unlike the polar system of social engineering used by the synarchy to enslave humanity, which focuses on the future, thus responding to the archetypal will of the demiurge. It is based, therefore, on recovering an immense historical spiritual tradition, of the purity of the peoples in the past, recovering the virtues that still ie dormant in the ancestral veins of the peoples of the world, who today lie under the hypnotic lethargy of Yahweh. It is this awakening that will grant man the longed-for freedom of the peoples of the world. It is precisely aristocracy, the government of the best, a system opposed to liberal democracy and communist totalitarianism, systems that massify man, globalizing the primitive traditions, mutilating the spirituality of man, this being the current version of the witch hunt for anyone who opposes this Machiavellian system, that in its strategy of domination, has changed the deep sense of the ethical and noological concepts that, tend to the liberation of man, among them Aristocracy and Nationalism, being the first, transformed into a synonym of Power by economic right and the second as a synonym of Chauvinism and "obsolete" patriotism. We can even say that the center and main engine of the aristocracy of the spirit is the blood and the formation, beyond the hereditary political material succession, being a much more primitive and original concept. This same concept necessarily leads us to touch upon the fundamental theme of race, another crucial element for the formation of the community of strictly prepared men, who have overcome their animal nature and have conquered the Vril, that is to say, are initiated in the hyperborean wisdom. The race is the manifestation of the blood and, therefore, an aristocratic system tends to maintain the purity of the same, based on strategies of biopolitical character, intervening in the strategic crossings of the members of this community, assuring the purity of the future generations. All this within a RACIAL STRATEGY, which has as its strict, objective to forge a community of The aim is to transform sexual relations alchemically, without morally denying sex. It will therefore be the same sexual energy used for the procreation of external life, the generation of a new, inner body, which will increasingly mutate the practitioner gaining ground in self-control and self-mastery. Being sovereign ruler of his own body and soul The person who performs these emanations, at the same time, has generated a great shield against all kinds of evil, which makes him/her invulnerable to parapsychological attacks or black magic works, The secrets of sexual alchemy are such that monotheistic and demiurgic religions such as Judaism or Islam prohibit the accumulation of sexual energy, because the demiurge Yahweh or Allah, fears that man awakens spiritually, and becomes a warrior who rebels against him To begin with, this practice can be done slowly, in an ascending way in achievements such as one orgasm every week, then one orgasm every 15 days, then one orgasm every 30 days, being able to increase the respective marks, with the goal that the longer the time without ejaculation, the more beneficial it is. However, the orgasm after 30 days, no longer generates any damage to the brain. Likewise, they try to hide the benefits of the Ttantra Kaula, ignoring that it is a practice that has been developing for millennia, from its teaching in Atlantis, to Egypt, India, Nepal, Tibet, China (Taoism), Japan, since ancient times, until it spread to our American lands, being brought and taught by Germany and later popularized by the sect of false Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor. Once man, from his will, has managed to control the sexual flow, he will be able to control the respiratory flow and finally he will be able to control the mental flow, being a necessary requirement to control sex as a first necessary instance, for a full spiritual development that focuses towards the transmutation in the liberation of the spirit, rather than nirvana in the immortality of the soul or what is known in hyperborean wisdom as Cosmic Suicide. This brief and simple practice will allow us to recover the purity of the brain from childhood, if we continue persisting in it, we will recover the purity of the brain at birth and later on the purity of its previous reincamations, being able to circumvent the karma of Samsara, objective sought by the hyperborean wisdom. If one continues to persist in the seminal retention, one can awaken all types of psychic faculties, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, healing, achieving a unique awakening, knowing how to direct the ying, or the VRIL energy, which is the same Chi energy. This practice can be complemented supermen, otherwise the gnosis does not rely on procreation between animal men or sleeping Viryas. It isby therefore,the white Aryan race, the materialization of the Vril, whose motive is the body of the pasu animal. Today it lies mostly asleep and has been extirpated of all memory and cultural registry that allows its cohesion and at the same time it is inhibited from ethnic division, through the manipulation of the massive emotion and mainly through the myth. It is this sleeping racial community that has forgotten that its blood built the most important foundations of history. In this way gnosis allows the white race to transmute itself into the Aryan race, the race of the spirit, the race initiated in the infinite blackness, the "human element (superman). (superman) that willmake ——_part_of the mentioned aristocracy. Nation, homeland, history, culture, national unity, family, territory, identity, autonomy and freedom are basic elements of nationalism, the official historiography hides several referents of its records or places them within the psychic polarity, so that this third way, contradicts the dual and official approach of the synarchy, or persecutes and defames any Nationalist affiliation. Gnosis in this sense, enters as an INFINITE element, whose purpose is to transmute in the past (and not to evolve to the future) the nation that is sheltered by this aristocracy, all this within a FRAMEWORK, an archemona, that allows to form the fittest and strongest man in its interior, that sustains the wall and door to the infinite that arises in its center. If we take a specific example, the aristocracy of the spirit advocates a system that magically connects the nation with the earth, agriculture being the symbol and bridge of the union between the human and the divine: "Blood and soil" as masterfully the Obergruppenfihrer Walter Darré, would rediscover from the primordial source of the Nordic blood, long magical tradition of the Indo-Germanic hyperborean peoples of the West, thus recalling the recovery of agriculture as an initiatory system, founded on the lithic mysteries of cereal, a direct inheritance of the Atlantis Aryanity, legacy of the Ancient Hyperborea, mother of Atlantis and of the White man. Is it possible and feasible for gnosis to be applied to the other races within the framework of a Nationalist and Gnostic strategy? Yes, it is feasible, all races must develop to the limit that their blood allows them. In order to do so, every nation must place itself in a form Geo-spiritual, 0 looking forat the past for your history. Now, we can remarkably differentiate a spiritual nationalistic system from a Liberal system or a Marxist system, the latter two, slave systems that massify man collectively, as part of a whole, and this is the reason for the decadence of the modem world, as a gloomy vision of the nightmare of the Kaly Yuga That is why the superman looks to the past, remains indifferent to the constant flow of the demiurgic breath. The superman is the bridge between divinity and animality, only from his superior psychology, man can be worthy to rule in altruism and in the service of the other races in the world, because his rebellion is theological and his right is imposed by blood and race. His Aptitude to rule is granted by initiatory merit, he is a reborn who knows the death of the worldly soul, demiurgic, where he resides. The national laws by gnostically going back to the origin, pure and divine, the primordial source that purifies men from the Noologic Ethics of Honor. In this way we observe a polarity very marked by two governments at war, on the one hand the tyrannical Government, proper of the creator of this universe, the Nehilim and its terrestrial headquarters: Intemational Judaism and in its counterpart we have the Just Government, headed by the Hyperboreans in Venus-Walhalla and its terrestrial headquarters: The Polar Antarctica of the Third Reich. In the midst of this contest is the humanity asleep in the Infernal Kaly Yuga, object and main reason of this essential War. all ambitious material interest and therefore the weaknesses of the sleeping man, this being the curse and design of desire. His right to rule is not a crude demagogic popular election, his succession to power is Merit of Blood. There is no doubt therefore that in the present writing, we have described in an allusive way, some of the Gnostic principles of German National Socialism, the greatest Gnostic political revolution in history, its bases and foundations necessarily lead us to remember the first idea of a Third Reich: The Thule project of John Dee, father of alchemy, who would forge the pillars of what in the future would be the Thule Society, brain of the Third Reich, being this the most powerful secret society of all times, as Philip would say. The Aristocracy of the Third Reich is the Schutzstaffel, especially the SS Black Order, which would reach the highest level of hyperborean wisdom, granting the purest and most prepared supermen of the white race today, born of the National Socialist biopolitics of the Third Reich, in the Lebensborn programs, the latter perfected thanks to genetic alchemy, deepened by the mystical science of the SS Black Order. In the hands of the superman is the destiny of humanity, and from Antarctica, he will try to forge such system known in magnitude by the Aryan race as the Universal Aryan Empire, thus facing the intention of the demiurge to enslave non-Jewish humanity, as a form of humiliation of the etemal Hyperborean lineages through the Jewish world dominion, which tends to enslave the human being, imposing itself as master and owners of the non-Jewish. The sleeping and manipulated man is still not aware that simple Political nationalism is unconditional Altruism whose end and purpose is abysmally different from the liberal and Marxist polarity of the slave synarchy. If to this Political Nationalism, we adhere Gnosis as a strategy of spirituality, more than altruistic, its end will be Absolute Freedom, centered in the good divine Aryan Government, as opposed to the tyranny of the demiurge and his satanic hosts that today hold the world power, thus confronting the Jehovah's dialectic whose main purpose is to confuse the masses. When Man is an unconscious prey of this social and esoteric engineering, this leads to his division and separation not from individuation but from cultural and systematic dependence, corrupting himself under the rules based on banal knowledge that have replaced the etemal values and the primordial wisdom of thousands and thousands of years of Ethical tradition, thus evidencing the Hebrew Talmudic strategy that works to replace the tradition of all peoples, added to the rewriting, concealment and destruction of its books, to which proceeds the imposition of new social and collective patterns of conduct, as well as the promotion of the rejection and repulsion towards the historical past, focusing the mentality towards the materialistic future and dependent on a global system that advocates an internationalism devoid of Spirit and whose mechanicity is the reflection of the will of a tyrannical master and his servants. Therefore, Gnosis within a strategy of social engineering, replaces the material interest by the good Aryan government, focused on the eternal values that transmute the nation, recovering its historical past and purifying the blood of its members. from intellectuality, and the accumulation of knowledge, varieties and multiplicity of profiles, in which only the inferior man, the mass man could identify himself. It is known that in our dark age that the Kaly Yuga religiously teaches materialistic knowledge as the cultural, archetypal and phagocytic identification of the followers of happiness and comfort. That is why wisdom and its historical-cultural fruits will always venerate the one who overcomes the test of overcoming death, moving away from the inferior prototype of the comfortable man who judges the past without having the slightest empathic idea of it, valuing man for his creations and cultural contributions, and not for his value of blood purity, because even the valuation of racial purity can become sinful if there is no noological ethical content that founds a real man, as a being worthy of a culture or civilization. Two decisions after death this man will have to make: stay in Walhalla to continue fighting or incarnating, or return to Hyperborea, to the absolute freedom of the reborn man. The true Hero, of course, will stay to continue fighting to rescue his comrades and brothers from the hell which he seeks to destroy in order to free the slaves in the infernal hypnotic lethargy. He will prefer to fight until the final battle, until the great holocaust of fire, which will leave behind him all the infernal hosts of the demiurge Yahweh, or he will want to manifest himself again to men, as a master initiate, as a mutated and reborn who has outwitted samsara. He will be a Bodhisattva, who will resort to the past strategies of the Gods. To guide and orient men to develop spiritually. You are the son of humanity, the ideal of man to reach, all the unjust victims who even lacked honor, are dignified by your struggle, by your cause and integrity. You are superior to Satan, superior to death, the most sublime thing to be achieved by a man or a woman, you will always carry my respect, because you are even more worthy of worship than many indifferent gods. Your imprint and legacy is still remembered by all those who wish to conquer the origin, the Vril, and seek the path of spiritual enlightenment to Hyperborea. Great times in which our race will produce heroes en masse, will return, and the strategies of the Gods and Tulkus as the Kristo, or the Fuhrer will manifest again, to return to the true man, to the glorious golden years in which our values and honorable principles will push us to seek death and not be the one who pursues the cowards unworthy of receiving an honorable death fighting for truth, justice, freedom and the SPIRIT. DEDICATED TO THE HERO Human history attests to be a great field of experimentation in which men and women are nothing more than indignantly exploited beings, who, in turn, do not understand the most vile act of humiliation that is to exist. This is reflected in the perversion and lack of ethics in the human being, who performs the same acts without any respect for nature, evidencing in this sense and in many others the hermetic principle of correspondence. Whoever pretends to see perfection in this universe, simply looks from his condition of slave, of kneeling sheep, regardless of his repulsive knowledge or personal definition, from the atheist to the religious. Within this chaos, this hypnotic hell, the possibilities of a true freedom beyond the vile creation, are subordinated to a struggle that is fought in the personal field, which more than a struggle is a duty that every man and every woman must perform for a full spiritual development in the purity of the spirit. The key to this infernal labyrinth is called will, and this is found within all of us, it only remains to fight against the mental manipulation with which we are born, designed to fight for our freedom, to be worthy, to have honor, like the Hero, the example of the ideal of struggle, the one who observes time without participating in it ‘Such contempt for life cannot emerge from an idea, from a thought, from a mental lucubration, from an emotional onanism, from a false ego, or from the elusive false selves that undermine man. Such an underestimation of attachments can only be born of honor, of a pure man, who gives an example of life to his social and family circle, and in general to all humanity, because he himself purifies it with his struggle. He is the great Hero. With his Honor as a banner you advance over the thousand worlds of illusion, that the demiurge weaves for you, who would even be willing to negotiate with you before facing you since your level of Honor is eternal Fire, icy fire that destroys everything in its path, being the most fearsome weapon against the filthy putrefaction created. The demons and the hosts of yahweh tremble with fear, anger and cowardice, they are the deepest expressions of the collective unconscious of the logos and the universal mind, materializing the deepest horrors upon seeing their creation rebelled and extirpated from the One. They will seek to destroy you, for they know that they could never create a being whose virtue of courage, valor and loyalty humiliate the self-proclaimed gods. It is war, therefore, your life, your only thought, your strategy to attack, to give your life for freedom, without any fear, because all your historical journey has been the wisdom that has guided you to BE, to exist, with only one justification: TO FIGHT beyond life and death. A self-sacrifice, from which the Demons will never obtain a single atom, because your DECISION has already tumed you into Vraja, your commitment has hardened you, being now alchemical gold, which transcends human filth and its inferior and instinctive animality. Detached from the world of illusion and the stimuli of consumption and comfort that enslaves and imprisons the men of our days, whose appellation is still quite generous, when reality shows an inferior, unethical man, justifying his COMMENTS ON THE CHRONICLE OF AKAKOR BY KARL BRUGGER Undoubtedly, the Chronicle of Akakor is a polemic book defined as a cultural historical contribution of great transcendence to clarify the American historiography from the historical revisionism, while from the official historiography, it is defined from the defamation as a fraud. But, without a doubt, it is the revisionist investigation together with the proofs and evidences such as the Hispanic chronicles that prove that the Chronicle of Akakor is a true story, as a treasure that compiles the imperial history of the Ugha Mongulala for more than 13,000 years. The Mongula empire symbolizes the passage of the white Atlanteans through South America, and although it does not provide much information about the imperial and divine historical development in Mesoamerica, this work allows us to deduce that the foundation of Anahuac has similar divine origins. Who were these superior beings from the stars and the seas? They were the ancient Hyperboreans, the Divine Atlanteans, whose colonization of the Andes represents the cultural and racial origin of the antediluvian civilizations. It is in the current Peruvian ‘Andes where the Gods have chosen to raise Akakor, between the mountain and the ‘Amazon jungle, denoting a common Hyperborean trait int he construction of this city and the sacred architecture, based on a terrestrial lithic and an Intraterrestril lithic raising, being this, not a mere myth or legend as the official historiography irresponsibly speculates, but a real and existing construction until today in the Brazilian and Peruvian ‘Amazon, composed by a terrestrial Akakor, lithic city that lies in the jungle, and an Intraterrestrial Akakor, under the mountains perfectly aligned with the terrestrial Akakor and the pair united with a 12 cities more that together represent 13 lithic cities aligned Astrologically, according to the designs of the Ancient Masters of the Ugha Mongulala: The Hyperboreans. What could this alignment represent? It could represent, the construction of a — polar mirror _hyperborean terrestrial. We see that the official historiography, deduces that the existence of intraterrestrial civilizations are a = mere myth —_ irrational myth, ignoring the — existence archaeological examples such as Derinkuyu in Turkey, the Cave of the Tayos in Morona Santiago, Ecuador or the Loveluck Caves in North America. There is no doubt that the pretension of the World Order is to hide and censor any type of investigation tending to show the truth that, as a paradox, would rewrite the history of the peoples of the world, in this case of South ‘America, therefore, we already know the price that the sociologist and historian Karl Brugger had to pay for publishing this formidable historical work, losing the life as consequence. The Chronicle of Akakor is the compilation of the history of the Unga Mongulala, a tribe from white race, whose history transcends 13.The history of the white race, whose history transcends 13,000 years of history, in which the struggle for their survival as a chosen tribe of the Gods is denoted until our days, in which their legacy still endures, resisting incessantly to the catastrophes of Nature such as the Sinking of Atlantis, the wrath of the Gods, the surrounding wars, the Spanish Conquest, and the genocidal persecution of the capitalists established in the economic interests of the Amazon, suffering the inclemencies of the Kaly Yuga, the darkest era through which humanity must necessarily pass to return to a golden age, as manifested by the Pre Vedism of Ancient India, consequence of the abandonment of the Gods to man and the hiding of the black Sun as uncreated Astro that illuminates the spirituality of the divine races on earth. This great story, together with the Popol Vuh, represent the American Mahabharata, since the Chronicle of Akakor gathers and represents one more proof of the government of the Gods over the earth in coexistence and hierarchy with the Humans, being both records of historical character that transcend the Myth, The chronicle of Akakor, illuminates a dark and confusing past that has been hidden by the scientific dogma, in which we are painted a purely Mongoloid America whose lithic constructions are as recent as the Middle Ages and whose cultural magnitude does not exceed 10,000 years. This scientific dogma, which is the object of study of the academy, pretends to ignore that historiography as a science, is a compilation of knowledge that does not stagnate, but is complemented by research, and the contributions it manages to obtain. Numerous evidences of a Divine past are censored to prevent man from knowing its spiritual origin, due to political mandates, which in the present era, has preponderance over science. This political order obeys the synarchy, a world power that intends to enforce only its social engineering, Another proof, which evidences its veracity, is represented by the arrival of white European men, from the VI century, such as the Goths, surely guided by the lithic maps of stones bequeathed by the Atlanteans, who arrived to the South American Amazon in search of the Ancient Hyperborean Gods, these noble and implacable warriors, hard and pure as diamond, complemented the culture of the Ugha Mongulala, sealing this union through a Pact, which would forge a new era in the empire, hard and pure as diamond, complemented the culture of the Ugha Mongulala, sealing this union through a Pact, which would forge a new era in the empire, which would be interpreted by this tribe as the envoys of the Gods to recover the legacy of the Great Lhasa, great wise leader, hero, builder and legislator par excellence, of the Mongula empire. The Goths would not be the only Germans to form an alliance with this empire, the German National Socialists would also arrive in 1941 in Akakor, with the aim of liberating the Ugha Mongulala from the capitalist oppression that affected thousands of indigenous people in the Amazon, and in this way generate an agreement with the Ugha Mongulala myths, their dirty intellectual knowledge or their material possessions as their definition of being, they could not see how empty their existence is and how pathetic is their admiration for this prison and madhouse before which you face today, to destroy Gone are the glorious years in which pure blood produced the best Aryan prototypes on their way to the path of the Hero from which you come, a path that can only be traveled by the best, by real men, who honor that definition, while self-proclaimed men accumulate wealth, you accumulate purity, because you claim by right the virtues of your ancestors, of your divine hyperborean ancestor, purifying yourself from the mystery of pure blood, being inevitable your awakening and spiritual and physical strengthening From a stream you grew into an ocean. You have been born under the test of life, to innately belong to the Natural Elite of humanity, composed of the best, those who have conquered themselves, who have controlled the demons and archons that govern every being in the world advocating their enslavement and the numbing of man, as a vile systematic slave, as a datum in the vile ocean of knowledge of the architect of the madhouse. It is this elite that is the base of the elect in the true world, for the awakening of all the slaves who remain asleep by the shared dream and the power of mental manipulation, reflection of a mental universe. The highest wise warriors and magicians of history revere the great hero who rightfully belongs to the solar aristocracy of the mysteries of spiritual liberation who once saw golden times in the ancient honorable past, worthy times when the world witnessed the Purity of blood, showing the virtues of all races in the world, when men recognized by blood the right to rule, when the aristocracy of the spirit showed in the light of day the way to the origin. But, at the end of the day, time is nothing more than a banal false and repugnant illusion, the flow of the devil, as is culture and history, which show a path that matters nothing in the conscience of the hero, since you do not live in the past or in the future, you have already conquered the past and your indifference conquers the future, the present being the eternal infinite, the importance of your acts forged in an ethics superior to the human animal, to the intellectual animal, The Aristocracy of the best spiritually elevated warriors gives a special place to the hero, to the son of the racial spiritual stock of the world’s warriors, for to your formidable and wise vision of the universe, nothing really exists, not even those who are condemned to live. No one can see so clearly, for honor awakens the values and principles that only in the spirit can reside. What does the search for happiness matter, this is nothing more than false selfishness, an unnecessary search for personal satisfaction, the main objective pursued by the human masses that make up the majority, therefore, your most noble and virtuous act is precisely to face and accept your unhappiness through DIGNITY, because as the great priestess Savitri Devi says, your mission has necessarily linked you to the Eternal. You thus face your destiny and demonstrate to others that you are worthy to face any beast, nothing torments your conscience, and no doubt now haunts your being, for you deserve to exist, this is your destiny, your mysterious and glorious mission. WHITE MEN IN AMERICA When we speak of the Ancient Wiracochas and Kukulkanes, we refer to ancient terms of our Forbidden America, in Quechua and Nahuatl, which designate the native Aryan ‘American man in the framework of a long pre-Hispanic historical stage. The difficulty of being able to trace it in our historical records lies in the fact that our continent was constantly visited by Hyperboreans, Cro-Magnons, Atlanteans, Egyptians, Sumerians, Goths, Iberians, and Vikings (all of them Aryans). Term that in the Middle Ages, were used by the Incas and Aztecs to designate the Spanish (white but in the shadow sphere of the Europoid race), but, traditionally and mainly the Viracocha and the Kukulkan as well as the giant Hyperborean to whom the construction of the main megalithic works of our America is attributed. Roberto Rengifo was right when he bequeathed to us in his works, the extensive field of research that remains to clarify the truth of the Wiracochas and Kukulkans, as nobility in the various solar aristocracies of our continent. Let us not, forget that our America is the cornerstone of Pre Antiquity to understand the origin of humanity and the Aryan race, hence the importance of setting aside this magnanimous land, and impose the scientific dogma, politically corrected. pen) HF to return to the Ugha Mongulala their lands bequeathed by the Gods, while the Germans would occupy the eastern provinces of the coasts of Brazil, as a strategic move of South American conquest by the Third Reich in counter-offensive to the North ‘American influence of the United States as an actor in the Second World War, taking into account that Ecuador and Argentina represented the main axes of political support for the National Socialist Germany Just as the Vikings and the Iberians arrived at Tiahuanaco from Europe guided by the lithic maps, the German National Socialists follow the blood and spiritual path of their past to find the spiritual opus as a mandate of the Gods in South America, we should not be surprised by the investigations and explorations carried out by the Ahnenerbe in this sacred continent, specifically to the Brazilian Amazon (First expedition documented filmographically to Manaus, arrival at Akakor), to the Bolivian Tiahuanaco (Scientific investigation advanced by Edmund Kiss which was reflected in his works in experimentation and demonstration of the Glacial Cosmogony of Hanns Hérbiger) and to the Argentinean Patagonia, Cordoba (Search for the Command Staff of the Vultan cacique in the Uritorco) and Chile (Discovery of Tunnels and the chamber of Arica by Edmund Kiss) and other confidential research, in order to find the legacy of the Hyperborean Giants, the divine Atlanteans and the heritage of the Aryan race in the American Antiquity. The National Socialist Germans announce their withdrawal in the Second World War and become part of the Mongula Empire, complementing a new Aryan-Germanic era with the Ugha Mongulala, forming families and generations that endure to this day, preparing for the final battle, or Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods, for Scandinavian mythology, as the Akakor Chronicle prophesies. It is important to mention that the Authentic Chronicle of Akakor has not yet been revealed and that it lies as the most precious treasure of this empire, in the Temple of the Sun of Akakor, a sacred construction in which lie treasures such as the bodies of the ancient divine Mongula princes and the ships in which the Germanic Goths arrived to Akakor, among others. We must take into account that this book comes to our knowledge as an account given by the Prince of the Ugha Mongulala, of German mother and Mongula father: Tatunca Nara, who in his meeting with Karl Brugger, entrusted his study of the Chronicle to the mentioned author who finally decided to publish it and to complement it in its final part with the elements that make it true. true. We cannot leave aside the role of the Amazon warrior women in the pre-Hispanic culture, who are mentioned in the chronicle as warriors who faced the Spanish conquest, fighting until they retreated and finally abandoned the conquest. You have renounced your personal dreams, with only one conviction, to achieve your glorious and unexpected moment in which heroism will vainglorie you and proclaim you in etemity, you are more than a man, therefore, this filthy hell does not deserve you, and itis the gods who claim you to enter and take your place in Walhalla, the kingdom of the Gods, the house of the eternal champions, since even the gods themselves envy the hero, because he can dominate heaven and hell in an infinite instant, being able to challenge Satan and at the same time, he overcomes the greatest and most important test consisting in the transformation of the animal man into Superman, That is why the Hyperborean Wisdom reserves the life of Honor for the Great Heroes of the blood, the soldier, the warrior, the reckless son of the spirit, who will be awakened with Hydromiel by Lucifer himself, and his Valkyrie who will heal his war wounds, being received by the Gods who will toast with him, and will receive him as a brother, thus achieving the ‘Superman to become a Siddha, reaching the Gods by synchrony, he has conquered the eternal exit thanks to that instant full of the purest and absolute and superior value. Wotan the Father of Heroes, the most courageous God, who entered hell challenging death to discover the mystery of illusion, that the demiurge Loki as an impostor, plagiarist and liar, elaborated to keep captive the spirit given of life. The sons of Wotan, the heroes, fill with joy and eternal joy their father, discoverer of the mystery of the bird, of the language of the birds, of the runes in the tree of fear, to be self-sacrificing, giving the best example of courage and virtue to the white race and its main ethnic families, Voluntarily, Wotan performed the greatest heroic act, incarnating the animal man, living the alchemical experience of mutating the animal into a real man, awakening from the dream and the demiurgic ecstasy, thus defeating the hosts of the demiurge, not without mentioning that none of her great act would have been worth it, had it not been for the spiritual rescue of her great A -mada Freya, Goddess of Goddesses, heroine of A- mort of her husband who in agony could visualize him, great Freya, goddess of heroines and feminine courage, commander of the Valkyries, Together with her husband Wotan, they boil the blood of the children of the white Hyperborean race, and from the Vril, they call their children to awaken in them the honor and bravery enough to be worthy to enter Walhalla and lead the guard of the great Odin: the Einherjar. Thor and Tyr are exalted to the worthy representatives of humanity, Thor protector of Midgard and Asgard, from Mjolnir, guide of the heroes towards valhalla, never allowing their deviation from the spiritual path, awakening in men the virtues of the Combatant and the theology of spiritual Awakening, the philosophy of the Aryan man, full of a huge tradition of Courtly and warrior Values. Man in the deepest sense of the word, is the great warrior, soldier and champion: the Hero of blood, the best prototype of man that the species can give. Man of action and praxis, worthy of being studied in the fields of human knowledge to transcend inferior human knowledge, eminently scientific or religious, whose main premise is culture. The hero is the projection of the spirit, of wisdom, of the principles and values governed by honor, and we can already imagine that which are the prototypes of man originated their Capital Akahim, bum it and retreat to the subway dwellings of the city in question, legacy of the ancient Gods. Undoubtedly, this impressive story is magnanimously complemented by the investigations of Jacques de Mahieu and the sacred commentaries of Miguel Serrano, as well as the magical work The Mystery of Belicena Villca by Felipe Moyano, being part of the Gnostic world of hyperborean wisdom, denoting the mysteries of the ‘Amazon, not being the only proof of the entrance to an intraterrestrial world like Agartha, because taking into account the numerous Tunnels or Chinkanas throughout South America and their connections with the sacred cities of the ancient Tawantinsuyu, such as Cusco or Tiahuanaco, nor should we fail to mention the mysterious Macuxies and their entrances to the Intraterrestrial World of the giants, Celestial world suitable only for initiates, nor can we leave aside the Mysterious White God Bep Kororoti of the Kayapé Tribe or the spiritual power of Ayahuasca. Definitely, the legacy of the White Gods in America still endures. Humanity is not yet ready to know the revelations of the spirit, only those who intuit the call of the blood seek its origin, itis to these chosen ones that the gods guide gnostically to harden like diamond in search of their freedom, that is why the future events, which will be catastrophic, will determine th e birth of a new golden age, which will purge the human being of soul impurity and make him return in a spiritual rebirth to his divine origin. Akakor's chronicle is a jewel and a treasure to rediscover the history of South America and will someday have the recognition it deserves, when the Mongulas recover their legacy, and the Antarctic Reich manages to overcome the synarchy, in the return of Quetzalcoatl and Wiracocha, in Sternberg's ride in Mongolia when the last Atlantis returns to Humanity, perhaps in Chilean soil

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