Music History

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Middle Ages

• Middle Ages (450-1450)
• Rome sacked by Vandals—455
• Beowulf—c. 700
• First Crusade—1066
• Black Death—1347-52
• Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales – 1387-1400
• Joan of Arc executed by English—1431
A thousand years of European history

• Early - a time of migrations, upheavals & wars

Later – a period of cultural growth
Romanesque churches & monasteries; Gothic cathedrals;
Crusades to recover the Holy City from the Muslims
• Class Distinctions
Nobility sheltered in fortified castles; knights in armor;
amused themselves with hunting, feasting & tournaments
Peasants vast majority of population; lived miserably;
subject to feudal overlords
Clergy Roman Catholic church exerted power;
monks held a virtual monopoly on learning
Ch. 1 - Music in the Middle Ages

• Church was the center of musical life

- Important musicians were priests
- Women were not allowed to sing in church,
but did make music in convents
- Only sacred music was notated

• Music primarily vocal and sacred

- Instruments not used in church
- Few medieval instruments have survived
- Music manuscripts did not indicate tempo, dynamics or rhythm
Ch. 2 - Gregorian Chant

• Official music of the Roman Catholic church

• No longer common since 2nd Vatican Council (1962-1965)
• Represents the voice of the church rather than an individual
• Monophonic melody set to Latin text
• Melodies tend to move by steps in a narrow range
• Flexible rhythm - without meter and sense of beat
• Named for Pope Gregory I (r. 590-604)
• Later the melodies were notated
• Notation developed over several centuries
The Church Modes
• Basic scales made of different whole & half-step
Ch. 3 –
Secular Music in the Middle Ages

• Composed by French nobles who were

Troubadours (southern France)
Trouvères (northern France)
• Performed by jongleurs (traveling minstrels)
• Song topics: love, Crusades, dancing,
spinning songs
• Instrumental dances
Ch. 5 - Fourteenth-Century Music:
The “New Art” in Italy and France

• Secular music more important than sacred

• Changes in musical style – known as new art
ars nova (Latin)
• New music notation system evolved
• Beats could be subdivided into 2 as well
as 3
• Syncopation became important rhythmic
The Renaissance

The Renaissance 1450-1600

• Guttenberg Bible—1456
• Columbus reaches America—1492
• Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa—c. 1503
• Michelangelo: David—1504
• Raphael: School of Athens—1505
• Martin Luther’s 95 theses—1517
• Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet—1596
The Renaissance
Rebirth of human creativity
 Time of exploration & adventure
Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama and
Ferdinand Magellan
 Age of curiosity & individualism
Leonardo da Vinci
 Intellectual Movement – Humanism
Captivated by ancient Greece & Roman cultures
 Visual arts depicted realism w/ linear perspective and
illusion of space & depth
 Catholic Church far less powerful
 Education a status symbol for the aristocracy & upper
middle class
Ch. 1 - Music in the Renaissance

• Invention of printing widened the circulation of music

• Musicians worked in churches, courts, & towns
• Church remained an important patron of music
• Church choirs grew in size (all male)
• Musical activity shifted to the courts
• Town musicians played for civic processions, weddings
• Musicians enjoyed higher status & pay
• Composers sought credit for their work
• Italy became leading music center
Characteristics of Renaissance Music
Words and Music
• Vocal music more important than instrumental
• Word painting
• Wide range of emotion w/o extreme contrasts
• Polyphonic
• Imitation among the voices
• Sounds fuller; expanded pitch range; consonant chords are favored
w/ use of triads
Rhythm and Melody
• Rhythm a gentle flow rather than sharply defined beat
• Melodic line has greater rhythmic independence
• Melody usually moves along a scale w/ few large leaps
Ch. 2 - Sacred Music in the Renaissance

Motet – Josquin Desprez

• Short polyphonic choral work
• Latin text usually overlaid with vernacular text
Mass – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
• Polyphonic choral composition of the Catholic church
• Made up of 5 sections:
• Kyrie
• Gloria
• Credo
• Sanctus
• Agnus Dei
Ch. 3 - Secular Music in the Renaissance

Vocal Music
Music was an important leisure activity
People were expected to play a musical instrument and read notation
 Madrigal
 for several solo voices set to a short poem, usually about love
 Combined homophonic & polyphonic textures
 Word painting & unusual harmonies
 Renaissance Lute Song
 Song for solo voice and lute (plucked string instrument)
 Popular instrument in the Renaissance home
 Homophonic texture
 Lute accompanies the vocal melody
Instrumental Music
 Still subordinate to vocal music
 Instrumentalists accompanied voices
 Harpsichord, organ, or lute
 More music written specifically for instruments
 Instrumental music intended for dancing
 Pavane or passamezzo in duple meter
 Galliard in triple meter
 Distinguished between loud & soft instruments
 Outdoor (loud): trumpet, shawm
 Indoor (soft): lute, recorder
 Focal point for music in Venice –
St. Mark’s Cathedral
 Giovanni Gabrieli and the Polychoral Motet
 Plaudite (Clap Your Hands)
 Vocal Music Guide: p. 112
Basic Set, CD 2:03
Baroque Period

Time Line
• Shakespeare: Hamlet-1600
• Cervantes: Don Quixote-1605
• Jamestown founded-1607
• Galileo: Earth orbits Sun-1610
• King James Bible-1611
• Newton: Principia Mathematica-1687
• Witchcraft trials in Salem, Mass.-1692
• Defoe: Robinson Crusoe-1719
• Swift: Gulliver’s Travels-1726
The Baroque Style
• Time of flamboyant lifestyle
• Baroque style “fills the space”
• Visual Art
• Implies motion

• Busy
• Architecture
• Elaborate
Ch. 1 - Baroque Music
 Two giants of Baroque composition
 Johann Sebastian Bach (period ends w/ Bach’s death)
 George Frideric Handel
 Other noted composers
 Claudio Monteverdi
 Henry Purcell
 Arcangelo Corelli
 Antonio Vivaldi
 Period divided into three phases
• Early: • Middle: • Late:
1600-1640 1640-1680 1680-1750
favored homophonic major & minor dominant chord
texture scales to the tonic
• Unity of Mood
• Expresses one mood throughout piece

• Rhythm
• Rhythmic patterns are repeated throughout
• Provides compelling drive & energy
• Melody
• Opening melody heard again and again
• Continuous expanding of melodic sequence

• Dynamics
• Volumes are constant with abrupt changes – terraced
Characteristics of Baroque Music
• Texture
• Late Baroque mostly polyphonic
• Extensive use of imitation

• Chords and the Basso Continuo

• Chords meshed with the melodic line
• Bass part served as foundation of the harmony

• Basso Continuo: accompaniment played by keyboard instrument

following numbers which specifies the chords – similar to modern
jazz & pop “fake book” notation

• Words and Music

• Text painting/word painting continues
• Words frequently emphasized by extension through many rapid
Baroque Forms
• Instrumental music frequently made up of
Movement: a piece that sounds complete in itself,
but is part of a larger composition

• Performed with pause between movements

• Unity of mood within individual movements
• Movements often contrast with each other
• Common basic forms:
• Ternary • ABA

• Binary • AB • ABB
• AA B • AA B B
Ch. 2 - Music in Baroque Society
• Music written to order
• New music, not old-fashioned, was desired

• Courts:
• Music indicated affluence

• Court Music Director

• Good prestige, pay, and other benefits
• Still considered a skilled servant
• Some aristocrats were musicians

• Church music was very elaborate

• Most people heard music only in church

• Some, though few, public opera houses

• Music careers taught by apprenticeship

• Orphanages taught music as a trade
Ch. 3 - The Concerto Grosso
and Ritornello Form
Concerto Grosso
• For small group of soloists and orchestra
• Multi-movement work
• Usually 3 movements
• Fast
• Slow (usually quieter)
• Fast (sometimes dance-like)
• Frequently used in 1st & last movements of
concerto grosso

• Theme repeatedly presented in fragments

• Contrast between solo sections and tutti

Ch. 4 - The Fugue
• Cornerstone of Baroque music
• Polyphonic composition based on one main
• Vocal or instrumental
• Subject
• Main theme
• Presented initially in imitation
• Each voice enters after previous voice
has completed presenting the subject
Ch. 5 - The Elements of Opera
• Drama sung to orchestral accompaniment
• Text in opera is called libretto
• Music is written by a composer
• Libretto is written by a librettist

• Opera can be serious, comic, or both

• Two primary types of solo songs:
• Recitative: presents plot material
• Aria: expresses emotion—usually a “show-off” vehicle for the

• Other types: duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc.

• Three or more singers make up an ensemble
• Chorus: groups of actors playing crowd parts
• The prompter—gives cues to singers
• The orchestra pit – sunken area in front of
• Prelude or overture - instrumentals that open
opera acts

• Modern questions concerning text in opera

• Translation of text and effects upon text painting

• Supertitles-projection of text above the stage

Ch. 6 - Opera in the Baroque Era
• Result of musical discussions of the
Camerata in Florence
• 1st known opera: Euridice (Peri-1600)
• Orfeo (Monteverdi-1607)
• 1st large scale (great) opera
• Opera composed for court ceremonies
• Display of magnificence and grandeur
• Patrons compared to ancient heroes
• 1st public opera house 1637 in Venice
• Rise of virtuoso singer—chief was castrato
• Secco vs accompanied recitative
Ch. 7 - Claudio Monteverdi
• Italian, early Baroque composer

• Wrote first great operatic work, Orfeo

• Worked last 30 years at St. Mark’s in

• Composed both sacred music and
secular music for the aristocracy

• Only 3 of his 12 operas still exist

Ch. 8 - Henry Purcell
• English composer (1659-1695)
• Highly regarded, held court positions
• Buried beneath the organ in
Westminster Abbey
• Dido and Aeneas

Ground Bass
• Repeated musical idea in bass
• Variation form—melodies above change
• Also called basso ostinato
Ch. 9 - The Baroque Sonata
• Instrumental work
• Multi-movement piece for one to eight
• Trio sonata
• Three melodic lines: basso continuo and two above
• Written as three parts, but performed by four players

• Sonata da chiesa—church sonata

• Sonata du camera—chamber sonata
(more dance-like, intended for court
Ch. 10 - Arcangelo Corelli
Trio Sonata in A Minor, Op.3 No. 10
by Arcangelo Corelli
For 2 violins and basso continuo
Basic Set, CD 2:23 and 2:24 - p. 146

Note: Polyphonic texture

Multi movement work
Contrast between movements
Ch. 11 - Antonio Vivaldi
• Late Baroque Italian composer
• Il prete rosso (the red priest)
• Taught music at girls orphanage in
• Girls performed at mass hidden behind
• Wrote sacred and secular vocal and
instrumental music
• Famous as a virtuoso violinist &
Ch. 12 - Johann Sebastian Bach
• German, late Baroque composer
• Organist and violinist
• Deeply religious (Lutheran)
• Worked in sacred and secular positions
• Weimar/Cothen/Leipzig

• Large family
• Known during lifetime as keyboardist
• Wrote in every form except opera
• Recognized for technical mastery
• Highpoint of polyphony combined w/ harmony
• All music majors study Bach’s compositions
• He is the model for learning to write music
Ch. 13 - The Baroque Suite
• Instrumental, multi-movement work
• Written for listening, but based upon dance
• Movements usually in binary form—AABB
• Often began with a non-dance overture
• French overture—2 sections
• 1st slow, dignified
• 2nd faster, often beginning as a fugue

• Forerunner of forms used in the next period

Ch. 14 - The Chorale and
Church Cantata
• Lutheran church service was social event
of the week
• Lasted 4 hours with 1 hour sermon
• Music was major part of worship service
• Congregation participated in singing chorales

• Chorale: hymn tune w/ German text

• Cantata
• Multi-movement church work for chorus, soloists, and orchestra
• Vernacular religious text
• Resembled opera in its use of choruses, recitatives, arias, and
Ch. 15 - The Oratorio
• Like opera:
• Large-scale work for chorus, soloists,
and orchestra
• Contains arias, recitatives, ensembles
• Unlike opera:
• No acting, scenery, or costumes
• Based upon biblical stories
• Not intended for religious services
• Commonly performed today in both
churches and concert halls
Ch. 16 - George Frederic Handel
• Born in Germany—same year as Bach
• Not from musical family
• Father wanted him to be a lawyer
• Studied music in Germany, then to Italy
to study opera, finally England to work
• Became England’s most important
• Wrote many operas in London
• Had own opera company
• Worked as composer, performer, & impresario

• Buried in Westminster Abbey

The Classical Period
Time Line
• Seven Years’ War-1756-1763
• Louis XVI in France-1774-1792
• Am. Declaration of Independence-1776
• French Revolution-1789
• Napoleon: first French consul-1799
• Napoleonic Wars-1803-1815
• Goethe: Faust-1808
• Austin: Pride and Prejudice-1813
The Classical Era
• Scientific advances changed world view
• Faith in the power of reason
• Undermining of traditional authority
• Social organization
• Religious establishment

• Age of Enlightenment
• Rise of the middle class worker
• Visual Art
• Moved away from ornate Baroque style
• Favored light colors, curved lines, & graceful ornaments
Ch. 1 - The Classical Style
• Transition to Period: ~1730-1770
• C.P.E. and J.C. Bach—early pioneers
• Concentrated on simplicity and clarity
• Term classical
• Greek and Roman antiquity
• Supreme accomplishment of lasting appeal
• Anything that is not rock, jazz, folk, or popular
• Music and visual arts stress balance and
clarity of structure
• Three main composers
• Joseph Haydn
• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• Ludwig van Beethoven
Characteristics of the Classical Style
• Contrast of Mood
• Contrasts both between & within movements

• Flexibility of rhythm
• Multiple rhythmic patterns for variety
• Texture
• Mostly homophonic, but with frequent shifts
• Melody
• Tuneful, easy to remember
• Composers borrowed popular tunes
• Dynamics
• Emotions expressed in shades of dynamics
• Use of gradual dynamic changes
• Related to development of the piano – soft/loud
• End of the Basso Continuo
The Classical Orchestra
• Increase in size of orchestra – standard
group of four sections
• Strings: 1st & 2nd violins, violas, cellos, double bass
• Woodwinds: @2 – flutes, oboes, clarinets, bassoons
• Brass: @2 – French horns, trumpets
• Percussion – 2 timpani

• Composers exploited individual tone colors

• Each section had a special role
• Strings most important w/ violins taking the melody
• Woodwinds added contrasting tone
• Horns & trumpets brought power to loud passages
• Timpani used for rhythmic bite and emphasis
Classical Forms
• Instrumental works consist of several
movements that contrast in tempo & character
• 1st—Fast • 3rd—Dance-related
• 2nd—Slow • 4th—Fast

• The movements might use different forms

• Theme and Variations
• Sonata
• Minuet and Trio
• Rondo
• Movements often contrast themes vividly
• By movement’s end, musical tensions are
Ch. 2 - Composer, Patron, and Public
in the Classical Period
• Changing society affected musicians
• Haydn: worked 30 years for aristocratic family
• Mozart: began at court, broke away, died broke
• Beethoven: successful as independent musician

• Prospering middle class wanted aristocratic

pleasures (theatre, literature, music)
• Public, ticket buying concerts became common

• Demand for printed music, instruments &

music lessons
• Composers wrote playable music that would sell

• Serious compositions flavored by folk and

popular music
• Became the musical capital of Europe
• Musicians came to study and seek
• Aristocrats wintering there would bring
their orchestras
• Musicians, including Mozart and
Beethoven, frequently played gigs in
wealthy homes
• Many musicians also worked in
serenading street bands
Ch. 3 - Sonata Form
• Also called sonata-allegro form
• Refers to form of a single movement
• Ternary form (A B A)—3 main sections
• Exposition
• Initial statement of 1st and 2nd themes
• Entire section usually repeated

• Development
• Tension building section
• Themes broken into fragments—motives

• Recapitulation
• Resolution of tension
• Re-statement of 1st and 2nd themes

• Often concludes with a “tag” or tail—Coda

Ch. 4 - Theme and Variations

• Single part form—no large contrasting

“B” section
• (A A’ A” A”’…)
• Basic idea presented and then
repeated over and over
• Each repeat alters (varies) the musical
• Each variation is about the same length
as the original idea
• Variations may alter melody, harmony,
rhythm, dynamics, timbre, or all of these
Ch. 5 - Minuet and Trio
• Ternary form based upon stately court
dance of the Baroque
• Each ternary part is itself ternary:
Minuet Trio Minuet
||: a :||: b a’ :||: c :||: d c’ :|| a b a’ ||

• Return of the Minuet is usually marked

on the music as da capo
Ch. 6 - Rondo
• Features a tuneful main theme which
returns over and over
• Lively, pleasing and simple to remember
• Main theme alternates with other
contrasting sections
• Common rondo patterns:
• A B A C A (small rondo)
• A B A C A B A (large rondo)
• Note the similarity to modern pop-music form
Ch. 7 - The Classical Symphony
• Extended, ambitious composition
lasting for 20-45 minutes
• Multi-movement instrumental work
• 1st Fast—frequently Sonata form
• 2nd Slow—often Sonata form, sometimes
Theme and Variations
• 3rd Dance—usually Minuet and Trio or
scherzo (fast, dance-like) form
• 4th Fast—frequently Sonata or Rondo form
• Themes in one movement rarely
appear in another movement
Ch. 8 - The Classical Concerto
• Work for instrumental soloist and
orchestra lasting 20-45 minutes
• Usually three movements:
• Fast—Slow—Fast (no Minuet movement)
• Combines soloist’s virtuosity with power
and timbres of orchestra
• Break near end of 1st and sometimes
last movement called cadenza
• Showpiece for the soloist (orchestra waits)
• Originally improvised, Classical
composers seldom notated cadenzas
Ch. 9 - Classical Chamber Music
• Designed for the intimate setting of a
room, rather than concert hall
• Small group of 4-9 instrumentalists
• Each player shares thematic material

• Most important setting is string quartet

• 2 violins, viola, cello
• Four movements
• Usually Fast—Slow—Dance—Fast

• Other popular settings:

• Sonata for violin and piano
• Piano trio (violin, cello, and piano)
• String quintet (2 violins, 2 violas, cello)
Ch. 10 - Joseph Haydn
• 1732-1809—early and mid-Classical
Period Austrian composer (long life)
• Talent recognized early
• Age 8—sent to Vienna to be a choir boy
• Dismissed from school—voice changed
• Worked in Vienna and continued studies
• Esterhazy’s composer for 30 years
• Employment status as skilled servant
• Became famous in Europe at this time
• Moved to Vienna at Prince’s death
• Made concert trip to London
• Prolific composer
Ch. 11 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
• 1756-1791 (mid-Classical composer)
• Austrian
• Son of a professional musician
• Leopold Mozart, violin, worked for Archbishop of Salzburg

• Child prodigy
• At 25—freelance musician in Vienna
• Partly due to winning the Emperor’s favor
• Initially successful, then novelty wore off
• Final piece was a Requiem that was
finished by one of his students
• Very prolific; note short life span
• Wrote in all Classical genres
Ch. 12 - Ludwig van Beethoven
• 1770-1827—late Classical, German
• Son of a professional musician
• Father, Johann, was a singer & abusive alcoholic
• Forced the boy to study music (wanted $)

• Financially successful as freelance musician

• Believed in period’s societal changes
• Wrote final pieces while totally deaf
• Died in Vienna
• 20,000 people attended funeral

• Wrote in all Classical genres

• 9 symphonies • 5 concertos
• 16 string quartets • 1 opera

• Many other sonatas and other works

The Romantic Period

The Romantic Period
Time Line
• Monroe Doctrine—1823
• Hugo: Hunchback of Notre Dame—1831
• Dickens: Oliver Twist—1837
• Dumas: The Three Musketeers—1844
• Poe: The Raven—1845
• Darwin: Origin of Species—1859
• American Civil War—1861-1865
• Twain: Huckleberry Finn—1884
• Bell invents telephone—1876
Romanticism (1820-1900)
• Stressed emotion, imagination and
• Emotional subjectivity basis of arts

• Favorite artistic topics:

• Fantasy and the supernatural

• Middle Ages/concept of chivalry & romance
• Architecture revived Gothic elements
• Nature: as mirror of the human heart
• Period of the Industrial Revolution

• Resulted in social and economic changes

Ch. 1- Romanticism in Music
• Many important Romantic composers
• Franz Schubert • Bedřich Smetana
• Robert Schumann • Antonin Dvořák
• Clara Schumann • Peter Tchaikovsky
• Frédéric Chopin • Johannes Brahms
• Franz Liszt • Giuseppe Verdi
• Felix Mendelssohn • Giacomo Puccini
• Hector Berlioz • Richard Wagner
• Continued use of Classical period forms
• Much individual alteration and adjustment
• Greater range of tone color, dynamics, and pitch than in Classical

• Expanded harmony—complex chords

Characteristics of Romantic Music
Individuality of Style
• Composers want uniquely identifiable music
Expressive Aims and Subjects
• All approaches were explored:
• Flamboyance, intimacy, unpredictability,
melancholy, rapture, longing, …
• Romantic love still focus of songs & operas
• Lovers frequently depicted as unhappy and
facing overwhelming obstacles
• Dark topics draw composers
Nationalism and Exoticism
• Nationalism: music with a national identity
• Exoticism: intentionally imply foreign culture
• Frequently in operas with foreign settings
Program Music
• Association with a story/poem/idea/scene
• Understanding the music enhanced through
reading program or viewing associated work

Expressive Tone Color

• Composers tried to create unique sounds
• Blending of existing instruments
• Addition of new instruments
• Tone color important to emotional content
Colorful Harmony
• Chords built w/ notes not in traditional keys
• Harmonic instability consciously used device
Expanded Range of Dynamics, Pitch & Tempo
• Dynamics ff, pp expanded to ffff & pppp
• Extremely high and low pitches were added
• Changes in mood frequently underlined by
(sometimes subtle) shifts in tempo
Forms: Miniature and Monumental
• Some composers went on for hours
• Required hundreds of performers
• Others music lasted only a few minutes
• Written for a single instrument
• Composers wrote symphonies, sonatas,
string quartets, concertos, operas, and
many other Classically traditional works
Ch. 2 - Romantic Composers
and Their Public
• Demise of the patronage system
• Composers regarded themselves as “free spirits”
• Decline in aristocratic fortune—Napoleonic wars

• New urban classes/new musical topics

• Public was entranced by virtuosity
• Piano became a fixture in most homes
• Composers/audience: same social class
• Few composers financially successful
Ch. 3 - The Art Song
• Composition for solo voice and piano
• Accompaniment integral part of the song
• Linked to vast amount of poetry in this period
• Composers interpreted poems, translating mood,
atmosphere and imagery into music
• Mood summed up at end with piano postlude
Strophic and Through-Composed Form

• Strophic form repeats music for each verse

• Through-composed—new music each verse
• Sometimes modified strophic form used
The Song Cycle

• Group of songs unified in some manner

• Storyline or musical idea may link the songs
Ch. 4 - Franz Schubert
• Born in Vienna (1797-1828)
• Early Romantic composer

• Prodigious output

• When 18 years old wrote 143 songs

• At 19 years wrote 179 works
• Included 2 symphonies, opera & mass

Schubert’s Music
• Wrote over 600 songs
• Also symphonies, string quartets, other chamber
music, sonatas, masses, operas, & piano works
• The Unfinished Symphony: only 2 movements, not 4
Ch. 5 - Robert Schumann
• German, early to mid-Romantic (1810-1856)
• Wanted to be piano virtuoso

• Problem with hand ended his ambition

• Treatments & gadget made problem worse
• Married his piano teacher’s daughter

• Temperamentally unsuited for some of the musical positions he


• Committed to asylum where he died

Robert Schumann’s Music

• Wrote piano pieces, art songs, and later symphonies

• Piano pieces and art songs frequently in cycles

Ch. 6 - Clara Wieck Schumann
• German (1819-1896)
• Leading concert pianist

• One of 1st well-known women composers

• Married Robert Schumann

• Stopped composing after his death

• Focused on performing his works
• Pair was friends w/ Johannes Brahms

Clara Schumann’s Music

• Stopped composing at age 36

• Considered herself primarily a performer

• Wrote songs, piano pieces, a concerto…
Ch. 7 - Frédéric Chopin
• Polish born musician (1810-1849)
• Poet of the piano

• Moved to Paris at age 21 – European artistic capital

• Known for his beautiful tone, rhythmic flexibility

and extensive use of piano pedals
• Piano teacher to the daughters of the rich

• Avoided concert halls

• Wrote nocturnes, mazurkas, preludes & waltzes
Chopin’s Music
• Developed personal style at early age
• Evokes a variety of moods
• Captured the spirit of the Polish people
Ch. 8 - Franz Liszt
• Hungarian born composer (1811-1886)
• Virtuoso pianist
• Touring concert pianist until age 36

• Incredible performer and showman—”rock star”

• Retired from touring & became court conductor
and later took minor holy orders – Abbé Liszt
• Found new ways to exploit the piano

Liszt’s Music
• Extremely controversial
• Bombastic & vulgar, or the ideal music?
• Broke away from strict Classical forms

• Created symphonic poem (tone poem)

Ch. 9 - Felix Mendelssohn
• German composer (1809-1847)
• Early to mid-Romantic period

• Developed early

• Wrote symphonies, concertos, sonatas,

and other works before being teenager
• Responsible for revival of Bach’s music

• Died of a stroke while touring

Mendelssohn’s Music
• Somewhat more conservative

• Avoids emotional extremes

• Projects both elegance and balance
Ch. 10 - Program Music
• Instrumental music associated with a story,
poem, idea, or scene
• Non-program music is called absolute music
• Usually performed with written explanation of
the piece—a program
• In Romantic,usually for piano or orchestra
• Common types:
• Program symphony—multi-movement/orchestral
• Concert overture—modeled on opera overture
• Symphonic poem (or tone poem)—1 movement,
orchestral, flexible form
• Incidental music—for use before or during a play
Ch. 11 - Hector Berlioz
• French composer (1803-1869)
• Mid-Romantic Period
• Wrote unconventional music

• Passionate & unpredictable

• Won Prix de Rome for Symphonie fantastique
• Worked as music critic for support

• One of the first of the great conductors

Berlioz’s Music
• Imaginative, innovative orchestrations

• Required huge resources

• Pioneered concept of idée fixe
Ch. 12 - Nationalism in
Nineteenth-Century Music
• National identity grew during the Romantic
• Citizens, not mercenaries now fought wars
• Bonds of language, history & culture formed
• Led to unifications creating Germany and Italy

• Composers deliberately gave their works

distinctive national identity
• Use of folksongs and folkdances
• Created original melodies with folk flavor
• Wrote operas and program music inspired by
native history, legends, and landscapes
• Strongest impact in countries dominated by
music of Germany, Austria, Italy and France
Ch. 13 - Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
• Russian, Late Romantic (1840-1893)
• Studied music in Russia
• Did not start until age 21
• By age 30 had a symphony, opera, tone poem
and his1st great orchestra work
• Married, divorced two weeks later
• Supported by benefactress (patron)
• They corresponded but never met
• Traveled Europe and United States
Tchaikovsky’s Music

• Wrote symphonies, concerti, overtures,

operas, and more
• Fused Russian folk music & European style
Ch. 14 - Bedřich Smetana
The Moldau (1874)
Part of the cycle Ma Vlast (My Country)
by Bedrich Smetana
Symphonic Poem depicting the main river
that flows thorough the Bohemian (Czech)
Listening Guide: p. 311 Basic Set, CD 6:11
Brief Set, CD 4:11
Note: Program material and how composer
related it to the music
Ch. 15 - Antonin Dvořák
• Followed Smetana composing Czech
national music (1841-1904)
• As teenager, played in orchestra under
• Got his break when Brahms heard him
• Became director of the National Conservatory of Music in New York

• Urged Americans to write nationalist music

• Wrote From the New World during 1st year
• Later returned to Prague Conservatory
Ch. 16 - Johannes Brahms
• German composer (1833-1897)
• Son of a musician (father played bass)
• At 13, studied music by day/played gigs by night
• Became close friends with the Schumanns
• Lived with Clara while Robert in asylum
• Lifelong friends with Clara, he never married
• Studied earlier composers’ works in detail
• Especially Bach, Haydn, Mozart & Beethoven
Brahms’s Music

• Considered somewhat conservative due to

his use of classical forms
• Wrote in all traditional forms except opera
Ch. 17 - Giuseppe Verdi
• Italian (1813-1901)
• Mid- and late Romantic composer
• Studied in Busseto & Milan
• Supported by patron
• Married patron’s daughter
• Known for opera
• Wrote operas with political overtones
• Nationalist, supported unification of Italy
• Critics blasted his scandalous subjects
• Seemed to condone rape, suicide, and “free love”
Verdi’s Music

• Wrote for middle-class audience who enjoyed opera

• Favorite topic: love story w/ unhappy ending
• Powerful music summons up heroes & villains
Ch. 18 - Giacomo Puccini
• Italian (1858-1924)
• Late-Romantic composer

• Known primarily for operas

• Became wealthy and world famous due to the popularity of his music

• Opera La Bohème 1st major success

• Made use of Exoticism, setting his operas in foreign places

• Short melodies, simple phrases, and realistic dialog

• Artistic style verismo (reality): “true to life”

Ch. 19 - Richard Wagner
• German (1813-1883)
• Mid to late Romantic composer
• Studied in Germany
• Later moved to Paris—did not work out
• Returned to Germany, got in trouble
• Finally settled & succeeded in Munich, Bavaria
• Lived large off of others—ran up debts
• Wrote in many styles, famous for opera
Wagner’s Music

• His works were large, full blown affairs

• No recitatives & arias—just non-stop music
• Adapted idèe fixe to leitmotif approach
• Huge orchestrations for operas
• Requires big voices to be heard
Ch. 20 - Gustav Mahler
• Austrian romantic composer (1860 – 1911)
• Grew up in small town, hearing Bohemian
peasant songs & dances
• Critics complained of his harsh dissonances
& elaborate orchestrations
• Became principal conductor of Metropolitan
Opera in New York
Mahler’s Music
• Wrote symphonies & song cycles
• Used unconventional instruments: cowbells, celesta,
The Twentieth Century and
Time Line – Twentieth Century & Beyond
• Freud: Interpretation of Dreams—1900
• Wright brothers: first powered flight—1903
• Einstein: special theory of relativity—1905
• First World War—1914-1918
• Great Depression begins—1929
• Second World War—1939-1945
• Atomic Bomb destroys Hiroshima—1945
• Korean War—1950-1953
• Crick & Watson: structure of DNA—1953
• Vietnam War—1955-1975
• President Kennedy assassinated—1963
• American astronauts land on moon—1969
• Dissolution of the Soviet Union—1991
• Terrorist attacks in the US – 2001
20th Century Developments
• Violence & progress are hallmarks
• 1st half—hardship and destruction
• Two World Wars brought terrible new weapons

• Between wars boom/bust economic cycle

• 2nd half—colonial empires dismantled

• Multiple smaller scale wars erupt worldwide

• Extended cold war between US and USSR

• Many smaller wars fueled by cold war tactics

• Unprecedented rapid economic growth
• Widespread gain in principle of equal rights
• Rapid technology & science advancement
• Sound recording, movies, radio, television, satellites, computers,
& Internet alter society
20th Century Developments
• Rapid, radical changes in the arts also occur
• Shock value becomes goal of many art forms
• Modern dance clashes with classical ballet
• Picasso and cubism present distorted views as artwork
• Kandinsky & others no longer try to represent visual world
• Expressionists—deliberate distortion/ugliness as protest
• Individual artists do both traditional & radical styles
• Summary:
• US shapes world culture, new artistic world center
• Nonwestern culture & thought affect all arts
• New technologies stimulate artists—new art forms
• Artists explore human sexuality—extremely frank
• More opportunities for women, African-American, and minority
artists/composers than ever before
• Artists express reaction to wars/massacres in art
• Since 1960’s, pop-art begins to replace elitist art
Ch. 1 - Musical Styles: 1900-1945
• First 13 years brought radical changes
• Seen as time of revolt & revolution in music
• Composers broke with tradition & rules
• Rules came to be unique to each piece
• Some reviewers said the new music had no relationship to music
at all

• 1913 performance of The Rite of Spring caused riot

• Sounds that were foreign to turn of the century ears are common
to us now

• Key, pitch center, and harmonic progression

practices of the past were mostly abandoned
• Open-minded listening, without expectations based upon previous
musical practice, provides an opportunity for musical adventure
1900-1945: An Age of Musical Diversity
• Vast range of musical styles during this time
• Intensifying of the diversity seen in Romantic

• Musical influences drawn from Asia & Africa

• Composers drawn to unconventional rhythms

• Folk music incorporated into personal styles

• American jazz also influenced composers
• For American composers, jazz was nationalistic music
• For European composers, jazz was exoticism
• Medieval, Renaissance, & Baroque music
was “re-discovered,” performed, & recorded
• Forms from earlier periods were imitated, but with 20th Century
harmonic & melodic practices

• Romantic music, especially Wagner, was seen as either a point of

departure or a style to be avoided
Characteristics of 20th Century Music
Tone Color
• Unusual playing techniques for sound effects
• Glissando, flutter tongue, col legno, extended notes

• Percussion use greatly expanded

• New instruments added/created

• Xylophone, celesta, woodblock, …

• Other “instruments:” typewriter, auto brake drum, siren

• Music not written for choirs of instruments

• Composers write for timbres, or “groups of soloists”

• Unusual groupings of instruments for small ensembles

• Orchestra scoring also reflects this trend
Characteristics of 20th Century Music
Consonance and Dissonance
• Harmony and treatment of chords changed
• Before 1900: consonant (stable) and dissonant

• Opposite sides of the coin

• After 1900: degrees of dissonance

New chord structures

• Polychord
• Quartal and quintal harmony
• Cluster
Characteristics of 20th Century Music
Alternatives to the Traditional Tonal System
• Composers want alternatives to major/minor
• Modes of Medieval & Renaissance were revived
• Scales from music outside western Europe utilized
• Some composers created their own scales/modes

• Another approach: use 2 or more keys at once

• Polytonality (bitonality)

• Atonality
• No central or key note, sounds just “exist” and flow

• 12 tone system
• Atonal, but with strict “rules” concerning scale use
• Serialism, an ultra strict method, develops from 12 tone sys.
Characteristics of 20th Century Music
• Rhythmic vocabulary expanded
• Emphasis upon irregularity and unpredictability
• Shifting meters
• Irregular meters
• Polyrhythm

• Melody no longer bound by harmony’s notes
• Major and minor keys no longer dominate
• Melody may be based upon a variety of
scales, or even all 12 tones
• Frequent wide leaps
• Rhythmically irregular
• Unbalanced phrases
Ch. 2 - Music and Musicians in Society
• Recorded & broadcast music brought concert
hall to living room, automobile, & elsewhere
• Music became part of everyday life for all classes

• Becoming popular in 1920’s, recordings allowed lesser known music

to reach broader audience

• 1930’s—radio networks formed own orchestras

• Radio brought music to the living room

• Television (popular 1950’s) brought viewer to concert hall
• Modern composers alienated audience
• Turned to old familiar music (Classical, Romantic)

• For 1st time in history, older, not new music was desired
• Recordings helped to make the modern familiar
• Women became active as composers,
musicians, and music educators
• African-American composers & performers
became more prominent
• Some governments controlled their music
• USSR demanded non-modern, accessible music
• Hitler’s Germany banned Jewish composers’ work
• Many artists & intellectuals left Europe for the US
• Working, creating, & teaching in American universities,
they enriched the culture of the US
• American jazz & popular music swept world
• American orchestras became some of world’s best

• Universities supported modern music &

composers—became music’s new patrons
Ch. 3 - Impressionism and Symbolism
• Musical outgrowth of French art and poetry
French Impressionist Painting
• Used broad brush strokes and vibrant colors
• Viewed up close, the painting appears unfinished
• Viewed from a distance it has truth
• Focused on light, color, & atmosphere

• Depicted impermanence, change, and fluidity

• A favorite subject was light reflecting on water
• Named after Monet’s Impression: Sunrise

French Symbolist Poetry

• Symbolists also broke with traditions & conventions
• Avoided hard statements—preferred to “suggest” (symbolize) their

• Symbolist poetry became the basis for many Impressionist musical

Ch. 4 - Claude Debussy
• French Impressionist composer
• Crossed Romantic/20th Cent. (1862-1918)
• Studied in Paris and Rome
• Lived large—liked luxury, but stayed in debt
Debussy’s Music
• Attempted to capture in music what
Impressionist painters did in visual art
• Titles imply a program music type approach
• Used orchestra as pallet of sounds, not tutti
• Expanded harmonic vocabulary and practice
• Used 5-note chords instead of traditional 3
• Made use of pentatonic and whole-tone scales

• Obscured harmony, tempo, meter, & rhythm

Ch. 5 - Maurice Ravel
Bolero (1928) Listening Outline: p. 380
Basic Set, CD 7:31

Tone colors
Spanish flavor
Rhythmic repetitions
Violently dissonant ending
Ch. 6 - Neoclassicism
• Flourished 1920-1950
• Based new compositions upon devices
and forms of the Classical & Baroque
• Used earlier techniques to organize 20th
Century harmonies & rhythms (painting p. 362)
• Eschewed program music for absolute
• Preferred to write for small ensembles
• Partially due to limited resources in post-
WWII Europe
• Sounded modern, not classical
Ch. 7 - Igor Stravinsky
• Born in Russia (1882-1971)
• Studied with Rimsky-Korsakov
• Early success writing ballet music
• The Rite of Spring caused riot at premier in Paris

• Moved due to the wars

• WWI went to Switzerland, to France afterward, then to US at
onset of WWII

Stravinsky’s Music
• Vocal & instrumental—many styles & forms
• Utilized shifting and irregular meters
• Sometimes more than one meter at once

• Frequently used ostinato

Ch. 8 - Expressionism
• Attempts to explore inner feelings rather than
depict outward appearances
• Used deliberate distortions
• To assault and shock the audience
• To communicate tension and anguish

• Direct outgrowth of the work of Freud

• Rejected “conventional prettiness”
• Favored “ugly” topics such as madness and death

• Art also seen as a form of social protest

• Anguish of the poor
• Bloodshed of war
• Man’s inhumanity to man
Ch. 9 - Arnold Schoenberg
• Born in Vienna (1874-1951)
• First to completely abandon the traditional
tonal system
• Father of the 12-tone system

• When Nazis came to power he (a Jew) was

forced to leave—came to America
• Taught at UCLA until his death

Schoenberg’s Music
• Atonality
• Starting 1908, wrote music w/ no key center

• The 12-Tone System

• Gives equal importance all 12 pitches in octave
• Pitches arranged in a sequence or row (tone row)
• No pitch occurs more than once in the 12 note row in
order to equalize emphasis of pitches
Ch. 10 - Alban Berg
• Born in Vienna, 1885-1935
• Student of Schoenberg
• Wrote atonal music
• Due to ill health, did not tour or conduct
• Possibly also reason for his small output
• Most famous work is Wozzeck
• Story of a soldier who is driven to
madness by society, murders his wife, and
drowns trying to wash the blood from his
hands (Expressionist topic & music)
Ch. 11 - Anton Webern
• Born in Vienna, 1883-1945
• Schoenberg’s other famous student
• His music was ridiculed during his lifetime
• Shy family man, devoted Christian
• Shot by US soldier by mistake near end of WWII

Webern’s Music
• Expanded Schoenberg’s idea of tone color
being part of melody
• His melodies are frequently made up of several two to three note
fragments that add up to a complete whole
• Tone color replaces “tunes” in his music

• His music is almost always very short

Ch. 12 - Béla Bartók
• Hungarian, 1881-1945
• Taught piano in Hungary and wrote books for
• Like many other composers, fled Nazis and
came to live in the US
• Used folksongs as basis of his music
• Went to remote areas to collect/record folksongs

Bartók’s Music
• Best known for instrumental works
• Especially piano pieces & string quartets

• Compositions contain strong folk influences

• Worked within tonal center
• Harsh dissonances, polychords, tone clusters
Ch 13 - Dmitri Shostakovich
 Symphony No. 5 in D Minor
Listening Outline: p. 416 Second Movement
Basic Set, CD 8:27

A B A’ form
Ch. 14 - Charles Ives
• American, 1874-1954
• Son of a professional bandmaster (director)
• Worked as insurance agent, composed
music on the side
• 1st published own music, initially ridiculed
• Won Pulitzer Prize in 1947 for 3rd Symphony
• Wrote quite original music
Ives’s Music
• Music based upon American folk songs
• Polyrhythm, polytonality, & tone clusters
• Claimed was like 2 bands marching past each
other on a street
• Often, his music is very difficult to perform
Ch. 15 - George Gershwin
• American, 1898-1937
• Wrote popular music, musical theatre, and
serious concert music
• Frequently blended the three into a single style
• At 20 wrote Broadway musical La, La, Lucille
• Wrote Swanee, Funny Face, & Lady, Be Good
• Also, Rhapsody in Blue, Concerto in F, An
American in Paris, & opera Porgy and Bess
• Often co-wrote with his brother, Ira, as lyricist
• Met Berg, Ravel, and Stravinsky in Europe
• Financially successful—songs were popular
• Was friends & tennis partner w/ Schoenberg
• Died of brain tumor at age 38
Ch. 16 - William Grant Still
• American composer (1895-1978)
• 1st African-American composer to have work
performed by a major American orchestra
• Born Woodville, MS-grew up Little Rock, AR
• Worked for W. C. Handy in Memphis, TN
• Later wrote film scores in Los Angeles
• 1st African-American to conduct a major
symphony orchestra (1936)
• Also 1st to have an opera performed by a
major opera company (1949)
• Troubled Island about Haitian slave rebellion
Ch. 17 - Aaron Copland
• American, 1900-1990
• Wrote music in modern style more accessible
to audience than many other composers
• Drew from American folklore for topics
• Ballets: Billy the Kid, Rodeo, Appalachian Spring
• Lincoln Portrait, Fanfare for the Common Man
• Wrote simple, yet highly professional music
• Other contributions to American music:
• Directed composers’ groups
• Organized concerts
• Lectured, taught, & conducted
• Wrote books and articles
Ch. 18 – Albert Ginastera
• From Buenos Aires, Argentina (1916 – 1983)
• Attracted to percussive sounds
• Studied w/ Aaron Copland
• Operas included scenes of explicit sex & violence
• Don Rodrigo (1964)
• Bomarzo (1967)
• Beatrix Cenci (1971)
• Moved to Switzerland, continued to compose
Ginastera’s Music
• Employs forceful rhythms
• Powerful percussions
• Dense orchestra textures
• Argentinean folk material
Ch. 19 - Musical Styles since 1945
• Many societal changes since WWII
• Instant communication has altered the world
• Constant demand for novelty
Characteristics of Music Since 1945
• Increased use of the 12-tone system
• Serialism—12-tone techniques extended
• Chance music that includes the random
• Minimalist music w/ tonality, pulse, repetition
• Deliberate quotations of earlier music in work
• Return to tonality by some composers
• Electronic music
• “Liberation of sound”
• Mixed media
• New concepts of rhythm & form
Increased Use of the 12-Tone System
• After WWII, Europeans explored 12-tone
• Nazi’s had banned music by Schoenberg & Jews
• European composers heard 12-tone as “new”
• 12-tone viewed as technique—not a style
• Pointillist approach w/ atomized melodies
• Webern’s music & style became popular
Extensions of the 12-Tone System: Serialism
• The system was used to organize rhythm,
dynamics, and tone color
• Tone row ordered relationships of pitches
• Serialism ordered other musical elements
• Result was a totally controlled, organized music
• Relationships often very difficult to perceive
Chance Music
• Opposite of serialism
• Composers choose pitches, tone colors, &
rhythms by random methods
• John Cage: 4’33”, Imaginary Landscape
• Karlheinz Stockhausen: Piano Piece No. 11

Minimalist Music
• Characteristics
• Steady pulse, clear tonality, repetition of short
melodic fragments
• Dynamics, texture, & harmony constant over time
• Emphasis on simple forms, clarity, understatement
Musical Quotation
• Represents conscious break with serialism
• Improves communication w/ audience
• Quoted material conveys symbolic meaning
• Frequently juxtaposes quoted material with
others, creating an Ives-esque sound
Return to Tonality
• Parallels quotation in implying other styles
Electronic Music
• Uses technological advances for new music
• Recording tape, synthesizers, computers
• Allows composers to skip the middle step of
performers to convey their ideas to an audience
• Provides unlimited palette of sounds/tone colors
“Liberation of Sound”
• Use of wider variety of sounds than ever
• Some sounds were previously considered noises
• Novel & unusual performance techniques are
required (screaming, tapping instrument, …)
• Use of microtones, clusters, any new sound
Mixed media
• Visual art often combined w/ music for effect
• Often intended to relax concert atmosphere
Rhythm and Form
• Some new compositions ignore rhythmic
notation & specify sound in seconds/minutes
• Traditional forms giving way to new ideas
• Some music “unfolds” w/o obvious form devices
Ch. 20 - Music since 1945:
Eight Representative Pieces
Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano
Sonata II (1946-1948)
by John Cage (1912-1992)
Basic Set, CD 9:01 Brief Set, CD 5:35
Prepared piano is grand piano w/ objects
inserted between some strings
Note: Binary form—A A B B
Percussive sounds on some notes

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