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Déjà vu

C: I feel like I've been in this house before. Have you ever heard someone say that in your
life all of a sudden? Or you even feel like you're doing something, whether it's a hobby,
being with friends, or something like that, but suddenly you feel like you've been through
that moment before.

R: but in reality it is your brain giving you a "joke" you could say, this phenomenon is
called Déjà vu, Déjà vu or deja vu is a French term meaning "already seen." The concept
describes the sensation that a person experiences when thinking that they have previously
experienced an event that, in reality, is new.

C: Studies say that it is much more common to present this phenomenon during
adolescence and the older you get these sensations decrease.

R: In case you haven't noticed, the movie Matrix shows déjà vu as a perceived flaw in the

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