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Obama Pattern of Delay and Deny in Response to Disasters

Obama Pattern of Delay and Deny in Response to Disasters

September 18th, 2011 10:49 AM

The Obama Administration has exhibited a pattern of delay and deny with respect to the natural disaster response program, almost since it's been in office, while extreme weather events continue to worsen. While good documentation is required in order to get aid where it's needed, the mounting disasters demonstrate that there are clear cut cases where provisional declarations are justified. Instead, there is growing anecdotal evidence that FEMA's documentation requirements, primarily in the form of dollar-damage thresholds that must be reached before a disaster declaration is granted, are actually slowing down the provision of disaster relief to areas that are in desperate need of it. There is also evidence that the Obama White House is manipulating the process for its own political benefit. The blog "Disaster Zone" [] presents the following analysis based on data posted on the FEMA website: The 14 disaster declarations related to Hurricane Irene took an average of 7.14 days between the time of the incident and the time the declaration was made, without any preliminary damage assessments made. Individual assistance (IA) has been approved for 78% of these events though public assistance has been obligated. For the other 67 major disasters, it took an average of 43.4 days to get the declaration and IA was included in only 28% of them. In the other 67 major disasters, it took an average of 43.4 days to get the declaration and IA was included in only 28% of them. The analyst concludes: "Disasters are political events. So as the reelection cycle ramps up, the response to an East Coast disaster event, on the heels of an earthquake, is much faster than for the rest of the country." The blog writer finds this pattern "puzzling," but we who know the actual intention of the Obama Administration do not. The real policy of the Obama Administration is genocide, not primarily politics, as we've repeatedly shown. It is crass enough to make adjustments on the basis of which the political winds are blowing but even in the case of the East Coast, the aid will be too little to effect a full recovery.

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9/19/11 12:29 AM

Obama Pattern of Delay and Deny in Response to Disasters

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