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Rajneesh, Bhagawan His teachings evolved during the course of his

lifetime as for him spirituality has a totally differ-
Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi ent meaning from the stereotypical Indian
College of Humanities & Social Sciences – sanyasis – spirituality was not attending religious
Languages & Literature, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi institutions, reading scriptures, and worshipping
University, Katra, Jammu and Kashmir, India God but it simply meant to find oneself. While
examining his spiritual journey, it is interesting to
note that Osho was a master of rhetoric, and he
presented his speeches and lectures with histrion-
ics and spellbinding details, unlike his contempo-
Chandra Mohan Jain (b. 11 December 1931–d. raries who were busy teaching spiritual discourses
19 January 1990), an Indian spiritual leader, in dry and academic settings. Besides he was
adopted and shed several titles during his spir- widely read and a voracious reader, and whatever
itual teaching career, such as Rajneesh, information he passed to his disciples it became
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Acharya Rajneesh, firsthand knowledge and it never occurred to them
and lastly the most popular one Osho that he was passing routine or bookish
(hereafter Osho is used in this entry). During information.
his lifetime, he was considered a controversial Some of the Western philosophers have also
man, an iconoclast, the most dangerous man in inspired Osho’s thinking, out of which the key
the world, and a great four-dimensional were Nietzsche, Freud, Krishnamurti, and
mystic. He was actually a progressive and Gurdjieff [11]. His crusade against established
reactionary, and he challenged many conven- religion may be found in the philosophical stands
tional systems, institutions, and government presented by Nietzsche. Though Osho did not
practices during his time. For that, he received proclaim that “god is dead,” yet he believed that
severe criticism and considered to be neurotic, faith is a prison whereas doubt is freedom. He
corrupt, atrophied, and anti-life. However, he argued that it was “necessary. . .to inculcate skep-
made thousands of followers and made impact ticism in place of blind faith” (Prasad, Rajneesh:
on millions of people across the globe. His The Mystic Feeling, 11). Similarly, we find Nietz-
spiritual teachings are spread over published sche claiming that convictions are prisons and
450 texts, including 5500 discourse transcrip- even great spirits such as Zarathustra were
tions which have been translated in world’s skeptic. If someone studies Nietzsche and Osho
major languages. closely, one will find great similarity between the
two philosophers – both rejected orthodoxy [10].
# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2018
P. Jain et al. (eds.), Hinduism and Tribal Religions, Encyclopedia of Indian Religions,
2 Rajneesh, Bhagawan

But not much similarity is found in Krishnamurti to exert its control. Mind replicates behavioral
and Osho; however, Osho would have agreed to strategies – which were successful in the past
Krishnamurti’s view that religion can be defined and repeats them in the present. This repetition
as “the cultivation of freedom in the search of stops us being ourselves and prevents us from
truth” (ibid, 43). living authentically in the present. This mind
Freudian influence on Osho can be seen when game is dangerous as we continuously repress
he talks about sex, sexuality, ego, neurotic, uncon- what we genuinely feel, and we live in a close
scious, and patterned reactive behavior. In one his state off from experiencing the joy since “the mind
discourses, Osho says “one of the most interesting has no inherent capacity for joy. . .It only thinks
words in the English language today is the word about joy” ([1], The Goose Is Out, 13). The out-
‘fuck’. It is a magical word. Just by its sound it can come of mind control is hazardous as we uncon-
describe pain, pleasure, hate, and love.” Perhaps sciously poison ourselves with inhibitions,
his discourses on sex and sexuality show the neurosis, jealousies, etc., dragging along with
greatest debt to the Viennese psychoanalyst; fur- false religious teachings instead of living in joy-
thermore, Osho incorporates catharsis into his ous and authentic awareness.
meditations, and thus transforming this old yogic Following Freud, Osho says that behavior
practice into a unique contemporary spiritual one. influenced by the unconscious state of mind does
But it is Gurdjieff’s view which we find in Osho’s not produce the effect we desire. For instance, till
discourses most vocally and which he approved of reaching adulthood we do not express or mostly
all the time. Osho, like Gurdieff, believes that repress our sexual feelings, and even after
human beings are reactive entities who are living reaching adulthood most of the religions/societal
in oblivion, unknowing to the fact that they are norms direct us to curb our sexual desires in order
leading a mechanical existence – a neotype con- to attain essence in our lives. We start repressing
dition which we have witnessed at the starting of our sexual desires and that leads to the
the film The Matrix. According to Osho, this is reemergence of these feelings in another guise to
due to the fact that many of our experiences are haunt our lives. This result in, Osho said, a society
rooted in the past and we do not want to live in the that is obsessed with sex where sexual crimes,
present. We are “moving in the same circle, in the such as rape, pornography, and prostitution, are
same rut” (Morning Discourse, 25 April 1977). rampant ([2], The Secret of Secrets, 2:344). For
Osho’s message was particularly a reaction to that, he proposed a simple solution. He said, “Be
the popular and major religious beliefs where total. Be authentic; be true” ([3], Roots and Wings,
masses were following one guru, saint, messen- 111) and further he said, “We have been
ger, or God. Instead, he believes that all of us are repressing anger, greed, sex. . .And that’s why
Buddhas and we have this capability to enlighten every human being is stinking. . .Let it become
ourselves. All of us are capable of feeling uncon- manure, . . .and you will have great flowers
ditional love and of responding to life. As once he blossoming in you” ([4], Be Silent and Know,
said, “You are truth. You are love. You are bliss. 36). Since it is easier said than done, therefore,
You are freedom” ([1], The Goose is out, p. 286). Osho offered a practical answer, i.e., meditation.
He says that devoid of our egos we can experience For him, meditation is not simply a breathing or
innate divinity and be aware of who we really are. concentration practice but it is a state of aware-
He said, “when the ego is gone the whole individ- ness, knowing oneself, that can be realized each
uality arises in its crystal purity” (ibid, 142). moment of our lives.
He provides explicit answer: how to bypass the He included Western psychotherapy as a
ego and to move from periphery to center. He means of preparing his disciples for meditation,
suggests that we need to free ourselves from the and presented hundreds of techniques for success-
mind game. Mind is actually a mechanism for our ful meditation, characterized by silence and
survival, and Osho emphasizes that we need to moments of alternating activity. One of his
identify the ways in which the ego or mind comes famous techniques on mediation is “Dynamic
Rajneesh, Bhagawan 3

Meditation.” It is divided into five easy stages: create a new era. He believes that many of
first is rapid and continuous breathing for 10 min; society’s ills, such as AIDS, cancer, over-
next 10 min for catharsis: allow things happen to population, and nuclear holocaust, could be
you – “Laugh, shout, scream, jump, shake- remedied through scientific advancements. His
whatever you feel to do, do it!” ([5], Meditation: new man will never be struck in traditional insti-
The Art of Ecstasy, 233). In the third stage, the tutions, such as family, marriage, political ideolo-
practitioner jumps up and down making sounds gies, or religions [7].
hoo-hoo-hoo, and next every action stops and Following serious charges for the crimes,
meditation starts. Lastly, the exercise ends and including an assassination plot to murder US
the culmination starts with 10–15 min of dancing Attorney Charles H. Turner and the 1984
and celebration [9]. Rajneeshee bioterror attack, Osho deported from
Not all meditation techniques are action/exer- the USA and returned to India, where he
cise oriented. Nadhabrahma and Kundalini medi- reinvigorated Pune ashram, now known as the
tation are gentler – in Nadhabrahma disciples Osho International Meditation Resort till his
make humming sounds and in Kundalini the par- death in 1990 [8].
ticipants are supposed to shake their bodies for
first 15 min till they became the shaking. Though
the base of most of the meditation techniques is
movement and activity, yet the final outcome is
peace of mind and body – a complete harmony 1. Rajneesh B (1982) The goose is out. Rajneesh Foun-
between the two. In Mystic Rose meditation tech- dation International, Poona
nique, intense rest and activity periods continue 2. Rajneesh B (1985) The secret of secrets,
for weeks: three hours of laughing for first week, vol 2. Rajneeshpuram, Rajneesh Foundation
3. Rajneesh B (1975) Roots and wings. Rajneesh Foun-
followed by three hours of weeping in the second dation Publication, Poona
week which entails silent meditation in the third 4. Rajneesh B (1991) Be silent and know. Diamond
week. The outcome of such intensive meditation Pocket Books, New Delhi
activity is that the participants start witnessing 5. Rajneesh B (1976) Meditation: the art of ecstasy. Shel-
don Press, London
themselves wherein “the jump into awareness 6. Rajneesh B (1981) PhilosophiaPerennis. Rajneesh
becomes possible” ([5], Meditation: The Art of Foundation, Rajneeshpuram
Ecstasy, 116). 7. Rajneesh B (1997) A cup of tea. Rebel Publishing
Osho wanted to recreate “a new man,” a com- House, Pune
8. Rajneesh B (1978) The disciple of transcendence,
bination of Gautam Buddha and Zorba the Greek. vol 2. Sheldon Press, London
He said, “he should be as accurate and objective as 9. Rajneesh B (1978) Neither this nor that. Sheldon
a scientist. . .as sensitive, as full of heart, as a Press, London
poet. . .be [as] rooted deep down in his being as 10. Rajneesh B (1985) The Rajneesh Bible. Rajneesh
Foundation International, Rajneeshpuram
the mystic” ([6], PhilosophiaPerennis, 10). This 11. Rajneesh B (1976) The true sage. Rajneesh Founda-
new man will neither reject science nor abandon tion, Poona
spirituality both make a harmony with both to

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