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Nome do(a) aluno(a) Série / Turma

6º ANO ___
Avaliação Mensal – 3º bimestre
Valor da Prova: 10,0
Professora Responsável Data:
Isadora Gaiotto _____ / _____ / 2023 Nota:

1 – (2,0) Read the instructions of the Tug of War game below. Write T (True) or F (False).

Tug of war is a simple game with simple rules. Two teams use a rope to play the game, and some
referees help too. The rope is at the center point on the ground and both teams get a limited area to play.
To start the game, the referee blows a whistle. The players hold the rope and pull it. This game normally
has four rounds. The team with more rounds is the winner.
Adapted from: <>. Accessed on Sept. 20, 2021.

 You can play the tug of war individually. (0,5)

 The tug war game doesn’t have complex rules. (0,5)
 The game always has four rounds. (0,5)
 It is important to have referees to play it. (0,5)

2 – (2,0) Complete the text about soccer with the appropriate word from the box. (0,4 each correct word)

goals – players – game – objective – half-time

The _____________________ of soccer is to score more ______________________ than your opponent

team in 90 minutes. The _____________________ is separated in two halves of 45 minutes. After the first
45 minutes, ______________ will take a 15-minute rest period called ______________. The second 45
minutes will continue and the referee may add time to the game if any player gets hurt.

3 – (2,0) Complete the sentences with your own examples. (0,4 each correct answer)

a. My mother can _______________________________________________________________________

b. I can _______________________________________________________________________________
c. My best friend can't
d. I can't ______________________________________________________________________________
e. My family and I can
4 – (2,0) Answer the questions below with CAN or CAN’T (or both).

1. (0,4) What instruments can you play?

2. (0,4) What languages can you speak?
3. (0,4) Can you swim?
4. (0,4) Where can you buy tennis balls?
5. (0,4) Can your parents run a marathon?

5 (2,0) Answer the questions 5.1 to 5.4 signing only one alternative.

5.1 (0,5) Indique a frase em que o verbo CAN é 5.2 (0,5) Indique a frase em que o verbo CAN é
utilizado corretamente em sua forma NEGATIVA. utilizado corretamente na forma
a) I can't play the guitar.
b) They can speak French. a) He can’t swim?
c) He can dance beautifully. b) I cannot go anymore?
d) She can swim. c) I can go through?
d) Can crocodiles play tennis?

5.3 (0,5) Considerando que na frase há o verbo 5.4 (0,5) Sobre as habilidades de Jenny descritas
“can’t”, marque a alternativa correta. abaixo, assinale a alternativa correta.

Jenny is a 12 year old girl and she can play the

piano, play the guitar and she can also sing. But
there are other skills that are still in progress, for
example, she can't ride a bike and she can't swim

a) Jenny não tem a habilidade de tocar

instrumentos musicais e cantar.
b) Jenny já sabe andar de bicicleta e nadar.
c) Jenny tem a habilidade de tocar instrumentos
a) A pessoa está em uma aula de natação, musicais e cantar.
aprendendo a nadar e convida um amigo para d) Jenny tem a habilidade de jogar diversos jogos
juntar-se a ele. e ainda não sabe nadar.
b) A pessoa está tentando nadar, mas está
enfrentando dificuldades e precisa de ajuda.
c) A pessoa está com medo de entrar na água e
se recusa a aprender a nadar.
d) A pessoa está nadando com facilidade e

Obs1.: Todos os recursos visuais coloridos foram projetados na lousa durante a avaliação;
Obs2.: Não serão consideradas rasuras, mais de uma resposta assinalada e respostas a lápis em questões de
assinalar, associar relacionar e preencher.

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