Manage Benefits - Assessment 1

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Manage Benefits – Assessment 1

Name: Francisco Breno Lima Gurgel

Student ID: S40080221

You are required to create a benefits management plan based on the case study provided.
This template is provided for you to complete this task and you need to complete
every section in order to address the assessment criteria.

Benefits Management Plan

1. Benefits Management Plan

Benefit 1 Benefit 2

A. Benefit Title Improved customer Improved efficiency and

satisfaction profitability
Phrase the benefit with
ased…/Decreased… etc
KE – Workplace identification
and documentation of
program benefits

B. Owner: ● Name: Sarah The Head of

● List the name and Johnson Operations will be
position title of the ● Position title: responsible for
person that will be Customer Service delivering the benefit.
responsible for Manager
delivering the benefit. ● Steps to obtain Steps to obtain their
● Explain the steps you acceptance: I had a acceptance:
went through to obtain one-on-one meeting
their acceptance of with Sarah to discuss
Conducted a meeting
this. the benefits of this
with the Head of
PC2.3 Assign ownership of program and how it
Operations to explain
benefits delivery would improve
the proposed changes
customer satisfaction. I
and the potential
presented data and
benefits of improved
research on the
efficiency and
importance of customer
satisfaction and how it
directly impacts the Presented a detailed
success of the plan of action and
company. Sarah was in highlighted the
agreement with the potential outcomes.
proposed plan and was Discussed the
excited to take on the responsibilities of the
responsibility of Head of Operations in
delivering this benefit. delivering the
Addressed any
concerns and queries
raised by the Head of

C. Detailed description: Improved customer Through disciplined

Write a detailed satisfaction is a benefit execution, doing the
description of what the that will have a positive basics well, and
benefit will be for the impact on the supporting the needs
organisation. organization by of customers and
PE – manage benefits for a improving customer colleagues across its
program of work loyalty, increasing core businesses, NAB
revenue and profits, aims to maintain its
and enhancing the strong performance
reputation of the and momentum. By
organization in the prioritizing cost
market. By focusing on discipline and
improving customer strengthening its
satisfaction, the NAB digital and data
will be able to retain capabilities, NAB can
existing customers and further improve
attract new ones, as efficiency and
satisfied customers are profitability, helping to
more likely to become achieve its financial
loyal customers and targets and deliver
recommend the value to its
organization to others. shareholders.

D. Organisational Increased customer Greater efficiency and

objectives: satisfaction, aligns with profitability, aligns with
Explain how the benefit is the organizational goal the organizational
aligned with the of customer focus. goals of financial
organisational objectives. NAB's vision is to be acumen and
the leading bank trusted technology
PC1.1 Analyse benefits and
for exceptional service, knowledge. NAB is a
their alignment to
and a key aspect of financial institution,
organisational objectives achieving this vision is and as such, it is
providing a positive important for the
customer experience. organization to have a
By focusing on strong understanding
increasing customer of financial
satisfaction through its management and
projects, NAB is directly accounting principles,
aligning with its goal of including budgeting,
putting the customer forecasting, and
first and meeting their financial analysis. By
needs. improving efficiency
and profitability
through its projects,
NAB is directly
aligning with its goal of
financial acumen.

In addition, technology
plays a key role in
banking, and a strong
understanding of
technology and its
application to the
banking industry is
also essential. By
adopting new
technologies that can
improve customer
experience and drive
business growth, NAB
is aligning with its goal
of technology
knowledge. By
leveraging technology
to improve efficiency
and profitability, NAB
can stay competitive
in a rapidly changing
digital landscape.

E. Measures
● Describe how you will To measure the Before changes:
measure benefits before benefits before and current operational
and after the changes. after the changes, the costs, revenue, and
● Record what will be organization will profit margins will be
measured. conduct surveys, measured.
● How will activities be interviews, and focus After changes:
measured? groups with customers operational costs,
● Who will do the to understand their level revenue, and profit
measuring? of satisfaction with the margins will be
products and services measured.
● Who will approve the
offered. The results will Activities will be
be recorded and measured through
● How long you will analyzed to identify regular monitoring and
measure for areas of improvement analysis of financial
● What tools are required and to track the reports and
to measure ? progress of the operational
● Metric program. performance.
KE – Workplace identification The Head of
and documentation of The activities will be Operations will be
program benefits measured by tracking responsible for
key performance measuring and
indicators such as approving the results.
customer satisfaction The measurement
scores, customer period will be for the
retention rates, and duration of the
customer acquisition program.
rates. The measuring
Tools required to
will be done by a
measure include
dedicated team
financial software,
responsible for
collecting and analyzing
monitoring software,
data, and the results
and project
will be approved by
senior management.
The metric to be
The organization will achieved is a 10%
measure the benefits increase in profitability
for an extended period, within one year of
such as six months or a implementing the
year, to track the long- changes.
term impact of the
program. The tools
required to measure
include survey tools,
data analysis software,
and reporting tools.

The metric for

measuring customer
satisfaction is a
percentage increase in
customer satisfaction
scores, with a target of
at least a 10% increase
within 12 months of
implementing the
program. The results
will be monitored and
reported regularly to
ensure that the program
is on track to achieve its

F. Baseline measures: Currently, our customer Currently, the

Explain the current situation satisfaction surveys organization's
in the organisation if you were show that operational costs are
to apply the measure now approximately 75% of high, and the profit
before starting the program. customers are satisfied margins are low. The
with their customer revenue generated is
KE – Workplace identification
service experience. not sufficient to cover
and documentation of
the expenses,
program benefits
resulting in a negative
net income.

G. Short-term A short-term measure To measure the short-

measures: that will show that the term benefit of greater
Identify at least 1 short-term benefit is being partly efficiency and
measure to show that the realised is a 5% profitability, a possible
benefit is being partly realised increase in the number measure could be a
before or at the end of the of customers who rate reduction in operating
program. their experience as costs within the first
"very satisfied" after 3 three months of the
PC1.2 Define and
months of the program program. This could
communicate expected
implementation. be measured by
short- and long-term benefits
comparing the
and trade-offs with key
operating costs of the
bank before and after
KE – components of different the implementation of
benefit delivery models the program.
KE – types and definition of
program benefits
Regular audits to
KE – forecasting program monitor the progress
benefits realisation of the program should
be conducted monthly
in the short term. After
the first audit, the
expected short-term
measure could be a
5% reduction in
operating costs
compared to the
measurement taken
before the program's

In the short term,

regular audits could
be performed for a
period of six months to
track the progress of
the program. The
frequency and
duration of these
audits could be
adjusted based on the
results of each audit
and the progress
made towards
achieving the
expected benefits.

H. Long-term One long-term

measures: A long-term measure measure is to have a
Identify at least one long-term to show that the benefit positive net income at
measure to show that the has been realised is a the end of the
benefit has been realised at 10% increase in the program or after it has
the end of the program or number of customers been completed,
after it has been completed. who rate their indicating that the
experience as "very benefit of improved
PC1.2 Define and
satisfied" after 6 months efficiency and
communicate expected
of the program profitability has been
short- and long-term
implementation. fully realized.
benefits and trade-offs with
key stakeholders
KE – components of different
benefit delivery models
KE – types and definition of
program benefits
KE – forecasting program
benefits realisation

I. Enablers required: Better training for Investment in new

customer service technologies and
Provide at least 3 enablers
representatives. software to improve
that are required for the
changes to be implemented Streamlined operational efficiency.
e.g. tools, processes, processes for Revision of policies
policies, physical assets like a resolving and processes to
building. customer ensure optimal
inquiries. workflow.
PE – manage benefits for a
program of work Improved Training and
technology for development
tracking programs to upskill
customer employees and
interactions. improve their

J. Program One key deliverable The development and

Management from this program is the implementation of a
Approach: training of all customer new workflow and
service representatives operational system will
Explain how one key
on the updated contribute to the
deliverable from your
customer service benefit of improved
program will contribute to the
processes and efficiency and
technology. This will profitability.
KE – Relationship between ensure that they are
program delivery and benefits equipped with the skills
realisation approaches and tools necessary to
provide better customer
service and improve
customer satisfaction.

K. Risks: Resistance from Resistance to change

Explain two risks that could customer service from employees and
reduce or stop the benefit representatives to management.
from being realised. change. Inadequate investment in
KE – Workplace identification Technical difficulties new technologies and
and documentation of with the new software to support the
program benefits technology. changes.
2. Explain how you worked with stakeholders to develop the benefits management plan
● List the stakeholders (name and position title) that you have communicated with
in developing the benefits management plan.
● Explain the steps you went through to gain their agreement.
● Explain the steps in your negotiation with the stakeholders on the approaches for
delivering the benefits.

To develop the benefits management plan, I worked with the following stakeholders:

Head of Operations - responsible for delivering the benefits

Finance Manager - responsible for measuring financial performance

IT Manager - responsible for implementing new technologies and software

Customer Service Manager - responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction

The steps I went through to gain their agreement are as follows:

Conducted individual meetings with each stakeholder to discuss the proposed benefits and
gain their input and feedback.

Presented a detailed plan of action and highlighted the potential outcomes to each

Addressed any concerns and queries raised by the stakeholders.

Gathered their agreement and approval for the benefits management plan.

The steps in my negotiation with the stakeholders on the approaches for delivering the
benefits are as follows:

Presented various approaches for delivering the benefits, such as investing in new
technologies, revising policies and processes, and providing training and development

Discussed the pros and cons of each approach with the stakeholders and solicited their input
and feedback.

Negotiated and agreed upon the most suitable approach for delivering the benefits based on
the stakeholders' input and feedback.
Developed a detailed plan of action for implementing the chosen approach, which was
approved by the stakeholders.

Overall, working closely with the stakeholders was essential to the success of developing the
benefits management plan. By engaging with them in a collaborative and consultative
manner, we were able to develop a plan that was feasible, effective, and aligned with the
organization's objectives.

3. Explain what criteria you will use to rate the benefits in order of priority.

To rank the benefits of increased customer satisfaction and increased efficiency and
profitability, the following criteria could be considered:

Alignment with NAB's strategic objectives: The benefit that is more aligned with NAB's
strategic objectives will have a higher priority. For example, if NAB's current priority is to
enhance customer experience, then increased customer satisfaction would have a higher

Potential impact on the organization: The benefit that has a higher potential impact on the
organization, in terms of revenue, cost savings, or market share, would have a higher
priority. For example, if increased efficiency and profitability could result in significant cost
savings for NAB, then it would have a higher priority.

Feasibility of implementation: The benefit that is easier to implement and has a higher
likelihood of success would have a higher priority. For example, if implementing a new
technology to improve customer satisfaction is more feasible than restructuring the
organization to increase efficiency, then the former would have a higher priority.

These criteria are linked to the three projects outlined:

Financial acumen: Increased efficiency and profitability is closely linked to NAB's financial
acumen project. Therefore, potential impact on the organization and feasibility of
implementation would be important criteria for ranking this benefit.

Customer focus: Increased customer satisfaction is closely linked to NAB's customer focus
project. Therefore, alignment with NAB's strategic objectives and potential impact on the
organization would be important criteria for ranking this benefit.

Technology savvy: Both increased efficiency and profitability and increased customer
satisfaction can be achieved through adopting new technologies. Therefore, feasibility of
implementation would be an important criteria for ranking the benefits related to technology

4. Explain two techniques you used to analyse and make decisions in assessing the
potential benefits in your benefits management plan.
Two techniques that can be used to analyze and make decisions in assessing the potential
benefits in a benefits management plan are:

Cost-Benefit Analysis: This technique involves comparing the costs associated with
implementing a change to the expected benefits. This helps to determine the overall value of
a potential benefit and whether it is worth pursuing. The cost-benefit analysis takes into
account both tangible and intangible benefits and assigns a monetary value to each.

Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDA): MCDA is a decision-making tool that helps to

prioritize benefits by considering multiple criteria. This technique can be used to weigh the
potential benefits against each other and identify which benefits are most important to the
organization. This can be done through a variety of methods such as weighted scoring,
paired comparison analysis, or decision matrix analysis.

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