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2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)

Alzheimer’s disease detection with Optimal EEG

channel selection using Wavelet Transform
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA) | 978-1-6654-9501-1/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/DASA54658.2022.9765166

Digambar Puri Sanjay Nalbalwar

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Department of Electronics and Telecommunication
Dr. B. A. Technological University, Dr. B. A. Technological University,
Lonere-402103, India Lonere-402103, India

Anil Nandgaonkar Abhay Wagh

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Director, Maharashtra State
Dr. B. A. Technological University, Directorate of Technical Education,
Lonere-402103, India Mumbai, India

Abstract—Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neuro degenerative caused by neuron degeneration, senile plaques present in the
disorder having higher fatality in the elderly due to delayed neural cells, and neurofibrillary tangles among the neurons
treatment caused by a lower detection rate. State-of-the-art multi- in various brain regions hence, reduction in brain weight.
channel Electroencephalogram (EEG) techniques have been re-
ported to assist clinical practitioners in early AD detection. All these neuropathologies result in progression in cognitive
However, a large number of EEG channels comprises several and intellectual deficiency and behaviour change [3]. In the
redundant channels resulting in higher computational complexity. past years, various researchers have started revealing the
Paper presents a channel ranking using sub-band-based energy power of Electroencephalogram (EEG) to detect AD patients
to entropy ratio for automatic detection of AD. Wavelet packet from normal controlled (NC) subjects. EEG is concretely get
analysis is used to calculate the ratio of energy to entropy for
each wavelet sub-band of the EEG signal. The signal channels divided into categorical frequency bands such as delta:0.5-4 Hz
are ranked based on calculated sub-band ratio values such that (δ), theta:4-8 Hz (θ), alpha:8-13 Hz (α), beta:13-30 Hz (β) and
the most important channel has the highest ratio. The feature gamma:30-100 Hz (γ) [4]. Since EEG recording systems are
vector for a channel comprises the mean, standard deviation, non-invasive, considerably low cost, widely available, portable
kurtosis, minimum value, maximum value, and energy of each and with high temporal resolution compared to other imag-
wavelet packet sub-band. The optimal number of channels is
selected using proposed rank-based sequential backward feature ing methods such as Singles Photons Emissions Computed
elimination. Six different classifiers, namely, support vector ma- Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission tomography (PET),
chine (SVM), multi-layer perceptron neural network, k-nearest and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) [5]. The
neighbors, random forest, Naive Bayes, and AdaBoost are used characteristics of EEG abnormalities observed in AD patients
in a 10-fold cross-validation framework. Evaluation is performed were slowing of the rhythms, and a decrementation in coher-
using 16 channel Alzheimer’s Patients’ Relatives Association
of Valladolid dataset. The experimental results showed the ence among different brain regions [6]. The author reported,
highest accuracy of 97.50%, with 97.08% sensitivity and 97.45% there is an increase in theta (θ) and delta (δ) activities and a
specificity for six channels (T4, P3, P4, O1, O2, and Cz) and decrease in alpha (α) and beta (β) activities was observed in
SVM classifier. EEG signal of AD patient [7].
Index Terms—Electroencephalogram, Support Vector Ma- The state-of-art techniques have reported the various fre-
chine, Alzheimer’s disease, k-Nearest Neighbour classifier.
quency, time, time-frequency domain methods to extract the
features from EEG signals to detect AD. Furthermore, EEG
signals are non-stationary and complex. Hence, complexity-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is currently the most widespread based features such as Kolmogorov complexity, spectral en-
cause of mental or emotional disability in individuals over the tropy [8], [9], permutation entropy [10], sample entropy and
age of 65 years. The Alzheimer’s Report 2020 estimates that power spectral density [11], [12] have been used to classify
approximately 36 million people were living with dementia the AD from NC. However, all these methods have utilized
in 2019, almost double every five to 115 million by 2050 the EEG signals from all channels for feature extraction and
[1]. According to current data available, AD stands at the classification. This increases the data size, computational time
sixth position as which cause of death in the United States and complexity of the system. Hence, there is need to reduce
of America and the fifth leading cause of death for Americans the number of EEG channels used to detect AD. To over-
over the age of 65 years [2]. There is no cure as such for come these problems, we developed a channel optimization
AD yet, but many drugs can promise to delay AD. It is technique for automatic detection of AD from EEG signals

Authorized978-1-6654-9501-1/22/$31.00 ©2022
licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE IEEE
BOMBAY. Downloaded on May 19,2022 at 10:40:54 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)

Fig. 1. Sample EEG signal of AD Patient from three electrode (P3, P4 and Fig. 2. Sample EEG signal of NC subjects from three electrode (P3, P4 and
O2) O2)

with wavelet packet transform (WPT) based features. The awake with closed ocular displays, and revived to minimize
EEG channel selection criteria, ratio of wavelet energy to the presence of artifacts. At least 5 minutes of EEG data were
Shannon entropy have employed on each EEG sub-band. The taken from each person. The details of data sets are provided
selected EEG channel is further used to decompose using in Table I.
WPT. In present study, we performed the third-level decom- All EEG sample signals are filtered to alpha (8 ±13Hz) and
position of EEG signals using Daubechies order four (db4) beta (13 ± 32Hz) by separate analysis, using the order 70
wavelet at level three and computed the statistical features bandpass filter with Hamming windows at 0.5Hz resolution.
from wavelet coefficients. These features are used for training The recording was visually reviewed by a professional physi-
and testing of various supervised and unsupervised machine cian who released the episodes with a small 5s masterpiece
learning algorithms such as SVM (support vector machine), (1280 points) from further analysis data. The average price of
MLPNN (multi-layer perceptron neural network), KNN (k- these epochs per electrode per head was 28.8 ± 15.5 (mean ±
nearest neighbors), RF (random forest), NB (Naive Bayes), SD). Figure 1. and Figure 2. show a sample EEG sample of
and AdaBoost are used in 10-fold cross-validation framework. three-electrode (P3, P4, O2) for AD patient and NC subject,
The paper is organized as: The description of the detailed respectively.
methods of EEG data acquisition and proposed method details
are provided in section II. Section III presents numerical TABLE I
results and corresponding discussion. Lastly, we conclude in EEG DATASET DETAILS OF AD PATIENTS AND NC SUBJECTS
section IV. Parameters AD patients NC subjects
Number of signals 400 263
II. M ETHOD AND M ATERIALS 5 seconds 5 seconds
Duration of each signal
(1280 samples) (1280 samples)
A. EEG Dataset Subjects 12 11
EEG signals were taken from 11-NC subjects and 12 (7 Age 72.8± 8.0 years 72.5 ± 6.1 years
Sampling Frequency 256Hz 256Hz
women and 5 men) AD patients with age = 72.8 ± 8.0 years Total number of samples
1280 × 16 = 20480 1280 × 16 = 20480
old (mean ± standard deviation) was hired to detect EEG per signal
signals from the Alzheimer’s Patients’ Relatives Association of
Valladolid (AFAVA) [13]. All (12 patients - AD) satisfied AD
conditions. The Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valladolid B. Proposed Channel selection criteria
Ethics Committee has adopted an EEG recording study. NC Extracting features from all 16 channels EEG signals is
subjects and all AD patient caregivers have given their written computationally inefficient. It is required to optimize EEG
consent to participate. A total of 16 EEG channel recordings channels in order to improve a computationally efficient
were performed using Profile classroom 2.3.411 EEG equip- method. Figure 3. represents methodology presented for selec-
ment (Oxford Instruments) on electrodes F3, F4, F7, F8, Fp1, tion of optimal EEG channels. The maximum signal energy
Fp2, O1, O2, C3, C4, T3, T4, T5, T6, P3, P4, Fz, Pz, and to Shannon entropy ratio measure is employed for optimal
Cz according to the International 10 - 20 electrode placement channels selection. The wavelet sub-bands of EEG channels,
method. More details have given in [6], [11]. The sampling which indicates minimum amount of Shannon Entropy or
frequency was 256 Hz, with 12-bit A-to-D precision. During maximum amount of signal energy are selected for further
the EEG recording process, subjects were asked to remain free, process of feature extraction. The channels are ranked using

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2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)

EEG dataset by A3 and D1 to D7. Here we used ’three’ level WPT in

type ’db4’. There are various kernel functions for different
Wavelet packet decomposition wavelets. The standard mother wavelet is given by [15],
X −1
ψx [n, a ] = x(m)ψj∗ [m − n] (1)
sub-band Shannon
Energy Entropy m=0
1 n
Energy to Entropy Ratio
ψj [n] = √ ψj∗ j (2)
a a
Where, a-scaling factor and m is dilation factor.
Backward Feature Elimination 1) Statistical Features:
• Mean (µ) : For a random vector A made up of N scalar
Optimized EEG channels samples, the mean can be expressed as [16],
X −1
Fig. 3. Process of EEG channels selection criteria µ= xi (3)
where, N is total number of samples in x.
backward elimination method. To achieve this, EEG signals
• Variance (σ 2 ) : For a any random variable vector B made
from sixteen channels are evaluated using selection criteria.
up of N scalar samples, the variance can be expressed as
Out of all channels only six channels (T4, P3, P4, O1, O2, Cz )
were selected. The resultant channels show maximum wavelet N −1
1 X 2
energy to Shannon entropy ratio for AD and NC class. σ2 = |xi − µ| (4)
(N − 1) i=0
C. Feature Extraction using wavelet packet transform (WPT)
where, σ is standard deviation.
The WPT is a spectral measurement method in which any • Kurtosis (K) : It can be expressed as a measure of
standard function can be displayed as a series of wavelets using how outlier-prone a distribution is. The kurtosis of a
dilation and translation. The abstract assumption that surveys distribution is given by [16],
the wavelet wave consists of producing a signal as a line inte-
gration of a particular set of functions, obtained by changing E(x − µ)4
K= (5)
and stretching a single function called the mother wavelet σ4
[14]. Signal decay leads to a set of coefficients called wavelet • Energy (E): It is calculated for which band of frequency
coefficients. As a result, the signal can be reconstructed as a dominates the signal [16],
linear combination of wave activity with wavelet coefficients N
X −1
[4], [14]. The decomposed sub-bands are namely called fine E= |xi | (6)
(detailed) resolution and course (approximate) resolution. In i=0
the case of WPT, both subbands are further decomposed to The above features are extracted from EEG signals for selected
get next level subbands. The third level wavelet decomposition channels.
tree is shown in Figure 4, where H and G indicate the D. Evaluation parameters
lowpass and highpass orthogonal wavelet filters, respectively.
The classification models are evaluated by various parame-
The approximated sub-band and detailed sub-bands are shown
ters that are shown in Table II.


Parameters Formula
(Tn +Tp )
Accuracy (ACC) Tn +Tn +Fn +Fp
Sensitivity (SEN) Tp +Fn
Specificity (SPE) Tn +Fp
Precision(PPV) Tp +Fp
2×P P V ×SEN
F1-Score P P V +SEN

where, True positive (Tp ): AD classified as AD, False

Positive (Fp ): NC classified as AD, True Negative (Tn ): NC
classified as NC, False Negative (Fn ): AD classified as NC.
Moreover, 10-fold cross-validation has been employed for
training and testing of classifiers to get robust and optimal
Fig. 4. WPT tree for three level decomposition classifiers.

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2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)

Fig. 5. Performance of KNN with varying number of neighbors (k)


This work deals with the automatic detection of AD patients
from NC subjects using EEG signals from the optimal channel
Fig. 7. Variation of accuracy of SVM classifier with degree of the polynomial
selection technique. EEG signal of each subject has taken kernel function. The different graphs have are plotted with various cost (C)
from 16 electrodes for a one-minute duration long. Among 16 values
EEG channels, only six EEG channels were selected for the
further process. In this section, we elaborated the performance
area under curve (AUC) of various classifiers have used in
of statistical features namely- mean (µ), standard deviation
the experiment have shown in Table III and corresponding
(σ), variance (σ 2 ), max, min, kurtosis (K), and energy (E)
accuracy plot shown in Figure 6.
based on WPT for AD patient classification. The EEG datasets
of two groups consisting of total of 12-AD patients and 11-
NC subjects have been decomposed using ’db4’ level ’three’
WPT. It provided a total of eight sub-bands, namely one
approximation and seven detailed sub-bands. The statistical
features are calculated from each wavelet packet sub-band for
the selected channels (as discussed in section II-A). These
parameters are shown a significant difference in the values of
the two classes. Thus, it’s a need to classify AD patients from
NC subjects using various machine learning algorithms.
The well-known classifiers, namely SVM, KNN, MLPNN,
Adaboost, RF and NB, have been used for classification with Fig. 8. Performance of sigmoid kernel SVM with varying penalty
optimized parameters that provides better accuracy [9], [18].
For the feature mentioned above, it was observed that a
To find the best performing classifier for detecting AD patients
higher classification accuracy of 97.50% is achieved for the
based on six channels that can be more efficient. For training
SVM classifier with a polynomial kernel function. The cost
and testing classifiers, 10-fold cross-validation has used. The
value (C) plays a vital role in the case of the SVM classi-
accuracy of the KNN is going to decrease with an increase
fier. Hence, Figure 7. shows the variation of SVM classifier
in the value of ‘k’. The performance of the KNN classifier
accuracy with a degree of a polynomial for various values of
with ‘k’ value has been shown in Figure 5. The accuracy is
cost (C). The performance of SVM with the sigmoid kernel
highest at ‘k = 4’ and lowest at ‘k = 50’, hence we selected
function is depicted in Figure 8. SVM with sigmoid kernel
‘k = 4’ for experimental calculations. The parameters like
function can reach upto 90% of classification accuracy. Hence
accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, F1-score, precision (PPV) and
from the above discussion, it is clear that SVM performs best

Fig. 6. Comparison of accuracy of all six classifier. Fig. 9. Performance of ANN with varying number of neurons

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2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)


Model AUC (%) Accuracy (%) F1-score (%) PPV (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
k-NN 96.49 95.63 95.42 96.46 96.43 96.21
SVM 97.80 97.50 97.18 96.22 97.08 97.45
RF 94.78 94.00 94.58 94.59 94.58 93.31
MLPNN 94.70 94.50 94.18 94.19 94.18 94.23
Naive Bayes 95.05 84.44 84.59 85.59 84.44 82.35
AdaBoost 93.43 93.95 93.94 93.95 93.95 92.68


Reference Feature extraction method Classifier Accuracy (%) Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%)
Regional spectral and
[19] SVM 84.40 88.20 80.00
complexity features
Spectral power, band power
[20] SVM 91.40 92.90 89.20
ratio and coherence amplitude
Multiscale Entropy with Logistic
[21] 79.49 69.09 88.70
canonical correlation analysis Regression
ApEn, FuzzyEn and
[22] SVM 90.91 81.82 100
Auto mutual information
[23] Spectral entropy, Fractal Dimention SVM 82.00 82.00 82.00
Empirical mode decomposition SVM 86.50 77.92 91.93
Wavelet based Hjorth Parameters SVM 95.14 93.38 97.85
wavelet based Power spectral density Bagged
[25] 96.50 96.21 97.96
coherence values Tree
Proposed Channel optimisation WPT based statistical features SVM 97.50 97.08 97.45

validate the classifiers.

The computational complexity of the EEG system increases
with count of electrodes used for EEG recordings [26]. The
computational complexity of the proposed method depends
on the feature extraction and wavelet decomposition. For
each EEG channel, the computational complexity is in the
order of O(M T ) for every feature value, where M is the
number of EEG electrodes and T is the time samples. Hence,
for the combined statistical features used in this study, the
total complexity is of the order O(4M T ). In present study
the number of electrodes are reduced hence, reduction in
processing time.
In the literature various methods have been used for classi-
Fig. 10. ROC plot of SVM classifier fication of AD from NC [19]–[25]. Comparison of proposed
method with state of art methods have been shown in Table
IV. Mcbride et al. [19] has proposed spectral and complexity
with a polynomial kernel function. MLPNN, RF and KNN based features to detect the AD from NC and reported 84%
provided good accuracy with 94.50%, 94%, 95.63%, whereas classification accuracy with SVM classifier. In another study
Adaboost provides 93.95% and Naive Bayes have shown poor [23]–[25], authors investigated the performance of SVM on
performance over this dataset and provided the accuracy of variety of wavelet based features. They reported maximum
only 84.44%. However, the highest sensitivity is observed in classification accuracy of 96.5% using Hjorth parameters
kNN after SVM with a value of 96.43%. In MLPNN, the [25]. The proposed method provides promising classification
accuracy varies with the number of hidden layers for kernel accuracy of 97.5%. It performs better compared to other state-
functions like ReLu, Identity, Logistic, and Tanh, shown in of-art techniques.
Figure 9. The ROC plot of the SVM algorithm has depicted
in Figure 10. SVM plays a vital role in various problems of IV. C ONCLUSION
pattern recognition, and it is used in a variety of applications This paper presents a channel ranking have been evaluated
due to its high accuracy and ability to train small databases [2]. using subband-based energy to entropy ratio for automatic
Ten cross verification is the best way to choose a real-world detection of AD. Wavelet packet analysis is used to calculate
data separation model; therefore, we have used the same to the ratio of energy to entropy for each wavelet subband of

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2022 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications (DASA)

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