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a motivating first idea

_Believe it or not, astrology is a science. The word “Science” comes from the Latin scientia which means
knowledge. So, yes, astrology is a science, just not one that follows the scientific method the same way other
types of science do.

_It’s not an exact science like mathematics or part of the so called hard and soft sciences like physics and
psychology. Many people like to call it a pseudoscience but that’s not exactly the term either (a collection of
beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method); they claim everything to be a fake
prediction when that’s just as wrong as calling astrology an exact study; as they say, “innocent until proven

_To most, astrology is not an empiric study but a complex synthesis of archetypal psychology combined with
astronomical observations.

I’m here to destigmatize astrology

_People believe astrology is what the read on the newspaper or on magazines saying: buy a blue shirt and you’ll
find the love of your life. Those are simply yellowish statements. They think astrology labels you into a certain
behavior or personality; ‘hey, just because you’re an Aries, you have to work on this kind of field and behave
this certain type of way’. I mean, they’re not completely wrong about that and I’ll tell you why.

_Astrology is based on ancient myths and archetypes. What’s an archetype? According to psychologist Carl
Jung’s definition, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes and archaic symbols that derive from the
collective unconscious.

_So yes, the Aries sign is an archetypal image of the Ares myth, he’s the headstrong god, very independent,
angry, violent, passionate, etc. But just because your Sun is in Aries doesn’t mean you have to act a certain way.
There’s so many aspects to astrology that can be analyzed: planets, asteroids, comets, satellites, stars, almost
everything. Now this, coupled with the mathematical angels astrology works with, there’s millions of
possibilities for anything.

_Sometimes, on some situations, you can behave like an Aries. The path, the ideal, archetypal, mythological
path is already laid down. You make your choices, you decide which path to take, and there’s so many that
there’s no end to astrology because nothing in this world behaves exactly the same. Even two people born at the
same time on the same place will act different; that’s pretty obvious. That applies to everyone and everything.

what or who may be influenced in a positive way by your idea

_There’s no one that benefits more with astrology than yourself. It isn’t knowing who you are, you know
exactly who you are; it’s knowing how can you deal with stuff in your life, how are you likely to react to a
certain event, how PEOPLE are likely to react to your behavior; who or what to avoid or attract. Having an
archetype to guide you can immensely help with self-examination. It’s not blaming your attitude on a sign,
which is quite irresponsible by the way, but knowing that said attitude can be corrected and having knowledge
of that sign and myth can guide you into a clearer path.

_Two years ago I took a half a year course on astrology applied to psychology and I have to say it has taken
certain weights off my shoulders and I’ve been able to help other people too.
express a final message or conclusion.

_So, for those who are still in denial, give this a thought: The moon affects the tide, doesn’t it? Because of the
gravitational pull and everything. What are the moon and the ocean? Matter. Aren’t we, humans, matter affected
by gravity? Who’s to say the movement of Mercury doesn’t have an effect in the way we communicate? We
can’t be sure! But we can’t discard it either!

_Of course, I’m not saying let’s all start believing in astrology. I’m saying let’s stop belittling sciences just
because they’re not exact or mathematical because the world is not as logical as it seems!

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