Political Theory

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"Deep Dive Reflection: Unpacking the Topic of Our Last Meeting"

Mercy F.Guleng

College of Education and Liberal Arts: Phinma University of Pangasinan

Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science

Mary Grace Sta Cruz Domagas

Instructor Name

September 14, 2023| 4:30 PM

"Deep Dive Reflection: Unraveling the Theme of Our Last Encounter"

In this thoughtful essay, I embark on a journey that explores the deep and

interconnected themes of death and meaning, social justice and social inequality, and

principles of bioethics. These things have a special place in my life, they guide my moral

compass and influence the decisions I make as an individual and as a member of

society. Throughout this essay, I delve into personal experiences, ethical conundrums,

and social challenges to illuminate the complex web of values and principles that shape

my understanding of life, death, and the pursuit of a fair and just world. I hope to

navigate these complex topics through introspection and critical analysis to better

understand the human condition and my role in it.

I am deeply interested in the concept of death and its deep meaning. The

fascination comes from the existential questions it raises, which make me ponder the

meaning of life, the nature of mortality and the legacy I can leave behind. As I embark

on this intellectual journey, I am faced with questions about the meaning of my life in the

context of death, how my understanding of mortality shapes my values and decisions,

and the importance of the memories I create and the impact that I create is on others.

my limited time on earth. Exploring the relationship between death and meaning allows

me to consider various cultural, philosophical and spiritual perspectives. It broadens my

understanding and encourages me to consider alternative ways of finding comfort in the

face of mortality. Ultimately, this research is a profound and timeless journey that leads

me to find my purpose and fulfillment in the finite dimension of human existence.

My excerpts from this topic contain valuable insights into how we experience

death. First, I appreciated the positive aspects of contemplating mortality. It reminds us

to live life to the fullest, cherish the moments and value our relationships. This

perspective encourages us not to take our time for granted. Second, I began to

understand the unpredictability of death; it can happen unexpectedly regardless of our

plans. This statement emphasizes the importance of preparedness in both personal

matters and mental well-being. It emphasizes the importance of communication and

conflict resolution because we cannot predict when our time will come. Finally, I learned

that death is a personal experience; it cannot be transferred to another. Each of us

faces our own mortality individually. This knowledge reinforces the idea that we should

make the most of our lives, strive for personal growth, and make a positive impact on

the world. Ultimately, how we navigate life and death will shape our legacy and

influence those who come after us. My engagement with issues related to the meaning

of death and life led to a significant change in my perspective. It opened my mind,

fostered empathy and influenced my choices, ultimately forming a more thoughtful and

compassionate worldview, challenging my prejudices, correcting misconceptions and

broadening my understanding of human experience.

Through these teachings, I am now sure that there will be a major change in my

past and future. After realizing that death is an inevitable part of life, I realized how

important it is to constantly strive to be a better person, because no one can predict

when their time in this world will end. Considering the certainty of death has had a

profound effect on how I view life. I gained a heightened awareness of the fragility of
existence, a constant reminder to live with kindness, compassion and integrity. This

realization motivated me to correct past mistakes and regrets, knowing that time is

limited and opportunities for redemption are precious. In the future, I am committed to

making the most of every moment, fostering meaningful connections and positively

influencing the world around me. Awareness of the fleetingness of life has become a

driving force in my desire to leave a positive legacy and make a lasting impact on the

people I meet. Basically, understanding the certainty of death shaped my values and

priorities, motivated me to strive for continuous personal growth, and to be a source of

positivity and inspiration to others.


Guleng, M. F., & Domagas, M. G. S. C. (2023, September 14). Deep Dive Reflection:

Unpacking the Topic of Our Last Meeting. College of Education and Liberal Arts,

Phinma University of Pangasinan. Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science.

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