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Observation Checklist (Multiple Observations)

1. Delivered an orientation session which included the following

a) Discussed of the whole of the program, referencing the Qualification Guide and Unit of Study Guide and other re-
sources specific to the program/unit of competency (where relevant)

b) Introduced the technology and tools that will be used including requirements, access, platforms and devices

c) Identified access to student support for technical issues

d) Identified access to student support for learning needs

e) Trialled the technologies to provide learners with guidelines for use and to identify glitches

2. Established the learning community which included the following

a) Introduced themselves to learners

b) Discussed the communication options available, asking participants to introduce themselves and respond to each other

c) Identified student needs, expectations, diversity

d) Explained netiquette – expectations within the LMS

e) Established ground rules / behavioural expectations within the program

3. Discussed program objectives with learners including

a) Learning outcomes

b) Foundation skills

c) Assessment requirements (both formative and summative)

4. Delivered content in a logical sequence

5. Adhered to the timelines and duration of sections as detailed on the session plan

6. Actively monitored the session, interjecting and providing feedback where necessary
7. Provided support to learners throughout the session

8. Used effective communication techniques to establish a rapport with the learners

9. Used clear language appropriate to context and learners

10. Provided opportunities for learners to engage with each other

11. Asked for feedback from learners to confirm understanding

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