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Here are the key points about dancing extracted from the PDF:
 Dance is considered a performing art and form of creative
expression. It involves sequences of coordinated body
movements usually to music.
 Different dance styles and techniques include ballet, jazz,
tap, hip hop, contemporary, ballroom, folk dance, etc. Each
has specific skills, rhythms, and aesthetics.
 Learning to dance requires training in flexibility, body
awareness, coordination, stamina, musicality, spatial
awareness, and dance techniques.
 Dancing provides many health and fitness benefits like
improved cardiovascular health, muscular strength and
endurance, motor skills, bone health, weight management.
 Mentally, dancing helps reduce stress, increase confidence,
mood, and creative satisfaction through expressing
emotions artistically.
 Dance is increasingly recognized as a sport. Competitive
dance styles include dance sport (ballroom/latin), hip hop
dance, jazz funk, and contemporary dance.
 Many professional dancers crosstrain with Pilates, yoga,
aerobics, weight training to improve technique, fitness,
prevent injury, enhance performance.
 Teaching methods in dance include demonstration, verbal
cueing, imagery, repetition, and hands-on guidance.
Students progress from basic skills to more advanced

 Sports refer to athletic activities involving physical

exertion, skill, and competition between individuals or

 Popular sports include soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis,

swimming, rugby, hockey, athletics, golf, etc. Each has
specific equipment, field, rules of play.

 Participating in sports builds fitness - cardiovascular

endurance, muscle strength, speed, flexibility. It also
develops skills like teamwork, leadership, discipline.

 Playing sports provides health benefits like maintaining

healthy weight, reducing risk of diseases, strengthening
bones/muscles, improving coordination.

 Mentally, sports help reduce stress and anxiety while

building confidence, motivation, focus, competitive spirit.
It teaches values like fairness, perseverance.
 Training for sports requires developing technical skills,
aerobic/anaerobic fitness, strength, agility through drills,
conditioning exercises.

 Proper sports nutrition and injury prevention practices are

essential to support training, recovery, performance.

 Advances in technology and medicine have enhanced

training, competition, safety - video analysis, specialized
equipment, performance trackers.

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