Bard College Berlin Motivation Statement

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As an applicant to Bard College Berlin, I am drawn to this unique institution for several compelling

reasons that set it apart from other colleges. While my Common Application personal essay highlights
my journey and experiences, this essay is dedicated to explaining why Bard College Berlin is the
perfect fit for my academic and personal growth.

First and foremost, Bard College Berlin's academic program aligns perfectly with my intellectual
interests and aspirations. The interdisciplinary approach to education, coupled with a strong
emphasis on critical thinking and global perspectives, resonates deeply with me. I am eager to delve
into the Core Curriculum, which offers a comprehensive understanding of the human experience
through literature, philosophy, and the arts.

Beyond the academic aspect, the idea of being part of a small, international community excites me
immensely. I believe that learning in a diverse environment, where individuals from various cultural
backgrounds come together, fosters a rich and stimulating intellectual atmosphere. Such an
environment encourages meaningful cross-cultural exchanges, challenges my perspectives, and
broadens my horizons.

Furthermore, the intimate community at Bard College Berlin offers a close-knit support system,
allowing for more personalized interactions with professors and fellow students. This environment
not only enhances the learning experience but also nurtures strong, lifelong connections with like-
minded individuals, creating a network that extends far beyond the college years.

As an aspiring environmental activist, the global context of Bard College Berlin is of particular
significance to me. Berlin, as a city known for its forward-thinking environmental policies and
sustainability initiatives, provides an ideal backdrop for me to engage with real-world environmental
challenges. I look forward to participating in local projects and internships that will allow me to apply
my academic knowledge to address pressing environmental issues.

Looking into the future, I am confident that a BA from Bard College Berlin will equip me with the skills
and knowledge necessary to excel both personally and professionally. The rigorous academic
foundation, coupled with the global perspective gained from an international community, will
prepare me to tackle complex challenges in the real world. I believe that this experience will cultivate
adaptability, empathy, and a deep appreciation for diverse viewpoints—qualities that are
indispensable in our interconnected global society.

In conclusion, Bard College Berlin stands out as the ideal place for me to pursue my higher education.
Its academic rigor, emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, and close-knit international community
align perfectly with my aspirations. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to and learning
from such a dynamic environment and believe that the education and experiences I gain here will
shape my future in ways I can't yet fully imagine. I am eager to embrace the opportunities that Bard
College Berlin has to offer and contribute my unique perspectives to this vibrant community. Through
my journey at Bard College Berlin, I aim to become a catalyst for positive change in the world and a
passionate advocate for environmental sustainability.

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